Kill God

Chapter 736 Panic

Kato's group of extraterritorial predators flew furiously, but the amethyst chariot was getting faster and faster, and soon disappeared from their sight.

Blood Tucato stopped, with a gloomy face, gritted his teeth on the tiger shark, and looked irritable.

A lot of tiger shark chariots gathered around. The young man of the human race, with a bitter face, said, "Kui Shou, what should I do now?"

"What should I do?" Kato smiled ferociously, and his eyes were full of madness. "Do you still want me to teach you?" Continue to disperse for me, and then block it! We are familiar with them here. We can block them once, and we can block them again!"

The young man looked shocked and nodded repeatedly, "I understand!"

"Get out of here and act immediately!" The blood butcher Kato roared and did not rush out. On the contrary, he retreated and flew alone towards the most fierce area before.

Those extraterritorial predators did not dare to say much and continued to act nervously to redeide the next step.

Soon, Capto came to the area where the jade card appeared. His face calmed down and slowly came to the condensation point of the solar ray. He hesitated for a moment. He bowed slightly, "Don't worry, what I promise you will definitely do for you. They can escape now. It doesn't mean that they can retreat Open! I promise!"

In the sunlight, a soul fluctuation slowly came, and after a while, a message came out, "Don't let me down."

Kato bowed and guaranteed.

"Well, I know the name of your blood-killing card. I know what you promised, and you won't stop halfway." The voice was cold and cold, "The reward I gave will not be less than you. Continue to pursue me. When their position is determined again, let me know first."

"Undert it." Kato said solemnly.

"It's good that you know it. I won't ask for more. Waiting for your good news, you go."

"Good." Cato was not tedious. He turned around and left. After a while, he disappeared from here.

The condensation point of the solar rays slowly emitted a wisp of light, which swayed and quickly disappeared.

Shi Yan Duan sat on the amethyst chariot, with a cold face and a trace of urgency in his eyes.

Zi Yao's breath beside her is getting weaker and weaker. The inexplicable force in her body has the absolute upper hand and is about to melt away her remaining power.

Once her physical strength completely disappears, she will be completely destroyed. At that time, let that force rush into her mind and destroy the soul altar, and Ziyao will be destroyed.

This is by no means the result he wants to see.

He wanted to lend a helping hand to help Ziyao destroy that wisp of power. However, at this time, he was very similar to Ziyao's state.

The essence of his body has been depleted, and the negative power has the evil effect of destroying vitality. He has no choice at all.

The huge essence that has just been absorbed is tossing crazily in his acupuncture point all over his body, making him more and more irritable. Those essences have not yet been transformed into mysterious forces. In this situation, he is also extremely dangerous.

You must find a safe area first!

Only when his essence is transformed and his strength is restored can he repair Ziyao's injury. In the transformation of essence, he will also be extremely uncomfortable and show fatigue.

Even at this time, if Qiang sees it, he has no room to fight back and will be killed.

He thought hard, and thoughts flashed one by one in his mind, constantly thinking about solving this problem.

Kato can block them once. Next time, it is possible to stop them. The first thing he has to do is to really get rid of Kato and them, even if it's just for a while, to let his strength recover first.

He first thought that it was the center of the sun ray.

After a moment of meditation, he was ready to act.

Ziyao told him a long time ago how to control the amethyst chariot under him. As long as he was recognized by the chariot and released a wisp of consciousness, he could point to the direction of the 3 chariot.

Ziyao's consciousness was consumed quickly in the chariot. Gradually, the direction of the chariot became a little unclear. He knew in his heart that it was because Ziyao was too dangerous that he had no time to take care of it.

He hesitated for a moment. He reached out and pressed the corner of his nephew's chariot to release his divine consciousness.

A wisp of pure consciousness escaped into the chariot. The next moment, he became the owner of the chariot and had the control of the chariot.

The divine consciousness is moving, and the chariot will fly in the direction he wants, which is very convenient and magical.

The chariot immediately changed its position and flew towards a light mass condensed by sunlight rays. In a flash, he appeared in a sea of light.

The strong solar fiery power has wonderful fluctuations and constant shocks. The heat penetration released in it suddenly covers the chariot, Ziyao and himself.

He has understood the faint mystery of the sun in the sun's explosion field. He has condensed at the sun's rays. With the essence of the sun in the altar of the soul, he forms a wonderful rhyme with the sun's fire around him.

