Kill God

Chapter 883 Familiar Feelings

The old man's story about the virtual world is like opening a door for everyone to make the warriors from the Flame Star Realm fall into meditation.

Among them, Ferran gained the most. He narrowed his eyes slightly and seemed to quietly understand the mystery of the virtual world.

"In accordance with what you said, once the strong man in the virtual world falls, the virtual world will no longer exist, but why hasn't the space I saw in my hometown disappeared?" Shi Yan doubted.

"The position of the virtual world should be relatively special. It enters through the gap in the space,... That is to say, he fell into the turbulence of space and destroyed it in a special way, so that the soul dissipates, and the virtual world is still preserved." The old man smiled indifferently.

"Fulse in the turbulence of space, and the virtual world will not die?" Ferran asked curiously.

"I said, if you fall in the void in a special way, the virtual world will not dissipate." The old man squinted and said, "As for the method, hehe, I can't say more. But I'm sure that it should be the formation of the virtual world, in the middle of the void turbulence.

Shi Yan and others looked at each other in constergible and confused.

The old man's opinion is something they have never heard of. Many mysterious things can't be guessed at all. He can only explain it and believe it.

"I'll take you to a place." The old man pondered for a moment and said, "Go to the back mountain with me."

After saying that, he took the lead in the direction that Xiaoman had left before. Shi Yan and his party followed silently.

Many giant warriors were also silent, with strange luster in their eyes, faintly excited.

At the back of the giant mountain, there is a flower garden full of countless strange flowers and plants. Many giant women and children are taking care of those strange flowers and plants. Xiaoman is also there. Next to a middle-aged giant woman, he said excitedly that he passed the trial.

The woman of the giant clan, with a wrinkled face and scars on the divine body, as if she had been severely damaged and could never recover as before.

She listened to Xiaoman's words kindly and nodded from time to time. When she found the giant old man coming, she immediately bowed and saluted, "I've seen the clan old man."

The old man nodded and said with a gentle smile, "Xiaoman is a good boy, a little better than Zhengu in those years, and he will be a good soldier in the future."

The woman was not happy at all. On the contrary, her eyes were a little gloomy and said bitterly, "I would rather he have ordinary qualifications and be mediocre in his life, and never want him to become an outstanding warrior."

Xiaoman looked unhappy and hummed, "I'm a man, and I'm going to fight with my father in the future!"

The woman sighed and shook her head gently.

The old man was also a little helpless and said with relief, "Men of my clan have to go through a bloody war. This is the responsibility that my clan can't escape. It's the same. Before they were minors, I didn't tell them anything. I didn't put pressure on them so that they could have a carefree childhood, but... they always have to grow up. Without soldiers fighting, how can the younger generation live and work in peace and contentment?

"I understand, I'm just saying it casually." The woman nodded, squeezed out a smile, and looked at her son kindly. "I just watched the children grow up and thought about what they would face. After all, I can't bear it."

Many giant warriors, women and children, listening to their words, are also sighing and silent.

Shi Yan and Liana and Ferran, a kind of strong man from the Flaming Starland, were affected by their emotions, and even had an unbearable idea. They could imagine that they were not comfortable living.

"It's right ahead." The old man of the giants took a deep breath, passed through the flowerbed, and took everyone to a cliff in the back mountain. In the void in front of the cliff, there were subtle and difficult-to-check space gaps, such as crystal swords and crisscrossing, one of which there was a huge gap.

The old man of the giant clan fell into the gap of the space and waved his hand in it.

Shiyan and others immediately entered.

The sky is gray, there is no fluctuation of life, it is vast and vast, and there is no strong energy of heaven and earth. What you see in your eyes is foggy and endless. The divine consciousness extends, and it is controlled layer by layer, and you can't take the panorama.

"Do you feel familiar?" The old man of the giant clan suddenly brightened his eyes and looked at the rock nervously.

Shi Yan felt it secretly for a while, and his expression was shocked, "It's a little familiar, which is very similar to the place I entered at the beginning!"

Many giant warriors were overjoyed when they heard the words, clenched their fists, and were quite excited.

"This is another virtual world of that ancestor." The old man of the giant took a deep breath and explained, "He separated the virtual soul, and formed a virtual world here. He is also in the void turbulence, keeping the virtual world immortal. The virtual world here, which comes from one person, is naturally very similar to what you once entered. The two virtual worlds are in the void turbulence respectively. One is in the homeland and the other is here. It can be connected by the virtual world, but it was later closed and blocked by the barriers spontaneously formed by the void.

Everyone was stunned.

"Can you divide the virtual soul?" Ferran was shocked.

