Kill God

Chapter 710 Breakthrough in Adversity!

He dared not break through in the sixth drug star because he didn't know his existence and how valuable it was to Bonita.

He is afraid that once he shows too strong qualifications, he will make the other party have scruples without giving him more time and directly ruining him.

This is not what he wants to see.

But here, after his careful observation, he knew that his existence was of great value to Birou.

There are many masters in the realm of the god king on this ship. Even if he breaks through to the realm of the true god and shows excellent material, the other party needs him to catalyze the divine dan, and the power here is strong enough, he should still keep him.

With this premise, he will no longer worry a lot, but will immediately step into a new level.

To break through to the second heaven of the true god, you need to first carry the ancient tree to expand, wash the soul altar, and take new control of the power of understanding.

For him, this is no problem.

After these days of absorption of solid elixir, his Jingyuan ancient tree has been filled with a large amount of energy, and after absorbing the soul altar of the strong man of the underworld by swallowing the origin, the mysterious power overflowing his power has also been improved a little.

After that, picking colorful sperm day and night in the meteorite also brought him to a new level of understanding and stability of the three forces.

At the bottom of the cabin, he first absorbed a solid elixir, so that the power of the elixir completely overflowed, so that the spirit reached its peak. When the immortal martial soul repaired the broken veins and blood vessels, he calmed down and devoted himself to the re-expansion of the ancient tree.

This is not too difficult, especially for him who has gone through hardships. The pain of expanding the ancient tree is not as terrible as he thought.

At the lower abdomen, countless Jingyuan rioted and rampaged, and his body and blood also overflowed, breeding inside the ancient tree, driving the growth of the ancient Jingyuan ancient tree.

The ancient tree made of crystal condensation slowly grows under the injection of power, accompanied by great pain.

At the same time, the pure power overflowing from his lower abdomen flowed into the sea of knowledge and washed his soul altar.

His soul is stable and empty, and he concentrates all his consciousness on the mystic layer of power. In that wonderful realm, the three mystical marks of his soul appeared again. He unconsciously understood the essence of the mysty of power with his heart and slowly understood it.

Time passes quickly in silence.

Gradually, there was an obvious wave of power from his body, and the light of the stars outside the thief passed through the cabin and sprinkled on him in a way that was hard to see with the naked eye.

The mystery of life and death flows in the heart. Inside the cabin, death and life fluctuations emerge together, forming a field that covers all the medicine tripods inside.

Several realms are too low, and the personal medicine tripod, which does not know too much about the meaning of power, is covered by the artistic conception of death. Unconsciously, there is no life fluctuation, and the vitality has been evaporated by some mysterious power.

He didn't know how much harm he had brought to the personal medicine tripod in the cabin, and he was still addicted to the real understanding.

Later, small space lines slowly appeared in his room. The turbulent power of space chaos kept flying and smashing the small room.

The ancient tree of Jingyuan is expanding, and the change of his body is becoming more and more obvious. Soon, his soul was sublimated, and the fluctuations of the power on his body converged, and there was no longer a domain field.

His breakthrough caused the death of half of the human medicine tripod, and the death of those medicine tripods soon shocked the powerful warriors on the cabin.

After receiving the news, Arad woke up Birou in advance and reported the situation.

"What? Birou looked lazy, as if she hadn't woken up yet. She rubbed her eyes and gradually woke up. "You mean, that man, suddenly broke through? Arad's expression was extremely strange, and he nodded with a wry smile. "It's really incredible. In the state of the human medicine tripod, the blood Once exhausted, he was exhausted and was able to break through. This guy was really a little "a little incomprehensible. The soft jade-like face was full of surprise. He pondered for a while and said, "Those who can break through the realm in the state of the personal medicine tripod are all extremely terrible characters. This guy really comes from the low-level continent "Who knows?, Arad shook his head, "He was found by Feiji. Maybe we should ask clearly. If the boy comes from a high-level continent, he was captured by Fergie because of his outing. Once he is relieved in the future, or found by his elders, it will be a big trouble. "Let Fergie come over," Birou ordered decisively.

Arad nodded and left quickly. Soon, he brought the equally surprised Fergie.

"I'm sure that he really comes from the low-level continent, because he doesn't even know the realm of the three gods. There are several people with him, all of which are just true gods, and there are no strong men in the high-level continent. Feiji also realized the seriousness of the situation and quickly promised, "I dare not deceive Miss It won't cause trouble.

