Kill God

Chapter 1092 The Great Game of Xinghai

The colorful ghost flower is the key to the recovery of Emperor Yang Qing. He is the main purpose of his visit to the ancient continent. That kind of demon flower can eliminate the rotten soul aphid in Emperor Yang Qing's mind. When he heard that Bai Yu and Mia held the demon flower in his hand, he made up his mind.

In the wet swamp, the stone rock and the commercial shadow moon hide their breath, as if the two ghosts slowly dived in the direction of Bai Yu and Mia.

Shang Yingyue explains something from time to time...

Shi Yan frowned and looked solemn. He learned a lot of unknown starry sky news through Shang Yingyue.

is different from the Fire Rain Star Domain and the Maya Star Domain. The Fog Fantasy Star Domain where the Shang Yingyue is located is one of the most powerful star domains of the vast starry sky, and this star domain also has the biggest feature. The Fog Fantasy Star Domain is not a closed form.

Maya Star Domain and Fire Rain Star Domain are also high-level star domains, with powerful gods of origin, and their overall strength is also outstanding.

However, for various reasons, the space barriers of these two star domains are heavy, and most of the void channels connecting the outside world are blocked. The forces of these two star domains even deliberately isolate the contact with the outside world, are self-sufficient, and close themselves.

They don't have much communication with the outside world, and they have limited knowledge about the situation of the vast sea of stars in the universe, so that they know little about the strength of the Protoss.

Similarly, the major star domains do not have a high evaluation of the Fire and Rain Star Domain and the Maya Star Domain, and they do not have much contact with them. They think they are isolated and do not understand the development of the star domain.

The fog fantasy star domain is different.

This star domain is not only not closed, but also keeps in close contact with the major star domains. There are route channels to many star domains, and the barriers between them and other star domains do not exist at all.

1 This is all intentional.

The fog fantasy star domain is the open star domain that truly integrates the vast sea of stars.

is also the same. Shang Yingyue's understanding of the universe and the understanding of the powerful forces of all parties in the universe are by no means comparable to rock.

Through her introduction, Shiyan's understanding of the strongest universe has gradually become clear.

The fact is similar to what he thought. There is no doubt that the divine star domain of the Protoss is undoubtedly the most powerful star domain in the universe, and the Protoss is also the strongest force like an ancient fierce beast crawling on the cosmic galaxy and wants to bite the prey it thinks is suitable at any time.

The twelve families of the Protoss occupy some small star domains. Each family is as powerful as a cloud. The protoss formed by the joint formation of the twelve major families is like a group of cruel and murderous lions who have always shown a strong aggressive Protoss. The Heavenly Star Domain is also recognized as the strongest star domain in the universe, surpass Above the force.

Although the divine star domain and the Protoss are powerful, although they are recognized as the first, they still do not really dominate the universe. There are still some forces and some star domains that can exist proudly, so that the Protoss dare not easily provoke the war.

Some star domains, some forces, and some are also very strong in the universe.

It is also because of the existence of these forces in these star domains that the Protoss failed to transform the vast star domains of the vast star domains into their private territories, making countless races and countless forces become their vassals.

Wuyu Star Domain, Fog Star Domain and Dead Bone Star Domain are this kind of existence. These star domains have strong forces, super combat effectiveness, and there are also many peak strong people. Their single force may not be as good as the whole Protoss, but they can completely compete with one or more Protoss families...

The twelve families of the Protoss often cannot be united as one when they are not facing the disaster of extermination. In the same way, powerful star domains such as the docking star domain, the fog star domain, and the dead bone star domain can have a place in the vast sea of stars.

There are still some powerful star domains such as the Wuwu Star Domain, the Fog Fantasy Star Domain, and the Dead Bone Star Domain. They can still maintain stability and peace when the Protoss invade everywhere, because they have strong enough combat effectiveness.

They are not closed.

These star domains are interconnected, there are various ways to communicate with the star domain, and sometimes they even learn from each other about the power of the realm of warriors. They are like a scattered star domain alliance. This alliance has no clear name, and it is not always a harmony with each other, and there will even be disputes, and there will be wars. .

However, once the Protoss dare to come hysterically and endanger their interests, this alliance will unite.

A star domain alliance composed of powerful star domains of all parties in the universe, the overall power can faintly compete with the Protoss. In the same way, they can restrain the Protoss, so that they can only launch wars against star domains outside the alliance in recent years.

Because the Fire Rain Star Domain and Maya Star Domain have been closed for many years, they are naturally not part of this alliance and can't get any protection. Naturally, they will become a piece of fat meat in the eyes of the Protoss and will be occupied by the Protoss as much as they can.

The "God Religion" of the Wuhu Star Domain, the Bai family of the Dead Bone Star Domain, the Wu family of the Mott Star Domain, and the "flowing Fire" of the Fog Star Domain are the most famous powerful forces in the vast universe, in addition to the Protoss.

