Kill God

Chapter 749 Purgatory Token

The peak of Ziyaoxing's power in Amethyst Hall County is also the bedroom of Princess Ziyao, which has always been in charge of Princess Ziyao and is also her place of cultivation.

However, today, it is obviously a little different. On the amethyst steps in front of the Amethyst Hall, two rows of guards are erected.

In the rear of the guard, at the door, a martial artist in the triple sky of the divine king's realm sat with his eyes closed, and his breath was long and deep.

The warrior was O's subordinate, and he returned from the outside world with him. Shi Yan had seen it before.

He frowned secretly, and Shi Yan walked towards the door of the Amethyst Hall as usual. Suddenly, the two rows of guards on the steps blocked his way at once. He looked bad. One man shouted: "Stop"

There are 14 people in two rows of guards, seven people on one side, holding silver long guns, bright and cold.

Fourteen pairs of eyes shot at the stone rock together, and the sense of vigilance was clear at a glance. Their long guns also trembled gently, and an extraordinary energy fluctuation came out.

is the cultivation of the realm of the true god, and half of them reach the peak of the realm of the true god, which is much thicker than the breath from his body.

Shi Yan's face changed. He snorted coldly and took out the jade card from his waist. "This jade card was handed over to me by the princess in person, so that I could freely haunt the amethyst hall. Could it be that I just left a few ears, and the amethyst hall changed its owner?"

When the guard saw the jade card, he looked a little strange and did not answer. Suddenly, he looked at the man behind him.

The old man, who had been closing his eyes tightly, suddenly opened his mouth slowly and said in a cold and indifferent tone: "Your Highness went to Tian Niexing to ask your majesty for justice. Before her highness left, she ordered that when she was away, Ziyaoxing was in charge of Ogras. Now Oglas is practicing in the Amethyst Hall and must not be disturbed by anyone. Before he entered, he has ordered that no matter who is allowed to break into the Amethyst Hall without permission before he wakes up.

"There is a jade card issued by Her Royal Highness, but it can't be passed?" Shi Yan said coldly, "Isn't this purple star the princess's final say?"

"The unbridled" old man shouted violently, releasing an extremely fierce breath all over his body, like a sharp sword out of the body, closed eyes, also suddenly opened, staring at him sharply, "Of course, Zi Yaoxing is the biggest princess, this will never change, but now the princess is not here, she has also told, when she Make the decision for her. Now Ogras is practicing in the Amethyst Hall, and he must not be disturbed. Whether you have a jade card or not, you are not allowed to break in, otherwise don't blame me for being rude"

When this man spoke, his voice was loud, and many martial artists in the field heard it, so they couldn't help coming up to wait and see.

There are also many other palace warriors who frowned to see what happened.

After a while, a great man of the demon clan that Shi Yan had seen. With his upper body, he also emerged from a palace. As soon as he came out, he snorted and came to Shi Yan in an instant. The old man who shouted sneered, "Your Highness, although you are not here, it's not your turn to You care about everything. What do you want me, the housekeeper, to do?

The old man looked solemn and said solemnly, "I'm protecting the Amethyst Hall for Ograth, so that when he is practicing, some low-level people will accidentally break into the realm of God and be torn to pieces."

After saying that, the old man closed his eyes again, as if he didn't want to talk to the demon man.

The housekeeper stood outside the Amethyst Hall, looking at the interior with a calm face, as if he also released a sense of strength. After a while, he frowned and asked Shiyan beside him, "Do you have anything to pull in it?"

"No." Shi Yan shook his head, and his cold eyes stayed on You En for a while, and said indifferently.

"Come with me. Before Her Royal Highness left, she made arrangements for you." The demon man turned around and walked away to the broad field, and Shi Yan followed him.

"What's the matter?" After the big man, he asked tentatively.

.' After Oglas returned, he said that the bones of Berg, Ante and others had been found, but no trace of the gilded prince was found. The demon man hesitated for a moment and turned around, "The princess was worried that the plated prince would be poisoned, so she went to Tian Niexing to ask your majesty for an explanation in person. Before she left, she did explain that Ziyaoxing was temporarily in charge of Oglas. In the past... it was the same.

Shi Yan nodded to show his understanding.

"You are not familiar with Ziyaoxing. Even if you are deeply trusted and loved by the princess, she can't let you take charge of everything about Ziyaoxing. You will mess it up." The demon man explained, "The princess attaches great importance to you, otherwise, she will not give you the jade card as soon as she comes over."

Shi Yan continued to nod.

"This is the certificate given to you by the princess, the purgatory token, and going to the extreme purgatory field." The demon man held a non-gold and non-jade sign in both hands, and gave it to Shi Yan with a respectful face.

