Kill God

Chapter 890 Mysterious and Unknowable Land

When the ancient demon fire condensed the spiritual body, the ring could take care of all sides, which was indeed very strong.

As soon as the nine-elic soul flames suddenly appeared, and there was no time to give pressure, it was instantly bound and pulled directly to the center of its life.

As soon as the rosefinch real fire saw that the situation was not good, it no longer had any communication with the stone rock, and turned into the flame form of the rosefinch's real body, like a flash of fire, and instantly poured into the solid part of the ancient demon fire.

At the same time, Ouyang Luoshuang's face was cold, and the ice dragons were shot out of the sky. The extremely cold power was cold to the bone, and there was a wonder that was enough to change the form of the soul.

Although Naxin's realm is high, his body did not come over. He just landed in the way of a soul altar. His strength could not be released to the greatest extent, but he still resisted the original world with the subtlety of the virtual world and turned the green soul sea upside down.

The pressure of the six consumption is actually the biggest for everyone.

I don't know why this ancient demon fire can actually use the subtlety of the first world. This first morning... It looks like it has some subtle connection with it.

Although it is only part of the power of the beginning, the green soul sea formed still has incomparable mystery, constantly releasing the strange breath that hits the soul, making the soul tremble.

When the ancient demon fire spirit body condensed, the green soul sea and it seemed to have reached a wonderful echo, making the whole world tremble and providing assistance for the formation of the ancient demon fire spirit body.

With the mystery of the virtual world, Nazhi constantly moves the soul altar to carry out the magical collision between the boundary and the world, temporarily restraining some kind of divine energy in the green soul sea.

Shi Yan saw that the nine ghost-eating flames were bound, and his eyes were red in an instant. Without any hesitation, he entered the triple sky in an instant, and a negative force gushed out.

The blood evil spirit as strong as plasma rose from him and condensed in the void in front of him, forming a bloody palm, which was suppressed by Huo Ran.

The breath of dead silence spreads from the bloody palms, as if it can erase all signs of life.

The gradually condensed ancient demon fire was pressed on the head by the bloody palm of the hand, and the body of the murderer suddenly withered, and the speed of the formation of the spirit body was greatly weakened and slowed down.

It works much more than Ouyang Luoshuang's means.

Death mystery can erase vitality. If this ancient demon fire wants to condense the spirit body, it needs a huge life function and a strong flesh and blood vitality. In the process of formation, Shiyan's death mystery directly exterminates its vitality.

The death seal erases the vitality, while the death mystery soul burial place has the mysterious effect of absorbing the fluctuations of life.

Therefore, as soon as he saw the explosion of the dead seal, Shi Yan's heart moved and immediately spread the field of God, covering the green soul sea below, and the fierce body condensed by the ancient demon fire.

The extremely cold and dead breath appeared from him, and a strange and unpredictable wave of death, like layers of waves, gradually rippled.

On the green soul sea, wisps of white light, like starlight, flowed into the center of the realm of the god of death and poured into the area of the stone rock god body.

The murderous object that gradually condenses the spirit body, between the virtual and the real body, also has light spots containing vitality. It floats slowly in the sky like a firefly, is pulled by some unknown mystery of the ancient demon tip, and also quickly gathers to the stone rock.

Suddenly, a trace of palpitating fluctuation came from the ancient demon fire, and the body of the murderous object gradually blurred.

Shiyan looked cold and silent. It has gradually approached the murderous object. The soul burial place of the mystery of death has been spread to the greatest extent, and a sense of dead silence and desolate has almost spread to the whole foreign land.

The terrible pupils of the murderous object flashed a painful and struggling look, lifelike.

Immediately, the murderous object stared at the stone rock with extreme resentment. The spirit body, which could have been successfully condensed, dissipated little by little and slowly turned into nothingness.

The murderer disappeared, and an oil-green flame, mixed with a circle of golden light, suddenly jumped out.

Some kind of invisible power of the rules of heaven and earth came from a violent earthquake in the center of the exotic world.

Shi Yan and Na Xin, under the bondage of some kind of power, were suddenly thrown out and fell directly from the dead evil cave to the outside.

Like the two of them, the oil-green flame also appeared in the middle of the Necromancer Mountains and no longer always hid in the green soul sea.

The void burst, and the mysterious mystery of sealing all kinds of creatures suddenly appeared above the Necromancer Mountains.

The rosefinch's real fire suddenly disappeared.

In a short time, the mysterious ice cold flame, the ghost fire, the thunder flame of the world, and the corpse fire were also pulled by an inexplicable force from all corners of the God's grace continent, and disappeared in an instant.

Shiyan's emotional sense that these kinds of heavenly fires are not far from him, but his eyes can't see, and he can only perceive them with his soul.