After Birou gave her such an explanation, she was finally relieved. After thinking seriously for a while, she said to Arad, "Be careful of him. Even if this person comes from a low-level continent, he must not be underestimated. We must arrange him safely. We must not let him leave alive, otherwise it will be very troublesome for us when he grows up.

Arad focused heavily, "I understand."

"Well, I continued to rest, called me when I arrived at the Liu Jinsha District, and stared at him!" Birou told her to leave again.

The ancient tree of Jingyuan was expanded, the meaning of the soul altar was washed, the soul was sublimated, and the stone rock naturally went further to reach the realm of the true god.

At this level, he was tired and found that the ancient trees were exhausted again, and a large part of them grew again, which needed to be replenished by huge strength.

He just wanted to use the solid elixir. Suddenly, he felt that he frowned and looked forward.

A fair figure fell down with a complicated look. That was Fergie.

She stood still in the Shiyan room, frowned and looked at him deeply. After a while, she said, "Don't blame me. I have no choice but to leave Amou without authorization. If he sues me, the superior will definitely not let me go. Only when I give you to grandma can I ask grandma to plead for me, and I also want to live.

Shiyan's face was gloomy and he didn't say a word.

"You have good qualifications, and your body is huge, and you may not be exhausted because you become a medicine tripod." Feiji continued, "It's not easy to survive outside the domain. Just take me as a lesson for you. Most of the martial artists from the low-level mainland... will have a very miserable end. You are all right. Many people were hanged when they saw the new scenery.

She realized that there were a lot of magic in Shiyan's body, and she always felt uneasy in her heart, so she came to have a look.

"Is that over?" Shi Yan waited for her self-considerate words to end, and his eyes mocked.

Fiki nodded.

"Then get out of here!"

Fiki's beautiful face changed, and her expression suddenly fell coldly. She stared at him fiercely for a while, and suddenly said, "I don't know what's good or bad. You can't leave alive."

Shi Yan's face was full of gloomyness, and he sneered and didn't make a tone.

Feiji asked herself to be bored. She nodded and said nothing more. She walked straight away and left the guest room on the upper floor to rest.

Shi Yan's cold and secluded eyes fell on her until she left.

After she disappeared, Shiyan smashed her mouth, smiled grimly, and immediately took out the solid elixir, continued to absorb it, supplemented the depleted ancient tree, restore strength, and keep herself at its peak.

There are no sun, moon and stars in the cabin. He doesn't know the passage of time. Every once in a while, he finds that the human medicine tripod in the cabin is dead, and the bodies of the dead are directly abandoned outside the region, allowing the extraterritorial energy storm to be strangled.

I don't know the purpose of this bronze ship. He wants to know, but no one can ask.

Many people are working hard to survive and are tortured by those drug beasts. Even if he has the intention to ask, the other party has no energy to answer.

On this day, he melted the power of the three solid elixirs until they were all absorbed into his body. He felt extremely energetic and couldn't help coming out of the small house. He walked around at the bottom of the floor and pushed a house away from time to time.

In each room, there is a warrior of different races, including the dark spirit clan, the ghost clan, the human race, and the underworld race. Most of the realms are not high.

Everyone is skinny, like a fierce ghost, like a skeleton covered with a layer of skin, looking sad and terrible, thin and not fractal.

This is caused by too much consumption of flesh and blood.

Those people died slowly in the room, either being sucked up by the medicine beast, or the elixir destroyed the function of the whole body.

When they saw Shiyan, they were lifeless, full of despair, Shiyan's questioning, they ignored it, and had no intention of talking. It seemed that they knew that they were doomed not to escape. People had not died, and their hearts had died first.

Along the way, he opened dozens of rooms. The scenes he saw were exactly the same. His heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and his face became more and more ugly.

The power to which Feiji belongs has no humanity at all. In order to catalyze the elixir, it can make the living creature into a medicine tripod and feed the medicine beast with the power of flesh and blood, just to get more elixir. The reality is cruel. The strong can do wrong. No one can check and balance. If you Only by gaining stronger strength and deeper realm, and only when you scare the other party can you live a better life than the other party.

He walked slowly in the cabin, opened the door one by one, and asked inside. If the other party did not agree, he walked away and went to the next room.

Soon, he walked to the last door, and he suddenly whispered, as if he had made a strange discovery.