Kill God

Chapter 1157 Healing!

A corner of the ancient continent.

Hasson, Mia, Yoman and several members of the Chatris family are wandering in the endless jungle. They have just experienced another dangerous grinding.

Hasson has always been sensing the direction of the rock with blood and bone.

Mia, Joman and others were mentally exhausted, but they didn't say much. They were dangerous in this ancient continent, but they couldn't always stay still in one place.

Hasson, who was marching in front of the team, suddenly frowned and smiled gloomily, "I found him!"

Everyone was shocked and looked at Hasson.

"In that direction, it's a distance from us, but after about ten hours, we can definitely reach it.

He is in a desert, and I can even feel the hot smell!" Hasson laughed ferociously, "He has been hit hard in order to get the blood bone before, and it will definitely be difficult to recover in a short time. As long as we find him and kill him, the blood bone refined by our Chatris family will still return to my palm."

"Then let's act immediately!" Mia also snorted coldly, "This man killed my followers and took away the colorful ghosts and ghosts in my hand. If I can't destroy him, my bedroom will be in trouble!"

As soon as the direction of everyone was determined, they immediately moved forward and rushed towards the desert.

Also in the jungle, in the other direction, Audrey and Shaqian, Jiaoshan, Jiaohai, Mo Wen, Wu Feng and Wu Bai are heading towards Shenshan.

Mo Yu, Wu Feng and Wu Bai were found by them five hours ago. At that time, Wu Feng and others had just emerged from the ice and were just found by Audrey, so they joined Audrey's side and went to Shenshan together.

Sha Qian suddenly moved his eyebrows, frowned and looked ahead and said, "There is a desert ahead..."

Everyone couldn't help looking at him in confusion, showing a look of inquiry. In the ancient continent, even people like Audrey could not see the situation around them with their consciousness. Why could this sand be?

"My name is Sha Qian. Qian and Mo are homophonic. I was born in the desert and grew up in the desert. The original worm I practiced is the sand worm..." Sha Qian looked at everyone confidently and said confidently, "I'm too familiar with the smell of the desert. My sandworm can feel the familiar fluctuation There will be a mistake. There is really a desert ahead.

"What about this?" Mo Jin was puzzled.

"He seems to be in it." Sha Qian suddenly smiled and said.

Mo Wei, Wu Feng and Wu Bai looked confused, but Audrey, Jiao Shan and Jiao Hai were stunned and immediately realized that there was only one person who could be called "he" by Sha Qian without naming the name - Shi Yan.

"Once my original insect approaches the desert, it will double its ability, because it is born in the desert. As the owner of the desert, I can't feel what it can do." Sha Qian explained casually, "He is in it. My life is a worm that remembers his breath. I'm sure of this."

Audrey, Jiao Shan and Jiao Hai just hesitated a little, and then marched towards the area pointed to by Sha Qian without saying a word, which made Mo Yu, Wu Feng and Wu Bai stunned. They looked at Sha Qian, Jiao Shan and Jiao Hai doubtfully and suddenly realized that something must have happened between these three people and Shi Yan. .

In the ancient continent, only when they were united together could they fight against the Protoss and survive better. Therefore, Mo Yan, Wu Feng and Wu Bai did not have any abnormal movements and followed.

In the desert.

The strangeness of magnificent crystals, Shi Yan laughed and said something. Sisi Liya's face was red, and from time to time, he was charming at him.

"You are so ignorant of life and death. I really don't know how you have lived until now." Sisi is full of blush, but he is not really angry. His beautiful eyes are full of smiles, and there is a trace of sweetness...

"Look what I found!" Suddenly, Shang Yingyue's cold shout came from the distance, and it sounded that she had found something.

Cecilìa hurriedly pulled the jade hand back from the palm of Shi Yan's hand, tidied up her clothes with a guilty heart, and then sat down seriously, as if nothing had happened just now. She pretended to look up casually and said indifferently, "What are you looking for?"

Shang Yingyue is not as sophisticated as Sisi. She can't see that she looks abnormal, and she is still addicted to the surprise of "blood stone! It's a blood stone! I found the blood stone!" She cheered excitedly, like an ice line, standing next to the stone rock, spreading out more than a dozen fists in her hand, as if it were a strange crystal made of blood crystal.

Sessy Liya's understanding of the materials of heaven and earth is obviously not as good as that of Shang Yingyue. She took a look and showed confusion. She didn't know what's wonderful about the blood essence stone.

The stone rock was shocked, staring at the blood stone, and sighed: "Sure enough, heaven is taking care of me!"

"Is it good for you?" Sisi Liya was also excited, and her face was full of joy. "Tay it to me, what's special help to this bastard?"

"The blood essence stone is a Yuanshi-level treasure, which is the most nourishing thing for the undead demon clan. It replenishes the qi of flesh and blood and can quickly condense the undead demon blood!" Shang Yingyue smiled and looked at Shi Yan and said, "Am I right?"

