Kill God

Chapter 591 Refining the Corpse

After Shi Yan finished speaking, Yi Tianmo and others were silent.

They are so eager to go to the Tianyin ancient tomb, get the inheritance of their predecessors, inherit the Yin Fujing of the ancient tomb that day, and carry out the strength and growth of the race.

Listening to Shi Yan's explanation, they knew that there had already been a ghost clan in the Tianyin ancient tomb, and they were also a member of the ghost clan. However, after countless years of changes, they lost the ghosts on which they relied on to survive. Their physique was weak, and the light retained the strength of the soul.

Without ghost lines, they are incomplete, and I'm afraid it is difficult to get the recognition of the ghost lines.

According to Shi Yan, the ghost people hate all creatures and will soon have a big action to set off a bloody storm in the land of China.

This is not what they want. The Guiren approach is too extreme for them.

"The situation is this beech. The relationship between you and the ghost clan is very complicated. If you want to get the recognition of the ghost clan, you can go to the ancient tomb of Tianyin alone. I won't stop it," Shi Yan said indifferently.

The three of them continued to be silent.

After a while, Yi Tianmo said, "We have to think about it. Yes, the change of the energy of heaven and earth seems to be very beneficial to us. There is a strong yin qi in the energy of heaven and earth, which makes the speed of our cultivation gradually accelerate."

Shiyan's face changed slightly.

"It's not just them, but we are the same," Dishan said.

Yi Tian Mo and Di Shan are both alien races. The structure of the body and the way of cultivation are very different from the human race. With the change of the energy of heaven and earth, the cultivation environment is becoming more and more beneficial to them, which is not a good sign.

Emperor Yang Qing was also keenly aware of the danger in it." He calmed his face and did not speak.

"The Tianmen of the Yang Family to the Fourth Demon Realm" was completely shattered, and a thick magic gas flowed out of that area, and a huge space gap appeared. The fourth demon realm and our endless sea" have no barriers, and it is easy to enter the masters of the demon clan.

" Yang Zhuo said helplessly.

"The fourth magic realm must have changed dramatically." Yang Qingdi nodded, "It's not only the fourth demon realm, but also the seven-fold underworld from Tang Yuannan. The Tianmen on their side no longer exists, and a large amount of underworld gas gushes out from the bottom of the sea. Moreover, "Tang Yuannan said that the underworld sea of the seven-fold underworld has undergone amazing changes, and the extremely terrible breath of the underworld has emerged from the underworld. Perhaps the underworld has also broken?", "Under the underworld? What's going on?" Shi Yan asked doubtfully.

"The seven-fold underworld is divided into seven-fold. In between, only the upper four appears, and the bottom triple has been sealed. According to the underworld, "the bottom three of the underworld is their paradise. There are the strongest treasures and soul inheritance of the underworld, and there may be masters of the underworld to survive..." Emperor Yang Qing became solemn in vain.

Shi Yan's eyes were bright and he took a deep breath. He said, "It seems that the endless sea will not be peaceful."

Yang Qingdi nodded gently.

"Although I don't know what happened, judging from the current signs, the whole land of China is changing dramatically. Grandpa, the power here in the endless sea is not enough. I think, do you first migrate some of the people with a low realm to the land of Shenzhou? Now I am in the Light God Religion, and I have a direct territory... Shi Yan tried to convince him.

Unexpectedly, Yang Qingdi agreed very readily and said with a smile, "Your boy is awesome." It's very good to be able to make a teleportation array. After all, the land of China is the center. Martial arts are popular there, and the masters are like clouds. I have the intention to get the Yang family over. It's right for you to do this."

Shi Yan was also happy to hear it and said with a smile, "Don't worry, the master of the Bright God Religion is not a stingy person. He should be very welcome. Well, grandpa, you should also contact Tang Yuannan. It's better to let him also move the Three Gods. The Three Gods is part of the Light Gods and is more easily accepted by the Light God.

"I, I will arrange it." Emperor Yang Qing nodded, "Over the years, our Yang family has obtained a lot of cultivation resources from the endless sea and the fourth magic realm. Even if we go to the land of China, we will not be poor, which is enough for our rich life. Well, I need some time."

Shi Yan smiled and said some intimate words with Emperor Yang Qing and Shi Jian. Then he asked Emperor Yang Qing about the whereabouts of Qing Ming and left quietly.

Qing Ming is buried in a place of the corpse god religion.

Since the corpse mountain corpse sea became the helm of the corpse god religion, Qing Ming's rights have been emptied. The corpse slaves who were originally enslaved by the corpse god religion became disciples of the corpse god religion overnight. Their original owners were driven out one after another.

The burial place where Qingming was at this time gathered the disciples of the corpse god religion of many people, but unfortunately, there were no corpse slaves available.

In the struggle for the power of the corpse god religion, he lost to the corpse mountain corpse sea, and had to take human disciples to move out of the general religion and find a remote area to survive.

