Kill God

Chapter 852 Commitment

In the thick green smoke.

Thousands of predators walked forward in silence, releasing their consciousness one by one, and looked nervous.

No one knows what will happen in front of him and what kind of danger will be waiting. From here on, even the four giants of Fengqi have never gone deep, but only know that there must be unknown dangers.

"Feng Rao, come to me." The stone rock pulled in the rear with the Cato brothers, frowned, and suddenly exhaled, with a solemn face.

In the strong green smoke, his soul felt uneasy and felt something was wrong. Even the veins of the divine body seemed to tremble gently.

Fengrao, together with her father and brother, walked at the front of the team. Hearing Shi Yan's summons, she hesitated for a moment. He apologized with Fengqi, and then retreated silently and came to the group of predators on Kato's side. He smiled and said, "What's the matter? Are you even starting to worry?"

"You can't be prudent." Shi Yan nodded.

"You let me be with you, don't you think you can protect me? Is it better to take care of me than my father?" Feng Lou's red lips squirmed, and she seemed to be in a good mood. Shi Yan's worry about her made her feel carefully cared for.

...She likes this kind of sleep.

"There are too many people to take care of your father, and there are many things to worry about in his heart, so he may not be able to take care of you. As for me... Anyway, it's easy, and there's no need to rush to the front. It's good for us to talk in the back.

"What do you want to tell me? Do you want to talk about the relationship between you and Ziyao? Feng Lou made a joke. He made fun of it.

Touching her nose, Shi Yan was slightly embarrassed. "I have nothing to do with her. You are less jealous. Really, there are too many shackles in her heart. If she wants to reach the top of the Kingdom of God, how can she have so much leisure to take care of me?"

"I think she is very serious about you. You have no conscience. They have driven Ogus away for you." Feng Lou looked at him with a smile and his beautiful eyes were full of affection.

Shi Yan raised his eyebrows, "She drove away Ograth?"

"Well, we heard the news when we left the city of punishment. From now on, O'Gras is no longer Zi Yaohu. Because of you, the two of them seem to turn against each other. Are you proud now?

"Hehe, I didn't think of this." Shi Yan's eyes were a little trance, and he said casually, but there was a little throbbing in his heart.

He really didn't know this. Princess Ziyao's status is noble. She is the pearl of the Kingdom of God, the most touching woman in the Flame Star Domain, and the dream lover in the hearts of countless men.

The encounter with Zi Yao, all kinds of bits and pieces, came to his mind, and he fell into a short silence.

"What, do you miss her?" Feng Lou's smile restrained, and it seemed that she was really a little jealous. "She should be behind us. If there is no accident, we should be able to see her. Shi Yan, I ask you seriously, if we meet, she and the people of the Kingdom of God will deal with me, and my father, which side will you be on?"

Shi Yan was surprised.

He didn't think about this before.

As long as Oglas and Ziyao are together, from his point of view, he and Ziyao are destined to go to the opposite side.

Ogras and Augusto once deliberately tried to kill him. Augusto and Lì Anna also have a grudge. No matter how he looks at it, he will not let go of Ogras. Naturally, it is impossible to be as unconcerned with Zi Yao as before.

But now, for him, Ziyao drove out Ogras, obviously drew a clear line with Ogras, and even became hostile.

Zi Yao was able to do this, and the trace of dissatisfaction in his heart was really solved.

However, now he and Feng Lou. Through communication with Feng Wei, he feels that the predators are easier to get along with, and Feng Lou has nothing to say to him.

The predators and the kingdom of heaven are inexistible. Sooner or later, there will be a war, and it won't be too long. As long as they meet in the forbidden place, it is difficult to avoid the battle.

At that time, he was caught in the middle, Ziyao on one side and Fengyu on the other. How to choose?

He suddenly had a headache.

"If I and Ziyao, you have to choose one. Will you choose her?" The rich and beautiful eyes were gloomy, and she laughed at herself. "What I can think of is that she is more beautiful than me and nobler than me. The Kingdom of God can give you. My father can't give it to you. If I were a man, I would also choose her. In fact... From all aspects, I'm really not as good

"I choose a woman. Beauty is not the only measure. As for identity and power... I'm not used to getting it through women." Shi Yan said seriously.

The bright eyes suddenly lit up, and the whole person's face was radiant, as if he had been injected with a surging vitality, and his whole body jumped up. "You are, er... Will you, choose me? Are you sure?"

"I miss the old love, but I won't meet you because of Ziyao. At the moment when your father will save the three people and reach an agreement with me, we will be on the same line. This will not change. Shi Yan nodded.

"That's great." Feng Lou squeezed his mouth and smiled softly. His delicate face was bright and touching. He took the initiative to hold his hand and clenched it tightly. "Zi Yao can't let go of his power. He won't give up everything to accompany you, but I will. If you want, I can return to your hometown with you. Even if I stay forever, I am willing to.

