Kill God

Chapter 1124 Heavy burden

Shi Yan suddenly got up.

Looking up at the void, he closed his eyes and felt it for a moment. With a deep breath, he quickly rushed to the place where Mo, Shang Yingyue and others gathered.

Bai Yu, Ando and other spirits have been purified, and now they are all integrated into his [body] inner essence ancient trees. After refining and purification, those full energy has brought him great benefits, but they have not made his elite ancient trees abundant to the peak of the virtual god.

After breaking through to a new realm, he realized that the realm was gradually improving. The power required by each layer was doubled. After the essence of Bai Yu, Ando and others purified the power he could collect, only less than half of the power was left. The loss was too amazing, and he did not do anything at all to let him directly advance to the double The apex.

When he was marching at a high speed, his face looked a little heavy and his eyebrows were frowned.

The Protoss named Haig made him aware of a great threat. This person is not only not bound by the ancient continent like him, but also with the help of the vast and surging energy of heaven and earth in the ancient continent, his own realm is higher than him, reaching the peak of the three heavens of the virtual god.

He tried to sense it and found that the extent of the inner strength of Haig [body] exceeded that of the general god's realm of heaven, and there seemed to be many hidden power fluctuations in the [body]!

This man has a deep realm, strong power, and can urge the protoss. In all aspects, he is not inferior to him, giving birth to a sense of uneasiness that this person is his fateful enemy. Haig can also let Mia and Pharp obey him. In this ancient continent, Haig has an absolute advantage.

Haig's rampant smile seemed to echo in his ears, making Shi Yan's face not look good.

He clearly realized that under the dispatch of Haig, the three forces of Haig, Philp and Mia were scattered, divided into three directions like three floods, approaching him and Mo Wen and others, gradually forming a circle to block them.

This makes him more uneasy.


Like a starlight passing over the swamp, he suddenly appeared in front of Mo, Shang Yingyue, and Sisi Liya. At this time, Mo, Sisi Liya and others were also on their way. As soon as they saw him appear, they laughed happily and praised him for his beauty.

"Awesome! How can Mia and the others lose so much! We fought with them in the swamp for so long, and we didn't let them suffer so much.

"Can you easily achieve it as long as you want to capture one person? Pyle can't avoid your hostage-taking, not even Joman in the Three Heavens Realm of the Void. So if you want to, even Mia can subdue it?

"With you on our side, we can definitely wait until the central area is unsealed. I suddenly feel very confident."

Mo Yu, Wu Feng, Jiao Shan and others were in high interest. As if they had won the battle, they praised it with all their tongues.

Even the corners of Shang Yingyue's mouth rarely smiled, indicating that she was also very happy. In her opinion, the attack of the Bai brothers was all due to Shi Yan. She thought that Sisi Liya was just a helper and could not play a vital role.

Everyone's praise quickly stopped and found that something was wrong with his god, because he always kept a calm face and his eyebrows were tightly locked after he came over.

"What happened?" Sisi Liya was very calm and asked in surprise, "You don't seem to be happy at all?" Now that the colorful ghosts and demons have also been obtained, you have also practiced and given Mia a heavy blow. What else are you dissatisfied with?

Everyone is also puzzled.

"Do you know who Haig is?"

He suddenly made a sound. Mo Wei, Sisi Liya, Wu Feng and others are all young leaders in major star domains. The future leaders should be very familiar with the powerful lord of the Protoss, and must know the identity of this powerful guy.

Sure enough, when he said the name of Haig, everyone suddenly calmed down, and their faces became very awe-inspiring.

"Why did you suddenly mention him?" Mo Shen asked unnaturally.

"I told you before that among the new protoss forces in the swamp, there is a person who can be like me, not bound by the ancient continent, can have insight into subtle divine knowledge, and mobilize the energy of heaven and earth..." After a pause, he said seriously, "I'm sure now that this person is Haig.

Everyone's face suddenly sank, and their eyes were covered with a dark cloud. Sisi Liya explained, "I should have guessed that it was him, the heir of the Bradley family, the largest family of the Protoss, the leader appointed by the elders of the Protoss, the most dazzling new star of the Protoss generation, P>

With Sisi Liya's explanation, everyone's mood gradually became heavy, and there seemed to be a boulder in their chests, and there was a feeling of breathlessness.

Looking at the fear on the fierce and ruthless Mo and Wu Feng's face, and looking at everyone's fearful appearance, Shi Yan's face also changed slightly. There was no need for them to continue to explain in depth. He already knew how terrible Hagrid was.

