Kill God

Chapter 834 What can I do?

Heavenly Penalty City... The shady predator headquarters.

The gravel was scattered all over the ground, and the spacious field in the middle of the middle was deep in a large area. Barrett and Black Point were covered with blood, and their ugly faces sat in the pile of gravel, and their eyes were a little gray.

Fengqi, Russell, Jienon and others who heard the news all stood around the field, looking at the embarrassed Barrett and the Black Point, looking a little gloating.

Many shady predators also looked heavy and looked at the two leaders and didn't know what to say.

This battle of the Heavenly Punishment City shocked many people. Barrett and the Black Point were bound by invisible forces. They were thrown to the headquarters all the way from the sky of the Heavenly Punishment City, and the things that could not be moved were unconsciously spread all over the world.

Everyone knows that the battle between Barrett and Stone Rock, and the battle takes place in Kraft's shops. Naturally, it is not difficult to guess the time of Barrett and Black Point.

But Shiyan, there is only the realm of the God King's double heaven, and the Cato brothers are only the warriors of the God King's realm. As a strong existence of the source god realm, Barrett not only failed to fulfill his long-cherished wish, but fell into such a field, which is really surprising.

No one can know who the person who did it secretly did it, but everyone knows clearly that at this time, there is an extremely horrible strong man lurking in the city of Tianpene City.

This strong man is like an invisible shadow, shrouded above the Tianfang City, overlooking the city, silently maintaining order in the city.

Fighting is strictly prohibited in the city. If anyone violates this rule, he will be brought out and taught a lesson. Even Barrett, one of the four giants, is no exception.

"Is it interesting?" Barrett was very irritable. He looked at the person with fire in his eyes and gritted his teeth secretly. "Yes, I did break the rules. What's wrong? Do you still want to expel me from the city of heaven and punishment?"

He saw the unfriendly ridicule from the faces of Fengqi, Russell and Jienon. He was angry in his heart. Of course, his tone was not polite.

"No, we didn't come here to plead guilty." Fengqi pulled the corners of his mouth and smiled strangely, "Besides, you have been punished, and we will not continue to make things difficult for you. Hey, Barrett, Barrett, you don't seem to be very lucky. Have you been depressed since you came to Tianpen City?

Jienon and Russell smiled, and their expressions seemed to be secretly sarcastic.

"The three of you come here, aren't you laughing at me?" Barrett's calm face was full of anger in his eyes. "I thought that in the city of heaven and punishment, the four of us were the biggest, but I didn't expect that we were just the masters of order on the surface. There was someone who was secretly stronger than us. It seemed that they were controlling the city in his unique way, and you were willing to

"What can I do?" Jie Nunong shook his head helplessly, "No one is strong in the situation, and we have to bow our heads. The other party's realm is so unpredictable, and it seems that there is no malice to us. Why should we find ourselves boring? The rules of the city of heaven are strictly guarded by such a person, which may not be a bad thing.

"Yes, what can I do if I'm not convinced?" Russell smiled bitterly, "He can control you easily, and we are no match for you. This person should have existed for many years. If you really want to deal with us, can we be safe and comfortable for so many years? Obviously, he just keeps the order in the city, which is the same as our original intention. In this case, why bother?

"Why didn't I know that there was such a character in Tianpene City?" Barrett looked very pale.

"We didn't know until long." Jienon and Russell ignored it and made a little decadery.

"I knew it earlier."

Fengqi, the highest generation, took a breath, "But I always thought it was just a rumor, and I didn't really pay attention to it. If there were no two things between Fan Ye and you, maybe... I still think it was a rumor. But today... I do believe it."

"Then come here, what do you want to say? Do you want to persuade me not to act recklessly in the city of heaven? Let me let that boy go?" Barrett shouted.

"No, we didn't say it. If you want to continue to do it, you might as well try it. We are also happy to see what the consequences will be." Russell smiled strangely, as if he didn't mind that there was someone secretly in the city of heaven and punishment, silently maintaining order.

"I don't want to die so early." Barrett's expression stagnated and his face stiffened.

The Black Point was even more dejected and said with a bitter face, "This trip is just a lesson. He didn't really do it. If there is another time, it's really not sure."

"How about the stone rock? Is everything all right?" Feng Lou, who had been silent for a long time behind Fengqi, finally couldn't help worrying and frowned and asked.

"He is living a good life!" Barrett was furious and said, "Feng Lou, what's good about him? He is just a lucky guy, and there is no power behind him. Why did you choose him?

Feng Rao's face was cold, "It has nothing to do with you!"

She insisted on following her, just to make sure whether Shi Yan was safe and sound. She didn't like Barrett. Knowing that Shi Yan had nothing to do, she calmed down. Naturally, she would not have a good look at Barrett.

"Jingle bell!"

Suddenly, from the rich cuffs, there was a buzz for a while, low and rapid, like a mosquito dancing.

