Kill God

Chapter 845 Killing in person!

On the back of the land of divine punishment, the three leaders of the Youmeng gathered to seize the star map.

The stone rock was sandwiched in the center and did not show panic. He looked at Bonita coldly and looked bad.

Monica, who is good at spiritual mystery, could not confuse his mind. Seeing that Bitian wanted to be sheltered, she was a little helpless for a moment. I don't think of Bitian's real intention.

"Bidian, what do you want? He is not from our secluded alliance. He colluded with the predators and was not involved with the Kingdom of God. Do you really want to protect him? Tuo Hai looked gloomy and angry. "Before we came over, the alliance leader ordered that the star map is the first, and the rest is not important. Do you want to go against the will of the alliance leader?"

"It is imperative for me to compete for the star map, but Shiyan... I also want to protect it. The star map is not in his hands, and it does not conflict." Bi Tian snorted coldly, as if he was not too afraid of the leader of the You League. "Ogudo and Li Yuefeng in front of them are chasing Fengke. You can go there, and I won't stop them."

"Did the predator escape from the land of divine punishment?" Monica's eyes lit up, "So, can we let go? Don't worry about the strong lurking in the dark?"

"That man... didn't continue to do it. I think he only cares about the affairs in Tianfei City. Once he leaves Tianfei City, he won't ask." Bitian nodded..

Tuohai and Monica were moved when they heard what he said, and their eyes changed a little, as if they were about to step in.

"Bonita, I'll kill you sooner or later, for sure!" At this moment, Shi Yan suddenly stretched out his hand, turned to the pharmacist from a distance, and said indifferently, "You won't live long. If you dare to come to the place of divine punishment, you should expect that you may see me, and I won't let you leave alive."

Bonita's face trembled with wrinkles, and she was afraid and uneasy. She looked at Tuohai beside her with a pleading face.

"Well, your tone is arrogant. I want to see what power you have to avoid me and kill Bonita!" Tuo Hai's gloomy face stared at Bi Tian, "Bonita came at my invitation. If the boy you protect dares to be presumptuous, don't blame me for not giving you face and kill him with your own hands!"

"Bitian, you and I are all from the You League. You won't really violate the meaning of the alliance leader because of him, do you?" Monica smiled and exchanged a winny with Na Tuohai, as if she had a tacit understanding in the dark.

As the leader of the You League, although Bitian is a little stronger than those two, it is also very limited. Single-to-single, Bitian is not afraid, but if Tuohai and Monica join hands, he will have a lot of trouble.

Seeing that Tuo Hai and Monica seemed to have reached an agreement, he also had a headache.

The main reason is that until this moment, he is still not sure about the idea of the stone rock, and he doesn't know if the stone rock will come with him.

If Shi Yan nodded and agreed to the marriage contract with his daughter Birou, he could let go and do his best to maintain it.

But if Shiyan doesn't want to, he will maintain it in vain. It's not that he can't get any benefits, but to make people laugh?

"I will naturally deal with my affairs, and I won't bother Lord Bitian." Shi Yan smiled indifferently and said calmly, "I have received the kindness of Mr. Bitian, but I have no idea of marrying for the time being. Please forgive me."

Bitian frowned.


Suddenly, at the fingertips of the rock, a strange silver firelight splashed, and a thunderbolt flashed across the sky, showing a slender space gap in front of his eyes, with colorful lights flying in it.


The harsh roar suddenly resounded out of the crowd, and the sad roared like a ghost crying, with a disturbing energy mood.

"It's not good!"

Monica's pupils shrank, she couldn't help drinking, and her eyes looked in the direction of Bonita.

Tuohai also suddenly checked, his face changed, and he suddenly wanted to condense his strength.


At Bonita's neck, a pale beam flashed away, and a cavity of blood suddenly sped out of her wrinkled neck.


Two snow-white lights flashed by again, and Bonita's head and heart suddenly smashed and burst.

Her soul altar and divine body were swept by three beams of pale light and fell directly.

The blood was like rain, and the owner of the sixth medicine star, the god-level pharmacist of the You League, was directly bombarded before he could defend at all.

Pharmacists are not good at fighting, especially in the face of cruel and strange methods such as Shiyan, who are even more unprepared. They were stabbed by three bones with the power of space, which suddenly broke the divine body and soul altar and died tragically on the spot.

Tuohai and Monica, who reached the realm of the source god's double heaven, were completely unprepared. By the time they found that something was wrong, Bonita had died tragically, and there was no possibility of saving them.

"She almost killed me back then. Today I killed her just for revenge." Shi Yan shouted coldly. When he spoke, he had already drilled into the gap in the space.