"This is our battle. It gives up condensing the spiritual body and returns to the rules of fire. It removes the dregs in the body, leaves only the life form and consciousness of the sky fire, and temporarily eliminates the idea of turning into a living creature. It is necessary to absorb us one by one with the mutual devouring instinct between the sky fire, and then achieve ourselves in a new form. In my mind, a wisp of consciousness of the true fire of the rosefinch came from my mind. Shi Yan was stunned, and his face immediately tightened. He said, "Are you sure?"

"I can only try my best. It is very powerful. It only swallows the real fire of purgatory. It is the only fusion among us. The life form is further and difficult to deal with. It can't be said that it will consume the vitality of your soul in the end..." The rosefinch replied.

"Once you can't resist, summon me immediately." Shi Yan said, "I should do my best to help you."


A faint green light flashed, and a beautiful figure fell next to Shiyan and Naxin.

The departure of the ancient demon fire seemed to give her all the control of the first world for the time being. She could go in and out of the evil cave of the dead at will and look up at the distance. Ouyang Luoshuang said indifferently, "I can't feel it."

She glanced at Na Xin next to her, and her face was surprisingly solemn. She said respectfully, "Senior... so powerful."

In the initial world, Naxin is only in the form of a soul altar, and her strength cannot be released. Among them, it is also the territory of Ouyang Luoshuang, so she did not face up to the realm of Naxin's power.

However, as soon as she came out of the beginning and saw Naxin's soul altar integrated into the divine body, a overwhelming pressure almost made her soul tremble, which was still the case that Naxin did not deliberately release deterrence.

"The little girl got the inheritance of the beginning, integrating the power of moonlight and extreme cold, and the future is boundless." Na Xin smiled and said, "Once the fire is defeated, the first world will be really controlled by you. When you break through the source realm, the first world will become your own space. It's really good luck..."

Na Liu's face was full of envy and admiration.

When Ouyang Luoshuang treated him, he looked in awe and said stiffly, "I should do my best."

Shi Yan did not interrupt, frowned deeply, his face was unprecedentedly dignified, and the fluctuation in the soul altar was very fast.

His wisp of consciousness, like a shuttle, travels through the mezzanine of Chio's space and communicates with Tianhuo.

Gradually, the communication between him and Tianhuo was forced to be suspended.

At the most intense time, the battle between Tianhuo was no longer free to say more words to him.

Serness of Tianhuo, such as being locked in an extraterritorial space turbulence by the shackles of heaven and earth, if it hadn't been for his ability to practice space, if he hadn't been associated with Tianhuo, it would have been impossible to notice it.

That minister's domain, inside the turbulence in the space, is very wonderful, and it is a place that his divine consciousness has never felt.

There, there is a subtle manifestation of all kinds of power and mystery, just like interpreting all kinds of power in heaven and earth, but... he can't really come in person, and his consciousness is not a soul, and he can't touch the true meaning of it.

He can only catch a little bit by virtue of the consciousness of Tianhuo, but he can't get the panoramic view.

He doesn't know where it is. Sometimes he feels extremely far away, and sometimes he feels very close, unpredictable, and his soul is a little confused.

"You and Tianhuo communicate consciously. Do you integrate them, or do you simply assist each other?" Na Xin suddenly asked.

Shi Yan was stunned for a moment and slowly woke up from consciousness. "I didn't integrate them. I just built an area in the soul altar to let them stay and survive."

"Sure enough, if it is fused, your soul will not remain in the divine body, and you will also participate in it yourself." Naxin smiled and said, "The battle between the sky and fire seems to be bound by the power of the rules. It is generally very difficult for ordinary people to participate in the battle between them. Only those who integrate the soul and the fire of the sky can enter the struggle of this kind of life. Legend has an instinct to integrate with each other. Once they meet, it is difficult to get along with each other. The strong side will always instinctively integrate the weak side. The area where they fight seems to be divided by heaven, and there are all kinds of wonders. God of knowledge er"

"In the legend, there are many strong beings who regard that area as a dream place of cultivation, but they have no chance to enter. Those who are predestined to enter are often extinguished, because the soul fused with the sky fire will make the power of the sky fire unable to release to the greatest extent. Once they fight with other pure sky fire, almost all of them will be swallowed up by the fused sky fire, and they will completely fall. Therefore, they can't get benefits. Only a very small number of people who have successfully entered once and integrated other heavenly fires seem to be able to enter again. This kind of character, saying that the mysterious heavenly fire fighting area is the best place to practice in the world..."

Na Xin's voice was low and slow, looking at him deeply, and made clear that he did not hide his deep meaning.

Shiyan listened very carefully. After listening to it, he looked yearning, "Unfortunately, I didn't integrate the sky fire, just coexisting. I'm afraid I don't have that chance."

"In an ancient continent with a source, several kinds of natural fires gather together to gather several wisps of origin. It is said that they can freely go in and out of there." Na Xin said seriously.

Shi Yan frowned and suddenly remembered the instructions of the precepts, so that he must gather and refine the sky fire before the source god. One of the purposes of the precepts is to allow him to freely enter and exit the mysterious and unknown best place of cultivation?

In a loom, he seemed to understand something.