Kill God

Chapter 873 Struggle

The thunder and lightning dragon is churning, with an independent sense of life. It is hundreds of meters long, the electric light is entangled, and a terrible artistic conception spreads out, which makes people feel uneasy.

And the people of Kato and Fengrao, who were close to Shi Yan, all changed their faces dramatically. Under the impact of the two thunder and lightning dragons, they were in a strong awe, as if facing the original power of thunder and lightning.

With the stone rock holding the magic sword, his face became extremely cold, and he subconsciously released all his strength.

The space is suddenly abnormal.

The divine sword stroked in the void..., and the gaps in the space flashed out, as slender as a sword blade, densely gathered in front of his eyes.

This is the only enemy skill he came up with.

Under the pressure of this Protoss, he didn't know whether other means could work. Even Tuo Hai and Li Yuefeng died tragically in an instant. If he solved it with his strength, he would only die more ugly.


The space gap is dense, and the space-time seems to be chaotic in a short moment, and many strange illusions are breeding out.

The figure of the stone rock constantly flashes through the edges in the gap of the space, such as traveling in time and space, the breath flickers away, and there is no direction.

The two thunder and lightning dragons with life movements seemed to have lost his trace in an instant. They soared in the cracks of the space. They couldn't find him, and it was difficult to kill him.

Fan He and others all looked solemn. When they saw the people of the Protoss, they hesitated a little and released their power again.

The remaining five powerful source gods two and three heavens, knowing that this person will not be killed, they will never have peace. Maybe the whole flame star domain will suffer.

On the premise that they had to take action, they joined hands again.

With different meanings of power, the void flashed into a brilliant curtain driven by the soul altar and spread to the people of the family.

"I can't help myself." The people of the Protoss, with a cold tone but quite gentle tone, calmly stretched out his hand and grabbed it.

The iron filings all over the ground, under the condensation of some kind of power, were suddenly quenched into a 100-meter-long iron cable again, and a stream of fire flowed on the iron cable, which seemed to be endowed with infinite exquisiteness.

He stretched out his hand and shook it. The iron cable was as straight as the black charm of the sword, stabbing forward with a golden sharp spirit.

A circle of tornadoes, the gold and iron power of the Brahma Crane, was directly penetrated by the iron cable, and the attached power mystery was easily resolved.


Fengqi's face was as pale as paper with a mouthful of blood. Under one blow, he was hit hard and his expression was depressed.

Even the Brahman crane that reached the triple heaven of the source god was also a series of explosions all over the body. Driven by some kind of force, it retreated directly, and the blood splashed on the chest, as if it was also injured.

The three strong source gods, Augusto, Bitian and Monica, released the artistic conception of the god was also affected by the sharpness on the man's iron cable, which was not controlled by the soul and dissipated directly.


A hell demon huā, shrouded in the true fire of the rosefinch and the fire of the heart of the earth, turned into nothingness, and gradually turned into ashes in the void and left nothing.

The people of the Protoss showed extremely cold anger in their eyes, as if they knew that the dissipation of a prison demon huā meant that a member of the clan had completely fallen.

Two kinds of heavenly fires covered hundreds of hell demons huā. Inside each hell hell demon huā, there is a heavy hit by the Protoss. Those are all his clan. They have been severely damaged in countless years of war, but they have not been able to get their own strength to break free from the stone tablet. Their consciousness has not reunit

is the same. They can't get rid of the quenching of the fire. Once they are bound, they will be refined with the passage of time.

The sun to the heat of the sky fire, is the demon huā nemesis, which is one of the few aliens in the world that can refine the demon huā. Seeing that more demons huā are gradually withering, it seems that they will soon be refined. This person of the Protoss snorted coldly, temporarily let OK, go.

In his pupils, a little divine light overflowed, and the divine light was as dense as raindrops. A little bit of divine light flowed into the center of the sky fire.

The soul of the earth fire and the rosefinch real fire fluctuated. After those divine lights entered, they suddenly became stagnant, and the turbulent flame suddenly converged and the power was sharply reduced.

A ball of light condensed by countless bright lights slowly appeared in the palm of his hand and swelled little by little. In the ball of light, a wave of waves of destructive will and soul, constantly climbed up and gradually became obvious.

His cold eyes looked disdainfully at the place surrounded by fire, and a cold smile appeared from the corners of his mouth.

The earth's fire and the rosefinch's real fire, at the same time, were aware of the fluctuations that destroyed their life forms, and their hearts were afraid and uneasy. They didn't say more about the rocks. They converged their breath one after another, turned into two beams of fire, and suddenly disappeared and stopped at the stone rock sky

"The light ball he released can destroy the traces of our existence, and we can't resist it."

The earth fire and the rosefinch real fire sent a message together, and the soul fluctuated quite helplessly.