"Hagrid is different from many Protoss children. This man is not only cruel and calm, but also very smart, and has rich experience in fighting with people." Sisi Liya rubbed the sun with a headache and said, "He was exiled to the most dangerous and chaotic star field by the Bradley family since he was a child. He survived in danger, created miracles and sought great benefits for the Bradley family. He is not only extremely strong in personal combat strength, but also good at leading the regiment, putting people's interests first, There are obvious weaknesses.

"He is not good at being a woman. In his eyes, a woman is just a tool and a bargaining chip in his hand." Shang Yingyue added coldly.

"This man can be said to be the most difficult guy to deal with in the Protoss generation. Almost all of the people who are enemies of him have already." Wu Feng's face was slightly cold.

In the addition of everyone, Shi Yan's face became more and more difficult to look. When they all expressed their opinions, he took a deep breath and said, "Tell you an unfortunate news. He has found that I can be as unrestrained as him, and has declared war on me. Now... He is divided into three parts with Philp and Mia. It's quickly surrounding us.

Everyone has changed, and their hearts have sunk to the bottom of the valley. There is a kind of helplessness that can't earn the cage.

"Then let's run away!" The anxious mountain shouted in a hurry.

He curled his lips, and Shi Yan looked at him with mocking eyes. "Escape? Where to escape? At this time, we are slowly approaching in four directions, southeast and northwest. The east, south and west are scattered by Philp, Mia and Haig. The north is a barrier connecting another territory. Can you tell me how to escape?

"Maybe, we can choose the direction of Mia. Now that Mia has lost a lot, we may not be able to defeat her?" Seshi lì Yadao.

"Hagrid is well prepared." Shi Yan looked at her and said lightly, "He has arranged manpower on Mia's side. Now Mia's power has stabilized us."

"We can't fight if Philp's power has never been damaged. As for Haig... that's even more impossible." Mo muttered to himself and said with a serious face, "It seems that we only have to go north to see if we can cross the barrier and go to the new territory to avoid the edge for the time being."

"What if people like me have been cleared in the new territory, and there is also a Protoss as strong as Haig?" Wu Feng frowned.

Everyone was silent again.

At this point, they all know the real intention of the Protoss, and what Wu Feng said is likely to be the truth. Maybe in another traitor, another strong Protoss force has been cleaned up, or it may be at the barrier. Once it is worn through the past, it happens to be be besieged by the other party.

"Shi Yan, can you feel the movement of that territory?" Shang Yingyue suddenly asked.

"NO, there are barriers in different areas. Only when I enter that area first can I detect the life fluctuations inside." Shi Yan shook his head.

"What's good?"

"What should I do?"

"Which way to choose?"

Everyone is restless, because they know that every time the time is delayed, the three forces of Mia, Philp and Hagrid will be closer to them. This ubiquitous pressure makes them upset on the verge of collapse.

Shi Yan looked at their expressions and suddenly became uneasy. He knew that he had to give a direction, whether the direction was correct or not, at least to give them a goal and not to fall into such a dangerous situation.

"Go to the north, go to the barrier, we must make a bet." He suddenly gave a decisive order, "Stay in the swamp, and you will definitely be surrounded by Mia, Philp and Haig, and then be surrounded by the people who drove us away. With Hagrid here, we have nothing to hide. We don't have any hope of success. We must rush out!"

At this time, everyone had no direction. They thought from the bottom of their hearts that only Shi Yan could give them guidance. No one objected when they heard the words, and they all nodded and agreed.

Shi Yan immediately said nothing more. He walked ahead first and said, "Follow me, and all the divine power will run. We must be fast!"

Like a sharp sword, everyone followed closely behind the stone rock and galloped to the north of the swamp.

At the same time, at the moment they took action, Haig calmly contacted Philp and Mia to guide them and let them know each other's position at all times.

"No, the direction they are going is full of dense forests. If there is no accident... You Jia should be responsible for it." Peyton reminded him in charge.

"Although Youjia has always been arrogant, she still has the ability. The trouble over there should be solved." Haig pondered and frowned and said, "But let's make sure and remind You Jia that I asked him to go to the barrier to wait for the rabbit and give those people a face-on blow."

"It's so good." Peyton said happily.

Hagrid immediately took out the sound stone, gently fiddled with it, and directly ordered, "Youjia, I'm Haig. I'm on the swamp, with Philp and Mia. Some miscellaneous fish on our side are going in your direction. Please help me go to the barrier and wait. Don't let them escape..."

Haig ordered himself. After a while, he was suddenly stunned and watched the soundstone's face gradually become strange.

The sound stone glowed, indicating that he was connected to the other party, but Youjia did not respond for a long time, which made him very puzzled and suddenly felt something wrong.

After a while, a calm woman's voice came from the sound stone: "The people you said, and all the people he brought." With that, the luster of the sound stone suddenly faded, and the other party unilaterally cut off the contact.

Hagrid and Peyton suddenly changed.