Kill God

Chapter 760 In a hundred years, I will take the head on your neck!

Chapter 760 In a hundred years, I will take the head on your neck!

Liana and Augusto are tit-for-tat. They don't show weakness and seem to be able to fight at any time.

Both of them are the princes of the God Kingdom of Heaven. They usually fight with each other. It didn't take long for Liana to become a prince. She suppressed Augusto in one fell swoop and became the most powerful one among the princes, which made Augusto dissatisfied.

Today, Leanna intervened in his affairs and helped a boy who was not famous at all. In Ogudo's opinion, this is ** naked provocation!

The strong man of his status and status must not be provoked, so he is really angry. He wants to let everyone know through Leanna that he Augusto is the head of the princes of the Kingdom of God.

The confrontation between these two people silenced many people.

Even Cassian, Rochester and Dalle all calmed down for the time being. They looked silently, did not dissuade them, and did not provoke conflicts. They all seemed to want to see which of these two people were more powerful.

The only person in the field who can talk is Prince Tianle, but his realm is slightly lower. The cultivation of the God King's Triple Heaven. When the two are tit-for-tat, they have to temporarily avoid it, and they are afraid of being affected.

Shi Yan was sore all over, looking under him with a gloomy face, with a deep hatred in his eyes.

In the eyes of the public, he was imprisoned by Augusto and deliberately targeted on trumped-up charges, and almost couldn't survive.

A great shame!

Since he emerged in the divine continent, he has not been so insulted, and his inner anger is simply indescribable. He knows that in his current state, it is still difficult to compete with Augusto and can't get back to the field.

The time he came to the Flame Star Domain is too short. He has not really integrated into this star domain. Without his own team power, the realm is too low to even interrupt.

Looking under him silently, his eyes gradually became firm, and a cavity of blood had been stimulated.

He needs time!

He firmly believes that as long as he is given enough time to grow up, one day, he will let all the contempt and tremble, let Augusto pay a painful price, and regret today's sin for life!

Just as the battle was about to take place, the prince suddenly shouted, "Wait a minute!"

Everyone couldn't help looking at him, including Leanna and Augusto, who were going to fight, also paused, frowned and looked in his direction, waiting for him to speak.

"Your Majesty has an order not to fight." Tianle held a strange metal that was not gold or silver, depicting the shape of the blood-colored crown. He touched the crown and stretched out his finger.

A wonderful soul fluctuation overflowed from the crown, divided into two strands, and shot at Augusto and Liana at the same time.

The two people, who were tit-for-tat, were silent at the same time, narrowed their eyes slightly, bowed, and seemed to be listening to the soul's command.

After a while, the soul fluctuation from the crown from Tianle's hand gradually dissipated. It was also at this time that Liana and Augusto straightened up, ignored them, and snorted coldly at the same time.

Tianle smiled, "The five princes gathered together, and the trial of the extreme purgatory field can begin."

He suddenly raised his voice, and the crown in his hand was thrown into the sky by him. A wonderful force dispersed and fell to the purgatory token on the waist of all the participants around him. At the same time, in the surrounding mountains and rivers in the form of demon beasts, a mass of light suddenly shot out.

In each group of light, there is a vicious death row prisoner. Those death row prisoners are wrapped in light and fly uncontrollably towards the extreme distance.

Shi Yan took a cursory look and found that there were at least 200 death row prisoners who flew out. The realms were different, and the worst was also the realm of the god king. Among them, there were cruel people who reached the realm of the god king's triple sky, who were all led by some force and seemed to be pulled to the extreme purg

The purgatory token on his waist made a wonderful fluctuation, and some kind of seal seemed to have been lifted.

"Those who have a purgatory token can go to the competition. The purgatory token on your waist is the key to entry. Once you enter the extreme purgatory field, you can't come out before the time expires." Tianle looked up and explained slowly, "In the extreme purgatory field, there are no rules. You can kill anyone! Prisoners, participants, and even your companions can be killed! In the end, those who kill the most will be seen by His Majesty and rewarded by His Majesty. In the purgatory token around your waist, there is the power of life sensing, in which you can sense the position of your prey, the level of the realm, and you can do it according to your ability.

Including Leanna and Augusto, they didn't speak and listened to Tianqi's explanation silently.

I don't know what the qi of the Heavenly Nirvana Kingdom said to them with their souls. The two people who were originally drawn with their swords were all calm and said nothing.

Leanna's guilt to Oglas, Augusto's frame-up of the rock did not seem to have happened, and the smoke disappeared.

Rochester, Cassian and Dalle have already arranged and ordered what the participants under their command to pay attention to. Shi Yan paid attention to watching and found that there was also a purgatory token on Damon's waist. Obviously, he was also a participant.

