Kill God

Chapter 900 Thousands of miles underground

The two giants were walking vigorously, and the slightly smaller trees were flying. The leaves were flying in their march. The three stone rocks sitting on the giants were looking at the trees under their bodies like haystacks, and they all had a wonderful feeling.

The old man named Li Xiao, with only the cultivation of Nirvana, was bumped all the way under the super gravity, his face turned blue, and his eyes were uneasy.

For a long time, after the giants stopped, the old man had a nausea and couldn't help vomiting.

! Shi Yan twisted Li Xiao and fell on the gravel in the middle of the mine. Li Xiao bent down and vomited, and his face turned pale.

Nirvana can't adapt to the gravity of the Gulan Star. He stood and trembled a little, and his legs kept shaking, as if he were carrying a mountain on his back.

This is a mine, covering an area of hundreds of mu, many mountains and rivers have collapsed, and many rubble is scattered.

A giant man shouted with a shocking voice, "This is the stone field where our clan built. You can choose whatever you want."

Li Xiao's face trembled, and he was shocked and spit out a mouthful of blood. He was depressed like a sick man, and his expression was extremely ugly.

Shi Yan smiled bitterly, shook his head, reached out to bring out the brilliant starlight, and wrapped Li Xiao all around him.

Li Xiao shrouded in the starlight, avoided strong gravity, isolated the sound of shouting, and his face turned a little bloody.

Jester frowned, threw out an elixir and said, "Swallow it."

Li Xiao was stunned for a moment and looked at Shi Yan.

"Eat it, it won't hurt you." Shi Yan nodded with a smile.

Only then did Li Xiao dare to swallow the elixir, and then a surge of medicine for him was directly dispersed.

His damaged body quickly recovered his pale face and was full of blood, which turned into a brilliance in an instant.

Li Xiao felt it silently, his face trembled, and his knees were on the ground in ecstasy. He kowtowed to Jester and thanked him repeatedly.

For Jester, the lowest-level elixir is also in the category of holy level six and seven. Only Li Xiaofu in Nirvana is simply the most precious treasure of cultivation.

He was keenly aware that the elixir thrown out by Jester casually increased the strength in his [body], and even the scum of his body was purified.

With the help of the power of this elixir, after refining, he has a great possibility to break through the first level!

He was naturally ecstatic.

Shi Yan didn't look at him much and looked at a giant man with a smile. "What kind of stone do you choose? How to distinguish the stone that is suitable for you to build a house?"

"It's too simple." A big man grinned and simply said, "We bombarded the stone. Which kind of stone is the most durable, and it is finally cracked. Naturally, it is the strongest, that is, the stone suitable for us."

"It's really simple." Shi Yan smiled.

But in my heart, I really don't agree.

He is a good refiner, and he still has a little knowledge about the refinery. The giants' method of choosing stone is indeed very useful for people who don't know how to quench.

However, between stone and stone, they can be refined and integrated with each other...

In many cases, the toughness of several fragile stones will soar several times, or even dozens of times, after being refined and compatible and re-formed stones!

With this quenching method, the way giants choose stone is a little too vulgar.

Jester, a pharmacist, also frowned and was quite disdainful. "If it is so simple, there are no pharmacists and refiners in the world. As long as a weapon is looking for the hardest material, isn't it the most powerful? Naturally, it's not that simple!"

The giant man is not angry. He smiled. "Our clan is not good at these, and we are not particular about it. We have done this for so many years. Well, we also know that many powerful refiners can be called powerful, but there are no refiners in our family.

When he explained this, Jester and Shi Yan couldn't say anything more.

"You can see for yourself. If you like any stone, just call us." One of them put down this sentence and sat down lazily in a pile of stones, squinting and dozing, looking comfortable.

Shi Yan smiled and didn't say much. He said to Chester and Li Xiao, "Everyone dispersed and chose and looked for it separately. Stone is the cornerstone of our city and the guarantee of our future home. I hope you can take it seriously."

"Do your best." Li Xiao looked right, took a deep breath, and walked towards the scattered gravel in front of him.

Jester was also very serious, his eyes flashed constantly, and he took out a dead yellow scroll, carefully comparing something.

Looking at him like that, he doesn't seem to be really proficient in the type and structure of stone, but he is so confident because he has references.

Li Xiao's realm is very low, Nirvana. Judging from Jester and Shiyan, he is an unclass character.

But his cognition of stone seems to be really unique. Instead of relying on the comparison of ancient scrolls like Jester, he beats on the stone, releasing a trace of power from time to time, slowly groping with the sense of the soul, sometimes frowning, and sometimes smiling.

A master demeanor.

Shi Yan looked at Li Xiao for a while and gradually felt relieved, feeling that this person might be able to surprise him.

