Kill God

Chapter 704 Disengagement

Feiji casually said about the situation of the new realm. Shi Yan listened very seriously, and sometimes frowned and thought about it, showing great interest.

The divine realm is divided into three gods and three gods. He has reached the realm of the true god. He is already a first-class strong man on the continent of God's grace, and he once been proud of himself. Today, when he gave Feiji such an explanation, he knew that there was another heaven and earth above, or a heaven and earth far beyond What you think is much more complicated. The strong are like a forest. It is much more difficult to survive in a higher continent than your lower-level continent. Feiji opened the chatter and was not in a hurry to stop. She looked at him indifferently, "If you want to gain a foothold outside the country, you must always maintain a forward mentality and not relax at all."

After a pause, Feiji asked again, "How old have you been practicing so far?"

Shi Yan was stunned for a moment and answered truthfully, "So far, he should be in his thirties."

Even himself is a little uncertain about his age. Over the years when he came to the divine continent, he has been running around. He has not really settled in one place for too long, constantly fighting for a stronger realm, but ignoring the passage of time.

Fiki's eyes suddenly became strange, looking at him, and his eyes shot out a faint light, "Thirty years old? Are you sure?"

Shiyan nodded.

Feiji was stunned for a while, and then she frowned slightly and said lightly, "The qualification is good." She seemed to think about it.

Shi Yan was silent, did not rush to ask, and waited honestly.

Feiji didn't ask. She seemed to be lost in meditation. After a while, the energy fluctuation from her gradually became stronger, and the huge divine crystal in her hand also lost its luster, and the energy contained in it seemed to be absorbed.

She stood up, did not wipe the dust on her clothes, and said calmly, "Let's continue."

Shi Yan quickly got up, re-condensed his strength, and waited seriously.

The monster began to continue to dig towards the meteorite again, shooting out pieces of colorful sperm. Most of them were collected by Nafiji, and Shiyan was responsible for picking up leaks and hitting them, which was much easier than before in Deca.

It's another mining that doesn't know the passage of time.

In the middle, he recovered with the help of the divine crystals one by one. He felt that the ancient tree had benefited greatly, and his realm became more and more stable, and he became more and more proficient in the use of various powers.

On this day, Feiji was using strange power to collect colorful sperm, and the wonderful prism mark on her forehead suddenly shone.

Fiji's face changed slightly, and her ten fingers moved quickly. She couldn't help shaking gently. Dozens of colorful sperm splashed out and were not accurately collected by her.

Shi Yan was so absorbed that he didn't dare to relax for a moment. He used his strength to wrap the pieces of colorful sperm and put them into the magic ring.

Fergie stopped, stretched out a finger and pointed at the monster.

The monster's mining stone suddenly stopped and remained motionless among the stones all over the ground.

Fiki's face was not very good-looking. She narrowed her eyes slightly in front of the stone rock, as if she was communicating with someone with the help of the mark on her forehead.

Gradually, she looked worse and worse. Later, she looked a little anxious and annoyed.

Shi Yan didn't say anything. He had already stopped the movement in his hand and looked at her carefully, knowing that he was afraid that something had happened.

"With other forces on this meteorite, the other party's strength is much stronger than ours." Fei Ji was silent for a while, her eyes were wide open, the mark on her forehead was no longer shining, and the communication was over. "The dark car went to negotiate. If the negotiation is not successful, maybe... there will be a battle."

Shi Yan was stunned and suddenly became nervous, "Is it more powerful than you?"

Feiji smiled bitterly, "The two strong men in the divine realm, and six who have reached the peak of the true divine realm, the other party seems to be prepared and is sure of us. I hope the negotiation can be successful, otherwise, we will be in danger.

Shi Yan suddenly fell silent, was secretly vigilant, and made the worst plan, "We..., do you want to go up? Falling underground, once it is blocked, it may be difficult to escape.

Those who come should be on the meteorite. Once the war starts, the battle will also be on the top. According to Feiji, they are very likely to be defeated. If so, it will be difficult to escape if they stay inside the meteorite.

So he is extremely uneasy.

Feiji shook his head, "It won't go up for the time being. If the negotiation is not successful, we can't show up. If you go up, it's more dangerous. It's better to leave from the bottom.

She directly gave orders to the monster.

The monster hummed and immediately dug desperately in another direction, like a pangolin, chiseled a cave and went all the way inside.