Dalle is his father. Dalle already had two places. At first, he gave it to the two outstanding warriors under his command. He had another arrangement for Damon to plot a place for Ziyao.

After the failure, Dalle, who loved his son, had no choice but to let one of his subordinates hand over the purgatory token, so that his son Damon could compete and sharpen himself in the extreme purgatory field.

In addition to Dall, it is the same with Oglas, who also has a waist card.

His waist card was given to three places from his uncle, Augusto and Augusto, and one was given to him, because his quota was given to Shi Yan by Ziyao.

The five princes, among which Leanna and Augusto are the most meritorious, have three places, the other three princes, one person has two places, and Ziyao has one place. There are a total of 13 people who participate in the extreme purgatory field.

At this time, the contestants, holding purgatory tokens, have begun to move.

Leanna looked cold and communicated with the three warriors under her command in a low voice. A pair of cold and murderous dark blue eyes looked at Augusto and the contestants beside him from time to time, focusing on Ogras.

She seemed to instruct the people under her command to kill Oglas and two other warriors belonging to Augusto in the extreme purgatory field.

Similarly, Augusto also smiled grieically and looked at her without showing weakness. Obviously, he and Leanna had the same thoughts and were ready to compete in the extreme purgatory field.

"Stone rock, let's go."

Tie Mu laughed, left from Cassion, came over with Alan, and waved to him.

Shi Yan grinned indifferently and came to Tie Mu and Alan, but he was not in a hurry to leave.

On the contrary, he stopped, looked at Augusto from afar, looked at Oglas, pondered for a moment, and suddenly said calmly, "Lord Augusto, the insults received today must be returned ten times in the next day!"

Ogudo sneered disdainfully, "With you? What are you? Hey hey, you can't come out of the extreme purgatory field at all.

Shi Yan looked calm and did not get angry. He stretched out his finger to the sky and said indifferently, "I, Shiyan, swear that I will take your head on Augusto's neck within a hundred years!" If not, I, Shiyan, will give up on the spot within the 100-year deadline!"

Everyone's face was shocked, and they all looked at him incredulously, and their eyes showed a strange color.

A martial artist in the true divine realm, if he wants to break through to the divine realm, a hundred years seems short. It is impossible for many people to enter the source divine realm all year round, and Augusto, who seems to be a strong man at the dual heaven level of the source divine realm. Shi Yan swore at this time, can't he

Ogudo laughed wildly, "Okay, I'd like to see if you can live for a hundred years!" Hahaha!"

The rock is not affected. He pointed to Oglas as if no one else and said, "In the extreme purgatory field, I will take your life - if you really dare to enter."

No matter how shocked everyone was, they looked at him like a fool.

He only has the true divine realm. Among the contestants, he is the lowest in the realm, while Oglas is the double heaven of the god king. He is famous in the Flame Star Domain and is a famous young generation.

Today, in front of the five princes and princes, in front of many martial artists, he actually said that he would kill Ogras in the extreme purgatory field. Is this a joke?

Kill Augusto in a hundred years, kill Ogras in the extreme purgatory field. His arrogance and arrogance stunned everyone. He looked at him strangely one by one, thinking that he was afraid he was crazy and extremely ridiculous.

But everyone couldn't laugh. Shi Yan looked resolute and serious, which was obviously not a joke. Although there was no strong fluctuation and breath on his body, he gave people the feeling that it was unusual.

"I'll wait for you inside." Ogras's eyes were gloomy, and he smiled, "If you have the guts to look for me."

"Lord Augusto, please take care of yourself first and prepare the coffin for your nephew." Shi Yan smiled and immediately strutted, crossed the equally stunned Alan and Tie Mu, and flew in the direction of the polar purgatory field.

Ogudo's face was iron-blue, his eyes were burning, and he sneered, "Oglas, if you can't torture that boy to death in the extreme purgatory, I won't have a nephew like you!"

"Don't worry, uncle, I will let him taste all the pain in the world. I will engrave the scene before his death with magic stones, and let my uncle have a good look." Augras looked relaxed, smiled, and said confidently and proudly.

"Go ahead, I'll wait for your good news." Augusto waved his hand.

Ogras and the two warriors beside him immediately bowed and flew in the direction of the rock.

"Ogudo, do you dare to make a bet with me?" Suddenly, Liana said, "I bet you with a star of life under my banner. I bet that your nephew will die and Shi Yan will live."

Cassion, Daller, Rochester and Tianle were all stunned. They looked at the famous woman in disbelief and couldn't figure out why she looked up at the rock.

Isn't it possible, it's just a fight with Augusto? But even so, it's too crazy to spend a life star at the cost, right?

"I'll bet with you!" Augusto looked ferocious and shouted violently.


: At the last minute, please support your brothers and sisters!!! RO