Kill God

Chapter 738 Soul Nirvana

In the laughter, firelight appeared from the man in the sky, slowly landing slowly.

Nine ghost-eating flames, ghost fire, mysterious ice cold flame, and the corpse fire, these four kinds of sky fire hidden in his soul altar, one by one, gradually approaching him.

The last ray of fire, like a shy girl, orange-red, looked like a flame bird, twisted and seemed to be embarrassed. When the four kinds of fires lingered in front of him, it slowly emerged, little by little, approaching him.

There was a strange smile on Shi Yan's face. He stared at the flame and suddenly said, "What's wrong? Are you embarrassed? Wasn't it very fierce just now?"

, "Humph! I am the most mysterious creature in the world. There are too many noble human beings. If they hadn't subdued me, I would never have attached to you!" "It's really unlucky. Not only did it fail, but it's also constrained by you. It's too much."

His intelligence seemed to be higher than other fires, and he had a little emotion, which stunned Shi Yan for a moment.

However, it was just a stunned man. Immediately, he said with a smile, "Noble? Guys as noble as you are hiding in my soul altar and can't drive them away. If you are really so noble, you won't take the initiative to fall.

The rosefinch is extremely angry. "I'm willing to set foot on your altar because I know that you and I are equal. If you humiliate me, I won't go in."

"You have a good temper." Shi Yan grinned, smiled and didn't care at all. "Well, you can stay. Anyway, the sun source essence is gone. When I go out, I will send a message saying that there is a cluster of fire here, so that others can have fun with you."

"Despicable!" The rosefinch was really angry.

Lazily waving his hand," Shi Yan said impatiently, "Don't talk nonsense. If you want to stay, I'll do it. Anyway, you are not missing in my soul altar.

, "Idiot, what's wrong with you? Did I treat you badly?" The idea of Xuanbing cold flame suddenly flashed out. "Left you a place for you. It's in the same vein. Humph, if you meet a guy like Lei Yan, it's strange that you don't devour you!"

, "Don't talk, take the initiative and get to the soul altar." You won't know what you will get until you get." Jiuyou Soul Flame is also a little dissatisfied. "The battle with you makes us consume a lot. We will recover as soon as possible. If you are not honest." Humph, I don't mind swallowing you.

Hey hey, it just can make me evolve faster!"

As soon as he said this, the ghost fire also showed a strong desire.

The lonely rosefinch real fire was suddenly surrounded by four flames, and his power loss seemed to be extremely uneasy all of a sudden. "Four hit one, are you ashamed?"

, "I haven't got five yet!" The corpse fire flashed. "There is another guy in evolution, otherwise," you would have been doomed long ago."

The rosefinch Zhenhuo suddenly came down honestly and seemed to accept his fate. Without saying a word, he swayed for a while, and then flew towards the stone rock's mind.

, "Wait a minute." Shi Yan raised his hand, and his soul fluctuated and restrained the altar. "I want to understand first."

Zi Yao frowned and stared at the five flames. She could feel the soul fluctuation of Shiyan and Tianhuo, but she couldn't know what they were talking about. She was so curious and constantly let go of her soul consciousness, but it was difficult to capture.

The communication between Tianhuo and Shiyan, with soul consciousness, unless Shiyan and Tianhuo open their souls, otherwise she really can't understand, and she can't know the content of the other party's conversation.

, "What are you going to do?" The rosefinch was suddenly alert and tried to sacrifice a wisp of energy, swaying in front of his eyes, releasing the fire.

"Why are you here?" Shi Yan asked the same.

"I sensed the breath of the rosefinch, so I came all the way from the countryside. After countless difficulties, I finally came here." The rosefinch hesitated for a long time before reluctantly answering.

"What are you doing here? Also, when the rosefinch was buried here, has it been completely destroyed?

"I'm here, hoping to get the holy body of the rosefinch, and I also hope to evolve one step. But when I arrived, I found that his holy body had lost energy, and it was difficult for me to merge with him. I hid it under the rosefinch skeleton, hoping to slowly let his holy weight gain energy, but now, there is no such hope.

, "Have you evolved after you came here?"

, "It has evolved to a level. The environment here is very suitable for me. I can also use the sun source essence to slowly enhance my strength. If I can get the holy body of the rosefinch and merge into one, I can become a rosefinch, replace him, and have a more complete life form.

, "Aren't you him?"

, "It used to be, but I didn't leave for a long time. The moment I had an independent consciousness was different from the road he took. I don't want to be a part of his soul. I want to work hard for myself and live for myself, not for him. What's more, he has been gone for a long time.

, "He was completely destroyed?"

, "It is difficult to completely destroy his existence. He destroyed all the people who surrounded him, set up a forbidden area in the sun star explosion field, and built a turbulent energy ban, in order to protect the bones from being found."

, "Why?"

