Kill God

Chapter 616 New Weather!

Chapter 616 New Weather! ( Weakly ask for the next monthly ticket~)

A corner of the eternal night forest.

A group of human warriors carefully built a stone building. The stone building was very simple. It did not depict any formation, and there was no boundary prohibition, which could only be used to shield the wind and rain.

Half a month ago, they were desperate, struggled, wanted to leave the secret place of the Seven Ancient School, ... thought, thought that they would die soon.

Today, half a month later, their faces are filled with the joy of being reborn. Everyone is full of energy, like chicken blood, and they are not tired.

"Li Hai's secret treasure, from the four grades of the mortal level, has directly entered the spiritual level. Have you heard about it?" A young man with only a position and a young face shouted with a slightly excited voice, and the power condensed in his hand was poured into the bluestone, as if to express his inner excitement.

"Hey hey, it's my turn for the next batch! What a pleasure! Haha, those bastards who left will never think of what they have lost!" Another young man with a stubble on his face, the same age, laughed strangely.

The same conversation voice is ringing in every corner.


At the lake surrounded by stone buildings, a refined young man looked solemn, and his hand was like a meteor, converging into a bunch of arrays in front of him.

Yang Qingdi, Shi Jian, Mo Duanhun, Ling Ming and others waited indifferently, showing a trace of expectation in their eyes.

The brilliant light suddenly lit up from the array. The young man who had been casting the spell, regardless of the sweat stains on his forehead, breathed a sigh of relief of fatigue, but his eyes were extremely bright, "It should be okay."

"So that's it?" Shi Jian couldn't help coming forward, bowing his waist and looking at the formation seriously. He couldn't see why, "Can you really carry out space transmission? Xiao Yanzi, how did you learn it?

"It's hard to say." Shi Yan laughed and pondered for a moment, and his face was a little hesitant. "Do you really want to bring Cao Qiudao here? When they come, there will be many uncertain factors on our side. Have you decided?

"Let them come." Emperor Yang Qing nodded, "We don't have the materials for you to refine the secret treasure. Now half of us are still looking forward to it. We have to get things done. Cao Qiu said that although he is very ttractive, he is not an incompetent person. When he comes over, we also have more strength.

Don't break the soul, Ling Ming also agrees.

"That's fine." Shi Yan smiled and said nothing more. He closed his eyes and concentrated, mobilized the power of divine consciousness, and sorted out the nodes in the space transmission array in front of him.

A little strange light, as bright as stars, vast and fluttering, as if from a foreign space, emerged from the central altar of the transmission array.

Shi Yan's slightly squinted eyes suddenly brightened, and a soul as strong as a torrent hit directly to that node.


The fine colored lights are intertwined into a light network in the center of the altar, which is dense and orderly. The electric light is like a rainbow, and the energy fluctuates significantly.


Beilang Mountain, in the dark belly of the mountain, the sealed transmission array suddenly brightened up.

After waiting anxiously for a long time, Cao Qiudao, who was gradually desperate, suddenly got excited and suddenly stood up in unison, with an uplifting expression.

A figure faintly emerged from it. It was the stone rock far away in the eternal night forest. His shadow gradually became clear and made a gesture with a smile.

Cao Qiu was overjoyed and shouted quickly, "Let everyone come over, and we'll leave immediately!"

In a short time, a group of warriors transferred from the Endless Sea gathered and stood in the transmission array.

A white light is fleeting.

Everyone disappeared.


"Brother Cao." Emperor Yang Qing smiled and said in a loud voice, "Welcome to come."

Cao Qiudao also smiled awkwardly, nodded to Yang Qingdi, and immediately looked at Shi Yan and said seriously, "Thank you very much."

Shi Yan was embarrassed and shook his head. "Don't be in a hurry to say thank you. The situation is different from what you think."

"Huh?" Cao Qiu was stunned.

"Let me explain." Emperor Yang Qing frowned, briefly told the situation, and then spread out his hand. He said helplessly, "You can choose to leave. I know roughly the direction of the secret place of the Seven Ancient School. If you want to go, I will never force it."

"Well, as a reward, I will collect part of the practice materials from you." Shi Yan smiled and pointed to the transmission array next to him, "I consume a lot to build this array. You have to compensate me."

Cao Qiudao was silent for a while and suddenly said, "Brother Yang, can you give me some time to think about it? I also need to discuss with them.

Yang Qingdi nodded.


"What do you think?" Cao Qiudao and Fan Xiangyun and others came to an area. He came straight to the point and said directly, "According to the current situation, the secret place of the Qigu School should be the safest, but Shiyan often has something surprising. In the endless sea, he was able to make a new world. We are not familiar with the Seven Ancients. Once it is over, it is hard to say what will happen..."

"It's all thanks to Brother Cao that we can live until now. You can do what you want." Fan Xiangyun was very straightforward and threw the annoyance to him again.

Cao Qiudao and Fan Xiangyun are only about 500 people, almost the core of the Cao family, Yin and Yang Dongtian, and barbarianism. Unlike the Yang family, which has too many peripheral vassals, these people are very reliable and have no strange intentions.

- those with strange intentions have long been abandoned by Cao Qiudao and others.

