Kill God

Chapter 1150 It's following you --

In the broken limbs, Shi Yan stood quietly with his eyes narrowed.

Two members of the Chatris family were killed by him and Audrey respectively. With the strong power of him and Audrey, destroying those two people will not bring damage to themselves, especially Shi Yan, because they will not be hit by the evil spirit of the blood bones in the body of the Chatris family at all, and can also restrain each other with negative power It's easier to win.

A wisp of death essence, like an invisible stream of energy, flowing and rolling in his acupuncture points, making him concentrate his spiritual thoughts, so that he can still maintain his abundant power after a battle.

Sha Qian, Jiao Shan and Jiao Hai showed sincere gratitude, bowed slightly and bent down, and their eyes next to him were moved.

They didn't seem to see Audrey.

In the eyes of Shaqian, Jiaoshan and Jiaohai, Shiyan is the main reason for rescuing them, so that they can get rid of the strangulation of the Chatris family.

Audrey frowned slightly and suddenly realized that in the minds of Shaqian, Jiaoshan and Jiaohai, the stone rock had obviously become much more important than her.

Audrey is not full at all.

Since she knew the real identity of Shiyan and knew that Shiyan was one of the four major races like her, and also integrated the origin, she naturally believed that Shiyan could be respected and respected by everyone, and everything was taken for granted.

They are the four great creatures. They have their own arrogance and self-confidence. They will only regard the strong like them as ally or enemies that can be taken seriously...

The blood of the broken flesh under the feet is restored like wisps of blood fog, and those flesh and blood pieces become dry like severe dehydration, like rotten wood blocks, white and pale, giving people an extremely strange and terrible feeling.

Audrey looked at the dry flesh and blood fragments, and then at the stone rock. Her frosty cheeks pulled slightly, and her beautiful eyes showed a trace of secret horror...

Swallow the meaning!

The people of Jiaoshan, Jiaohai and Shaqian did not pay attention to the subtle abnormality of those flesh and blood fragments. From Jiaoshan said, "How can you suddenly come?"

"I sensed the breath of the Chatris family." Shi Yan frowned slightly and said in a low voice, "Your state is extremely bad. You must recover your magic power as soon as possible, otherwise it will be difficult step by step."

The three people of Jiaoshan went through the difficulty of climbing out of the flame magma. Their magical power was consumed, and their mental state was extremely poor. No wonder the members of the Chatris family would be inexplicably excited when they found their situation, and couldn't help killing them.

If they can't recover quickly, they will wander around the center of the ancient continent without being killed by others, and they will also be consumed a little by those ubiquitous fierce people.

Sha Qian was very self-asonant about their own situation. When they said this to Shi Yan, the three of them almost did not hesitate at all. They immediately sat down cross-legged and took out the divine crystal and wanted to absorb the power to integrate into the Jingyuan ancient tree.

The light flashed in the stone rock's eyes. He raised his hand and grabbed it in the direction of the head of the three people. He abruptly pulled down a river condensed from the energy of heaven and earth. The palm of his hand changed, so that the energy river formed a cluster of cloud cotton, like a somersault cloud suspended above the It seems that the wiss of energy of heaven and earth turned into water mist and drilled into their blood holes.

The spirit of the three people was shocked.

"I'll take a walk." Shi Yan glanced at Audrey and said indifferently, "Take a look for a while."

Audrey nodded indifferently.

Shi Yan smiled, turned into a cluster of starlight and walked away, and soon lost his trace.

After half an hour, he came back again, like tearing the fog and empty barrier, and instantly appeared in front of the three people in Shaqian.

Audrey's beautiful eyes bloomed, deeply condensed on him, and her expression became a little strange.

She is the princess of the Pluto family. The soul altar has a mysterious place, and she has terrible achievements in the subtle insights of flesh and blood, strength and divine body...

In just half an hour, she found that the divine power in Shiyan's body had become a little strong and refined, and even the flesh and blood body seemed to have been refined, glowing with a kind of vitality that she could not believe.

Compared with before he did not fight with the Chatris family, Shi Yan's combat effectiveness was even stronger. The battle just now not only did not lose to him, but also seemed to greatly enhance his strength. This is...

Audrey took a deep breath, and it was a little difficult to hide the horror of her beautiful eyes and the dark shock.

She guessed what Shi Yan was doing when he deliberately left for half an hour.

"The central area is full of elixirs, and the energy of heaven and earth is amazing. You can recover quickly." Shi Yan stood next to the three people of Shaqian, and a starlight rainbow bridge suddenly emerged. A cactus like green jade flew out of the rainbow bridge and stopped in front of the three people in Shaqian respectively. "Although the palm of the thousand-year-old green jade lotus is not the elixir of the Yuan Dynasty, it is of great benefit to the The recovery speed can be doubled.

The green jadeite palm of the thousand-year-old jade lotus palm is like a calla lily, with jade beauty and small spikes, like a curling hedgehog, giving people a very sharp feeling.

