Kill God

Chapter 815 Stand up!

Barrett, like a furious lion, rampaged all the way, regardless of the flight ban rules of Tianfei City, and galloped towards the rich green ghost stronghold.

The spacious Tianpen City block, because of his anger, many people were affected by him. He cursed secretly and avoided him one after another. He was afraid that he would be accidentally injured by the flames on his body.

Barrett's Aoyi is a flame, and his courage has always been hot and strong. Once the anger comes up, there are blazing flames all over his body. The sharp flame derived from the strong man of the source god realm, the hot and high temperature made the whole Tianpene City suddenly climb to a class.

The martial artist on the street shouted and scolded and looked up at the sky. It turned out that the person who broke the rules turned out to be Barrett. Suddenly, he was as calm as a cicada and dared to say anything more.

In the area near the land of divine punishment, there are dozens of predator groups with different forces. There are only four that can really be called a giant. Barrett's shady predator is an extremely fierce and unreasonable one of them.

Barrett's dark story rose extremely fast. In just two years, he never known a small force and became one of the four giants of Tianfei City in one fell swoop.

The shady predator is also famous for the whole Flame Star Domain, becoming a legend of the Heavenly Punishment City.

Kui Barrett is the creator of this legend. In the past two years, he broke through from the realm of the god king to the source realm, bringing the dark curtain to the peak, powerful and powerful in all directions.

Those who were affected by Barrett's flames, dared to say anything, shrank their heads one by one, pretending not to see him breaking the rules, and cautiously, for fear that Barrett would show their dissatisfaction.

Among the four giants, Barrett's neck is the most popular. He often kills people without reason. He has no mercy and respects power. There are countless murderers under his command. There are really not many people who dare to provoke him.

galloped all the way, and Barrett burst into flames all over his body, like a flame meteor, and fell to the green ghost stronghold.

Jie Nong, who is also one of the giants, followed with great enthusiasm. He couldn't wait for the world to be in chaos. From time to time, he sneered, "Tut, poor Barrett, has been working hard for more than two years, but waiting for Feng Rao and Ruyi Langjun to return together. What'

Like adding fuel to the fire, Barrett's anger became even more powerful. As soon as he fell down, he shouted, "Fengqi!"

In the stone hall, he sank his mind into the abundance of the star map. He was shocked by his loud shout. His consciousness suddenly withdrew, and his face suddenly became gloomy.

In a flash of his figure, he came to Barrett's location and scolded with an ugly face, "Barrett, why are you crazy? I kindly invite you to plot the star map. Don't make trouble for me!"

"Where's Fengrao? Let her come out!" Barrett took a deep breath, his eyes sprayed fire, and roared, "How did you promise me at the beginning? You once said that one day when I broke through to the source divine realm, you would marry Fengrao to me. Now that I have reached the source divine realm, Fengrao is back. Should you give me an explanation?

Jienon smiled and raised his watch, "Elder Fengqi, you did say that I can testify."

"I can also testify that you did say that." Russell's voice came from the depths of the ground. When the sound fell, other people's shadows suddenly flashed, standing with Barrett and Jie Nong, grinning strangely, with a posture of fear that the world would not be chaotic.

Fengqi looked stunned.

After more than two years, Fengrao also left for too long. He didn't care too much in his heart and was about to forget it. After saying this to Barrett today, he suddenly remembered that he really had such a promise.

More than two years ago, Barrett was just a martial artist in the realm of the divine king. He was chased and fled to the place of divine punishment. The first time he saw Fengrao, he was shocked and vowed to marry Fengrao.

At that time, Fengqi was already a hegemon near the land of divine punishment. Naturally, he looked down on Barrett, who only had the realm of God King Yiheaven. He laughed at his low realm and did not deserve to marry his daughter. He also said in front of everyone that if Barrett broke through to the source divine realm and had enough strength

At that time, he did not see Barrett's potential, and because Barrett was still being chased and killed, he thought that Barrett would not live to break through the source realm.

Not long after the incident, Fengqi learned the news of the star map, and Fengrao took the initiative to ask Ying to go to the purgatory star map, and left alone.

Because of Fengyao's disappearance, Barrett had made trouble for a while, and then settled down. The matter was over.

After more than two years, Barrett, who had a shallow realm in those years, has reached the source realm and replaced his original attachment, becoming the shady leader and the hegemon of the city.

At this time, Fengrao just returned. Barrett was extremely excited after knowing the news and rushed over immediately.

Ke Fengqi forgot the promise of that year and was pointed out by Barrett, Russell and Jienon. He suddenly realized that there was such a thing.

"Fengqi, I'll ask you, the promise of that year doesn't count!" Barrett's face was horizontal, his eyes were full of flames, and he hummed impatiently, "If you don't keep your word, we will reclaim the star map with you. If there is an event later, you can also say nothing. Then aren't we in vain?"

