Kill God

Chapter 1050 Liana's Sharpness!

In the void channel connecting the divine star domain of the Protoss, the fierce and cruel war slowly kicked off. Neither side has invested too much effort in this war, which is a small-scale collision, but the deep and long-range impact is destined to attract attention.

The duel of the six gods, the bombardment of power, made the channel splash out as if the channel was about to burst, and the energy splashed out, and many people were frightened and dodged.

The First God's war zone was far away by the wise choice of the warriors on both sides, for fear of being affected and accidentally annihilated.

The Shadow clan is a vassal of the Protoss. However, they have been fighting in the Shadow Ghost Prison for many years, and they can compete with the strongest war alliance, which shows their extraordinary strength.

Like the War Alliance, the Shadow Clan is also a force that is extremely good at overall combat. Their strong men are condensed into snake-shaped battle arrays, dexterous and changeable, and their whereabouts are mysterious. They can often take care of both the beginning and end, and always maintain strong combat effectiveness.

The four forces of the Maya Star Domain, such as the demon clan, the demon clan, the drug weapon, and the War League, have strong monomer combat capabilities of the demon clan and demon clan, but obviously the use of the battle array is very poor. In the battle with the shadow clan, their formations are scattered and their respective camps, and they can't

Under the supervision of Fu Wei, the Yaoqi Pavilion also condensed into a battle array. The battle array is like a hexagonal star, with six fierce attack points, which seems to contain many wonders.

The single combat effectiveness of the Warriors of the Medicinal Instrument Pavilion is the weakest of the four forces. The Warriors of the Medicinal Instrument Pavilion have been in a high position for a long time and are in the awe of all responsible forces in the Maya Star Domain. Obviously, they have experienced few bloody battles, and they cannot exert the real power of the he

Only in the attack of the War Alliance'sji feng zhan bu and the people of the Youying clan, it did not fall behind at all and even faintly more fierce.

This force that has been fighting in the shadow ghost prison for many years has been immersed in the battle array for many years. Every martial artist has a deep-rooted sense of team warfare, and the power exerted by Xia Xinyan is the most powerful.

Shiyan and his party shrank into a group. Looking at the confrontation between the shadow clan and the local forces of Maya Star Domain, they did not immediately intervene.

Ferran, Lì Anna, Kato, Benny, Xuan Ming and others gathered around Shi Yan. He did not make a statement, and everyone was silent.

Seeing that the war was lifted, Xuan Fei took the initiative to lean towards the side of Shiyan and looked calm, without the panic she imagined.

"Only the strength of that sister's dispatch is enough, and the other three combat effectiveness is very average." Xuan Fei's arrogant evaluation.

"You should have experienced similar battles. According to you, your fire and rain star field seems to be very strong?" Shi Yan's eyes were calm, and he glanced at her, "How do you feel about the shadow clan?" Xuan Fei disdained to shake her head, "Their combat effectiveness can't be compared with the real legion of the Protoss. You have never seen the strong combat effectiveness of the Protoss..."

After a pause, Xuan Fei said seriously, "Thousand teams of the same Protoss, if you come here, you can strangle the power of your Maya Star Domain and the Shadow Clan. There is no difficulty at all!" Shi Yan was stunned, "The War Alliance, the Medicine Pavilion, the demon clan, the demon clan and the shadow clan joined hands, and they were not defeated by the Thousand-person team of the Protoss?"

"The number of them has tripled, and it's a battle." Xuan Fei nodded and sighed, "The combat effectiveness of the Protoss' legion is the nightmare of all the star domains and is recognized as the strongest.

You haven't seen anyone who can't think of their horror. Our Fire and Rain Star Domain have fought with them several times and suffered heavy losses. This is still under the situation where our number of people is dominant. If the people of both sides are close, they will definitely be swept away by the Protoss and destroyed.

Everyone's faces have changed.

"The Protoss can win more than half of the Xinghai Sea because they are not only strong as a forest, but also very good at team fighting. Their exquisite grasp of group war is definitely not as powerful as you can imagine. Only when you have seen it with your own eyes can you know how horrible this race is. Xuan Fei bit her lower lip, and her eyes flashed gloomy. "My family was strangled by a Protoss team, and it was also the same time. Only then did I know how terrible this race team was. Don't think that the Shadow clan is very powerful. If they want to be powerful, they will not be just vassals of the

"A simple comparison, the team also composed of the strong man of the source god, the thousand-person team of the Protoss, is estimated to be able to beat the tens of thousands of people on your side. This is the gap!" Shi Yan, Ferran, Liana and others looked embarrassed.

"The Protoss team is really strong. I've seen it," Benny suddenly whispered. He looked at the decadeny Shiyan and lan Anna, and said, "But in this vein, there are many wonderful uses of battle arrays, which are not inferior to the Protoss at all."

Shiyan's eyes lit up slightly.

Xuan Fei didn't think so and said with a sneer, "The children's realm is not high, but their tone is not small. In the vast sea of stars, I haven't heard of the attack power of the team in any star domain, which is comparable to that of the Protoss. You really don't know the depth of heaven and earth.