Hand in. Because his soul finally dissipated and turned into several strands, I don't know what space he wandered to. However, if a creature gets the remnants of his soul, he can understand the power of the rosefinch, and if he is strong to a certain extent one day, he can be reborn.

As long as he gets his bones, it means that he has come back to life and is reborn in another way.

Shi Yan was surprised and frowned tightly.

"At the height of the holy beast rosefinch, the soul will hardly be completely destroyed. At the moment of explosion, it will be separated into many remnant souls floating in different spaces. As long as a wisp of remnant soul is obtained by the creature and continues to evolve powerfully, he can be reborn. If he can get his bones, he will be himself after another life. Maybe you can not only restore all your strength, but also go further and understand the deeper mysteries of the world.

The idea came from the nine ghost-eating soul flame, and he seemed to have a little understanding of the creatures of the ancient times.

Shi Yan was stunned there, and he was shocked by the power of ancient creatures.

, "Well, the little girl you once saw in the eternal night forest is the one named Zuo Shi. If there is no accident, she should have got a wisp of remnant soul of the holy beast Xuanwu. If she keeps improving and constantly strong, she will one day become the holy beast Xuanwu, and maybe more powerful Xuanwu!" Jiu You devouring the soul flame suddenly remembered something and meditated for a moment before answering again.

With a shock, Shi Yan shouted, "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

, "I also communicated with the rosefinch Zhenhuo before I knew the mystery of the soul nest of the holy beast. This way of rebirth is called the soul nest by him." Nine ghost-eating flames responded.

Shi Yan's eyes flashed with surprise. After being stunned for a long time, he suddenly understood why the old man Xuanming had to take care of Zuo Shi. For Zuo Shi, Xuanming did his best.

Xuanming is also that vein. The holy beast Xuanwu can be said to be his ancestor. Zuo Shi's soul integrates a wisp of remnant soul of his ancestors, which can also be regarded as his ancestor. He carefully helped Zuo Shi. Will he know that the soul Nirvana wants to regenerate the holy beast Xuanwu through Zuo Shi

Before leaving the divine continent, the holy beast Xuanwu was already one of the most powerful beings. Outside the territory, how could it pass through the soul nest like the rosefinch?

Isn't it possible that they have encountered a more horrible existence?

Shi Yan suddenly sighed inexplicably, and there was a kind of awe in his heart, and he became uneasy about the mysterious and unpredictable outside the country.

There are too many strong people outside the country. Even if he reaches the triple heaven realm of the true god, it is not enough to deal with anything. Thinking of this, he turned his mind and a terrible light flashed in his eyes.

He suddenly came to the skeleton of the rosefinch, reached out and knocked, looked back at Ziyao, and asked with a smile, "Is there any way to take away the skeleton of the rosefinch?"

, "What are you going to do?" Zi Yao was surprised.

, "Refining equipment." Shi Yan looked excited and danced, "This guy's level is extremely profound. If he can refine weapons with his skeleton, it must be god-level!" I lost three bone spurs, and maybe I can refine it better with his bones!"

, "No!" The rosefinch's real fire suddenly screamed, and the soul's voice was sad. "That's my body, my body! You can't destroy it! You must not destroy it!"

"Didn't you say you were you and he was him?" Shi Yan stared at him. "The rosefinch is dead, and there is no skeleton left. Why don't you give it to me?" No, if you really do this, I'll fight with you! Even if it dies completely, I will stop you!" The rosefinch really shouted, "My bones are kept. One day in the future, he may regain his life and gain stronger strength. Even if I'm not him, I don't want him to perish completely. You promise me that as long as I let go of this skeleton, I will sincerely follow you and will never delay!"

After a pause, the rosefinch really begged bitterly. "Please, raise your hand. I have been wandering outside the country for many years, knowing that there are still some places that also have powerful bones. I can promise you, and I will definitely find them for you! I promise!"

Touching Xia Ying, Shi Yan thought about it carefully for a long time, and finally gave up his good plan. He nodded and said, "Forget it, look at your pleading. Thinking that we will get along with each other day and night in the future, I will give you a face."

The rosefinch really breathed a sigh of relief. This time, there was no arrogance and stubbornness. Without waiting for Shi Yan to say more, he took the initiative to fly into the sea of his knowledge.

Shi Yan did not continue to make things difficult for him. He smiled and opened the soul altar to let the five kinds of heavenly fires enter one by one.

Immediately, he felt it for a moment and felt that his soul seemed to have sublimated, and there was an extremely comfortable warmth all over his body. Then he grinned and said happily, "I think we can leave."

Zi Yao nodded and looked around with a little souvenir. "Well, it's time to leave. Although it's barren and desolate here, it's really unforgettable."

"Go away." Shi Yan roared and rose to the sky, stabbing into the thick cloud cotton.

Zi Yao then twisted the graceful body with a delicate smile, like a fairy returning to the sky, beautiful.

PS three updates are over, ask for all kinds of tickets, and continue to struggle tomorrow.