Kill God

Chapter 825 Hidden Mysterious Strongman

The Brahma night in the realm of the source god was dragged to the far distance by a blow, and there was no trace of it for a long time, and he did not know whether he was alive or dead.

In the ruined stone alley, there was a gray fog, and there were many curses and roars of martial artists. Those who were affected struggled out of the stone crumbs and shouted wildly to find the one.

At this time, Shiyan and Fenglao, in order to prevent Fan Ye from killing again, they have quickly dodged and shot at the green ghost stronghold.

In the stone debris flying all over the sky, at the entrance of another alley, above a dilapidated house, Bitian, the leader of the You League, stood silently with Birou and Arad, looking at the stone debris flying with a heavy look, and his eyes looked extremely strange.

"That sudden power, it's terrible!" Arad took a deep breath, his face was a little pale, and subconsciously looked at the blue sky beside him, "Your Excellency, could it be Fengqi's sudden action?"

"Fengkui?" Bitian shook his head, "He is still talking about the star map in the green ghost stronghold, and he has no leisure at all. Besides, he doesn't have this kind of power. Even if I want to control Fan Ye easily, it's impossible for him to fight back at all, and Fengqi can't do it.

It is also the dual heaven realm of the source god. Bitian thinks that his strength is stronger than Fengqi, so he has this conceit.

Even he, who is in the realm of the source god's double heaven, said that he did not have this power. How strong should the person who secretly take action be?

Arad and Birou were quietly silent and looked solemn.

"It seems that there are rumors that there are hidden strong men in Tianfei City, which is really worth it." Bitian's eyes flashed strange light and said lightly, "The three major forces have joined hands to clean up the heavenly punishment city many times, and have failed to completely destroy the predators. In addition to a forbidden place around, there may be... other reasons."

At the same time, Arad and Birou changed color at the same time.

"Father, you are, uh... Is there even a warrior here who is stronger than you?" Bi Roujiao drank, with an unbelievable face, "The plating of the Kingdom of God is just the three heavens of the source god! In the Flame Star Domain, isn't it only those three strong people who have reached the realm of the source god's triple heaven?

"Only those three people are known." Bi Tian frowned, "But unknown, who can say it clearly?"

The warrior under his command changed his face when he heard the words, and all of them were shocked.

"What surprises me is not the strong man hidden in Tianfei City." Bitian pondered for a moment and said in a low voice, "I'm even more surprised by the real power of the rock!"

When he said this, Biru and Arad reacted, and he was also shocked and shocked.

"In the battle with the Black Point, he obviously did not do his best. Fan Ye's must-kill attack stimulated his potential and exposed his real power. In my opinion, even without the attack of the dark man, the boy may not be killed immediately. He has the power to fight. Bitian took a deep breath, and his eyes were full of light. "But in fact, he only has the realm of the god king now, but Fan Ye is the source god. This guy is so strong that he must try his best to use it for us."

Arad and Birou nodded solemnly.

Shiyan and Fengrao galloped all the way to the rich manor of Tianfei City. Seeing his magnificent buildings, his mind finally settled down.

Here, the strong also sensed the fluctuation of the battle of Tianpene City, suspended the discussion of the star map, and came to the training ground of the battle between Shiyan and Cape Black, and discussed it one after another.

As soon as the stone rock and Feng Rao appeared, they immediately attracted everyone's attention. Feng Ke was on the stone platform. At this time, he closed his eyes and was still sensing something, as if he had not noticed the return of the stone rock.

"Lord Russell, your good friend Fan Ye is in Tianfei City, and he is the one who just started." As soon as Shi Yan came over, his footsteps were not stable, so he took the lead in drinking gently.

Russell's face turned cold, and he suddenly became fierce. "I feel that the meaning of power is familiar. It turns out that he is really here, okay!"

His figure, as if the mud and sand had melted into the middle of the earth, suddenly contracted the ground, and suddenly disappeared. It should be to search for the trace of Fan Ye.

Fengqi woke up and turned around, his eyes moved, his expression was a little strange, and he frowned deeply.

"Father, we were hanging out on the street just now, and Fan Ye suddenly appeared. If he wanted to capture you alive, he wanted to blackmail you. Just as we were about to die, someone secretly rescued us..." Fengrao explained the situation briefly.

Fengqi listened very seriously. When she finished speaking, she nodded and said, "You go to rest first. I will search for the whereabouts of Fan Ye in the city, and I won't make him feel better."

"Are you all right?" In the leader of the marauder, the bloodbuter Kato quietly came up and asked about the status of the stone rock.

"It's okay." Shi Yan smiled, nodded slightly, and even left with Fengrao.

"If I had known the strong of the three major forces, I would not have been honest and calm. It's not surprising that Fan Ye came back, but I was a little too eager." Fengqi took a deep breath, pondered for a moment, and waved his hand, "That's all for today. Let's prepare first. I will gather everyone to continue to discuss the details in a few days."