The corpse god religion, which is the leader of the corpse mountain corpse sea, slowly rises and becomes the most special force of the endless sea, only a little inferior to the Galo sea.

On this day, Qing Ming's eyes were gloomy in the place of burial, and he listened to the elder below impatiently. The more he listened, the more uncomfortable he became.

"What did you say? You're not mistaken, are you? So many corpse slaves have wisdom?" Qing Ming listened for a while, opened his eyes wide and screamed.

Li Yue smiled bitterly, "Really, I received the news that the other corpse slaves in the burial place, somehow, have gradually shown signs of wisdom. Their life forms seem to be quietly changing, becoming, becoming even more strange than our soul fluctuations..."

"How is this possible!" Qing Ming said harshly, "The corpse slaves are only condensed from corpses and have no soul at all. How can they have such a strange change? Isn't it only the corpse mountain and the sea of corpses that I don't know what kind of way to have a wise soul?" "I really don't understand." Li Yue was also full of doubts, "Our method of controlling the corpse slave has begun to fail, and there is no binding force on the corpse slave. In addition, I tried to use the method of corpse control in the distance, and I almost devoured it. I was extremely mentally injured by the corpse slave!" Qing Ming was completely stunned.

He could never imagine that these corpse slaves, which he enslaved, not only changed the leader, but also those humble little corpse slaves could have wisdom one after another.

This change is far beyond his understanding.

"Sneer!" In the depths of his eyes, clusters of green and faint flames condensed like a flashing wife, and then a wisp of consciousness dispersed.

"The heaven and earth have changed dramatically. Now the energy of heaven and earth is different from before. The corpse clan slowly begins to awaken and gradually becomes powerful. This is inevitable. You don't have to worry so much." The idea of the corpse fire rippled in the sea of knowledge of the underworld.

Qingming was shocked.

The sun, moon and stars emerge together in the void, and it has not changed until now. This is also clear.

Listening to the saying of the corpse fire, the corpse slave's gradual possession of mind seems to be related to the great changes in the world, which surprised him. "What's the matter?" "Do you want to regain control of the corpse religion?" The corpse fire did not answer, and asked on the contrary.

"Re-control? What can you do?" Qing Ming was surprised.

"You will refine yourself into a corpse, and then you can completely integrate with me. At that time, you will become a member of the corpse clan. With me, you will surpass the corpse mountain and become the patriarch of the new generation of the corpse clan. How about it?", the corpse fire followed the good inducement and confused him like a

"What, what? Did you refine yourself into a corpse?" Qing Ming shrugged and changed his color, the light in his eyes was scattered, and his mind was lost.

"Yes, it's just to refine yourself into a corpse. The corpse clan is one of the ten ancient races, which is more powerful than your human race. In the past, the energy of heaven and earth was not suitable for the development and growth of the corpse clan, but now it is different. As long as you are willing to do this, I can guarantee that you can not only control the corpse religion, but also have the opportunity to control the continent. Only when you become a corpse can you really integrate with me and exert my power. In addition, I know a little about the magic meaning of the ancient corpse clan. If you become a corpse, you can practice.

Qing Ming was stunned, his eyes were blank, and he stood there motionless.

The reason why he was able to become the leader of the corpse god religion was that when he was young, he wandered into a messy grave and unintentionally got the corpse fire. Then he was obedient and used extremely skillful means of corpse control to become the top leader from the corpse god religion one by one.

He knows that he can have everything he has today because of the corpse fire.

Unfortunately, until now, he can't really integrate with the corpse fire, just a cooperative relationship.

He also knew the secrets handed down in ancient times. He knew that he could get greater benefits after real integration with Tianhuo. He had this idea, but he could not realize the proposal of the corpse fire now. Let him become a corpse first, and then he could merge and get the inheritance of the ancient corpse clan. He didn't know whether it Moved.

"The corpse clan, the corpse clan leader, command the mainland..."

Qing Ming muttered, the green light flashed in the depths of his pupils, and the divine will seemed to be gradually affected. He still didn't know it and was still thinking in the depths.

Slowly, he seemed to have been deprived of his soul and walked muddle-headed towards a site specializing in refining corpses.

Before several surprised corpse believers on the road approached him, they were submerged by the green and secluded corpse fire. Before long, they became a cold corpse, emitting a strange smell. The soul was not destroyed, but quietly changing, as if there was a special change.

Qing Ming walked all the way, and the followers of the corpse god religion became corpses. His eyes were at a loss. He came to the corpse refining site alone. He sat in a coffin and opened the corpse refining array.

The strong underground corpse gas gushed out from under the whole burial place and injected into the coffin through countless slender tubes.

Qing Ming sat there and remained motionless. The corpse fire in his pupils was abnormal, as if he was absorbing Qing Ming's soul to change the sky fire.

In the sky of the burial place, countless silver-white light spots were separated by the changing energy of heaven and earth. Attracted by this piece, it sprinkled on the burial place, and also poured into the coffin where Qingming lay, carrying out a strange act of refining corpses.