"In the area with colorful sperm, the rock will be extremely strong. If there is no area, it will be much softer and easy to cut out." Fei Ji frowned and explained, "The dark car is stubborn and has a very bad temper. If the negotiation is not successful, he will definitely fight to the death. The dark car has a divine kingdom. Even if we are defeated, he also has the power to protect himself, and we... I'm afraid it will be difficult, so let's stay here, don't go up, and watch the support."

Shi Yan was surprised to avoid the meaning of Fergie. She seemed to want to leave the team and not fight with the other party to the death. Before the war started, she planned to escape for her life.

Under Shi Yan's eyes, Fergie looked calm, "I don't want to die. If you don't want to live, you can go up." After a pause, she said, "The battle above broke out. Those of you who have no identity will die the fastest. Those who are with you, if they appear suddenly, they should be killed very quickly. If you go up, you will be like them. The dark car will definitely not care about your life or death.

Shi Yan's face changed and he stopped talking there.

He wanted to rush up and have a look. However, after hearing Fergie's words, he thought about the other party's two divine kingdoms, and immediately knew that even if it went up, it would have no effect at all. It would only be one more target to be killed.


An extremely strong vibration roar suddenly came from the meteorite overhead. In that vibration, there was an extremely strong energy vibration, with a very mysterious power meaning, extending from the top to the bottom of the ground.

Under the meaning of that power, Shi Yan trembled all over, with a creepy feeling, and found that the flesh and blood seemed to burst directly.

In the roar, the mark on Fergie's forehead suddenly became bright, as if the dark car was spreading the message.

Fergie unilaterally cut off the contact, looked solemn, and shouted lightly, "Let's go!"

Recommendation, regardless of Shi Yan's opinion, she rushed straight to the passage cut by the monster and galloped all the way.

Just stunned for three seconds, Shi Yan's face was also in awe. After that Feiji, he rushed into the middle of the passage and galloped behind the monster. Along the way, he was constantly releasing the mystery of power, temporarily building a boundary and prohibition one by one, hoping to slow down the enemy's footsteps.

Feiji mocked and said lightly, "It's useless. With your realm, even if you make a boundary and forbidden it, it will be destroyed in an instant under the blow of the hair."

The stone rock did not respond, but focused on arranging the boundary and prohibition. Many crystals brought from the continent of God flew out one by one and were fiercely embedded in the stone, forming layers of faint energy protection.

"The battle has begun. They have started the dark car, at least they can drag each other. We will leave now and will not be chased." Feiji didn't care about him and said to herself, "If you do this, the dark car will definitely hate me. When he goes back, he will definitely sue me. But it doesn't matter. As long as you can go back alive, it's worth being sued by him. It's better than being killed by him.

The monster was in front of him, like a pangolin, opening the rock hole with hatred.

In the splash of stones, Shiyan and Fergie were behind, regardless of the battle on their heads, marching on their own.

I don't know how long it took, the monster roared, rushed out and appeared in the vast darkness.

Shi Yan and Fei Ji hurriedly followed, and also fell into the dark and cold area after the monster.

Feiji flew to the monster, frowned, and looked back.

Shi Yan was very knowledgeable. He hurriedly flew up, fell beside her, and sat on the back of the monster.

When Feiji patted the monster, the monster, like a black lightning, rushed straight to a meteorite in front of her, but in an flash, it fell into the energy storm.

In the surging energy storm, Fergie's whole body burst into a bright light. The light came from her clothes, forming a thick film covering her whole body, so that she could be immune to most of the impact of the energy storm.

Shiyan's body was exposed, the huge blood gas in the flesh and blood was stimulated, the petrochemical martial soul automatically defended, and the muscles all over the body suddenly became extremely hard, and each piece burst into power to offset the energy storm.

Feiji was in front of her and suddenly felt something. She turned around and took a look, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

Even if she is in such an energy storm, she must offset it with the help of her clothes, but Shi Yan is directly exposed, and she can easily resist it. The meat is so strong that she has seen, which is much more powerful than the number of strong people in the real world she has ever seen.

She looked at it for a moment, and her evaluation of Shiyan was a little higher.

In her eyes, this little guy from the low-level continent is a little strange. He can reach the true divine realm at a young age, which means excellent qualifications. The strength of the flesh means that the cultivation of Shiyan should be extremely hard.

Everyone knows that the quenching of the flesh is more difficult and painful than the improvement of the realm and strength. Everyone who can make achievements in the quenching of the flesh has great perseverance and is an extremely strong and terrible guy.

Feiji's eyes became brighter and brighter. After thinking about it for a while, she had a calculation in her heart and nodded darkly.