Kill God

Chapter 787 Immortal Wood

In the center of the forbidden place in one of five directions, the rainbow light shines on eight sides and ten places, revealing gaps.

Feng Lou, Gan Ji and Pang Jia, Shen Xiu hid in the cracks and looked solemn. He looked at the five hard shells from afar and began to try to use his strength to collect.

However, whether it is the meaning of the rich voice or the special meaning of Ganji and Poinga, there is nothing they can do.

Among them, Poinga reduced his figure by ten times, becoming only one-tenth the size of ordinary people. When he came to the deepest gap in the area, he stretched out an index finger, so that the index finger could shrink into a needle, and it was difficult to touch the strange hard shell.

Unfortunately, it was not until his thin needle-like finger that he came near the hard shell. A strange energy fluctuation came, and the stopped light suddenly changed.

A practice-like rainbow shot out and pierced his index finger.

Poinga retreated at a high speed, and Shenxiu, who was smaller than the dwarf, couldn't help trembling for a moment. His index finger returned to normal, which was obviously broken and bloody.

Poga, who was full of embarrassment, dared never try again. He honestly left far away, immediately took out the elixir to recover, smeared the wound, and his eyes trembled.

The power of the three people still has an advantage. However, he is so careful that he is still hurt, which really makes him afraid and dares not act rashly.

Gan Ji and Feng Rao were even more helpless. They looked at the strange hard shell eagerly and did not hide their inner desire at all, but there was no way. They had a headache and were impatiently thinking about a new solution.

Shi Yan was always silent and had no intention to do it. He looked at the three people coldly and glanced at the hard shell from time to time.

He didn't know what that thing was, but he clearly knew that the light entangled in that thing could penetrate all matter. Even if he was confident that he had no well, he did not dare to try it.

Good things sounded, and there was no progress. Fengrao, Ganji and Pangjia frowned bitterly, as if they were tossing something in the illusion ring. They blamed each other. The words were getting more and more vicious. Looking at their posture, there may be a fierce battle of life and death at any time.

The exquisite cyan pattern on Fengao's body is engraved on her jade porcelain-like white skin. When she is angry, those exquisite and beautiful patterns slowly swim, making her have a strange beauty.

Shi Yan had a good time. From time to time, he looked at her and looked at Ganji and Poinga. He was not in a hurry at all.

Compared with these three people, he has become an outsider and is indifferent to the result. As long as he saves his life, it will be enough.

"I don't know if jade is effective." Fengrao pondered for a while, and suddenly thought of something. He moved his mind and raised his hand to grab it.

The square stone hanging on Han Di's corpse suddenly flew up and accurately fell into the palm of her jade palm, and a piece of jade and stone in her palm was spread together.

Gan Ji and Poinga suddenly realized something, frowned, and both of them were calm. They contributed the square stone they held and threw it to Fengrao.

Looking closely at the stone rock, I found that the four square stones, exactly like Jiang Ge, were like a key. When the four square stones were combined, the shape of the key became more and more obvious.

Feng Lou's eyes lit up in vain, as if they had found a feasible plan. They looked excited and looked at the stone rock at the same time. He shouted at the same time, "Where is your piece?"

"Uh..." Shi Yan couldn't help smiling bitterly. Under the gaze of the three people, he gently shook his head, spread out his hand, shrugged his shoulders and said, "Sorry, I didn't.

"Didn't Jiang Ge give you anything?" Fengyao's beautiful eyes flashed fiercely, and she was obviously angry. She thought she could solve the problem, but there was a problem on the side of Shiyan, and she was naturally angry.

Ganji and Poinga's faces turned gloomy, and the murderous intent in their eyes was not concealed, which was obvious.

Three different breath fluctuations, such as invisible poisonous snakes, quietly lurking around the rock. As long as one is careless, it will be killed and slaughtered by three people.

Shi Yan's heart was awe-inspiring, and he couldn't help snorting coldly. He, who was far away from the hard shell in the central area, moved quickly and came to the nearest light gap, condensing his strength and ready to deal with the anger of the three people at any time.

Feng Lou, Gan Ji and Poonga, all hopes are placed on the square stone. Now the four square stones are reunited and faintly combined into a key. As long as there is another one, the key will be completely formed, as if it can open the road into the hard shell.

The most critical way to live was blocked because of Shi Yan's words, which made the three of them naturally furious.

In the eyes of the three people, the fierce murderous intention is as thick as ink, gloomy, and locking the rock at the same time.

The soul of Shiyan showed a strong uneasy palpitation in vain, and even changed the power of the meaning of the mind, and the meaning of the space in the sea was displayed. Every wisp of divine knowledge was accompanied by the wonder of space, which was entangled from the sea of knowledge and enveloped in the altar of the soul.

The strong uneasiness gradually disappeared, and the three of them locked his soul and suddenly failed.

On the enchanting and delicate face, there was a trace of glide. The corners of his eyes moved, and he lowered his head and whispered, "That's right. It can avoid our soul lock. No wonder he has been calm and has not shown fear. It seems that our nephew underestimates you."

