Kill God

Chapter 722 Aoyi Transformation

Chapter 722 Aoyi Transformation (Ask for a recommendation ticket~~)

Shiyan stimulated the negative force almost in an instant, condensing out the negative energy contained in the acupuncture points all over the body, forming a pale film covering the body.

Run away in the second day!

His eyes suddenly turned blood-red, and a violent and fierce breath quietly grew out of his body, making his momentum suddenly rise to a height.

The silver armored tiger lion king's claws were torn, and his ten-meter-long body jumped, as if a stone mountain was pressing over, giving him a strong deterrent.

"Seven stars for the moon!"

The stone rock roared, and the star martial soul on his chest bloomed with dazzling starlight, and countless stars gathered together to form seven huge star clusters.

The seven star clusters are like bright diamonds, and the energy fluctuates surging, dripping and rotating, running in the way of the Big Dipper.


The Silver Armored Tiger and Lion King roared, bumped into the center of the seven huge star clusters, twisted all over his body, and was about to be pressed down.

An extremely violent fluctuation exploded from the seven star clusters. The Big Dipper, like the most powerful explosive, suddenly shook and released a terrible power frenzy, and countless starlight flashed.

The silver armor of the Silver Armored Tiger Lion King suddenly trembled and splashed countless starlight. Many starlight rushed into its body along its armor and invaded its soul.


The huge body of the Silver Armored Tiger and Lion King suddenly disappeared in countless starlight, which seemed extremely strange.

When the silver-cuffed tiger lion king reappeared, it actually fell thousands of meters behind the stone rock, hit the stone ground fiercely, and bombarded the hard stone out of a huge deep pit. Countless stone debris floated into the sky and was filled with smoke.

Shi Yan didn't look behind him. His eyes were like a sword, shooting straight on Damon's body, and an idea flashed in his mind.


Three disappeared bone spurs came out of the invisible corner in vain, and stabbed Damon again with a sharper momentum.

This time, the three bone spurs did not choose the back heart and moved to him. The two bone spurs were facing Damon's eyes, and one bone spur pierced his eyebrows, with a strange momentum of penetrating all living things.

The onlookers suddenly shouted softly, and their faces were surprised. Looking at Shi Yan's eyes, they couldn't help but have a trace of solemnity.

Dale stopped laughing with the martial artist beside him, wowed a bunch of crystal grapes in his hand, and forgot to swallow it. His eyes were dark and unpredictable, as if he was in an extremely bad mood.

Nearly a hundred strong people behind him who reached the realm of the divine king also frowned deeply and were secretly cautious. The previous optimism and ease were also replaced by solemnity.

The prince, Berg and others opened their mouths, looked incredible, secretly surprised, and looked at Shi Yan in a daze, forgetting the previous depression and helplessness for a moment.

Only Princess Ziyao's beautiful eyes were like stars like diamonds, and there was a trace of obvious joy on her delicate face. Her perfect body relaxed, and she stretched out and smiled. She glanced at Dalle casually. Looking at the discoloration of Dalle's face, she suddenly felt that she was in a much better mood.

Shiyan's performance was a little unexpected. She thought there was no suspense in this battle. Under Damon's strong attack, Shiyan would soon be hit hard and even killed in a short time.

She was also a little at a loss. She began to think about how to save and make up for it. Unexpectedly, when she was most worried, Shi Yan suddenly showed extraordinary strength and easily solved the must-kill blow of the Silver Armored Tiger and Lion King, which made her look excited and rekindled hope in her heart. The flame of hope.


The sharp roar of bone spurs, like a life-threatening magic sound, tore up in everyone's ears.

To everyone's surprise, when the bone thorn flies in the void, it does not travel in a straight line, but is like a spiritual snake, constantly winding and changing its direction, and there is no trace to be found.

Where the three bone spurs pass, three white rays are left in the void, such as the tail wings of the meteor, which are tortuous and even entangled together, which is very strange.

The seal knew the breath from the three bone spurs, and locked his eyes and eyebrows, but he saw that the bone spurs were constantly changing their direction. The breath contained in it was getting bigger and bigger, and he was a little confused. He felt that the bone spurs could be stabbed from any angle and in any direction, not necessarily the original. The first goal.

Although the first blow of the three bone spurs, although it is sharp and fierce, it takes a straight line and has a clear target, so although his reaction is a little slow, he can calmly form a defense in the vest and block the attack of the three bone spurs in one fell swoop.

But this time, he was not absolutely sure. He was a little unasistible. He had to cover his whole body with thick defense and did not dare to leave a little gap, lest the bone and tricky rush to his other weaknesses.

The stone rock stayed where it was, and the blood pupil flashed a strange blood light, like a demon peeping at the prey in the depths of hell, which made people feel uneasy all over.

His wisps of consciousness quietly rushed into the three bone thorns. During this period, the spatial mystery understood was skillfully used. The attack mode of the three bone thorns contains the mystery of space, which can slide in the gap of the space for a short time and avoid the locking of the other party's consciousness, so it seems so trick E-catching.

