Kill God

Chapter 783 Meeting in the Boundary

After Jiang Ge left from the purgatory drought, he galloped all the way in the direction of the Nine Star Chamber of Commerce. He did not have a warship chariot and was alone, galloping at the fastest speed of the God King's Triple Heaven.

Three months later, he passed through the star domain near the planet Ne and walked in the cold and dark starry sky.

Whenever Jiang Ge consumes his strength, he will find a landing point, restore his strength with the divine crystal, and then continue to fly.

On this day, his body also consumed a lot of strength and saw an abandoned mineral star.

The mineral star has been mined, and there are countless large and small caves on the stars. At a glance, it looks like a huge hornet's nest. The energy has long been exhausted, and there is no precious ore.

Jiang Ge grinned indifferently, and his body was like a shadow of life, and immediately fell on the mineral star.

Ten pieces of divine crystals came out of his magic ring, and then he wanted to sit down to recover, and his face suddenly changed.

Absolute darkness, like a canopy, immediately shrouded the area he saw.

In the darkness, no light overflowed, and I couldn't see my fingers. If I was imprisoned in heaven, my soul felt a sense of decadement.

Jiang Ge looked moved and shocked. He looked around and found that he couldn't see anything, and his heart couldn't help sinking to the bottom of the valley.

He was just stunned for a moment and suddenly reacted. Suddenly, he rested on one knee and said respectfully, "I've seen Lord Lianna."

In the Flame Star Domain, there are countless kinds of power mysages. However, there are several special power myses that are famous all over the world. Everyone knows and everyone knows.

The absolute dark meaning is unique to Leanna, the head of the five princes of the Nirvana Kingdom, and there is no other right.

Therefore, as soon as he saw that it was covered by endless darkness, he was just stunned for a moment and immediately knew who he had met.

The bloody butcher of the Kingdom of God, the commander of the Bloody Legion, the fierce devil of the top five, Lord Leanna.

Jiang Ge didn't mean to resist at all. He fell to the ground on one knee and lowered his head slightly. "I don't know if Lord Leanna condescends to come here. What's your advice?"

A little light flashed out quietly. In a cold hole full of direct underground**, a cold woman, who looked like a fierce ghost, sat coldly on the stone ground along the edge of the cave, squinted her eyes, and said calmly, "You have two choices."

Jiang Ge looked solemn, and his head drooped even lower. "I would like to hear more about it. "Either, I will kill you, destroy your soul altar, imprison the soul, and know all your memories by secret methods." Leanna's tone was flat, as if she were saying something that had nothing to do with her.

"I want to hear another option." Jiang Ge was deeply afraid and uneasy, and his voice was slightly trilled. "Lord Liana, I want to live. Please give me such a chance."

"Give me what you saw in the forbidden place and the situation about the rock - clearly, of course, you can try to lie, ... if you think you can deceive me." Liana was indifferent and seemed to care about his life and death, and she had no intention to take action. It was calm and heart palpitations.

Jiang Ge suddenly looked up, his body trembled slightly, did not hesitate too much, and immediately replied, "He did not die, but was in the forbidden place, temporarily imprisoned by the boundary of the forbidden place. I got that purgatory token from him, but I didn't poison him. In the forbidden area, there is a palace with a 49-story boundary around the periphery of the palace, which should have been established by the former master of the Kingdom of God, which contains some unknown secrets..."

He seems to know that there is only one chance in front of Leanna. If she lies, this woman will be famous and will never hesitate to be kind to him.

Therefore, Jiang Ge did not dare to lie, and did not even dare to pause the narrative for a second, for fear that the other party would think that he had organized a lie. A series of words gushed out of his mouth like cannons, and he did not dare to hesitate at all.

Leanna listened quietly and did not interrupt halfway. When Jiang Ge finished narrating, she was still silent.

Jiang Ge raised his head slightly and looked at her uneasily. He didn't dare to move, waiting for the other party's trial.

He is well aware of the vicious horror of this woman. All the legends about this woman are related to bloody killing. He also knows that the other party's realm is enough to easily erase him. Here, no one knows that he has been crushed.

So, he didn't dare to move or say a word, so he waited silently.

"You can go." For a long time, Leanna waved her hand and was impatient like a fly. "Remember, I have never seen you, and you have never seen me."

"Remember it for the rest of your life." Jiang Ge raised his hand, made a clean vow, and looked at her seriously. Seeing that she really didn't do anything unusual, he moved out uneasily little by little. As soon as he left Leanna's dark collar, he galloped desperately and dared not stay for a second.

In the dark, Leanna slowly stood up. The dark blue eyes looked deeply in the direction of the Purgatory Star for a while and curled her lips and snorted, "Stinky boy, I lost a life star. I'll write it down for you first."