He is not deeply involved in the stone that built the city. He is more proficient in the materials of the refinery. Most of the materials recorded in the refinery tips are also related to this kind.

is the same, so he will bring Li Xiao and Jester, hoping to help him choose.

The Maya Star is vast. Although Gulan Star is the territory of the giants, it is not necessarily safe. Otherwise, the giants will not set up layers of barriers outside the giant mountain.

This shows that Gulan Star has been invaded, and the giants have been targeted by strong enemies.

In the Haodi Star Domain, there are nearly 100 different races and countless powerful existences scattered in various regions. As outsiders, their realm is low and their strength is extremely limited. If they can have a tenacious and solid city, it will be of great benefit to their future development.

It is precisely to know this. He was very serious about the stone selection at the beginning of the founding of the city.

He didn't care about the movements of Jester and Li Xiao, nor did he say anything to the two giant men. He frowned and wandered alone in the ore all over the ground, releasing the divine sense and wanted to know something different.

His divine consciousness has the power of space. Although the realm is not high, the divine consciousness can penetrate the area of perception, which may be deeper than many people who are higher than his realm.

The meaning of space is to have this divine magic.

A wisp of consciousness, like a shuttle shuttling around, he is like an extra eye, covering all the surrounding areas.


Half a sound, he shouted softly, his eyebrows moved, and suddenly quietly flew to the central area of the mine in front of him.

The gravity of Gulan Star is amazing. With his strength to break through the source divine realm, it is difficult to reach a thousand miles in a flash, and the speed is too slow.

It took him a quarter of an hour before he reached his destination.

In the center of the three collapsed mines, there is a bottomless dark abyss, like a huge pit, which seems to go straight to the depths of the ground.

A wisp of his consciousness penetrated into the interior of the dark pit, and he could not see anything, but his consciousness continued to extend, and when he reached the deepest place, he was aware of an extraordinary energy wave...

It seems that some kind of crystal with energy breath, such as stone, crystal, and special gold and iron, is very wonderful.

Gulan Star is very strange, and the gravity is extremely terrible, but the gravity on the surface of the star is not the heaviest area of Gulan Star. The more gravity goes to the ground, the stronger the deepest place under the ground. The terrible gravity even the strong of the giant clan dares to stay for too long, otherwise the divine body that will be

In the depths of the terrible underground of the gravitational star, there are wonderful and powerful elixirs. If you can resist the strong gravity, you can enter the exploration...

Na Xin's words came to his mind, which made his eyes light up quietly.

Taking a deep breath, he released the divine consciousness, condensed little by little, and the wisps of divine consciousness were combined into one, more pure and sharp, and the penetration was naturally more fierce.

A wisp of divine consciousness, like an arrow, slowly pierces like the inside of a dark pit.

Not long, the wonderful feeling became stronger.


He was shocked by the sea of knowledge, and a wisp of consciousness in the sea seemed to tremble.

That wonderful feeling, a hundred times soaring, inside the dark underground, there seems to be thousands of similar substances, as many as stars, embedded in the bottom shell.

That is some kind of special substance, as if it can resonate with the sea of knowledge, so that his consciousness is like an electric light, constantly flying.

A wisp of consciousness, connecting the sea of knowledge, constantly responding to the fluctuation, causing the sea of knowledge to set off a stormy waves, and the soul altar was shaken and uneasy.

He was shocked and hurriedly withdrew his consciousness, with a strange face.

He hesitated for a long time. He measured it and found that his wisp of divine consciousness may have penetrated thousands of miles to the ground. To this extent, it is estimated that even Na Xin can't reach it.

Because Naxin does not understand the mystery of space, the divine consciousness cannot be accompanied by the power of space to penetrate everything. Perhaps the area covered by his divine consciousness will be extremely vast, but the extension limit of a wisp of divine consciousness is definitely not as good as him.

After meditating for a long time, he decided to ask someone to ask about the wonderful change of divine consciousness and let people judge the situation.

He returned to the resting place of the two giants, hesitated for a moment, and said bluntly, "I just found a dark abyss, which went straight to the depths of the ground. A wisp of my consciousness penetrated and had a wonderful feeling..."

He made clear about the changes he had just learned about the sea.

The two giant men listened carefully and heard him talk about the change of the sea of knowledge. The two stood up, and their eyes shot out an amazing beam of light, like a meteor penetrating the sky.

Shi Yan's heart moved and whispered, "Is it weird?"

The two of them didn't seem to hear what he said, and their faces were excited. A few seconds later, the divine body suddenly began to fight.

The two ignored a glance and did not hesitate to run quickly towards the huge mountains of the clan at the same time, and said with a thunderous voice: "The elders of the clan! The elder of the clan! Gulan Star really has that thing! The rumor turned out to be true!"

The stone rock is stunned.