Kill God

Chapter 1084 God Religion

Hundreds of ghosts and vines are made into thousands of vines and used. They flew out of the dirty mud and ran away very quickly.

The surrounding area is full of all kinds of elixirs, and there are also many branches and leafy trees. All kinds of lakes, whether clean or not, are scattered in clusters. There is a moist water vapor in the air, which is very energetic.


The strange voice was still approaching quickly. Shiyan and Shang Yingyue hid in a bush, frowning and waiting.

In a short time, the vine black, the ghost hand who had escaped before, appeared again, and countless vines rowed the muddy land like tentacles, hurriedly drilling into the dirty swamp pool where it hid before.

Shi Yan was surprised.

Before he came over, he heard Shang Chen talk about the "desolate" situation in the ancient continent. There were no creatures of major races in this ancient continent. Demons, demons, human races and other flesh-and-blood lives did not exist. Every ten thousand years, those warriors of all ethnic groups who entered the "desolate" would also be directly pushed

However, there are many Yuanshi-level medicinal herbs in the "desolate". They have no flesh and blood, but have a simple consciousness, which is the spirit of plants.

According to Shang Chen, the spirits of plants have a long life, and they can't survive and practice like demons and demons. When the spirits of plants grow to a certain extent, it is said that the energy will disperse and return to the ruins in the ancient continent, which will not bring changes to the rules of heaven and earth in the ancient continent.

Life with flesh and blood is different, such as the human race, such as the Protoss, as long as the realm is deep enough, it simply has endless life.

As long as they survive in the world, these racial creatures will plunder the energy of heaven and earth to practice, and will have endless growth energy and be filled with the star of life. If there are too many such strong people, they will slowly consume and eventually become death stars.

The Divine Grace Continent is also an ancient continent, but after the changes of the ancient times, ancient times and ancient times, many ancient creatures have been bred, and ten races such as the Protoss and Demons have emerged. Up to now, all the energy has been exhausted.

"Wildness" seems to have realized this early in the morning. It is an extremely selfish kind in the ancient continent. Just like a mother does not have children, she will always be young and beautiful, healthy and full of vitality.

Baijie ghost hand vine is the spirit of plants that appeared on the ancient continent, with a vague and simple consciousness. The so-called Baijie means that a hundred years is a disaster, and a hundred disasters are only ten thousand years. This is also the annual limit of the hundred disaster ghost hand vine. It only has a ten thousand years of life, it will

Shi Yan watched it hiding in the swamp, frowned and looked at the introduction of the book in his hand about the hundred disasters, and was secretly shocked.

The hundred disaster ghost hand vine is as tough as a cold crystal, conscious, hidden deep in the mud and dirt. After refining, nearly ten thousand vines can form a hundred disaster soul silk, which is a strange thing at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and can quench the soul-like divine soldier Li Chen...

This is the record in Shang Chen's book.

He also said that the hundred disaster ghost hand vine is extremely difficult to deal with. Once hidden in the growing swamp, it is generally not easy to force it out.

Quietly put away the book. Through the cracks in the branches and leaves of the ancient trees, he glanced at the Shang Yingyue in the trees and leaves in front of him.

The trees where the two of them are located are dozens of meters high, with dense branches and leaves, covering the sky and the earth. Not to mention hiding one or two people, even more than a dozen people enter it, and it is difficult to notice if they don't pay attention.

The ancient continent has a wonderful impact on the divine consciousness. Even the stone rock divine consciousness is difficult to catch the fluctuations of life around him. He believes that those who enter like him will also be restricted. Here, the eyes are the sharp weapon to search for the target, so hiding in the leaves is not ridiculous.


Suddenly, a messy sound came from all directions and slowly poured in.

Shi Yan squinted his eyes and looked at him carefully. Suddenly, his expression changed and his face turned blue.

There are all kinds of poisonous insects, including snakes, flying centipedes, green-footed spiders, black-line scorpions and other insect poisons. At a glance, they are gray and gushed like waves. I'm afraid there are hundreds of thousands of people, covering the surrounding area at once.

Those insects and poisons swallowed up all the energy-containing elixirs along the road, and did not let go of a branch and leaf. It spread all the way, and all the plants were swallowed up.

The wet land comes out directly.

Hundreds of thousands of poisons and demons and insects flooded in the tide, and some swirled in the sky, like dark clouds, covering the sky and the earth.


The strange roar came from all directions, reverberating and lasting for a long time. It seemed that the sound of some kind of flute was commanding poisons and demons and insects in the imperial movement.

Shi Yan's face was cold, and he slowly calmed down and looked at the approaching poisonous insects and demons indifferently.

He knew that there should be no such kind of flesh and blood demons and poisons on the ancient continent. It must have been brought by the same outsiders as him. The roar around him was obviously played by someone, guiding the direction of those demons and pests and poisons, and there must be a person hidden in the dark.

Shang Yingyue on the tree opposite, his face was cold in the branches and leaves, and his face was disgusted and afraid, which seemed to be very uncomfortable.

Women are afraid of such tiny creatures by nature, and she is no exception. Watching those demon insects and poisons gradually approach, Shang Yingyue released her strength early, making the surrounding cold and cold, so that the tree was frozen by ice crystals.

The demon insects and poisons surging like waves on the ground suddenly squirmed, and the demons, insects and poisons overlapped and gathered. Gradually, a blurred face appeared...

It was an old and gloomy dark spirit old man. His face seemed to be full of pimples, ugly and ferocious. His divine body was initially condensed by demons and poisons, and slowly regenerated and changed. After a while, it condensed, which was no different from ordinary people.

He grinned hoarsely and smiled strangely, his body was quietly wrapped in a black robe, and a thin hand in his robe was far away in the direction of Shang Yingyue.