Russell and Jienon also nodded one after another, which was the only reason.

When the three people here spoke, more Marauders who received invitations also slowly gathered. Among them, Blood Tukato was also in the crowd, looking at both sides in surprise.

"Jester Sage, are you here too?"

"Ah, it's Senior Jester, please inside, please inside!"

"Mr. Jester, you promised me the elixir, you must remember it."

Suddenly, there was a noise from the crowd. The pharmacist Jester shrank his hands on his cuffs and looked indifferent. He nodded to the person who greeted him and walked over slowly.

Jester of the source divine realm is extremely eye-catching in the crowd, and he is an extremely extraordinary pharmacist himself. Many elixirs of these divine punishments have to be refined through him. He has a lot of respect for him. As soon as he came over, everyone expressed respect and took the initiative to make way for him.

Jester nodded, came to Barrett, Russell and Genon indifferently, stood still, and bowed slightly to Fengqi. "Thank you, Boss Fengqi, for allowing the rotten to participate."

Fengqi smiled awkwardly and quickly waved his hand and said, "Sir, you're welcome. The elixirs in the new star domain still have to rely on your advice. We rough people can fight, but we can't recognize the real effect of those elixirs."

"The boss of Fengqi is modest. It is a great honor to participate in this matter." Jester smiled, glanced at Barrett, frowned and said, "What's the matter?"

"It's just the right time for you to come. Give me a comment. Boss Fengqi promised me that I broke through the source realm, so I married Fengrao to me. Now I have reached the source realm, and I want to ask the boss of Fengrao for an explanation." When Barrett treated Jester, he also seemed to be quite respectful. His angry look restrained a lot, and his face was still not very good-looking, so he shouted.

"The boss of Fengqi said a word, and I don't think he will deny it." Jester said seriously.

"Big Boss Feng, what do you mean? What's the attitude?" The marauders in the crowd shouted and were anxious about the star map. They didn't want to waste too much time because of Barrett.

"Rader!" It was difficult for Fengqi to ride the tiger. After a moment of silence, he suddenly shouted loudly, and the loud shout resounded in all directions.

I had heard the noisy sound for a long time. The beautiful eyes were dark, and I quietly came out of the rear side door with a cold look. The style came to Fengqi and stood beside him. He glanced at Barrett indifferently and said faintly, "You want to marry me, should you ask me what I mean?"

Barrett, who settled down for a few seconds, was not only not happy when he saw Feng Lou, but also angry. He shouted ferociously, "What do you mean? Do I think I'm blind? Didn't you see that boy flirting with me?" The orange-red scorching flame spread from him in an instant. He seemed to be in a sea of flames and roared angrily, "What about the alien puppy? Let him get out of here! I want him to know what will happen to the woman who dares to touch me! I'm going to burn his soul altar to ashes and let him die in pain little by little!"

"Barrett, give me some peace!" Fengqi was also popular, and his face suddenly turned cold, "This is my green ghost! It's not your shady story! It was Shi Yan who brought the star map. Without him, no one wanted to touch the star map! Calm down and don't embarrass everyone!"

"I don't care. I have to kill that puppy!" Barrett was extremely angry and roared like thunder.

Fengqi suddenly fell silent. In the depths of his eyes, there was a cold light flashing, as if he was really angry.

As soon as he saw that he was really angry, many shouting Kui suddenly shut up and said nothing. They all knew that once Fengqi had a real fire, it was extremely terrible.

Even Russell and Jie Nong, who had just feared that the world would not be chaotic, smiled awkwardly and stopped helping Barrett continue to provoke.

When the whole audience suddenly fell from the needle, a strong figure suddenly flashed from Feng Rao's side, and his face was indifferent, "I'm Shi Yan."

"Good boy, how dare you take the lead!"

"It's a little bold. He took the initiative to jump out when Barrett was furious. Do you really don't know whether to live or die?"

"Hey hey, outsiders, I don't think I've heard of Barrett's name?"

"Yes, this boy is going to be unlucky."

The marauders of all parties in the crowd shouted again and laughed loudly.

Only Blood Tucato said no, stared at Shiyan fiercely, frowning and didn't know what to think.

"I told you not to come out. I'll solve it. Why are you still coming out?" Feng Nao Dai frowned slightly and turned back with a wry smile, "As soon as you come out, the little thing has become a big thing. Really, do you really want to provoke that madman?"

Shi Yan smiled indifferently and said carelessly, "I'm not used to letting women shield me from the wind and rain."

"It's a little bold, not bad." Jie Nunong smiled and said strangely, "It's just a little silly."

"It's stupid." Russell nodded and agreed, his eyes were cold and angry. At this time, he naturally knew that Shi Yan and Kato had joined hands to deceive him. Of course, he was unhappy.