Fengqi frowned, one hand retracted into the cuff, closed his eyes and feet seemed to feel something N '

His face suddenly changed and he looked shocked. He couldn't help shouting, "Fan Ye is dead!"

As soon as he said this, everyone was shocked and looked at him incredulously.

"I just received the news that Fan He, the owner of the greedy family, came to our place of divine punishment.

The Nine Star Chamber of Commerce is not too far from here. With the cultivation of the Vatican Crane, if it comes with all its strength, it should not take long to arrive. Fengqi took a deep breath and his face was unprecedentedly solemn. "The news came from the nine-star Chamber of Commerce, saying that the reason why Fan He was angry was that his own brother Fan Ye was killed in our heavenly punishment city."

"It's good to die! Good to die! Haha!" Russell was stunned for a moment, and immediately laughed wildly, with a crazy look.

"It's really good to die! You deserve it!" Fengrao also lit up her beautiful eyes and cheered excitedly.

The predators who had suffered the loss of the Fan family were also excited and laughed when they heard the news.

In the hearts of many predators in the land of divine punishment, the Fan family of the Nine Star Chamber of Commerce is the most annoying and disgusting family. Over the years, they have spared no effort to encircle predators. If they hadn't been able to hide in the forbidden land, many predators would have been killed.

Russell and the Fan family have a deep hatred. Feng Rao's eldest brother was also killed by the power of the Fan family, and many friends and relatives of the predators also died tragically at the hands of the Fan family.

Therefore, as soon as they heard the news, everyone looked excited and couldn't help cheering.

"The Brahma Crane is coming." Fengqi was silent for a while, and suddenly drank in a low voice with a solemn face.

The noisy laughter, because his words suddenly stopped, everyone's faces gradually darkened, their eyes were afraid, and they seemed extremely nervous.

In the Flame Star Domain, the owner of the Fan family, the Brahman Crane, is the most terrible existence like the plated Heavenly Wonder. The cultivation of the Source God Triple Heavenly Realm is famous in the strength of the Flame Star Domain in the corner of every star of Life, which can be said to be the highest peak existence.

Nowadays, such a superb figure wants to visit the Heavenly Punishment City in person. Who can not be nervous?

"In our strength, we are really not the enemy of the Brahma Crane. What should we do?" Jienon hesitated for a moment and asked with a headache.

"Immediately organize personnel and evacuate the city of punishment. Well, let the leaders of all parties prepare for it. We will set out as soon as possible and go directly to the area named to the star map. Well, we should have left. Fengqi pondered for a while and suddenly said, "If the strong man in our divine punishment land is single-minded to protect the Heavenly Punishment City, even if Fan He comes, he may not be able to destroy this city that has stood for thousands of years. When we solve the mystery of the star map and become stronger, the Fan crane will not be terrible."

As soon as he said this, he immediately got the approval of everyone and nodded one after another to show their willingness to gather and evacuate.

"Father, Shi Yan... I don't know where he went." Feng Lou whispered.

"It's impossible for so many people to stay and wait for him, and there's not much time. It's best for him to come over before we leave, otherwise... forget it." Fengqi frowned, "If he doesn't go to explore the star map, it's not necessarily a bad thing. As long as we can gain something, he will not give him less."

Fengrao also knew that everyone would not stay because of Shi Yan's risk. After listening to her father's statement, she had no choice but to nod, but she was still secretly anxious, hoping that Shi Yan would appear as soon as possible.

Another hidden manor in Tianpene City.

Caxiuen was talking to Ziyao in secret. Suddenly, he suddenly raised his eyebrows and stood up and went to the small courtyard in the manor.

There, Ogras has appeared, with a sunny smile on his face and is talking to a person.

"Lord Augusto!" Ziyao hurried out. When he saw the arrival, he was shocked and suddenly saluted.

"Her Royal Highness is still gorgeous." Ogudo of the five princes grinned and said, "No wonder the boy Ogras doesn't even care about my retention, and he has to follow you. Ha ha, the heroes and beauties reflect each other. You and this boy are really a perfect match.

Ziyao secretly hated it in his heart, but his expression was as usual, and he did not answer.

"You came at the right time. The predators seemed to be in a hurry and wanted to leave the city as soon as possible." Caxion said casually, "Once they leave the city of punishment, it will be difficult to do in those forbidden places, and they are more familiar with that area. If you want to do it, it's better to do it these two days.

"Do it?" Augusto shook his head and didn't look good. "I don't want to be killed inexplicably like Fan Ye."

Caxiuen, Ziyao and Ogras were all shocked when they heard what he said.

They knew that Fan Ye was inexplicably missing, but they did not know that Fan Ye died, so they were very shocked. A martial artist in the Source Divine Realm was not small. Once he died, it would spread all over the Flame Star Domain.

"In the city of Tianpeni, there is an extremely horrible strong man, which is certain." Augusto said solemnly, with a slightly frightened look, as if he was also worried and did not dare to offend.