Kill God

Chapter 925 Opportunities

Space is very wonderful. If it is not the structure of matter, it can be called space. Space has extraterresyu space and energy space. It is not a kind of cultivation, and you can never understand the mystery of space.

In the secret room, the mother-child air array is placed on the stone ground. This array takes the empty illusion crystal as the cornerstone, and integrates dozens of kinds of stone rocks that cannot be identified. In the edge area of the two arrays, there are thousands of fist-sized grooves, and divine crystals should be placed in the groove as the energy to drive the

The first step of Shiyan is to fill those grooves with the best crystal.

Nearly 30,000 divine crystals were filled by him in the grooves of the mother-in-law's air array. The divine crystals containing huge energy were like stars dotted with night, which was unique and mysterious.

After the divine crystal was inlaid, Shi Yan came to the mother array, frowned and let go of the divine consciousness, so that the divine consciousness was attached to the power of space, and tried to penetrate the inside of the formation.

A tedious and extreme space array structure, as if a huge spider web slowly opened in the sea of his knowledge, and the fine space silk lines, such as spider silk, meet each other to form diamond-like shining space nodes. In each space node, the divine consciousness is poured into it, and it is found to be a mysterious door of space.

The heart of the stone rock is terrred.

Inside a mother array, there are tens of thousands of space silk threads, forming hundreds of thousands of space nodes. Each space node is a space door, which forcibly brings together the two spaces and refines them into channels.

Tens of thousands of space nodes, some of which are extremely unstable, contain all the spatial fluctuations that break up.

Those unstable nodes, chaotic "doors" are the remnants of this magical array.

If he wants to repair the mother-child air array, the most important project is to repair those nodes, so that the door of space can become stable and firm, allowing the penetration of physical matter.

Taking a deep breath, Shi Yan's eyes were black, and he was deeply helpless.

There are 50,000 to 60,000 broken space doors, which are just the mother array. I don't know how many broken and unstable nodes the sub- array has.

Tens of thousands of space doors need to be repaired one by one, which can never be achieved in a short time.

He suddenly had a headache, and subconsciously prepared to give up the Qi'ao array refined by the strong space mystery with great magic power.

Sitting next to the mother array, his eyebrows were deeply locked, and his thoughts were constantly changing like streamers. Thoughts in his mind grew one by one, and he abandoned them.

I don't know how long it took, but his face finally settled down. He took a deep breath and whispered, "Maybe you can try to repair a flash door first, try to stabilize a node, and then decide whether to continue."

The soul altar rotated for a week, and there were wonderful spatial fluctuations from the Aoyi layer, rippled out of his divine body, forming the divine realm supported by the spatial Aoyi.


The fine space cracks flashed out one by one, as if thousands of blades were suspended in the field of his gods.


The bones came from a crisp sound, as if cut by the force of space. Suddenly, he splashed hundreds of millions of light spots all over his body, and the light spots flowed into the gap in the space like locusts, which seemed to have caused space mutation.

The magnificent and unpredictable turbulence of space, like meteors hovering around him, dragging the extreme curves of demons, making him like the beautiful world of light and shadow, like the master of space, the real controller of time and space.

The blades of space, like electric light, quietly penetrated into the node locked by his source soul and poured into the door of the unstable space.


The sea trembled, reflecting the mysterious and complicated space array above the sea like a projection. At a certain intersection, suddenly became like the most gorgeous stars, blooming dazzling space lines, condensed by the combination of his knowledge of the sea, with the subtlety of space, and suddenly poured into the gorgeous space node, his divine consciousness Between the tremors, it seemed to enter a door of space that really appeared.

That door is like real. His divine hand can even touch it, and you can feel the subtlety of the space in it...

It's just that the door built by the power of space is fragmented and scattered in various areas of the wonderful space. What he has to do is to use the power of his same origin in space to refine and combine the fragments of that door and repair the broken space door.

He has already done so.

Divine consciousness is like the most skillful hand, pulling the fragments of the door, connecting with energy, and pulling with consciousness.

I don't know how long it took. The broken door of space, under the pulling and gathering of his strength, spirit, consciousness and soul, the combination melted little by little, forming the whole little by little.

The moment of debris reunion, the previously disordered and unstable space node, the door, suddenly became extremely solid, suddenly contained space and exquisite, able to shuttle through the force and entity at will.

He suddenly relaxed.

Condensation sensed again, and he suddenly found that the space node, the empty door of time and space, was exactly the same as normal, and there were no more unstable fluctuations.

He doesn't know how long it has been.

Sitting quietly, he felt it silently for a while and found that the consumption of consciousness was not too serious, and the power in his body was still full.

There was a trace of joy in his eyes. He secretly recalled, frowned and thought about the process, and sensed the changes of the divine body and soul.

After a long time, his eyes suddenly lit up and he couldn't help laughing.

