Kill God

Chapter 757 Bull Knife Test

Wine and food, surrounded by beauty, in the Xuan Hall made of crystal and jade, Kasune and Shiyan drink frequently.

Ka Xiu'en, one of the five princes, is a wonderful person who is addicted to alcohol. He is like a treasure of all kinds of wine, and he constantly explains to Shiyan.

Which kind of wine is mellow and delicious, which kind of wine is as flames as fire, what special utensils should be used to hold different wines, and how to drink it seems to be quite exquisite.

Shi Yan is not a person who pays too much attention to details. He just nod from time to time, and he is secretly vigilant in his heart. He doesn't know if this person is looking for him and asks him anything.

Cassion is not familiar with him at all. Today is only the first meeting. According to reason, he should not be so considerative to him.

After all, to the Kingdom of Heaven, Shiyan is purely a stranger and has no reputation.

Even the well-known figures in the Kingdom of Tianne, compared with the five princes such as Kashuen, they are not on the stage and are not worthy of his warm hospitality.

If you have nothing to do, you can be a thief. From the perspective of Shiyan, Ka Xiuen must have another deep meaning.

Sure enough, in the middle of the wine, Ka Xiu'en's face was as white as a woman's red and extremely handsome. He slowly put down the glass in his hand and smiled freely, "I have two things that I don't understand. I hope my little friend can solve the problem."

Shiyan's back is slightly straight, and his expression is upright. "If you can answer it below, you will certainly not hide it. For the sake of the adult's wine, you will also know all about it."

"That's good." Cassion looked happy, "In the sun star explosion field, I heard that the bloodbuter Kato talked to you alone. After that, Kato ran away from the sun star explosion field and disappeared. He did not continue to entangle you and Ziyao. I really want to know what you and the blood slaughter cardo talked about?"

Shi Yan's face suddenly changed, and his heart was stunned.

"Don't be nervous. I'm just curious. I don't want to take you or interrogate you casually." Cathion waved his hand and motioned him not to be too surprised. "I can have today's status in the Kingdom of God, which has a lot to do with extraterritorial predators. I think you've heard that I'm stepping on the corpses of those predators. In the same way, I pay special attention to those predators. Of course, I have also installed manpower among many predators. There are also many predators who will send messages to me, hoping that I don't stare at them. I know your business is normal.

Shi Yan was a little relieved, took a breath, frowned and said with a heavy expression, "Your Excellency, if you ask anything else, I will definitely not hide it. But I'm sorry that it's difficult for me to tell you the truth.

Ka Xiuwen narrowed his eyes slightly, and a flash of lightning flashed in his eyes. "Well, I won't ask about this matter anymore. Let's change it to another one."

"Your Excellency, please speak."

"I know lì Anna very well. She is by no means a nosy person. I don't understand why she took you to the warship." After a pause, Cassion's face was slightly pale and he said, "As far as I know, before Anna came here, a warship was damaged and there were hundreds of casualties. Can you tell me why it happened? What does it have to do with you?

Shi Yan frowned deeply and hesitated for a moment and said calmly, "The explosion of Lord Anna's warship is really related to me?"

"Huh? Would you like to hear more about it?"

"I set out from Ziyao Star. The amethyst chariot I was riding had a violent explosion at the Moon Star. Among them... it seemed that someone had placed a dark magnetic explosion, and the explosive energy formed would smash the lana's warship."

"Dark magnetic explosion?"

Cassion changed color, his body shook slightly, and said in horror, "That thing can only be refined by the Nine-Star Chamber of Commerce. It's extremely horrible. Even a small star of life can't stand it, and it will be smashed to pieces. The strong who do not reach the source divine realm will be pulled into the dark magnetic explosion, and the soul altar and Shenxiu will be torn and shattered. Even if it's me, if I'm in the center of the explosion, I will be hit hard! How can there be that thing in the amethyst chariot you are in?

"I don't know that." Shi Yan smiled bitterly.

Caxune suddenly fell silent. He looked at the stone rock deeply, was stunned for a long time, and frowned and said, "If the explosion is caused by you, it's a miracle that you can survive. I'm surprised. I'm surprised, why are you still alive?"

"What do you say?"

"Lì Anna is by no means a kind-hearted person. Otherwise, she would not have achieved today. I'm surprised. Although it's not your control, the explosion of her warship is also caused by you. With her nature, it's normal to cramp your skin. Why can you... live until now?

"You should ask Lord Anna about this. So far, I don't know why, and I'm also very curious.

Ca Xiuen was distracted for a while and suddenly smiled strangely, "You didn't give me a good answer to my two questions."

"Ha ha, do adults think it's a waste of wine?" Shi Yan answered calmly, looking calm, but there was no sign of fear.

