Kill God

Chapter 742 Dex

The struggle of the royal family is the most cruel and dirty in the world. For the sake of the throne, brothers fight against each other, * fathers are not uncommon.

Donga and Ziyao are still half-brothers. In order to get the inheritance right of the Heavenly Nirvana, it is not difficult to understand that plated Jia wants to kill the seal and destroy Ziyao.

After Princess Ziyao said that Prince Galga, her heart was very heavy. She was silent all the way, and her smile was no longer bright.

Shi Yan can understand her mood and know that it is difficult to persuade her in this regard, so there is no nonsense.

From Zi Yao's mouth, he also knew where the place of divine punishment was, which was the edge of a flaming star domain. It was covered with gray fog all year round and did not see the sun. There were many forbidden areas nearby. Even if it reached the source divine realm, it could not be detected by divine consciousness.

There are many extraterritorial predators who will hide in those forbidden areas to avoid the pursuers.

The place of divine punishment is in the center of each forbidden area, which is full of predators, murderers who are not accommodated by all forces, vicious butchers, and madmen in the major flame star domains.

It is an area that is not tolerated by the world, and it is also a deformed and prosperous trading area. Many property robbed by predators will be traded in that place, and many cultivation materials that cannot be found in the Flame Star Domain may appear there.

The land of divine punishment is full of war, and there are battles almost every day. It is difficult for the weak to survive in it. Every day, someone will be killed and robbed of everything they carry.

As the leader of the marauder, he is active in other areas of the Flame Star Domain. Once targeted by the enemy, he will be hunted down to the end.

But the place of divine punishment is different. There are countless forbidden places nearby. If he knows that he can't be the enemy, as long as he hides in the forbidden land, he can avoid the shadow-like pursuit and have time to breathe.

Madmen, butchers, predators, and evil people with countless bloody cases haunt the land of divine punishment, where supplies are exchanged and sold, causing the deformed prosperity of that area.

It is a three-indifferent zone. The forces of the Flame Star Realm have been cleaned up, but they can never really destroy that area.

From the mouth of Princess Ziyao, after knowing the situation and accurate direction of the divine punishment, Shi Yan calmed down and secretly made up his mind not to take risks there.

Even if you really want to go, it is definitely not the current state. Only when you feel that you have the power to protect yourself will you go to find Nakato and ask him to help do something.

Ziyao seemed to have his own goal. Knowing that the Blood Slayer Kato would not chase him over, the tiger shark chariot slowed down and re-determined that the defense line was not heavy and fast, but heavy in the direction, and flew slightly slowly in the sun star explosion field.

In the meantime, they also met other predators, some martial artists who practiced hard in the sun star explosion field, but those people did not have the ferocity of the blood slaughter of Kato. Once they found that Ziyao's cultivation was superb, reaching the realm of the god king's triple heaven, they would take the initiative to avoid it and dare

Shi Yan was happy to practice silently on the tiger shark chariot to stabilize the realm and not in a hurry, allowing Ziyao to dominate everything.

Time flies. On this day, when he was closing his eyes to refresh himself, Zi Yao suddenly laughed and muttered, "It's almost there."

"Where the hell are you going?" Shi Yan looked up and looked at her puzzledly, "You should have an accurate goal in the future. What on earth do you want to do?"

, "I want to visit someone who is very important to me. If I can get his recognition, I can take the initiative in future royal battles." Zi Yaodai frowned slightly. "Don't worry, we will see him soon."

Ziyao moved the tiger shark chariot, pierced the edges in the flame meteorites, twisting and turning, and writing with divine consciousness from time to time in the march.

Gradually, they came to a place where flame meteorites were extremely dense. Huge meteorites were suspended everywhere, and sunlight was everywhere.

Zi Yao [Xing] rose up, penetrated through the gaps of those dangerous meteorites, bypassed many dangerous areas, walked for a long time, and finally shouted loudly: "Sure enough, it's here.

Shi Yan's eyes lit up, his expression was also uplifted, and his eyes suddenly opened up.

Unexpectedly, in the middle of many flame meteorites, a land containing the surging energy of heaven and earth suddenly flashed. The land was square, with an area of thousands of miles, quietly suspended, and the light of countless solar meteorites shone on it, as if it had absorbed the energy.

On the periphery of the land, there is a thick water mist, forming an exquisite boundary, which is firmly covered, so that the light of the solar meteorite is not too hot, so as not to destroy the crops on it.

Pieces of medicine fields are cut like tofu pieces. In each medicine field, rare elixirs are planted with vitality and contain all kinds of wonderful effects.

At a glance, those medicinal fields emit gorgeous shimmers, and many drugs are colorful, like fresh bloom, very beautiful.

In the middle of hundreds of medicinal fields, there is a clear lake. There is a small island in the lake and a grass house on the island.

Ziyao's sight, over the heavy water mist, fell to the grass house, abandoned the tiger shark chariot, came to the center of the water mist, and shouted in a delicate voice, "Uncle Dex, my niece came to visit you. I hope to let go of the boundary and let me in."

