Kill God

Chapter 822 Imprint Reappearance

Feng Lou shouted in a hurry, and Shi Yan did not ask for more time to stay. He hurriedly left Zi Yao and Cassion, and quickly disappeared.

Bitian and his party also went away first. Ogras, Alan and Tie Mu were not arranged to come here. Therefore, there were only two people left in this manor, Zi Yao and Cassion.

Bitian and Shi Yan left. Ka Xiu'en and Zi Yao didn't say anything for a long time, and their faces were a little heavy.

After a long time, Cassion sighed, "The blue sky is really bold!" That's awesome!"

Zi Yao frowned and said without saying anything.

"I bet on the future of Shiyan with my daughter's life happiness. If this big bet can really be achieved, I think he will make a lot of money!" Cassion took a deep breath and said solemnly, "With the boy's potential, two hundred years is enough to become the most dazzling hero in the flaming star field, and may even overwhelm the blue sky! If he marries Birou and is cultivated by Bitian, the speed of rise will be faster! It's terrible. Bi Tianzhen is terrible! To this day, I'm finally a little convinced of this person.

Zi Yao's eyes showed bitterness, and he sighed helplessly.

She has known Shiyan for a very long time, and she knows better than anyone what the potential of Shiyan is.

When the sun star burst into the field, Shi Yan only had the cultivation of the true divine realm. In less than ten years, he had reached the double heaven of the God King!

Even Ziyao himself has only the Triple Heaven Realm of the God King. For so long, her realm has stopped moving, but Shi Yan has made rapid progress. She has just defeated the Black Horn, who practiced the mystery of ice. The strong man of the demon clan, asked himself, and Ziyao was not sure that he could defeat the Black Horn.

From this point of view, today's Shiyan seems to have the qualification and strength to fight head-on with her even without the help of external forces.

How long will it take?...

Ziyao thought secretly and seemed to have a headache.

"There is Augusto behind Ogras, but if you look at this point, he is really not as good as Shiyan." Cassian took a deep breath and his face became heavy. "Don't let go easily. Once you miss it this time, you may regret it for the rest of your life."

Zi Yao frowned, "Uncle Cassian, what do you want to say?"

"You know in your heart, I just want to remind you that today's Shiyan is no longer an unknown person. Even Bitian came out for him in person, and Fengqi will try his best to attract him. If you don't know how to be sure, you will lose it forever. Take care of yourself. Cassian sighed, shook his head and said, "Let's go, Ogras, Alan and others have been waiting for a while. Think about it on the way. Well, Ogudo is coming soon, but Anna is also here. Think about it yourself."

Ziyao frowned deeply and silently followed Cassion without saying a word, looking in a trance.

Shiyan and Fengrao walked side by side on the hot street, smiling from time to time, as if they were in a good mood.

"Let's go, there are a lot of strange things sold in this store, and we can't see a lot of things in the Flame Star Domain." Feng Lou's eyes lit up and pointed to the store with a delicate smile. She seemed to be very excited. She looked back at him with a smile, "If you want to pee, I can wait for you for a while, but it's faster."

There are words in the rich words, the beautiful eyes are shining, and the meaning is something.

She can endure the star map in the purgatory star for a hundred years, and can stand out from the strong. Naturally, she is not a stupid person.

On the contrary, Fengrao is still scheming and clear-headed.

Shi Yan disappeared for too long. In connection with the previous series of strange things, Feng Nao's heart was bright, knowing who he should have met. Feng Nao was a smart woman. She did not expose it or ask too much, but pretended not to know.

But this doesn't mean that she can seriously ignore it, so she took the opportunity to make fun of it.

"I just peed and it's clean." Shi Yan smiled and rushed to the store without waiting for Fengrao to say more.

They are all smart people. Sometimes there are some words that should not be explained, and their hearts are bright.

The shop covers a thousand square miles. On the square counter, there are many strange ores erected, unknown herbs and fresh huā, precious fur, natural textures on the fur, as well as monster bones, and strange scrolls and clouds.

Like a grocery store, there are all kinds of items piled up on the counter. Many items are unknown, and even Fengrao can't match the number.

The faint energy fluctuation comes from some ore and monster corpses. It is not too rich and powerful, and there are not too many strange things.

An old driver full of silver hair, squinted his eyes and was drowsy. He lowered his head gently. He was in poor spirits and didn't seem to see anyone come in. "The old stingy realm is not high. The true god is just a triple heaven. It seems that he has been bound in this realm for many years. On the items, there is no hope of rekindling the hope of breaking through the realm of the god king.

The flame star domain is extremely large, the strong in the divine realm can be seen everywhere, and there are also some source divine realms.