Countless insects surged past crazily, and the remaining ancient trees of Shangyingyue climbed tens of thousands of demons, insects and poisons in an instant. In just over ten seconds, the ancient tree collapsed, and the leaves and branches were quickly disappearing and swallowed up by those demons, insects and poisons.

The divine body entangled with the Taoist Qingyou thunder and lightning, stagnated in disgust in the poisonous insects and demons on the ground, and circles of lightning moved under his feet, so that those demons and poisons did not dare to get close easily.

"You are the daughter of Shang Chen and An Liya. Your name is Shang Yingyue, right?" When the old man of the dark spirit clan saw her appear, he stared at her for a few times, and suddenly laughed, "Speaking of which, the fruit of the boundary you got is also from our dock star domain, from us.

"Are you a person of the 'Gushi God Religion' in the Star Domain?" Shang Yingyue's face changed, and there was a trace of taboo in his beautiful eyes.

Wuyu Star Domain and Fog Star Domain are the most famous senior life stars of Haomiao Xinghe. The overall power of the Star Domain is extremely strong, and it is also a few star domains that the Protoss dare not easily touch. The power of the star domain is stronger than the Fire Rain Star Domain and the Maya Star Domain

The reason why the Wujiong Star Domain makes the Protoss dare not dare to start the war easily is that the Wuji Star Domain is the star domain controlled by the "God Religion". It is the most mysterious genre in the universe, proficient in mysterious magic, and is a fierce role that all races dare not provoke.

The people of the "God Religion" are good at using poison. It is said that they can kill people across borders, making people's soul altar gnaw on like invisible poisonous insects, and they are broken up little by little.

It is said that a strong man from the twelve major families of the Protoss once wanted to attack the Wuhu Star Domain. Unfortunately, the man had not been able to convince the strong of the family, so the soul altar was inexplicably broken every day and killed across the Star Domain. At that time, the Protoss family watched his life failing day by Ways to treat.

This is a wake-up call for everyone in the family, so that the family has also given up the idea of dealing with the "Panshen Sect".

Of course, many people say that the reason why the Protoss did not make a big fight is that the "God religion" only guards the dock star domain, does not show strong aggression, and does not form a conflict with the Protoss. In addition to the strength of the "God religion", the Protoss also wants to wait for other star domains to occupy God's religion.

Even so, no one dares to deny the power of the "God Religion". This evil sect in the starland controls the most mysterious sorcer art in the universe, and even the strong first god is afraid of abnormality.

"Yes, I came from the dock star domain. My name is Sha Zhao." The old man of the god religion smiled and showed his white teeth, which was extremely terrible.

"Sha Zhao!" Shang Yingyue exclaimed, and his face became more and more awe-inspiring, "I heard my mother say that you are the strongest person below the first god of the god of the god!"

"Haha, I'm flattered." Sha Chang smiled unpleasantly and said, "I'm here to get the soul silk of Baijie. It won't bother you, right?"

"No hindrance." Shang Yingyue's eyes flashed and said lightly, "If you don't mind, I want to leave here so as not to disturb you for a while."

"You go, please." Sha Zhao looked at her deeply and suddenly whispered, and then saw that the countless poisonous insects and demons took the initiative to make way for Shang Yingyue to leave.

Shang Yingyue did not hesitate. She tapped her head and evacuated outside. When she was about to get out of the encirclement of those poisonous demons and insects, she turned her back to Sha Zhao and said indifferently, "The person in the bush has nothing to do with me. I will declare in advance first. Don't think I have other

After saying that, she accelerated her speed and rushed out of the demon insect poison circle.

Sha Ju was stunned for a moment, and suddenly laughed and said, "Friends, come out and talk about it."

Shi Yan looked coldly at the direction of Shang Yingyue's disappearance, took a deep breath, took the initiative to fall from the leaves, and suddenly a fierce flame ignited on the soles of his feet.

Many poisonous demons and insects dodged one after another, making room for him to settle down. Many poisonous insects screamed sharply, as if they ignited their fighting spirit and seemed extremely excited.

Sha Zhao's eyes lit up quietly and looked at the hot flame on the soles of his feet with great interest, "The original flame! Hey hey, it's the original flame! Wonderful, wonderful!"

"Do you want it?" Shi Yan asked calmly.

Sha Zhao nodded repeatedly and said seriously and sincerely, "The original flame is very rare. For the followers of our 'God Religion', this kind of flame has a unique use. Can I cut off my love?"

"Yes." Squinting his eyes, Shi Yan also smiled and pointed to his head and said, "It merges with my soul. If you kill me, you can get it. It's very simple."

Sha Zhao frowned and was silent.

ps: Sorry, there is only one update today.

Well, let's explain the situation a little bit. At the beginning of the month, a relative had lung cancer. I smoked too much. I brushed my teeth in the morning and often coughed up bleeding. I was shocked by this matter. I was really scared to death.

Since I got the news, after smoking for more than ten years, I finally made up my mind to quit smoking.

My son is too young. I have been in poor health after writing books for many years. I really don't want to have any accidents. To put it bluntly, I'm really afraid of death.

To this day, I haven't smoked for 20 days, and I really haven't smoked a cigarette. To be honest, this has greatly affected my writing efficiency.

The dependence on smoke makes me sit in front of the computer every time, my mind is blank and I can't calm down at all.

Every time is a huge test. I have been holding on recently. I really want to quit. I know it will affect my update, but I know that there will be such a difficult period. If I can get rid of it, I hope you can understand and support me.

States that I won't ask for any tickets during this period, and I won't fight for anything until I succeed.

I'm sorry, please understand, and please give me some time to bow~~