It turns out that he doesn't need to release too much power. The seemingly huge and difficult project is not as difficult as expected.

Because of the wonderful formation itself, it can provide him with the energy to repair. All he needs to do is to be led by consciousness and connected by consciousness. As for... the energy required is supported by the internal mystery of the mother array.

The mother array has the ability to repair the array. The divine realm he fills into is the source of support.

All he needs to do is to give the direction and guide him, and naturally have the energy to repair it for him.

Understanding this, he smiled. He knew that the seemingly difficult amount of work. If the consciousness was divided into countless shares and carried out together, in fact... it was not too difficult.

The stone rock is suddenly used.

So he set off a wave in the sea of knowledge, and the sea of knowledge suddenly changed. A wisp of divine consciousness rushed out, and after condensing, it shot into the broken space nodes one by one.

As soon as the sea of knowledge changed, the divine consciousness turned into thousands of people. Every wisp of divine consciousness is the tentacle of his god, entering various unstable nodes. All he needs to do is to use everything and disperse the consciousness. Each wisp of divine consciousness is like a single him, pulling and combining fragments of each door of space.

In fact, it is not particularly difficult.

Shi Yan thought to himself, concentively repairing the tens of thousands of nodes of the mother array, and time passed in a hurry.


Ferran, Leanna and Cato each found a secluded practice room, but did not take care of Cassion and Ziyao. They digested the power obtained from the stone rock and silently understood the essence of the mystery.

Under the boredom of Cassion and Ziyao, they moved around the Broken Star City to see the wonder and prosperity of Maya's Star Domain.

On this day, in a shop selling special medicinal materials, Zi Yao saw a bald old man dressed in a gray gown with his hands huffs. On his bald head, he had a wonderful tattoo, like a strange light entangled, and he didn't know what it contained.

The old man's eyes were dark, his body was very quiet, and he looked at it inadvertently in the store.

Sandingly, his eyes condensed to Ziyao, as if he were fixed, and his quiet and serene breath became a little excited.

Half a sound, the old man seemed to have affirmed something. He took the initiative to come forward and bowed politely, "Little girl, do you practice the mystery of the power of light and integrate the extraterritorial divine light with consciousness?"

Zi Yao's exquisite face showed a trace of surprise, and his beautiful eyes were like broken diamonds, and he shouted softly, "How do you know?"

The old man's dry face showed a touch of surprise and said kindly, "My master also cultivates the mystery of the power of light, and has a very deep understanding of the extraterritorial divine light. Little girl, can you talk to another place?"

Zi Yao was surprised, hesitated for a moment, and looked at Cassune.

Caxune's voice was a little dry, and he smiled bitterly and said, "The realm of this senior is extremely profound. If you want to hurt us, we can't even escape."

The old man smiled indifferently and said seriously, "I won't hurt you, and I won't allow others to hurt you. I can guarantee that."

Hearing what he said, Zi Yao nodded and said, "All right."

Soon, the old man, Zi Yao and Ka Xiu'en came to a remote alley. The old man bowed and took the initiative to introduce: "My name is Rlongdo, a servant under the master's command. My trip is to find a trusted apprentice for the master. Little girl, you practice the mystery of light, and once integrated into the extraterritorial divine light, which is in line with my master's apprenticeship standard. If you want, you can come with me. I can guarantee that after you meet the master, your realm and strength will be greatly improved.

Zi Yao's delicate body trembled slightly, and her beautiful eyes lit up. "What kind of realm is your master?"

"Ha ha, I'm at the peak of the virtual god. I think you can guess where my master is." The old man who claimed to be Rongdo smiled very modestly, "The master does not live in the Far West, but in a wonderful secret territory. The owner's name is in any area of the Mano Star Domain, which is famous. Little girl, the master is extremely strict in taking apprentices, and so far there are only two disciples. This is your creation and luck. If you want, I can take you to see the master. If you don't want to..., I won't force it.

Ka Xiu'en looked shocked and couldn't help shouting, "Your Highness!"

Zi Yaodai's eyebrows were deeply locked, and she was stunned for a long time. He whispered, "Can you give me time to think about it?"

"Of course." Rumbledo smiled gently, "I will stay in the Broken Star City. Can you tell me where you live when you think about it?"

"Yes." Zi Yao made the training ground rented by Shiyan clear, so he left with Cassion with complicated thoughts, and he hesitated all the way.

"Your Highness, this is your great opportunity to be able to worship ashi shen as a teacher, and also practice the mystery of light. I think... If you miss it, you will regret it for the rest of your life." Caxiu said sincerely, "You and Shi Yan can't help him. Your current state, for him... really can't keep up with the rhythm. If you want to get closer to him, at least you can't miss him too much. Your Highness, please cherish it!"

"I'll wait for him to come out." Ziyao pondered for a long time and sighed softly, "At least, say goodbye to him before I leave."