Kill God

Chapter 707 Extreme quenching

The effect of the seven-pin solid elixir is extremely fierce. It is like a volcanic eruption in his body, releasing countless torrents of medicine, which is wantonly destroying his body.

In this process, the surging effect of the medicine spilled out of the medicine rushed all over his body, making his qi and blood vigorous, making the power he consume, as if it were quickly replenished.

He sweated like rain all over, his blue veins burst out, and he roared from time to time, consuming a large amount of essence to offset the pain of the body and maintain the immortality of intelligence.

The medicine was rampaging, galloping like a run-on wild horse, so that his veins and blood vessels could not bear it, and they burst one after another.

Shi Yan gritted his teeth, roared in a low voice, and supported bitterly.

I don't know how long it took for the power of the medicine to weaken, and his veins and blood vessels burst nearly half. I'm afraid that ordinary people will faint directly if they can't hold on for a few seconds.

And his pervert, before he came to the land of God's grace, like a madman who likes to challenge the limits and seek excitement. His endurance of pain is far beyond that of ordinary people.

After practicing martial arts, his ability has been multiplied, and his immortal martial soul also provides him with a platform for him to persevere.

He was not unconscious, but kept his mind, completely dispersing the effect of the medicine and blending into the flesh and blood of his whole body, which made him get great benefits.

After a long time, a seven-grade solid elixir finally recovered.

His broken and bursting veins and blood vessels, the powerful self-healing force of the immortal martial soul, also began to slowly reconnect and recover quickly.

After half an hour, all the bursting veins and blood vessels were reconnected. His spirit became vigorous again, and the power of qi and blood became larger and larger.

He took a deep breath and sat there, and Shi Yan's face was heavy.

He knew that if an ordinary person passed the domineering effect of a solid elixir, he would have to fade a layer of skin if he didn't die. The tendons, veins, blood vessels and bones in his body might be half broken and he couldn't stand it at all.

He suddenly knew why the man brought over by Huilong could not even stand still.

The other party's realm is slightly higher than his. It should be the realm of the true god, but it is such a powerful person. After the brilliant effect of the solid elixir, the veins, bones and blood vessels are also broken, and there is no recovery of the immortal martial soul, so the injury on the body will gradually worsen.

The other party must have been taking solid elixir, because he has no way. Without solid elixir to restore qi and blood, he will die quickly.

Taking solid elixir will replenish the power of qi and blood, but the body will not be able to bear it, and the blood vessels, tendons and bones will burst. This is a chronic death, but it is much slower than being sucked dry by a small snake.

There are two choices, but they are all dead end.

If you don't take solid elixir, you will be sucked dry by the snake and died. If you need to use solid elixir, there is no strong recovery, and the tendons, blood vessels and bones will gradually die.

Shi Yan suddenly became happy that he had an immortal martial soul and could get a glimmer of life in the mortal world.

The effect of a solid elixir overflowed, making his qi and blood extremely vigorous. The power of qi and blood absorbed by the little snake was not as much as that of the solid elixir. Because he resisted it, he passed more qi and blood than he obtained.

Instead, he also became the beneficiary.

Ordinary real martial arts, if there is no immortal martial soul, they can only take a solid elixir in three days, and the physical function is difficult to regret.

It seems that the effect of the solid elixir is enough for the little snake to absorb for three days. After three days, it must continue to be replenished, otherwise it will consume the warrior's own blood gas.

Shi Yan knew that he had absorbed a solid elixir for only half a day at most, and his veins, blood vessels and bones had healed. He suddenly grinned, meditated for a moment, poured out a solid elixir again, and took it again.

It was another inhuman pain. This solid elixir was as domineering as medicine. While frantically destroying his physical function, it sent him a strong force of qi and blood.

Those qi and blood spilled over his blood vessels, tendons, internal organs and bones, and seemed to be quenching the flesh and blood, making his body more and more tenacious.

In this room, Shiyan keeps taking solid elixir and suffering to replenish the qi and blood in the body and refine the body.

The power of qi and blood absorbed by the little snake was far from the strength he supplemented, so that later, he directly ignored the existence of the little snake and felt that the power of the little snake was not too strong to hurt him.

On this day, when he was pouring the solid elixir again, he suddenly frowned.

A bottle of solid elixir, a total of 16 pills. He took them continuously, and now, there are only two left.

If there is no more solid elixir to take, and time will continue to pass, the little snake will suck up all the power of qi and blood he absorbs.

With a frown, he thought hard for a long time and suddenly had an idea.

Two solid elixirs were swallowed up by him in one bite and endured double pain. He was destroying the power of the medicine.