After coming to this Flame Star Domain, he knew that the warriors here did not have a clear use of martial arts skills. There was only the magic power of righteousness, the most fundamental understanding of the power of heaven and earth.

There are precise moves of martial arts, only the use of power and mystic magic power. If you really have a deep understanding of mysense and reach a deep realm, the use of power is ever-changing. Any martial arts can be created and used by yourself, without sticking to details.

The warriors in the Flame Star Domain, based on the power of mystery, all kinds of martial arts can be fabricated out of thin air according to the battle scene through the understanding of the rules of strength, and will not fight in a fixed way.

For example, the martial arts of the seven-star god arrow of the light god religion is the use of the star power of the star martial soul, but now the stone rock's understanding of the mystery of the star is extremely profound. Knowing the operation mode of the seven stars, you can tamper with the seven-star god arrow at will through the simplest heaven and earth Refine new martial arts in different situations, that is, new ways of attacking with power.

In a high-level continent, the mystery of magic power is fundamental. As long as you master the law of heaven and earth of a power, when using this power, you can fight against the enemy with the best martial arts at any time according to the situation, and create new martial arts at any time.

Martial arts is just a power reorganization change based on the expression of the rules of heaven and earth.

If you know the root, your martial arts will become unfixable and highlight it in the best way with the time.

The deeper the magic power of the mystery, the more thorough the understanding of the law of heaven and earth. In the battle, the use of power will become more and more subtle. The martial arts derived from the battle will also become more powerful and mysterious, and the more essence of the power of a kind of power will be exerted.

In the three bone thorns, there is the essence of the mystery of space, which naturally evolves into wonderful martial arts. The void is winding, the angle is tricky, and the power of space is constantly gathered, becoming more and more fierce.

When the bone spur was about to fall to Damon, it suddenly disappeared out of thin air again, like falling into a crack in space, and there was no breath at all.

Damon changed his color in vain, and he was alert, knowing that the attack would come in an instant.


Three bone spurs flashed suddenly, in the shape of a character, did not change the target, and still stabbed his eyes and eyebrows.

The moment the bone spur appeared, only an inch away from Damon, as if it appeared directly in his eyes.


Damon Li shouted, and a mark appeared in the depths of his pupils, and it was faintly visible that the altar of the soul suddenly shook.

A round soul monster flashed out of his left eye and swelled in an instant. The monster was like a huge hedgehog, full of knife stabs, swirling quickly, and the knife stabbled all over his body.


Three bone spurs pierced straight into the monster. The monster screamed sadly, and its body quickly shrank. When the breath of the three bone spurs was exhausted, the monster re-drilled into Damon's pupils and was silent in his soul altar.

Damon sneered, and there were countless runes flashing in his hands. He grabbed the three bone spurs that were stagnant in front of him. He saw countless runes moving like flowing water, all of which fell into the three bone spurs.

The bone spurs condensed from the bones of the ten-level monster suddenly became soft under the penetration of those wonderful runes, and there was no longer the previous sharpness.


Damon folded hard, and the three bone spurs were broken into ten pieces. When he rubbed them with both hands, he saw the bone powder flying around, and the bone spurs were directly smashed by him.

With a sneer, he stretched out his hand to his forehead, his eyes were cold, and he ordered with divine thoughts.

There are two more monsters, which spew out of his pupils, a giant eagle covered with orange-red light and a vicious wolf with only one eye. These two monsters are also in the form of souls. As soon as they appear, they absorb the huge energy of heaven and earth, and their bodies are condensed by the external forces, filled with flesh The blood is strong.

At the same time, the Silver Armored Tiger Lion King, who was turned aside by his star mystery, also roared and stood up again. He stared at him violently and kept roaring up at the sky. A terrible sound condensed the energy of heaven and earth, like a gray flying sand pillar, hit his back heart fiercely.

"Don't kill it." Dah suddenly smiled softly, glanced at Princess Ziyao obliquely, and said to his son, "If you are injured, you will be injured. It's just a vulgar little martial artist. The princess will never blame you. Leave your life to him. This boy is also a little trick. He can force you to use three soul beasts to come out, but he still has some strength.

The seal and Berg and others became heavy again, and their faces were gray.

"Kon, without the strange bone spurs, I see what else you can do." Damon sneered, his face was a little pale, and his eyes were as sharp as a knife.

Shi Yan frowned and did not answer in a hurry. Instead, he glanced at Princess Ziyao beside him and said, "I'm going to do my best, and I can't guarantee that I won't accidentally hurt the other party."


The sound wave gray pillar of the Silver Armored Tiger Lion King fell into his magnetic field and was abruptly crushed by different forces without any threat to him.

Ziyao's hanging heart suddenly calmed down because of his words. He looked at him deeply and smiled brightly. "It is inevitable that there will be damage in the battle. I think Damon's brother is also prepared. You just do it with all your strength. You don't need to worry too much."



: In the new week, please give me a recommendation, and ask the good chivalrous women to cast one or two votes. Everyone has this. Please, today's fourth update~~RO