Kill God

Chapter 772 The Kingdom of God!

The ocean of stars, dense space cracks, released soul burial places, the genesis of the three realms of gods appears, and they are formed together in the hole **, forming wonders.

The death row prisoners who hit the Purgatory Star were fixed in the void at this time and did not dare to move.

Beside them, the space cracks are extremely terrible. Every time they move, they may be cut by the space cracks.

Not moving doesn't mean that they are safe.

After the formation of the soul burial ground of the mystery of death, the unique characteristics of this divine realm have also been revealed. Those people feel that their souls are tired and gradually feel depressed. They can see the tiny light spots like fireflies flying out of themselves, and like the energy gathered, they have gathered towards the cave one after another.

In everyone's heart, there is a strong fear and uneasiness, and the realm of God with three attributes has greatly shocked them.

Whether it was Leanna, Augusto, or the Lord of the God Kingdom far away from Tian Nirvana, they were also deeply shocked and suddenly realized that the truth they adhered to was not necessarily correct.

The appearance of Shiyan has opened a new door for these warriors. It seems that they want to tell them that martial arts have changed endlessly, and there is not only one way out. Tell them that power and righteousness can also lead to the road of light.

No one knows what it is like to hide in the rock in the cave.

But everyone knows that Shiyan is at the most critical threshold for breakthrough. Once it passes this level, it will fly to the sky and dazzlingly over any so-called talented young man.

In the cave.

There are more dense space gaps in front of the door. Three meters in the hole, a piece of arms, waist and legs fell, which were the two warriors who rushed in before.

They didn't expect that there were more space gaps that had long appeared in this cave. At the moment they rushed in, their bodies had been torn apart, and a large part of their bodies had been pulled into the space gaps, and they could never gather again.

In the dense space gap, in the depths of the cave, the rock sits indifferently.

The pure power of heaven and earth flowing in from the cave seemed to have become colorful thunder and lightning, wrapped around his body, and thunder and lightning drilled into his body, winding like a snake.

At this time, his whole body splashed with gorgeous sparks. His body was like a blacksmith placed on a stone platform and turned into the energy of heaven and earth, waving a flame hammer and pounding and quenching his body.

For many martial artists in the true divine realm, the condensation of the divine body will be accompanied by amazing pain.

However, Shi Yan is different. His face is surprisingly calm. He has challenged the limit in his life, enduring the pain that ordinary people can't stand, and the degree of nerve toughness that ordinary people can't imagine.

More importantly, his foundation is too solid. His body has long been tempered, and he has experienced all kinds of torture.

In contrast, the condensation of the divine body is not particularly difficult to accept today, so unlike most martial artists, he is still calm and even a little numb in the process of condensation of the divine body.

The spontaneous formation of the energy of heaven and earth contains the true meaning of the mysterious power of the world, like a magical carving knife, leaving deep marks on his body to help his body take it to the next level.

The elixir obtained from Ziyao to help the divine body condense has long been taken. The power of the elixir has increased the intensity of the energy of heaven and earth, forming a fierce flow of energy, making him gather and absorb the energy of heaven and earth faster.

His flesh and blood, bones, internal organs, and veins were penetrated by those spontaneously condensed energy of heaven and earth. Those energies seemed to have extremely mysterious effects, filling his whole body, enhancing the strength of his bones, the toughness of his muscles and veins, and the firmness of flesh and blood.

It seems to have become a magic soldier, which is tempered by the power of cultivation. Little by little, it becomes indestructible, tough as a mountain, and contains the energy of terror.

His changes are not only external flesh and blood, but also the soul altar seems to have sublimated.

In the three layers of the soul altar, the mystic layer of power is covered with a mysterious halo, among which the three mysteries of stars, space, and life and death seem to be seen, which has a wonderful echo with the mysteries of the power in the soul, which gives him a deeper understanding of the essence of these three forces.

He sat like this, allowing the divine body to be tempered and condensed, and the soul was ethereal and quiet, guiding the three kinds of forces.

The soul and the three powers are increasingly integrated into one. The three power meanings in the depths of his soul emerge wonderfully, and each power becomes a chaotic luster, releasing a halo.

Those halos around the periphery of the imprint of power are the display of the realm of God. When he had insight into the imprint of the imprint of power, those haloes slowly spread and changed wonderfully. The changes of the halo inside the soul reflected outside him.

As a result, the space cracks that appear outside the hole flash more, and the range of diffusion is larger.

The death power comes out of the scattered halo. There are two layers, one layer is vibrant, and the other is dead and cold. The vitality layer wraps his imprint, protects his soul and divine body, and the death layer spreads away to affect everyone and let the enemy's soul be extracted.