Ca Xiuen shook his head, "Drinking wine alone is always a little fun. Sharing is the virtue of drinking." After a pause, he waved his hand and said casually, "You stay on my side for the time being. When Augusto arrives and the trial of the Jidao Purgatory Field begins, you will participate. Although you haven't solved my puzzle, I won't be so stingy. You can enjoy the wine and food here at will. You't

"Then thank you in advance."

"Little things."

Shi Yan really settled down temporarily in the Kashuen Palace.

There are all kinds of practice rooms here, with a hundredfold gravity rooms. Regardless of the external situation, he enters a gravity room and practices alone.

To reach the realm of the true god's triple heaven, the general gravity has little impact on him, but the hundredfold gravity room here is extremely effective. When others walk in it, they will feel difficult to walk.

The extreme quenching of his body makes his body as hard as iron and stone, and his body is dozens of times heavier than the same gold and iron. The larger the weight, the heavier it will be in the gravity room.

There are many irregular stones in the gravity chamber. There are grooves on the stones that can be twisted by hand. Those stones are very heavy. Some stones are obviously not big, but they are as heavy as mountains.

He is in the gravity room, sharpening himself with those stones.

Sitting on the stone ground, squinting slightly, sweating all over his body. Soon, he rose violently and reached out and pierced deeply into the stone groove. Without using the essence of the body, he pushed the stone purely with his body and rushed in the room with a hundredfold gravity.

Before long, he was exhausted, as if he was congested, his blue veins were exposed, and he squirmed on him like an earthworm, with a ferocious and terrible look.

He wants to see where the limit of his body is. Those stones as heavy as mountains have become dozens of times heavier under the gravity of the gravity room. Even if he reaches the three heavens of the true god, it will be a little difficult to move.

is the same. His physical potential is also stimulated, and the energy contained in his muscles and veins will tremble under the pressure of gravity.

It was another crazy grinding. He had no strength all over and lay softly on the ground.

With his eyes, he felt the vitality contained in the flesh and blood of his body. Thoughts flashed in his mind, and suddenly, he had an idea.

Huo Ran sat up. He carefully condeneded and flowed dozens of drops of immortal blood hidden in the rest to his left arm with his soul.


The bones of his left arm roared, and his muscles suddenly swelled, like a horrible beast, with a terrible fluctuation.

The undead blood replaced the blood in the blood vessel of the left arm, and the extremely terrible tingling came from the tendons and veins. At his small arm, there was an amazing blood red color, such as dripping blood. The arm, like a cooked shrimp, was red and scary.

Suddenly, a violent fluctuation gushed out of his arm, like a fierce beast breaking free from the abyss.

A dark golden stone like a hill was suddenly lifted from the ground under the force of his left arm. A dark red streamer flowed out of his arm, generating an extremely burst of energy.

Shi Yan looked excited, and his heart was full of ecstasy, and he couldn't help laughing wildly.

This dark gold boulder is a large piece in this gravity chamber. It is a unique golden stone in the Flame Star Domain, which is hundreds of times heavier than ordinary stones!

The boulder in his hand, the real weight, is really comparable to a thousand-meter-high mountain!

In the 100fold gravity room, the weight of this boulder has been increased by dozens of times!

Even if you are a strong man in the general realm of the divine king, it is almost impossible to lift this stone. Unless you reach the triple heaven of the divine king, you may have a try.

Before, he tried to lift the boulder by relying on the power of the body. However, after repeated attempts, he couldn't even make the boulder tremble.

Today, the left arm was filled with the blood of the undead demon, and the turbulent energy that broke out of it actually twisted the boulder directly. Such a terrible explosive power scared him.

Suddenly, he had a deeper understanding of what he said about the change of blood.

If he can replace all the blood in the blood vessels in the body with the undead demon blood, what height will the explosive power of his body reach at that time?

He can't imagine.


The boulder fell like an explosion, and the extremely hard stone ground, with the boulder landing point as the center, suddenly smashed, showing huge cracks visible to the naked eye.

The cracks continued to expand and extend, and the boulder stayed in the ground with a huge roar, and the gravel splashed out, forming a fierce stone flow, bombing in all directions.

"Five me"

A rough voice suddenly came from the door of the gravity room. A big man with a purgatory token hanging around his waist showed his strong light with both hands and smashed the gravel with a strange face.

Beside him, there was also a beautiful woman, who was also confused. She looked coldly at the gravity room and at the stone rock sitting next to the boulder.

Similarly, there is also a purgatory token pinned to her slender waist.

These two people are the magic of Caxion and outstanding figures who participated in the Jidao Purgatory Field.