"There are many wonderful things to reach the virtual realm, and you will know it slowly in the future.

"The old man nodded, and his face was not good-looking. "It's not a good thing to separate the virtual soul. The ancestor was destroyed in the void turbulence in a special way, forming two virtual worlds, just two Xu Xiao and two star domains. However, with the passage of time, the void naturally forms a barrier, which is completely sealed and no longer builds connections.

For a moment, he looked deeply at Shi Yan and suddenly said, "My ancestors and many strong people of all races have empted from their hometown into the extraterritorial starry sky, shouldering the heavy responsibility of cleaning up the remnants of the Protoss. This extremely horrible race will not be destroyed for a day, and it is difficult for the strong in the homeland to sleep and eat. The rest of the tribes joined hands to deal with this race and forced them out of the homeland. They are still worried. Each ethnic group sends strong men to chase and kill outside the country. Our lineage is one of the pursuers of the giant

The stone rock was shocked.

"It's just that after a long extraterritorial battle chase, our ancestors crossed several star domains, farther and farther away from their homeland, and even gradually lost contact. ...This is the only way to have the virtual world channel. Sacrificing a strong man of the clan, at the cost of complete extinction, separating the virtual soul and forming two virtual worlds and connecting the homeland. We had contact with our homeland, but the barriers spontaneously formed by the void energy of heaven and earth were eventually separated and lost contact for tens of thousands of years.

The old man said slowly, and his voice was low and slow. At this point, he paused and suddenly said, "You found it today. Maybe it's our chance."

"What's the chance?" Shi Yan was surprised.

The old man smiled indifferently, "You know the power of space, and the void barrier can be opened under the tear of the strong power of space. And you have the breath of the bone marrow of our ancestors in your body. You should be able to sense the right direction. As long as you follow the direction, the two distant star domains should be able to communicate with each other in the virtual world, don't you think?

The stone rock body is powerful.

He suddenly felt that in the eyes of the old man, he had no secrets at all.

With the power of space and the golden marrow, the other party has already had an insight into Qiu Hao.

"Please help us get through!" The old man drank low.

"Please help!"

A giant warrior also pleaded solemnly and bowed slightly.

Liana, Ferran and his party were stunned and didn't know what to say.

"Your clan... No one has survived in your native land. Even if it works, what can you do? The hometown is no longer suitable for you to practice. Shi Yan's face showed embarrassment, but his heart was impatient.

According to the old man, as long as the void barrier is opened, the two star domains can be connected through the two virtual worlds. Isn't the problem that bothering him will also be solved?

In fact, he can't ask for it.

But I still want to talk about the conditions.

"Although my hometown is not suitable for continuing to practice, there are always relics of my family. Some of my things that are extremely important to us exist..." The old man's eyes were shining, "We really want to see what our hometown looks like."

"I only have one piece." Shi Yan pondered for a moment and said, "If I connect my hometown, I hope you can give me a small place to settle down so that my people can continue to practice here.

"Natural." The old man smiled and agreed.

"Then I'll try it." Shi Yan suddenly relaxed. The giants would not lie. They would never go back on what they promised. With the old man's reply, he had nothing to worry about.

"Let's leave first. When the void barrier is opened, the space fluctuation is unstable, and it may add a lot of dangers. Here, just leave him alone. The old man pondered for a moment and let everyone retreat from the virtual world.

The soldiers of the giant clan, without saying a word, turned around and went out one after another.

The old man looked at Ferran, Leanna and others and said sincerely, "You are here, it's useless, and there will be accidents..."

"Let's go." Ferran was also very knowledgeable. He nodded and was the first to leave here and return to the cliff.

Caxune, Ziyao, Fengrao, Cato and others also came out silently and left the wonderful virtual world in the gap in the space to Shiyan alone.

Soon, there was a vast virtual world, and only the thornstone existed.

He narrowed his eyes and came to the entrance of the virtual world. He floated in the crystal space cracks one after another. His eyes narrowed slightly, and there were gradually extremely obvious spatial fluctuations on his body.


In the fine space cracks, a wisp of light suddenly came, and the stone rock god body was splitting, and space blades appeared on the side.

A huge crystal suddenly shot out of the gap in the space in front of him and floated in front of him.

The empty illusion crystal, the strange crystal hidden by him in a gap in another space, is a magical thing that can enhance the power of his space, and it is forcibly pulled over by him again.

The old man of the giant clan, with bright eyes and a bright smile, said slowly, "I was a little worried, but now I'm not worried... He does have this ability. If nothing unexpected happens, he should be able to quickly penetrate the space barrier. Homeland, we can finally see..."

Dozens of giant warriors suddenly burst into tears.