Tuohai and Monica tried to release their power together, but when their Aoyi was stimulated, they saw the stone rock disappearing into the gap in the space, flashing away, and there was no breath.

The gap in the space also slowly healed, and no trace was left.

The originally noisy scene suddenly became audible and silent.

A martial artist in the god king's triple heaven realm, in front of the three leaders of the Youmeng, bombarded Bonita in one fell swoop and left calmly, which made everyone still indulge in horror and could not react for a while.

In full view of the public, he dared to commit the crime without scruples, and with one blow, he could easily escape, which made many people completely suppressed.

At this moment, everyone suddenly realized that what Tuohai and Monica had just said was simply a joke.

The two wanted to suppress Bitian so that they could calmly deal with Shiyan. From the perspective of these two people, Shiyan did not really pose a danger, but Bitian was a hindrance.

However, now Shi Yan bombarded Bonita in front of them. Before they reacted, he left in an instant with the help of the space gap. He came and went freely and didn't really care about them at all.

What can be the depth of the realm?

If you don't conflict head-on with you, you will never be able to catch it. When the power and realm reach the same level in the future, then kill you. What can you do?

Tuo Hai and Monica's faces suddenly became extremely ugly.

This is a naked slap in the face!

"I think... he doesn't need my shelter, what do you think?" Bitian was also surprised. After a long time, he shook his head with a wry smile and marveled at himself.

Bonita's body, without a trace of vitality, fell into a pool of blood not far from Tuohai.

Tuohai, the realm of the source god, did not expect it at all, because Shi Yan had previously confused him with words, saying that Bonita could not leave the land of divine punishment alive, and said that he would kill her sooner or later.

Sooner or later, sooner or later, Tuohai never thought that Shiyan's so-called morning and evening is simply the next moment!

He didn't expect it, and also miscalculated the strange power of the stone rock, so that he did not take any precautions against Bonita, which was stimulated by the power of space and failed to stop it in time when the bone spurs flew, resulting in Bonita's death.

"He is more difficult to deal with than before. I believe that even if he meets him again, he may not be yours, but if you are single-minded to leave, you can't stop him." Bitian was silent for a while and said, "The battle is in front of the land of divine punishment. I'm going to go over. What do you say?"

"If you are familiar with it, we will naturally go with you." Monica's face was full of bitterness, and she felt frustrated for the first time, but deep in her heart, she had a real interest in Shi Yan.

The previous hot words are just her usual tricks, which are the same for any man. In fact, she doesn't particularly value it in her heart. But now, after being frustrated, her interest has really been aroused, and she thinks that this divine punishment may become very interesting.

"Good, come with me. With you, the possibility of getting the star map will be greatly enhanced!" Bitian took a deep breath and immediately rushed to the front of the land of divine punishment.


Another remote corner of the land of divine punishment.

A space gap bloomed, and the rock came out.

With the improvement of the realm, the continuous enhancement of power, and the insight into the true meaning of the meaning of space, he has a deep understanding of the essence of space.

It is not difficult for him to tear the space and build the door of short-range space today.

With this magical escape method, he believes that if he can fight with the strong in the future, he can leave calmly if he really can't defeat him.

Only if the power is not bound by imprisonment, he can tear the space, form a short-distance door, and pass through hundreds of millions of miles in an instant.

From the gap in the space, he looked up at the galaxy above. The battle there was fierce, the predators fled, and the people of Augusto and Li Yuefeng in the rear chased. He knew that Bitian, Monica and Tuo Hai would also join in soon.

The soul altar changed a moment. He set a direction, grinned indifferently, and rushed to a forbidden place.

On the periphery of the divine punishment land, there are many wonderful forbidden places, and the forbidden land is also a star field, but it is often full of dangers and secrets. Some of the forbidden land are chaotic, and some of the forbidden land is bounded, so that the strong people in the source divine realm can't break through.

The predators dare to rush out of the divine punishment because they are familiar with the situation of the forbidden place, which is a fearless adventure.

In the center of his soul, there is a wisp of the origin of Kato. As long as his thoughts change and the soul pursues, he can perceive Kato with that wisp of origin.

Following that wisp of contact, he bypassed the fierce crowd, walked alone like a ghost, slowly moved away from the place of divine punishment, and flew to a forbidden place where Kato was.

His figure shuttled through the place, and the space fluctuation was very obvious. His divine body seemed to swim in the cracks of the space. It seemed to be slow, but in fact, it was much faster than lightning.

This is a unique way to fly, and it is also recognized that it is the fastest among all kinds of forces.

After a while, he emptled into a gray layer of fog and galloped for a while. His eyes were clear and he rushed into a forbidden place where Kato was hiding.