Many of the marauders didn't talk too far. They said some polite words and left.

Fengqi returned to his secret room and sent out a message.

In a short time, the stone rock was properly arranged, and the secret room was opened and walked in. In the sealed stone room, no one could eavesdrop on the boundary here.

"Raven, you said that before you were killed, someone secretly took action. Do you know who it is?" Fengqi asked with a solemn face.

"I don't know." Fengrao shook his head, "The other party seemed to buckle Fan Ye's neck and dragged him all the way away. Fan Ye seemed to have no resistance in that man's hand. It's really regrettable..."

Fengqi looked solemn, "It's more terrible than you think. Even if I'm a father, I don't have this power."

Feng Nao was stunned, "Is it possible that the other party is in the three heavens of the source god? How is that possible? In our heavenly punishment city, how can there be a strong man of this level?

"It's really possible." Fengqi smiled bitterly, "There are some things you don't know. For thousands of years, whenever the Tianbei City encounters an invincible disaster, it will be solved inexplicably. Recently, more than 500 years ago, the head of the Li family of the Nine-Star Chamber of Commerce came in person and was about to sweep the city of punishment to clean up the predators. At that time, the city of punishment suffered heavy losses, the city was destroyed, and many predators were killed. Just when everyone thought that the city of punishment was going to be destroyed, There are also strange deaths one after another..."

Feng Yu took another breath, "The heavenly punishment city was about to end, but because the strong Li family died one after another, the mortal situation was also solved.

After a pause, Fengqi looked confused and said, "There are a few similar things..."

Feng Lou was stunned and surprised, "Father, do you suspect that there is an extremely terrible strong man in the land of divine punishment, and even you... can't notice it?"

"If that person's realm exceeds mine, he can hide his breath. I really can't detect it." Fengqi nodded, "There is a mysterious strong man sitting in the heavenly punishment city. Those of the three major forces should also know, and it is the same. Our place can exist until now, and it has not really disappeared. Otherwise, do you think the three major forces can really tolerate it? Didn't you completely destroy our city?

Fengrao is silent.

"This time, the man suddenly took action against Fan Ye. It should be to help you and the stone rock break the siege, but I don't know if it's because of you or because of the stone rock..." Fengqi frowned deeply and suddenly said, "What kind of people have you seen?"

"Jester, Kraft and Grandma Ferran, that... He left for a while and should have seen someone, but I didn't follow him, so I couldn't know." Feng Li replied. "

"Jester, Kraft is impossible, Ferran... The true god is in the triple heaven, and the twilight is heavy. I have never seen her abnormality. It seems that her mind is not very clear, and it is impossible. Maybe it should be someone he met halfway. Maybe the man took action because of him!" Fengqi's expression changed. He thought about it seriously for a while and said, "He is not simple. If you can bind him with the word love and use it for us, it will be our strong help in the future."

A bumpy smile.

"Well, go ahead, I'll think about it again." Fengqi did not continue to ask, and said kindly.

Leave as soon as you are full.

In the spacious stone banquet, Shiyan lay on the side of the window, looking down at the flow of people in Tianpen City, playing with the dark blue stone ball exchanged from the Ferran shop in his hand, and his eyes gradually lit up.

A wisp of consciousness flew out and sank into the dark blue stone ball. The stone ball was not shiny, and the forest was not gorgeous, and there was no fluctuation at all.

He frowned, but he was not in a hurry. He stared at the stone ball carefully for a while, and then ran the star arcuate, and the soul altar slowly turbulent, and he understood the inside of the stone ball with the subtlety of the star arc.

At the same time, the starlight flashed in his chest, turning into a firefly-like light spot, and quickly sank into the stone ball.

The arcsty of the stars operate, depicting the trajectory of the stars with the mind, and seems to have reached a delicate connection with the sea of stars in the sky.

The injection of star energy seems to have cleared some blockages that ordinary people can never see inside the stone ball. Gradually, the tight stone ball shows small holes one by one.


The sea of knowledge couldn't help shaking, and the left hand holding the stone ball was suddenly entangled with starlight. His power Aoyi altar seemed to have an exquisite connection with the inside of the stone ball.

The starlight in the vast sea of stars, like raindrops, fell and all of them merged into the stone ball.

In the small hole of the stone ball, a dazzling starlight suddenly bloomed, and the penetration was amazing.


The rock wall illuminated by the starlight burst into the hole in an instant. The stone window where he docked was suddenly smashed, and even his spacious stone room, where it was illuminated by the starlight, was pierced by a blow and smashed by the decaying stone.

The exclamation suddenly came from the stone chamber below. Many of the warriors under Fengqi reacted and rushed up one by one to ask what had happened.

Shi Yan's face was shocked and touched the starry stone ball. His eyes were getting brighter and brighter, and the corners of his mouth gradually smiled. Recommend White Bird's "God-making". There is a through train on the Killing God page. You can read it. The books of the white crane in the sky are worth reading. Please pay attention!