Absolute darkness is like a black cloud, quietly drifting to the vast star field, swaying and flashing for a while, hidden.

The depleted mineral star has returned to quiet.

Purgatory Star... In the closed polar purgatory field - the forbidden place.

The stone rock was in the middle of the water-patterned layers of boundary, and he looked at the majestic palace as if it were close at hand. In his pupils, there were extremely obvious wonderful fluctuations in the depths of the palace.

Like changing stars, the palace seemed to move, and the strange roars resounded in the forbidden land below him.

The same change also occurred in the forbidden place in other dishes. Four martial artists who reached the triple heaven realm of the God King, like Shiyan, were also temporarily imprisoned by the boundary. They also looked up at the palace they saw and sensed the internal vibration waves.

The five forbidden places, in the extreme purgatory field, slowly take the initiative to approach in a way that ordinary people can't imagine or see.

This speed seems to be slow, but in fact it is extremely fast. It is only a quarter of an hour, distributed in the forbidden area of the five directions of the polar purgatory field, and it is wonderfully integrated into--.

Even five wonderful palaces appeared together at the same time under the urging of some mysterious force.

Suddenly, the palaces seen by the rock were no longer one, but five.

Five palaces, like five dazzling gems, float in the sky overhead under the push and drag of thick and huge towering stone pillars.

The five palaces show the strange sign of the five-pointed star. Like the stone rock, there are also four people looking up at the palace in the boundary, with a surprised face.

Those four people were not as good as rock. They spent countless days, months and days, and only broke through the 20 or 30 layers of boundary, which could not reach the efficiency of the rock.


Four surprised voices came from the four corners at the same time, with the same tone, all looking in the direction of the rock.

Shi Yan also turned his head and looked at the four people in the boundary, with a surprised light in his eyes.

The three heavens of the four god kings, three men and one woman, and three men are all old men. They are dirty and unkempt. It seems that they haven't cleaned their bodies for a long time. They look a little embarrassed, but their eyes are hidden and fierce and irritable.

The only woman, in her thirties, is quite beautiful. She wears a snake-print leather skirt, and the leather skirt is knee-length, revealing two white jade-like calves.

That woman is not a human race, but a ghost tattoo race. The arms and legs that come out of **, and the white skin, have wisps of exquisite cyan patterns, which are perfectly compatible with the rich skin and have a strange charm.

At the age of 30 years, such as flowers blooming at the most beautiful moment, there are also fine blue lines on the neck, slender cheeks, two exquisite jade hanging on the earlobe, falling, the crisp sound of the bell, the beautiful eyes are like the ocean, deep and unfathomable.

She looked at the stone rock from afar, and there was a strange color in her eyes. Her bent eyebrows frowned slightly and snorted faintly.

When the four of them looked at Shiyan, Shiyan was also secretly probing them. After a while, his face would be solemn.

Like Jiang Ge, it is the Triple Heaven of the God King. Everyone is also a death row prisoner of the Purgatory Star. His hands are stained with blood, and they are by no means good.

"Kid, are you the one who replaced Jiang Ge?" An old man like a bamboo pole, with skin and bones, like a skeleton wrapped in human skin, with a faint light in his eyes. "It seems that your speed is much faster than ours. What have you done? Why did you merge the nowhere to be banned into one?"

The other three also looked at him together, with a look of surprise and a hidden fierceness.

"Yes, Jiang Ge framed me and let me get into it." Shi Yan frowned slightly and said indifferently, "He should have left. I have been cracking these boundaries. Up to now, a total of 42 boundaries have been lifted by me. The moment when the last boundary was unblocked, the palace I saw immediately changed, allowing you to be pulled over together. Well, this is a special role in the forbidden place, not my intention.

"Fengrao, what do you think?" The old man who spoke first pondered for a moment and couldn't help looking at the strange woman with exquisite lines.

Like him, the other two old men also looked at the ghost woman named Fengrao, as if that Fengrao was their leader.

"Of course it's a good thing." Fengrao pulled the corners of his mouth, his smile was strange, and his eyes were slightly bright. "The four of us spent so long, and each of us just cracked about 20 floors. Jiang Ge was originally the worst, dragging us back. Now he has left. Isn't it a blessing to have arranged such a boy to surpass us in a very short time?"

As soon as he said this, the three strange appearances did not look like good old men. They smiled one by one and seemed to agree.

"Everyone has persisted for so long that they want to know what's in the palace. This boy has come to speed up, which is good for us all." Feng Lou smiled and said, "Don't you realize that the boundary... seems to be much more relaxed?"

"Of course I found it." The three old men laughed in unison.

Shi Yan's face darkened, and he suddenly had a bad feeling. The four people's performance was too relaxed, and their desire for this place was so strong that they seemed to have some plans for a long time.