"The shadow moon is right. The blood stone is the most precious to me, which can make me recover very quickly. This thing... I've just heard of it, and I really haven't seen it with my own eyes. I heard that only the ancient demon continent has this thing, but I didn't expect it to be here. It seems that I can recover quickly. Shi Yan grinned. Because he was in a good mood, it was so natural for him to affectionately call Shang Yingyue "Yingyue".

Shang Yingyue's personality was cold and shy. Being called by him, her beautiful cheeks couldn't help but be a trace of rosy, and she seemed to be at a loss, and she couldn't speak.

She put a piece of blood essence stone in front of the stone rock in a panic. She stepped back a few steps timidly. Her chest trembled slightly, and her heart seemed to be in a mess. She didn't know how to deal with this battle...

In fact, she has always hated Shiyan very much. Before she came to the ancient continent, she secretly made up her mind to make Shiyan look good, because Shiyan deprived her brother of the qualification to enter. When she first entered the ancient continent, Shiyan came to help because she was in danger, but she did not mean to see her embarrassment ...

The evolution of things quickly exceeded her expectations. Because of the revenge on the Bai family, she reluctantly went with Shi Yan. In the invisible mask, she was still light and thin by Shi Yan, and her hatred for Shi Yan was deeper.

Gradually, the deeper she got along with Shiyan, she found that the more mysterious the Shiyan was, like a deep pool, which made her want to explore. With the change of the situation and the advent of the Protoss crisis, she finally accepted Shiyan, introduced Shiyan into the team of Mo Wen and Wu Feng, For some things, she has made a new change to the rock...

In the desert, when she and Sisi Liya were desperate and helpless, the sudden arrival of the rock disturbed her heart for the first time.

Just now, Shi Yan defended him regardless of life and death. He would rather bear the torment of the divine body, so that she could survive safely. Finally, like an arrow, he stabbed her heart fiercely and let her have another figure in the lake.

However, she had never had any good impression on men since she was a child, and she also lacked the experience of normal communication with men. When she called Shi Yan with an intimate word, she was so confused. She was dizzy that she didn't know what was wrong with her. She could only subconsciously avoid and dare not face it, but after thinking about The nickname is not angry at all.

On the contrary, she still has a little bit of secret joy...

She just called me affectionately, not Sisi liya, did she say... I'm more important than Sisi liya in his heart?

Shang Yingyue thought to himself.

"With the blood essence stone, my divine body will be able to recover quickly!" Shi Yan glanced at Shang Yingyue, who was dancing like a deer, smiled and said, "Thanks to you, Yingyue's strength, otherwise I really don't know what to do."

Shang Yingyue's face was cold, but the corners of her mouth hooked out a happy angle, and her bright eyes flashed slightly.

Sisi lìa glanced at the stone rock with a smile, and said strangely, "Yes, it's useful. I'm the most useless. I can't help you with anything."

Shiyan coughed awkwardly and said calmly, "I will recover with the help of the blood essence stone now. You will gather all the crystals here. If we don't take these treasures, we will take advantage of others for nothing."

When they said this to him, the two women were excited. Because of the stone rock injury, they relaxed their nerves and immediately re-burned the fanatical flame of Qibao. Hearing this, they cheered and did not need Shiyan to say more. Like a gentle butterfly moving lightly, they shuttled through the crystal [body] and entered. With the collection of Qibao.

Taking a deep breath, Shiyan adjusted his mood to the best state and took out a piece of more than a dozen blood stones in front of him.


His immortal blood boiled all over his body, which seemed to attract the wonderful amount of feedback of the blood essence stone. A drop of tiny crystal red as a blood diamond in the blood essence stone sent out an extremely abundant power.

In an instant, his [body] inner immortal magic blood was ignited, and a trace of pure and wonderful blood flow overflowed in. As soon as he merged with his [body] inner blood, his magic blood immediately condensed quickly, and a drop of new immortal magic blood was so easy to breed, bringing him an unimaginable wonderful feeling.

It seems that he is being transported by the blood essence stone, which strengthens the flesh and blood power of his body. The blood gas transmitted by the small blood essence stone is almost endless, giving him an endless feeling.

The blood essence stone is worthy of being the most suitable treasure for the immortal demon clan. The blood gas energy brought by this blood essence stone made him almost laugh happily.

The heavy damage of his divine body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, several times faster than before!

The broken tendons and veins are reconnected, and the broken bones are re-refined, becoming more indomitable. The wound squirms and heals little by little with flesh and blood. If it is sewn by a tailor, even the scar can't be seen for a while.

The immortal body is worthy of the immortal body. When he was replenished with abundant energy, he immediately realized that it was enough to recover from a blood essence stone in his hand. The energy contained in the blood essence stone was beyond his imagination.

Qibao at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty!

He was suddenly a little grateful to Shang Chen, and grateful to the people who arranged him to enter here. For him, this is a treasure. As long as he is willing to search carefully, there will be surprises from heaven and earth.

He finally knew why the protoss and the geniuses and heroes of the major star domains of the universe would spare so much effort to come over, because there are things worth their lives!