"I really don't. Even if you kill me, it won't do you any good." Shi Yan smiled bitterly and said helplessly, "Why don't you go out and get Jiang Ge back?"

"Damn, how can there be so much free time? Are you so easy to be a purgatory star?" Pang Jia couldn't help crying, "Shi Yan, that's immortal wood, not the turtle shell you think." A soul idea appeared in the sea of his knowledge. It was the true fire of the rosefinch that sent the message. "I have the knowledge of the rosefinch and know that the immortal wood is very magical. It is a kind of treasure of wood in the five elements, which is harder than the hardest metal, and there are almost no sharp weapons to break."

"Immortal wood?" Shi Yan was secretly cautious, and his heart moved, "In addition to being hard, what are the other characteristics?"

"Immortal wood is a wooden treasure. It has natural wonderful wood grain, and some wood grain has magical effects. If it is refined and carved by a refiner of great power, it will have an incredible mystery according to the wood grain."

"Can you get close?"

"Didn't the last layer of boundary you cracked before absorb a lot of wood essence? You cover your whole body with those essences, and your whole body is full of vitality. You can try it. The message of the true fire of the rosefinch came quickly, "My knowledge comes from the deeper understanding of the immortal wood before the rosefinch left the divine continent, and it is not clear. It is said that the immortal wood seems to come from a rotten divine tree. The divine tree is rotten, but the wood is immortal. It is called immortal wood, which is

Immortal wood comes from the rotten god tree. The god tree will rot, and the wood formed is immortal. What's the reason?

Shi Yan was surprised and listened carefully. Suddenly, there was a strange feeling. He always felt that the formation of immortal wood seemed to be contrary to some true meaning between heaven and earth.

"The last layer of wood grain boundary that you cracked is to imitate the natural wood grain of immortal wood. You have magically closed it. Can you extract it and cover the whole body now? At least, cover one arm and try it?" The rosefinch continued to summon.

Shi Yan was stunned for a moment, subconsciously tried to follow his words, and immediately extracted the essence of wood from the bones and veins of the divine body, tried to control it and guide it to an arm.

His arm became gray-brown. At a glance, it seemed to be a piece of dead wood branch, which was quite strange.

At this time, the gloomy eyes of Fengrao, Pangjia and Ganji were still surrounded by him, murderous and awe-inspiring, as if they were ready to go.

"Don't be impatient if you are a little calm." Shi Yan suddenly shouted and said, "Wait a minute, give me some time and let me have a try. I am a refiner and have a superb understanding of all kinds of boundary formations, which is why the speed at which I break the boundary will be faster than you. Well, the central area is also a world formed by strange light energy. Let me have a try.

The three of them suddenly stopped, and their faces were full of surprise.

They have a little understanding of the situation in the central region and understand that it is not a boundary, so they have great doubts about Shiyan's words.

But the stone rock said he wanted to try it, but it made them creepy and felt the worst. It was also that the stone rock was smashed by the light. They didn't need to do more, and they could also carefully observe the characteristics of the energy explosion.

The three of them acquiesced, stopped the gathering of strength to detect, snorted, and paid attention to Shi Yan's behavior.

"Keep an eye on these three people!" An idea passed on, and several kinds of heavenly fires swirling in the altar, secretly releasing unique energy flames, ready to go.

More wood essence was forcibly extracted from his body and wrapped all over his body. After a while, he seemed to have become an active dead tree, and the god turned gray-brown, like a rotten trunk.

In this special form, he carefully stretched out a finger and touched the light next to him little by little.


The light is in contact with the abdomen of the fingers, and there is a strange sound. The fierce light is like being magically softened, and the terrible penetration is lost!

Shi Yan looked excited, and a bright smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. Ganji, Feng Lou and Poinga, who always paid attention to his behavior, were full of light in his eyes. His face was full of strangeness.

With a long smile, his body was like a gray-brown rainbow, and the stone rock rushed to the immortal wood in the center, regardless of the six hot eyes behind him.

The light shone on him, which seemed to be soft. When he sneered, faint smoke appeared all over his body, his divine body suddenly fell to the area where the immortal wood was located. Without saying a word, he grabbed it fiercely.

Ten thousand rainbow lights, the mold that touched the immortal wood with his fingers, immediately disappeared, and all of them were collected into the immortal wood.

Immortal wood has become simple and unpretentious, but it is as heavy as a mountain. The exquisite wood grain on it suddenly spreads. At a glance, it seems to be a vast star map, which is very strange.

Ponga, Ganji and Fengrao's eyes suddenly turned red. Without saying a word, they each overflowed the realm of God and rushed in the direction of the rock at the fastest speed.

Three magnificent and horrible energy fluctuations, such as three extraterrestial meteors, come out, and the momentum is amazing.


Five palaces, the sound of rocking mountains, collapsed rapidly.

The huge boundary surrounding this place, such as being suddenly torn, a gray cloud of smoke pouring in outside, and the strange magnetic field of the polar purgatory field disappeared out of thin air.