However, not all martial artists in the true divine realm can break through the divine realm. Compared with the trillion population base of the Flame Star Domain, those martial artists in the divine realm are actually extremely rare. Many people are stuck in the true divine realm all their lives and can no longer break through the threshold.

That Lao Shu seems to be this kind of person. She hung her head and fell asleep, as if she was not afraid that others would snatch the things in the store and didn't care.

"She is the oldest mother-in-law in our divine punishment land. She should be thousands of years old. Many years ago, her man was the strongest predator leader in our divine punishment land. It is said that she has intercepted merchant ships on the edge of the flame star field and gained a lot. But the man has disappeared for thousands of years and must have died long ago. In the land of divine punishment, she has always been responsible for helping her men sell looted goods. It is said that there are some things here that we don't have in the Flame Star Domain. Of course, the real value has been bought by people, and now the rest is left by countless times It's worthless and ordinary..."

After Feng Lou came over, he explained softly, "Let's just take a look. We don't have to buy it.

"There are materials that are not available in the Flame Star Domain. Did the previous buyers get anything valuable?" Shi Yan asked casually.

"Well, it is said that someone has got an extremely valuable treasure." Feng Lou nodded, "Of course, it's just a legend that we have never seen it. My father, when he was just a little predator, she was there. Before the legend, I heard what my father said, and I didn't know if it was true.

Shi Yan was surprised and didn't pay much attention to it. He just tossed around in the store.

Many unknown ores have no energy fluctuations inside, and it can't be seen what the purpose is. The remains of the monster can be dispersed because it is too long, and it can't tell what level and what type of monster it is, so it is difficult to break the value. There are many strange gadgets, and there is no smell of energy There is an abnormality.

In the store, there are hundreds of commodity substances, large and small, most of which have no energy breath, and some are also very weak and worthless.

The rock has no purpose. It's just pure curiosity. I want to see what things in other star domains will look like. I just look at it in detail one by one, and release the divine consciousness to try to sense it.

A dark blue stone ball, the size of a fist, has no energy fluctuation in it. It is extremely heavy and attracts the attention of the rock.

The dark blue stone suddenly looked extremely ordinary, without any extraordinary, and there were no natural stone patterns, but his divine consciousness was put into it, but the meaning of the stars suddenly raised a faint fluctuation. The stone ball seemed to be a little delicately related to the power of his stars.

stunned for a moment, Shi Yan silently took out the dark blue stone ball and put it on the counter. Chong Fengao nodded and said, "I want the stone ball."

He is not in a hurry to carefully explore the mystery of the stone ball with the mystery of the stars. This is his shop, which is not very good. In case the stone ball is really mysterious and is noticed and wants to buy it again, the price of hu is different.

"Well, you keep watching." Feng Li glanced at the stone and withdrew his eyes. He didn't pay too much attention to it. He squatted down slightly and squatted down his body. Like Shi Yan, he tosed up in the shop, and also wanted to choose one or two unique gadgets.

With his head down, Shiyan turned over the messy goods under the counter. All kinds of strange items were ignored by him because there was no energy fluctuation, and the divine consciousness could not detect the abnormality.

Soon, he changed direction and went to another pile of grocery stores.

A small shield that bought a cold one suddenly fell into the palm of his hand. The small shield was pocket-shaped, only the size of a human face, which looked exquisite and small, and even a little cute.

The small shield is blue-brown, cold and smooth, and there is no energy fluctuation when the divine consciousness sinks into it. There are no lines on the surface of the shield, and there is no trace of array engraving.

Shi Yan glanced at it and didn't care too much. He threw it aside at any time.


The little shield rang in a pile of debris, and Shi Yan glanced at it, and suddenly his face stagnated.

On the side of the small blue-brown shield, there is a mark, five bloody clouds!

The mark on his soul's forehead is exactly the same!

Shi Yan was stunned, and his face became dignified in vain, because he had just checked carefully, and there were no marks on both sides of the small shield, both of which were smooth and flat.

However, he touched it and threw it away casually, but a strange mark appeared. What's the situation?

Is it because of him?

Shi Yan took a deep breath, secretly told himself to calm down, his expression gradually returned to normal, and reached out and picked up the small shield.

The small shield, the mark of the five bloody clouds gradually faded under his burning eyes, and disappeared little by little, but the shield... became colder and colder.

Shi Yan, who was full of doubts, was stunned for a while. Suddenly, he put the small blue-brown shield at the stone ball and nodded to Fengrao, "I'll take this too."

"Young man, I'm sorry, that little shield is not for sale." At this moment, the master who had been sleeping for a while woke up and turned around and said with sleepy eyes.

Shi Yan was stunned.