Just as the medicine was about to dissipate, he suddenly roared crazily, roaring like a dragon, spreading far away from here, covering a thousand armor. In the roar, he swam and shouted loudly: "Come on! Come on!"

The effect of the two solid elixirs destroyed the function of his body. There was a strange sound from his blood vessels, tendons and bones. Soon, the blood vessels and veins all over his body were broken. Only the bones were not completely broken, but the leg bones and hand bones were slightly broken.

This is the result he has achieved by quenching his body with solid elixir during this period.

After the quenching of more than a dozen solid elixirs, the strength of his body has obviously improved again and has become more and more tenacious.

The old lady and Huilong came when they heard the news, with a gloomy face and appeared in front of the lake. At a glance, they saw the painful struggle and curled up on the ground.

Both of them took a look and frowned tightly.

At this time, the medicinal effect of the two solid elixirs in the stone rock [body] has almost overflowed, and the inside of his body [body], almost all the veins and blood vessels burst, and the whole body overflowed with blood. Under the blood, the blue veins burst out one by one, and the whole person seemed extremely fer

"Kid, what's your name?" Huilong snorted coldly and came to him and said, "If you disturb grandma's refining medicine, don't you want to die early?"

Shi Yan's face was distorted, and his eyes crossed Huilong and fell on the old lady's face. He said painfully, "The solid elixir is exhausted. If you want the snake to continue to evolve, please give me another bottle."

The old lady's pupils suddenly shrank, as if she saw something extremely strange. With a flash of her figure, she came to the stone rock, reached out and touched the stone rock's arm, and released a force to seriously investigate and check the changes inside the stone rock.

She immediately found that the tendons and blood vessels of Shiyan's whole body were bursting, which was obviously destroyed by the effect of the solid elixir. As a pharmacist, she naturally knew the power of the seven-grade solid elixir, and knew that the domineering power of the medicine was not what the body of the strong in the real divine

A whole bottle of solid elixir was consumed in such a short time, and the stone rock was not dead, which surprised her.

She closed her eyes slightly and fell the divine consciousness into the [body] of the little snake, as if she was testing something.

Her eyes lit up suddenly and seemed to see something extremely happy. She couldn't help laughing, nodded, took out the new three bottles of solid elixir, threw them to Shi Yan, and said with a smile, "1 This is the new three bottles of solid elixir, which is also seven grades. Take it slowly. Hey hey, that's good. The young man has potential. I like it.

Huilong stared at her unbelievably and muttered, "M grandma, can he stand it? Generally, the martial artist of the true god's triple heaven can support the effect of three bottles of solid elixir at most, and then burst all over his body. Can he?

The old lady narrowed her eyes and looked extremely happy. She waved her hand and didn't explain anything here. She said with a smile, "He can do it. Let's go. We won't disturb him." After saying that, she left straight with Huilong.

When she came out of the stone rock, the old lady and Huilong came to a beautiful complex of buildings. Suddenly, she looked right and said, "In the little baby's [body], there have been five divine elixirs, and the boy's blood is extremely vigorous!"

"What?" Huilong was shocked and looked strange, "In such a short time, five divine elixirs have been sent out. How can you listen to it?"

"I also think it's incredible." The old lady's smiling eyes narrowed, "This shows that the qi and blood in the boy's body are extremely huge. Well, this time Feiji brought me a good guy. It's not bad. In less than seven days, five magic elixirs came out. The progress was unexpectedly fast. This boy is a treasure. It seems that I have to He died early." Huilong also looked happy, "Five Shenning Dan in seven days, go at this speed, haha, we are really developed. The above will be very happy. Grandma really met Bao this time. Congratulations to grandma.

The old lady looked happy and nodded repeatedly, "I hope this boy can hold on a little longer so that we can complete the above tasks ahead of time.

Ha ha, I was worried before. I'm afraid I can't catch up with the progress. I didn't expect Feiji to find such a good thing for me. It's good. I'll help her solve her matter right away. The old lady and Huilong were happy, and Shi Yan was also happy. Looking at the new three bottles of seven-grade solid elixir, he also looked excited.

When Huilong and the old lady left early, they didn't know that when they didn't walk much, new changes had taken place in Shiyan's body.

His broken veins and blood vessels began to be quickly reconnected again. Most of the power overflowing from those elixirs was absorbed by his body, making his skin flow with a faint dark golden luster, which was extremely magical.

Holding three bottles of new solid elixir tightly, Shi Yan grinned and muttered, "Maybe it won't be long before I can break through to the true god's double heaven. It seems that I want to thank Fei Ji for letting me be blessed by misfortune."

He said gratitude and looked at his eyes, but it was as cold as a blade and full of murderous spirit.