Shi Yan was a little moved. He looked at her again with complicated eyes.

At the beginning, he did not have much sincerity to Fengrao. His previous treatment of Fengrao was even shameless and despicable.

For the star map, in order to give the relatives of the divine continent a glimmer of life, he played tricks on Feng Rao, hoping to put himself on the place of divine punishment by conquering Feng Rao's heart, so as not to lose the value of the star map.

However, after coming to the place of divine punishment, Fengrao defended him everywhere. Gradually, he changed his view. His despicable actions in the past were slowly forgotten by Fengrao.

He can feel the true feelings of Fenglao now. He is absolutely not mixed with a little falsehood, which is different from him.

Fengrao treated him wholeheartedly. At this time, he even made it clear that he could give up everything for him. He would rather go to the divine continent with him than her father's power and give up his dream, which made Shi Yan can't help but be moved.

"If the Kingdom of Heaven sweeps away the predators, I will try my best to stop it." After a long silence, he suddenly made a resolute promise, "For you, I won't let anything happen to your father, and in the future... I will also defend Tiansui City."

Feng Lou held him tightly, his beautiful eyes were as bright as stars, and his heart was full of sweetness. He seemed to feel that everything was worth it with his words.


A ghost crying wolf howled screamed in the silent crowd. A warrior under Fengqi's command, his face was twisted, the green blood flowed out of the seven holes, and the breath of life was quickly lost.

"Be careful! It's weird!" Fengqi screamed.

Russell, Jienon, Barrett and others were also absorbed and hurriedly called out the warriors behind them, asking them not to act rashly.

The person whose life passed quickly seemed to be highly poisoned. Soon the divine body became a green color, such as being smeared with a layer of green ink, his soul magnetic field gradually exhausted, and the soul altar slowly stopped spinning.

He is a sentry sent by Fengqi.

"Don't go in that direction!" Fengqi suddenly reacted and screamed hurriedly, asking everyone not to move forward.

The thick green smoke gradually spread from that direction with a fishy smell, as if the ripples in the ripples of the water quickly spread to all sides.

Many martial artists in that direction were caught off guard and covered by the smelly smoke. They covered their heads one by one and couldn't help screaming. The divine body seemed to have been smeared with green water, and the fluctuation of the soul stopped little by little.

Everyone was stunned.

The green smoke spread extremely fast and spread like water in this area, flooding dozens of people at once.

Every one was submerged by the smelly smoke, and the breath quickly dissipated. The soul altar stopped spinning, and the soul was corrupted. It won't be long before it will lose its vitality.

The speed of their death was not fast, but the essence and soul in the [body] were quickly lost between heaven and earth. Shi Yan stared at it and found that his mysterious martial soul was not abnormal at all. For the first time, he did not actively absorb the spirit of the deceased.

It seems that those dead have terrible toxins in their spirits, and they can't re-purify their strength. It may also be that the speed of dissipation is too fast, and his acupuncture points are not easy to respond, and it is difficult to absorb and digest.

In a quarter of an hour, dozens of strong people died tragically on the spot, and even the soul altar did not escape.

Many predators retreated quickly, afraid of being submerged by the green smelly smoke, and tried to return the same way.

For a moment, the noise, screams, fear, and orderly marauders came from the crowd one after another, which suddenly became chaotic. Under the mentality of fear, everyone did not want to crack it. They just wanted to get away quickly and how far they could escape.

For the unknown danger, everyone is only afraid and doesn't know how to deal with it.

Even the three of them, Jienon, Barrett and Russell, also dodged quickly. Only Fengqi condensed his strength, wrapped around thunder and lightning, releasing his strength to detect and trying to find a way out.

"Father, get out of the way first!" Fengrao exclaimed, with an urgent face.

However, her voice just fell, and Fengqi was submerged by the green smoke and could not come out in time at all.

Fengqi's figure suddenly disappeared into the smoke. His divine consciousness could not be detected and his eyes could not see it.

Everyone's retreated, and they didn't care about Fengqi, and they didn't want to know whether Fengqi could survive. They only had the idea of saving themselves first.

"Father!" Feng Xiao roared and tried to rush in, but was dragged to death by two big men and dodged with a windy speed.

"Don't go!" Shi Yan grabbed Feng Lou and stopped her rashness. "You can't save him. Calm down!"

"Shi Yan, I want to save him! I must save him!" Fengrao's face was full of fear and anxiety, and she began to condense her strength and try to rush into it.

"Don't go, let me do it." The stars overflowed in Shi Yan's hands, and more than a dozen star chains imprisoned Feng Rao and threw it to Jester, "Help me take care of it."

"No problem." Jester readily agreed that he had the cultivation of the divine realm, and it was not difficult to make Fengrao unable to move. "Shi Yan, are you sure? If you don't know anything, don't be radical.

"Try it."