"Can't you stand it?" Shi Yan frowned and pierced the edges in the gap in the space, avoiding the killing of two conscious thunder and lightning dragons, and did not dare to leave the covering area of the space gap.

"The order is not enough. Perhaps, when we reach the eighth level, the life form changes sharply to an extremely magical place, and we can ignore the energy in his photosphere, but now we are really not opponents." The red finch is really popular.

The earth's fire immediately echoed: "This man's strength is beyond our cognition. His soul does not seem to have recovered, and his strength is still limited. If he is really in his heyday, I simply... I can't imagine it."

Shi Yan's heart is awe-inspiring.

Sure enough, he inferred that although this Protoss was horrible at this time, it was far from the power of his peak.

If he returns to the peak, Fan He and others probably don't even have room for resistance. One face to face, one look, and even the soul altar will be shattered.

It is certain that this Protoss is definitely beyond the existence of the source god!

"Then change your mind." After thinking about it calmly, Shi Yan had a new idea and suddenly drove the power of Aoyi to move the gaps in the space next to him.

The dense space gap in the void, like a huge mouth, suddenly moved away and quickly fell towards the hell demon huā.

The Protoss seemed to be immediately aware of his intention and changed color for the first time: "How dare you!"

"Why don't you dare?" Shi Yan muttered indifferently, bursting out all his strength, carrying gaps in the space, and directly slammed at those prison demons.

The turbulence is rampant, and a stream of chaotic space gushes out of the gap.

The underworld demon huā, which had not yet blossomed, was pulled by an inexplicable force, flew out one by one and disappeared in the gap in the space.

In just three seconds, more than 300 hell demons fell into the gap in the space and scattered in the chaotic space basin in layers.

"Go! Refin them! I'm connected with your thoughts, and I can get you together again!"

Shiyan's cold nose gave the order.

The earth fire and the rosefinch real fire did not hesitate to turn into two beams of fire and fly into a space gap, maintaining soul interaction with Shiyan. In the magical space turbulence, continue to kill those hell demons huā, without giving them the slightest chance, they are bound to thoroughly refine those hell demons and the inner protoss Melt away.

The Protoss are strong, but few people, and it is not easy to reproduce. Every time they die, they lose a force. In the same way, the Protoss do not hesitate to build the land of the gods here and restore the heavy damage to the clan.

Regardless of the life or death of other races, they imprisoned the existence of all ethnic groups to reach the level of the source god, the virtual god and the first god, and absorb the power of flesh and blood, just for the survival and recovery of their own people, which shows how much they attach great importance to the safety of their people.

More than 300 hell demons huā, which means more than 300 Protoss. There may be more horrible characters than the first to break free. It is only because there is not enough energy to awaken consciousness that they will become so fragile.

Shi Yan pulled them and the demon huā into the most wonderful space turbulence in the world and refined them with the sky fire, which really wanted to make the Protoss bear great losses.

The Protoss man was naturally angry and crazy. Without the slightest hesitation, he walked to the stone rock in person. Without the help of thunder and lightning, he seemed to kill and smash the stone rock before the cracks in the space, and pulled the clan back from the turbulence of space.

Shi Yan's face became extremely ugly, and he saw the protoss coming furiously like a volcanic eruption, giving birth to a sense of invincibility.

He only has the realm of the god king, and the other party is at least at the high level of the virtual god. Under the huge realm gap, how will he compete?

He is a little stuffy.

Looking at the gap in the gap in the open space at the corners of his eyes, his eyes flashed, and he was making a difficult decision.

Perhaps only by temporarily hiding in the gap in the space can we avoid the inevitable killing of this strong Protoss.

But in the gap of space, it is the most mysterious and unpredictable strange place in the world. He, who practices the mystery of space, knows the danger more than anyone else. Once he is deeply involved in it, it is unknown whether he can break free in this life.

Time is tight. He has no empty illusion crystal, and it is difficult to stimulate the immortal demon blood. He has reached a contact with the divine continent. The soul altar has also been affected. There is no time, and there is no opportunity to build a void channel and pass through the gap in the space.

I have a terrible headache.

Just when he was in a dilemma and chose painfully, a mass of ink was shrouded from a distance, and absolute darkness fell, and the void was oppressed.

Among them, a voice came from the old curtain, "I'll take over the people of the Protoss, and you try your best to refine the demon huā."

It's Ferran.

Her voice came from the darkness, and there was no breath, hiding all signs like a ghost, but all the predators and the three powerful forces, at the moment when the voice sounded, the terrible pressure in the depths of the soul was loosened in vain.

In the dark, it seemed that there was an invisible hand, which suddenly tore and shattered the divine power of the strong of the Protoss.

Everyone suddenly felt relaxed.