Under the faint magical fluctuation, not only did he not feel uncomfortable at all, but his body was warm. The star martial soul absorbed the fire power of the sun, which made him very comfortable with the mystery he understood. It was quite wonderful. The power of the stars and the sun would turn into a kind of his body, as long as he mastered the Thoroughly, he can use the energy of the stars and the sun to store it in the body and become his powerful attack energy.

He soon felt much more comfortable, and the star martial soul also became very stable. He slowly absorbed the solar power and was supplemented.

It's just that Zi Yao beside him doesn't seem to be comfortable.

Ziyao's perfect ketone body shows countless dense drops of water, and her divine body spontaneously emits colorful light to resist the invasion of the sun's fire.

In this way, the inexplicable force that rushed into her body became more and more fierce.

The corpse he pulled into it gradually melted and seemed to turn into blood.

Even the amethyst chariot itself seems to melt little by little, and it can't withstand the turbulent solar essence of the solar ray condensation point for too long.

stunned, he left decisively, urged the amethyst chariot again, flew out of here, and continued to move with divine consciousness, looking for dangerous areas.

It's a headache for him not to be able to dodge in the sunlight.

This means that he can't get a moment of stability and can't take the opportunity to recover his strength. It also means that those extraterritorial predators may come to him at any time.

He must keep moving to find new areas, a safe area that allows him and Ziyao not to worry about extraterritorial predators.

He wandered around and explored the area with the most dense sun rays. The more dangerous the area was, the more interested he became. He urged the amethyst chariot to find danger.

An area with extremely strange energy suddenly flashed in his sea of knowledge. That area fluctuated, and it seemed that there were many energy storms that raged in all directions and could strangle all cattle machines.

There, any martial artist who comes to the sun star explosion field will take the initiative to avoid it and will not dare to go deep.

He is different. In such a dangerous situation, the more awesome and frightened others is, the more he wants to enter!

He soon made up his mind and secretly moved the amethyst chariot and rushed to the center.

The speed of the chariot slowed down. In that area, the avoidance of the door and heart wings may make his soul disappear. He dare not relax at all and let the amethyst chariot move forward quickly.


A crisp explosion came from the chariot. The ten-meter-long chariot, once it accidentally touched those fierce energy storms, it would be like being bombarded by a sharp weapon, and the amethysts would break apart.

Shi Yan was stunned and became more and more careful.

He heard Zi Yao say that the amethyst of this amethyst chariot is an extremely strong crystal of the Flame Star Domain. Even if it is a warrior in the divine kingdom, it is difficult to break it purely with strength.

As soon as the chaotic energy storm here touches the amethyst, it makes the chariot break a lot of crystals, which is enough to prove the horror of those fluctuations.

He was struggling in the dangerous area. More than a dozen corpses on the chariot were thrown out by him from time to time and thrown in the most dangerous area he sensed. Let's see the strength of the power.

A corpse, falling into many unknown areas, often turns into blood in an instant, either completely bursting or divided into countless small pieces.

Shi Yan smiled bitterly and had a dark headache. Looking at Ziyao, who was gradually running out beside him, looking at the ubiquitous danger, he felt like the end of the road.


When he frowned, another static turbulent energy storm suddenly moved and touched the hull of the amethyst chariot.

The chariot heard a huge bursting sound, and countless amethysts turned into gravel and splashed out of the chariot.

In an instant, the amethyst chariot moving at the tortoise speed fell apart and stopped running.

The turbulent energy storm was still moving slowly, gradually drifting towards him and Ziyao.

The stone rock changed color and didn't think too much. He suddenly picked up Zi Yao and spilled the amount of solar energy absorbed all over his body, like a huge fireball, flying out of the chariot and going deep into the more unknown front.

With his delicate body in his arms, he was not happy at all, but felt extremely heavy.

The chariot in the name of purple lightning has been completely destroyed. It will become more and more difficult for him to break the sun. If he meets the extraterritorial predators of Carto again, he will not be able to leave at high speed and will become the opponent's prey.

Just when his mind was messy, a violent fluctuation suddenly came from a safe area in which he was in.

He looked frightened and didn't know what had happened. He just felt as if he was wrapped in an invisible force and sank towards the center of a huge whirlpool.

He wanted to struggle, but found that his power was under the power of heaven, and he became extremely powerless.

Holding Ziyao, he sank little by little and poured into the center of the whirlpool. He was dizzy and didn't know why.