Sha Qian's eyes were suddenly lit up, and they were not polite. They opened their mouths one after another and sucked hard.

The green thousand-year-old green jade lotus palm suddenly disintegrated and turned into a wisp of green and mellow agar, reaching their hearts and lungs, warming and nourishing their Dantian Shenhai, which greatly increased the speed of the energy of heaven and earth rushing to their divine bodies.

Sha Qian, Jiao Shan and Jiao Hai looked at him with more and more gratefulness. They thought that he had left for half an hour to collect and recover the elixir for them. They really began to identify with him and had an impulse to paint his liver and brain.

Because they knew that the central area of the ancient continent was dangerous, they would be doomed if they were not careful. In order to recover from their injuries, Shi Yan could take the risk to collect materials for them, which had conquered them and made them recognize him from the bottom of their hearts.

Audrey looked at the grateful eyes of Jiao Shan, Jiao Hai and Sha Qian, and immediately realized that Shi Yan had really conquered these three people. No matter what Shi Yan asked them to do in the future, they will do it without hesitation, and there will never be a word.

This made Audrey, who knew the real situation, feel a little ridiculous. The guy obviously took the opportunity to purify and absorb power, but just picked up a few thousand-year-old green jade lotus palms at will, and it was so simple that he got the sincere recognition of Shaqian.


The sky is full of yellow sand, the air is dry and hot, and the hot waves are surging, which makes people want to take off all their clothes.

"Where is the end?"

Cecilia's body is wet with sweat, and her wet body curves are exposed, plump and sexy, which is extremely seductive.

It's just that no one is destined to appreciate it here.

Shang Yingyue, who was not far from her, was also sweating profusely. Looking at the towering mountain in the distance, her heart was full of deep despair and power, and her willpower seemed to gradually collapse.

After such a long time, they naturally knew that there was something wrong with the desert. They tried to use various methods to leave the desert, secret escape, staring in one direction, impacting with the soul, etc., but unfortunately it didn't work.

They are still trapped.

This is really the desert that makes them desperate, forever one color, forever dry and hot, always consuming their divine power and disintegrating their willpower.

They gradually felt that they couldn't hold on any longer.

If they can't leave soon, their strength will be exhausted, they will be exposed unprotected, and eventually become the two skeletons of the yellow sand pile...

"Is there any other way you haven't been used?" Cecilia leaned softly on a piece of weathered sandstone. Her beautiful eyes looked at Shang Yingyue and whispered, "If I had known that I would have died on the ground, I should have been at the bottom of the lake..." On her sweaty and shiny cheeks, there was a trace of charming red, which was as seductive as half drunk and half

"It's useless if you want more at this time." Shang Yingyue frowned, and her cold face showed fatigue. She sighed and said, "We should have insisted on being with him at the beginning. After the Cang Yan came over, he didn't even show his face and didn't take us seriously at all."

"Yes, if he is with him, he must have a way to help us get out of trouble. I don't know why, I think he seems to be omnipotent, and nothing can embarrass him. Cecilia smiled bitterly, looked at the divine mountain in the distance, and sighed, "It's close, but I can't touch it. Oh, it's a pity that I can't contact him, otherwise he will come to save me. He...he promised me."

Cecilia's eyes were in a trance, perhaps because she was too tired, or because she had a mental problem and entered the edge of the collapse.

"He won't care about us. He only has himself in his heart. He is the kind of really ruthless bastard!" Shang Yingyue murmured like a dream.

The complaints of the two turned into a wonderful spiritual torrent, rushing in the desert, which seemed to be called by the wind and sand in the desert. It seemed to be heard by the gods in heaven and earth and quietly helped them...

In their trance and illusory imagination, they seem to find a trace of waves coming from the unreachable divine mountain, as if the divine mountain is deliberately teasing and laughing at the two of them, trying to make a malicious joke on them.


"Who is scolding me?"

At the foot of the volcano, Shiyan suddenly looked stunned and looked up at the sky, showing a sense of irony.

Sha Qian, Jiao Shan and Jiao Hai were still practicing with their eyes closed, and Audrey was also sitting quietly. At this time, when she heard his screams, her eyebrows suddenly trembled, and her bright eyes looked at the towering god in the distance deeply and mysteriously. "What did you feel?" She suddenly asked.

"It's a little ridiculous." Shaking his head, Shi Yan shrugged his shoulders and said, "I think someone was just scolding me, and the voice seems to have reached my ears. Maybe there have been too many battles recently, and there have been audio-visual hallucinations."

"In your spiritual will, in your realm and the wonder of your soul, you will definitely not have hallucinations unless you fall into the illusion." Audrey's pretty face was abnormally cold, "I just... I noticed a strange fluctuation from Shenshan, and the fluctuation... seems to be aimed at you, and it may pay attention to you."

Not only was Shi Yan shocked, but Jiao Shan, Jiao Hai and Sha Qian all woke up from their cultivation, with a strange face.