In the hut on the island, there was a faint soul fluctuation. After a while, an old man with silver hair appeared from the hut, waved his hand to untie the boundary, and smiled softly. "Come in."

Princess Ziyao nodded and motioned him to go in together.

Shi Yan smiled and did not hesitate at all. He crossed the boundary with Ziyao, came to the land full of aura, and slowly landed in the center of the island.

The silver-haired old man, who was called Dex by Ziyao, had wrinkles in the corners of his eyes. When he was young, he should be extremely handsome. He stood in front of the hut and looked up at the sky. When Ziyao and Shi Yan fell together, his deep eyes couldn't help falling on Ziyao and were stunned.

Shi Yan didn't say a word, looked around secretly and paid attention to Dex.

This medicine field, covered by dense flame meteorites, covers thousands of miles and is not big, but the aura of heaven and earth and the power of the five elements here are dozens of times stronger than the sixth medicine star!

The spirit grass elixirs planted in the medicine field seem to have a very high grade, which is far from being comparable to Bonita's side. "It seems that the solar energy in the solar star explosion field is used very thoroughly." With the help of the light of the sun, it has changed the operation mode of the energy of heaven and earth and created the

The fluctuation on Dex's body is like a daler, vast and unfathomable, as vast as an ocean. However, it is carefully felt, but there is no smell of energy, just like a mortal.

He is obviously a pharmacist" or a higher-level pharmacist than Bonita. He stared deeply at Ziyao. Dex fell into memories, and his eyes bloomed with countless complex and difficult emotions. After a long time, he sighed softly and said with emotion, "It's simply a model. Same 1 You and your mother are like one person.

Ziyao's delicate body trembled" "Uncle Dex, have you seen my mother? What kind of person is she?"

While Ziyao still can't remember, her mother is dead." Her mother's memories for her have long been blurred, and every time she asks her father, she can't get the news she wants to know. The feeling of her mother seems to be getting farther and farther away.

"Tianqi, this bastard, he promised me to take good care of your mother. He didn't keep his promise and let your mother die!" Dex snorted coldly, "My face was cold." "If I had known this", I shouldn't have let go. If your mother had been with me, she would never have fallen to where she is today. She will never die!"

, "How did my mother die? My father never mentioned it, uncle, can you tell me?

Zi Yao pleaded.

"Ask him yourself." Dex sighed deeply and looked at Ziyao with a kind face. "That bastard, knowing that you are exactly the same as her, let you come to see me. After so many years, he still hasn't changed. He is calculating and has no omission in everything. Knowing that I can never refuse you, I let you come to see me.

, "Uncle." Ziyao whispered, "Does my mother's death have anything to do with him 9"

, "Of course there is!" Dex stared, "If he hadn't been dedicated to becoming a king and broadening his territory, how could my sister have exhausted her efforts? My sister was the most dazzling pharmacist in those years. Even I didn't have her talent. She used the magic to refine all kinds of elixirs for the bastard of Tianqi, so that her soul could be greatly damaged, and let Tianqi strengthen its power. Little by little, the soul was corroded, and finally the altar dissipated and died. If the plated Tianqi can not be so selfish, do not single-minded to dominate the flame star field, and wholeheartedly explore the territory, the sister-in-law will never die!"

Zi Yaofang's heart trembled, her beautiful eyes showed a little water, and there was a sad and painful mood on her body.

, "You look like a junior sister, but your brother is like that bastard. It's impossible for me to come out of the mountain to help your brother. I won't help the guy like Tianqi, but if it's you, what you want to fight for yourself, I promise you that I will help you even if you have an old life.

Dex took a deep breath and snorted coldly, "Everyone knows your brother's temperament in the full flame star domain. He has the same virtue as the plated Tianqi when he was young, and I will never work hard for him!"

Zi Yao is indifferent.

, "Before you, Tongjia also came. Your half-brother, he came and promised me a lot of profits. As long as I stay here and didn't leave, he could send me huge medicinal herbs every ten years.

" Dex said with a calm face, "The royal struggle is extremely dirty, and the brother and sister fight against each other without any worries. However, it's the same. In those years, Tu Tianqi also killed many brothers and sisters to climb the throne. Now his sons have walked the same path as him in those years. I don't know if he can predict it?

, "Sure enough, it's him!" Ziyao gritted his teeth secretly, "I almost couldn't see my uncle alive. The one who did it secretly was my good brother's Platter."

"Why do you remember the position of power and let go with me? Isn't it safe?" Dex looked at her deeply, "As long as you want, uncle can protect you all your life, so that you will never worry. Uncle can help you collect all the cultivation materials. Why do you have to fight in the kingdom of God?"

"If I don't fight, others will still not let me go." Ziyao was silent for a long time and suddenly smiled bitterly. "Father tried to advance into the virtual realm, and you know that it is dangerous and terrible. If he succeeds, nothing will change. However, if he fails, the altar of the soul will be completely destroyed, and the kingdom of God will be in chaos. At that time, no matter where I hide, I will avoid endless pursuit. Even if it is uncle and you, I'm afraid it will be difficult to protect me.

Dex looked stunned, "Damn bastard! Why can this ruthless guy reach such a level? God is unfair!"