This also directly leads to the speed of death row prisoners and thugs who dare not move in the hole outside, and the light of life on their bodies is getting faster and faster.

Those people who are covered by the death layer, the light of life is pulled in little by little, and gathers into the living layer, which immediately makes the rock life fluctuation stronger and stronger, and the strength of the body is also improved, which also directly leads to the absorption power of his death layer more and more terrible and amazing.

The death layer extracts the living soul. Once it falls into the living layer, the soul of the stone rock god body gains, and strengthens its strength again. Adding the energy of the death layer to make the power of the soul burial place of the death mystery more powerful.

The two complement each other and enhance each other's strength. The biggest benefit is himself.

There is also an emerging sea of stars, which is the external manifestation of the imprint of the stars. The sea of stars is floating and sinking, and a little bit of light flashes, like bright stars.

However, unlike the mystery of death, the mystery of Xinghai will not take the initiative to attack the peripheral life. It needs the soul of Shiyan himself to be moved. At this time, the stone rock is still breaking through the level, which is naturally difficult to stimulate, which also directly leads to the mystery of the field of Xinghai God, which is not shown.

Even so, the gap between the meaning of space and the vitality of the meaning of death are enough to make him safe and not afraid of anyone's sneak attack.

When the field of God is initially formed, the movement caused will be extremely large, which will secretly echo a certain rule of heaven and earth, resulting in the enhancement of the coverage and power of the field. Most importantly, his space mystery will form a space gap, motionless like a mountain, and also has terrible defensive power.

And the evil and strange mystery of death, the unique attributes can take the initiative to attack. As long as there are creatures around, the mystery of death will show its essence and pull out the vitality.

In the cave, Shi Yan understood it peacefully, clearly understood the three mystical meanings, and experienced the magical power of the realm of God, regardless of the situation of the outside world.

Time is in a hurry.

Soon, those death row prisoners and thugs who stayed in the hole** and dared not move. Because of the excessive passage of time, they were dizzy one by one. Unconsciously, they were already confused.

Inadvertently, someone fell into the space crack and died tragically immediately.

Every sudden death, the essence of his body will not dissipate. Like the accumulated energy, he quickly gathered into the cave and injected into the stone rock body hole, which became a part of his strength.

One by one, the warriors fell into the cracks in the space one after another and died tragically. Before they died, their vitality was already very weak.

In the end, even Lucky and Flo were not spared from the difficulties. They were dizzy and hit the gap in the space.

The two strong men who reached the double heaven realm of the God King were finally swallowed up, and the remaining essence on their bodies was injected into the cave one after another.

In the depths of the cave, the stone rock was unaware of the changes in the outside world, and still practiced indifferently. While refining the divine body, he formed the realm of the god. The ancient trees in his body unconsciously expanded three times.

The strong man who watched in all directions in the dark fell silent and looked at the dark hole, waiting for something.

Time is passing quietly.

Seven days later.

On this day, the realm of God formed by the three forces and mysties suddenly disappeared, gathering the energy of heaven and earth for some time, and there is no trace left.

Outside the cave, there is only one limb left, and there is no whole body.

Everyone watched secretly, holding their breath, as if they were looking forward to something.

Even Liana is a little nervous and doesn't know what the final result is.

After a long time, a refined figure appeared in the dark cave. He frowned at the mouth of the cave and looked at the remnants on the ground. He smiled strangely and immediately paced out.

"Successful! It really worked!" Tianle couldn't help screaming and was shocked. "It seems that there are several kinds of strength and cultivation. It's really okay. Our cognition, because of the emergence of this boy, there will be a new change."

"In the field of three gods, the three mys and meanings are balanced as one. This guy is a miracle." Cathion sighed with emotion.

"I think his real battle in the polar purgatory field has just begun. Ha ha, in the real divine realm, he can kill the god king. Now he has also advanced to the god king realm. I think his current opponent should be able to change. Rochester looked at Augusto and laughed. The meaning of the words was self-evident.

Ogras, who only has the cultivation of the double heaven realm of the god king, will also become the prey of stone rock hunting?

"Okudo, get ready to cede a star of life to me." Leanna smiled gloomily, her eyes were full of relief, and she seemed to feel that she had not seen it.

"Yauer, you have good luck. You met such a magical little guy." Tian Nixing, Tianqi glanced at Zi Yao and smiled strangely, "Oglas is miserable. I'm afraid that the boy now is no longer inferior to him. If we meet alone, I can't understand who will win or lose."

Before, he had always been optimistic about Ograth, but now, even he is not so sure.

Today's Shiyan has reversed the defeat, broke through the God King, and stepped into a new class.