Benny snorted coldly and said proudly, "That's because you don't have enough knowledge." The two looked like they were going to compete. Shi Yan waved his hand and signaled Benibe and Xuan Fei to say something more, and his eyes showed a thoughtful look.

He knew that during the strongest period of the bloodthirsty line, he almost shook the root of the Protoss, so that the twelve families of the Protoss united and lost many strong people to resist the impact of the bloodthirsty line.

If the Protoss were so strong, the bloodthirsty line that made the Protoss helpless in those years must be extremely strong. Benny came from the bloodthirsty destruction family and once dominated the starry sky where he was in. There must be a quenching and polishing method of the wonderful battle array in the family. Perhaps it was the same .

Knowing this, his heart gradually became firm. He was sure that if there were really people in the world who could compete with the Protoss team, they would inevitably be bloodthirsty!

"We also have a set of methods for the training and training of the team. Although we have not compared it, I don't think it will be much worse than the Protoss.

"Lì Anna, who rarely speaks, has a cold look on her fierce and terrible face. She said, "The Bloody Legion I formed in those years used the methods handed down from the family. In our Flame Star Domain, our Bloody Legion has never been defeated."

lì Anna's sharpness suddenly appeared.

Her nose revealed a strong sense of self-confidence, as if if she could control a force, she would definitely dare to compete with the Protoss.

"You guys in Maya's Star Domain are really more arrogant than one. Hey, I guess you haven't seen the strength of the Protoss, so you dare to speak wildly. When you really meet one day, you will know how ridiculous your speech today is. Xuan Fei shook her head and smiled, full of contempt.

Shi Yan ignored her and looked deeply at Lì Anna. Suddenly, she remembered that she was the commander of the Bloody Legion, and the reputation of the Bloody Legion in the Flame Star Realm definitely gave her confidence.

She knew that lì Anna did not know the depth of heaven and earth. After a moment of meditation, Shi Yan asked tentatively, "What do you think of the combat effectiveness of Xia Xinyan's team? What about the battle formation she formed in your eyes...?

"Let me tell you the truth." Anna thought for a moment and simply commented, "If I control a team with the same strength as her team, let me polish it for a few years, and I can easily tear up her team!" If the team of demons and demons commands and dispatches for me, the combat effectiveness can be increased several times!"

As soon as he said this, everyone was dumb and looked at her in surprise.

Shi Yan was also stunned, "Is this true?"

"Really." Anna looked calm. "I don't know how powerful the Protoss' combat effectiveness is, but if you cultivate me a team of original god-level warriors, I dare to compete with the Protoss!"

"I'm arrogant!" Xuan Fei defined it with a disdainful look on her face.

Xuan Ming, who had never spoken, looked strange and looked deeply at Lì Anna.

"Why don't you try it?" Kato looked shocked and said, "Brother, the demons and demons have a good relationship with you, do you think?"

"Tay it." Shi Yan had an idea in his heart and nodded. Suddenly, he waved to Lì Anna, took her to the respective camp of the demon clan and the demon clan, and killed several shadow clans casually. He found McGee, Gui Bang and Gu Mo and said, "I want to discuss something with you."

Guiqi didn't say anything, just nodded, and there was no doubt that kind of trust without reason.

McGee and Gu Mo were stunned for a moment. They were still fighting fiercely with the Youying clan. They suddenly stopped and said in unison, "What?" Pointing to ì Anna, Shi Yan said, "How about letting her command and dispatch you for a while?"

"She?" McGee and Gu Mo were full of confusion. Gu Mo frowned and said, "If Xia Xinyan dispatches us, we will be happy. Is she sudden?"

"She can do it." Shiyan is sure.

"Then...let her have a try." McGee and Gu Mo hesitated for a moment and agreed with some suspicion. They looked at Lì Anna with a slightly afraid look.

The reason why he agreed was that Shi Yan almost helped them twice with his own strength, using the wonderful stars to help them break through the meteor riot area, and contacted the extraterritorial strong to rescue them from the cold sea formed by the dead soul jellyfish.

"You let go." Shi Yan took a look at Lì Anna, did not stay here, and got out of the war circle.

As soon as he went in and out, he absorbed the spirit of at least dozens of the dead, and his acupuncture points were swollen, which made him surprised and happy. The cruel and bloody war was the most suitable stage for him.

He returned to Ferran, Capto and Xuanfei, quietly looked at Lì Anna, and secretly looked forward to it.

On the side of the demon clan and the demon clan, lì Anna looked cold and fierce, as if she were evil spirits and McGee, ghosts,

Gu Mo said something and seemed to ask the three of them to take her to pass the order. McGee, Gu Mo and Gui Bang nodded secretly and seemed to agree.

The scattered demons and demons suddenly changed their formation!

The two ethnic groups are sorted and combined one after another, like the two evil wings of the devil unfolding, revealing bloody fangs, a completely different terrible momentum, suddenly gushing out of the ranks of demons and demons, fierce and fierce.

Shiyan, Xuanming and Kato looked shocked, and their eyes were bright.

Xuan Fei was stunned, covered her mouth and screamed, "God!"