His respect is not aimed at the rock, but at the purgatory token itself.

Shi Yan pinched the token and concentrated on it. He found that there was only one white bone crown on the triangular token. The white bone crown was bloody under it and was supported by a few pale bones. He touched the purgatory token and suddenly had a murderous violent mood. There seemed to be countless wronged souls roaring in the token.

"The purgatory token is made by His Majesty's own hands. The blood-colored white bone crown is the emblem of the royal family of the Kingdom of God." The demon Han solemnly explained.

Shi Yan nodded and rubbed the white bone crown on the token with his eyes closed. He only felt that his blood had soared, and he had a desire to kill.

was shocked. He didn't dare to feel much. He hurriedly put the purgatory token into the magic ring, and then asked, "When Her Royal Highness leaves, what else will she explain?"

"If you want you to go to the Purgatory Star, the Jidao Purgatory Field is there, and this amethyst chariot is also given to you by the princess." The big man stretched out his hand, and a brand-new amethyst chariot shone brightly in the distance. It was very beautiful and much more advanced than the chariots around him. "The extreme purgatory field is about to open. You can enter with this purgatory token. When you get to the purgatory star, as long as you show Let me explain the situation to you."

Shi Yan smiled and bowed slightly, "Thank you, housekeeper. I don't know the name of the housekeeper?"

"Afra." The Mi clan hesitated for a moment, then squeezed out a smile and reported his name. He turned his eyes, thought about it for a while, and suddenly whispered, "Because of this purgatory token, Her Royal Highness and Ogras seemed to have had a quarrel. My people didn't mean to hear it."

Shi Yan looked stunned, paused for a moment, bowed again, and looked at him seriously, "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Be careful. The princess is optimistic about you. Don't let her down. The quota of Jidao Purgatory Field is very precious. The princess let you go, which really attaches great importance to you. Now is the time for the princess to need help. I hope you can really give the princess strong help in the future. Evra said with a serious face.

He is obviously loyal to Princess Ziyao, wholeheartedly thinking of Ziyao, which is beneficial to Ziyao. As long as Ziyao tells him, he will do his best.

"Well, I understand. Thank you again." Shi Yan said heavily, and immediately got on the amethyst chariot, and found that the prohibition and boundary had been erased, which could be directly controlled by divine consciousness.

put his soul consciousness into the spiritual platform of the amethyst chariot, and a star map suddenly emerged, in which the position of the purple star was engraved. The position of the purgatory star was also clearly clicked out, and the trajectory of the voyage was clear at a glance.

Just a look, Shi Yan knew that before Ziyao left, he really arranged everything for him. Even the star map had been adjusted, and he didn't need to bother him for anything.

"Check it carefully. There are a lot of people who handle the chariot. I have seen Ogras before and have also adjusted the chariot." Suddenly, Evra said something again, meaning something.

Shi Yan was stunned for a moment, let go of his mind, and felt the energy fluctuation inside the chariot. After a while, he smiled and said, "It should be no problem."

"In the past, there were many followers of His Highness who swore to the death for the princess and went through fire and water. But some people disappeared inexplicably, and I don't know why..." Afra muttered in a low voice and turned his head to look at the direction of the Amethyst Hall.

Shi Yan's eyes changed, and he was stunned.

When he said goodbye to the blood butcher Kato, Kato once told him to be careful of Ziyao, saying that many of her followers had disappeared and died inexplicably, saying that Ziyao was an extremely dangerous role.

Thinking of Evra's words, it was like a flash of lightning passing through his mind, and Shi Yan seemed to suddenly understand something.

"Be careful yourself." Evra didn't say much more. He nodded and left from this area.

After his figure gradually disappeared, Shi Yan drove the amethyst chariot with his mind and turned into a purple lightning, rising from the purple star to the sky.

The amethyst chariot is made of amethyst. Amethyst is also a kind of strange crystal, which can be attached to the power of the divine crystal. Inside each amethyst chariot, there is a divine crystal to provide energy support. The energy of the chariot bursts into the mold flying towards the sky.

Standing on the chariot, his eyes fell on the Amethyst Hall and stared at the central floor of the Amethyst Hall, on a spacious terrace.

On the terrace, a blonde Ogras was small and sat silently. From his soul altar, there seemed to be a faint fluctuation. He also seemed to raise his head and glanced at the chariot of Shiyan.

Shi Yan and his line of sight were ten thousand meters apart, and the void looked at each other.


In the void, there seems to be a little spark blooming out, and there is a kind of tit-for-tat sharp atmosphere in the spark.

Shi Yan grinned, laughed, and looked cold.

Ograth did not move, slowly opened his eyes, and his breath was far away and quiet.