"Xiao Lan, what do you think?" Cao Qiudao frowned and made up his mind for a moment.

"What I regret most in my life is that I didn't believe him and couldn't see his potential." Cao Zhilan's delicate face shined with a different divine light, and her bright eyes were firm, "This time, I won't make the same mistake again. When he reversed the situation of the endless sea, he only had the realm of heaven. At that time, the strong man at the peak of the endless sea was in the divine realm. Now he is in the divine realm, and the strong man at the peak of the land of China is in the true divine realm. How is it similar? I believe he can turn things around again!"

Cao Qiudao and Fan Xiangyun looked moved.

"Yes, Xiaolan said it well, and she saw it far away." Fan Xiangyun immediately exclaimed, "Although the environment has changed, the situation is really amazingly similar. Moreover, he was just one person at that time!"

"Then stay. I hope he can show miracles this time." Cao Qiudao made a final conclusion.

Soon, they realized how wise their decision was.

When the stone rock quenched the secret treasure and showed the magic refinery technique of re-establishing the quality of the secret treasure, and showed that it could be forged for them, Cao Qiudao and the more than 500 people were all boiling.

The improvement of the level of the secret treasure can quickly enhance the strength of the martial artist. In this crisis-ridden eternal night forest, one more strength will give you one more chance to survive.

The refinery of stone rock is not one or two, but on a large scale, covering all followers!

This is extremely terrible. Including Cao Qiudao, there are more than 1,500 martial artists in total. The secret treasure in each person's hand has been sacrificed again, and the overall strength has suddenly been upgraded to a higher level!


"Grandpa, I asked someone to invite Yin Meizu and Yizu to come over. Have you arranged it properly?" At the lake, Shiyan looked solemn and also looked at Cao Qiudao.

"Don't worry, those who stay now will accept your decision and will not have rejection." Yang Qingdi smiled and said.

"I have no problem here." Cao Qiudao said.

Shi Yan nodded and smiled, "The future situation will exceed everyone's expectations, and the previous practice needs to be improved. Anyway, I don't care about the race, the demons, the underworld, etc. As long as you are with me, I will protect you. As long as it can bring me benefits, I will make friends. From now on, this is my code of conduct. There is no race, just look at the other party's attitude towards us. If the aliens make friends with me, I will gladly accept it. If the human race targets me, I will kill it!"

Cao Qiudao was in a heart, and he was secretly happy.

Cao Zhilan's bright eyes were brilliance, and her mind was swaying. Suddenly, she felt that today's Shiyan was more charming than before. She had a unique iron-blooded and cold temperament, which was very attractive to her.

"Good!" Yang Qingdi nodded, "I believe in your decision. As long as you can seek enough benefits, as long as you can survive, we can accept it."

Shi Yan grinned and suddenly felt that the seemingly difficult situation was not really so unbreakable.


Three days later, the Yinmei and Yi ethnic groups migrated together.

Because it has been explained in advance, the people who stayed there also know it well, and there is no expression, which is regarded as a recognition of this result.

After the arrival of the Yinmei clan and the Yi clan, the number of people here reached 4,500, the Yinmei clan reached 2,000, the Yi clan was 1,000, the Yang family and the Shi family were 1,000, and there were only more than 500 people in Cao Qiudao and Fan Xiangyun.

Among the 4,500 people, the Yin Mei clan and the wing clan accounted for more than half of them, but the number of human races has decreased.

This force, compared with the Seven Ancients, is far from the number and the height of the strong, and the strength is not equal.

However, no one can imagine that such a small group of forces are rarely united under the involvement of Shiyan and under the common difficult difficulties, and are rapidly strengthening their strength.



A snow-white wing, with a skin inserted on it, shot on an ancient tree inhabited by a winged people.

The people of the wing clan took a look at the animal's skin, and their faces changed slightly. They hurriedly found Yurou and gave her the animal's skin.

A quarter of an hour later, Shiyan, Yang Qingdi, Cao Qiudao, Yang Zhuo, Shi Jian, Dishan and Yi Tianmo gathered in the stone hall that landed next to the lake with a solemn expression.

"It is an order issued by the demon clan, and the writer should be Yanlong. He said that in three days, if we don't leave, we will come and destroy us. Dishan frowned, looked at the vulgar font, and said with a cold face, "Although Yanlong is nine levels, it is comparable to a martial artist in the real divine realm, but his breakthrough time is very short. I think he can fight."

Cao Qiudao also nodded, "With our strength, we will work together to deal with a Yanlong. Even if there is damage, we will not be defeated."

"No." Shi Yan shook his head, "We don't fight. Demons are the easiest race to communicate among the major ethnic groups. We can negotiate with them."

"Conditions?" Everyone was stunned.

"Hmm." Shi Yan's face was gloomy and his eyes were far away. "I think some guys are more terrible than the demons. We should have the energy to deal with more difficult people. He was looking at the direction of the gathering of the Seven Ancients.


: The third update, um, it's a way to make up for the debt, but my attitude has really begun to be correct, and I really squeeze out all the time to code words. I think, brothers and sisters, heroes and heroines, would you like to have a little meaning? Thank you for your hand~~RO