In the loose alliance, these forces have secret competition and may also have deep hatred. When there is no threat of the Protoss, they sometimes fight with each other for years. If the Protoss invades a certain star domain of this alliance, they may unite against the enemy.

Of course, after several fierce confrontations with the Protoss, the Protoss have never shown any intention to occupy this alliance for thousands of years.

Perhaps without the common enemy, the forces of this loose alliance have been fighting with each other for thousands of years, and have gradually escalated fiercely and become more and more fierce.

Among them, the "flowing fire" of the fog star domain and the Bai family in the dry bone star domain are particularly fierce. It has reached the stage of death of the core strong man. Shang Yingyue's grandfather is one of the leaders of the "flowing fire". He died in the fight with the Bai family, and the hatred between the two sides is

"The Bai family seems to have colluded with the Protoss over the years. We have received the news that the warships in the Dead Bone Star Domain have trade with the Heavenly Star Domain. We believe that they have some kind of agreement with the Protoss. Because we found an abnormality, we were targeted by the Bai family. It is said that

Shang Yingyue gritted her teeth.

"Didn't your loose alliance regard the Protoss as an enemy? Why does the Bai family interact with the Protoss? Shi Yan was surprised.

"The Protoss are too powerful and very good at demagogy. If they throw ** that the Bai family can't refuse, the Bai family is likely to be unable to restrain their desire, and then collude with the Protoss." Shang Yingyue frowned and said, "For example, the Protoss invited the Bai family to attack a star domain together. After conquering a star domain, the Bai family can't refuse to enjoy everything in that star domain with the Bai family at all. Once it starts, once they go to a line with the Protoss, they will gradually become the minions of the Drop it. This Protoss uses this method to recruit a lot of strong forces and Protoss, such as the Shadow Clan, which used to be a strong race, but it has gradually become a part of the Protoss, and there are many similar examples..."

Shi Yan's face slowly became solemn.

The deeper he understood the situation of the universe, the more he knew how horrible the Protoss were. This Protoss forces were all over the universe, as if there were countless tentacles holding the whole sea of stars, tightening the ropes step by step, and taking the star domains into the palm of his hand.

At the speed of their enveling the Star Sea, according to this situation, it won't be long before they join the star domain of the alliance, and they will become a vassal of the Protoss.

Sooner or later, even the loose star alliance was gradually disintegrated by the Protoss and swallowed them step by step. This Protoss, like a bloody beast with endless desire, wanted to swallow the universe and starry sky.

"You said that the Bai family is in collusion with the Protoss, right?" Stone rock road.

Shang Yingyue nodded affirmatively: "My father has made an accurate judgment. He said that the Bai family and the Protoss are planning a star domain, which is called Maya Star Domain, which is my father's hometown. The Bai family and the Protoss have reached an agreement to send troops together, and even there is a detailed plan on how to divide the Maya Star Domain..."

Shi Yan's face slowly became gloomy, "I'm from the Maya Star Domain."

Shang Yingyue was stunned for a moment and then said indifferently, "That's really a coincidence."

Shi Yan immediately stopped talking, and the silent stalkers, above his head, the deputy soul floated out, like patrolling the four directions between the eyes of the sky.

Bai Mi and Mia's position, he can clearly capture where they are moving, in what direction they are going, and the stone rock's secondary soul is clear.

All kinds of talented wizards seem to be blind in the ancient continent. The soul consciousness cannot perceive the surrounding scene, but his secondary soul is of the same origin as the ancient continent, but he can not be subject to some kind of shackles, and can still have an accurate understanding of the surroundings.

They are looking for the right time, an opportunity for them to defeat each other, because their strength is by no means the five opponents, so they have been quietly following, but they have no intention of doing it.

Suddenly, Shi Yan frowned quietly, and his body stopped coldly.

Shang Yingyue's graceful figure also suddenly stopped, his slender waist twisted, and he looked at him, and his bright eyes showed the meaning of inquiry.

Bai Xiao and Mia went to the position of the huge hole he had blasting before. There, he once sensed a wisp of blue light, which shook the stars in the virtual world, as if it were some kind of strange treasure. At this time, Bai Xiao and Mia seemed to have found something and stayed there.

"Do you want to do it?" Seeing that he did not respond, Shang Yingyue shouted softly, "If you are not sure, it's better not to act rashly. The five of them are not separated, and we are by no means opponents."

Shi Yan nodded and suddenly sat down on the muddy ground, squinting his eyes without saying a word. His soul flashed like a ghost fire, releasing obvious soul fluctuations.

For a while, Shi Yan's eyes flashed with a breathtaking cold light and said, "There's a way!"

"What method?" Shang Yingyue exclaimed.

"Wait for a good show!"

The rock suddenly disappeared like a cold electricity and swept away in another direction.