Kill God

Chapter 1164 The Remains of the Holy Beast White Tiger

The edge of the desert.

The altar of the six Chatris family members was shattered in an instant, which directly led to the abrupt end of a bloody battle. Mia and Yoman could hardly think too much and immediately ran away as soon as possible.

Mia's heart is bright. Unless Hassen has a huge accident, he will not die so easily.

She and Yoman walked away wisely.

Sha Qian, Mo Yu and Shang Yingyue all wanted to chase, but they were stopped by Audrey: "Don't chase it. Haig is nearby."

Mo Wen and Wu Feng were stunned and suddenly said with ecstasy, "We can kill them together!"

Audrey glanced at the two coldly and said indifferently, "Hagrid has gathered more people than us. If you think you can kill him, you can try it yourself."

Sha Qian, Mo Wei and others looked slightly cold, waved their hands awkwardly, and did not continue to persist.

Just kidding! Haig is the strongest of the Protoss generation, a little more terrible than Hasson. His masters are like clouds. Without Audrey's full help, how dare they act rashly?

"Didn't you say that your divine snooping ability will be affected here?" Cecilia was puzzled.

Audrey calmly explained calmly and indifferently: "It's too close, and it can still be sensed. The bloody battle between Shiyan and Hasen has led to the energy rage in the center of the desert, which has changed the rules of heaven and earth. Many nearby warriors have been attracted, and Haig is no exception."

"Do we need to be ready for war?" Sha Qian asked.

Audrey shook her head, "I don't think so. Haig's combat effectiveness is about the same as ours. He won't waste unnecessary energy before reaching Shenshan. Unless his strength is better than ours, he will definitely not come. I know this person is very cautious and will not be as reckless and crazy as Hasson.

"Will Shi Yan win?" Wu Feng's eyes shone with a trace of horror, "The sudden death of six Harsen's command should be Hasen's fault, otherwise it would not be so fast..."

Everyone is deeply convinced.

"Hason is the hope of the Chatterus family, the mystery is exquisite, the means are cruel and crazy, and he is the only one in the Protoss who can compete with Hagrid head-on. I didn't expect... He would be defeated by Shi Yan. It really surprised me." Sha Qian sighed with a sigh.

Cecilia and Shang Yingyue's beautiful eyes are full of joy, and their hearts are also rippled, with a kind of co-prosperity.

Audrey's bright eyes also showed a surprised color, and she was also secretly shocked by the strength of the immortal demon clan.

"He's coming." Audrey suddenly drank softly.

Everyone was paying attention one after another. After a while, a figure gradually approached and appeared in the sight of everyone in a hurry, shouting, "Are you all right?"

It is the stone rock.

Everyone smiled and immediately shouted, "Where's Hasson? Did you die in your hands? You haven't been hit hard, have you?

They are very concerned about Hasson and want to know about Hasson's life and death, because Hasson is the most sharp weapon of the Protoss, which makes each of them deeply afraid, including Audrey...

Many people's fear of Hasen is deeper than that of Hag, because Hag is rational and can be measured by normal people, while Hassen is a bloodthirsty mad dog, and no one dares to touch it easily, so as not to provoke Hassen's bone-eating spear-like gnawing.

"Hason is still alive. I didn't defeat him. He's just a divine body... Something went wrong. He evacuated early." Shi Yan had a plan for a long time. Hearing this, his face was gloomy and he gritted his teeth and said, "The burning mystery of the Purgatory of the Chatris family is really evil and terrible. Hasson's power seems to be able to soar infinitely. If it hadn't been for his own flesh and blood and soul, I

As soon as he said this, everyone's face changed, "Hason is not dead yet?" They couldn't help shouting regretfully.

"It seems that Hasen's loss should be too big, and the divine body can't support the load, so he is eager to let six people under his command die tragically to supplement his loss. Take the opportunity to escape for the time being and come to you for revenge after recovery." Audrey looked deeply at Shi Yan and said, "You are proud enough. Since he became an adult, Hasson has gone through countless battles, large and small, and has left a great reputation in the major star domains, but he has never heard the news that he is defeated. You can force him to avoid the edge for the time being, and his reputation will spread all over the

After saying this to Audrey, everyone looked at Shi Yan with a look of awe.

The escape of Hasson who can be forced means that he will be the most outstanding generation in the vast star domain, which means that he is qualified to fight against Hagrid.

In their minds, the status of Shiyan was suddenly raised, faintly surpassing Audrey.

"Leave the desert and continue to the Central Divine Mountain." Audrey looked into the distance and drank indifferently.

Everyone responded to the promise.


Outside the desert, there is a gloomy valley with a strong wind.

Mia and Yoman seemed to be pulled by a certain sound and stumbled all the way. As soon as they fell into the valley, Mia and Yoman were all cold, and there was a sense of crisis that the soul altar was stared at by some fierce beast.

A roar of strong wind blew, and the fog in the valley was swept away, showing the appearance of Heg, Philp and more than a dozen Protoss.

"Hagrid!" Mia drank lightly.

Haig nodded and said coldly, "Hason had an accident?"

He was aware of the crazy battle between the rock and Hasen in the center of the desert, and was attracted by the earth-shaking energy changes, and came from a distance.

"Hassen... I'm afraid it's over." Mia's eyebrows twisted out the pain, and her voice was low and painful: "Six of his men died one after another, and the altar was suddenly shattered, which is enough to prove that Hasen had an accident. Maybe he has died tragically now."

Philp and Peyton's Protoss are all creepy and frightened.

"The accident is an accident, but if Hasson would be killed so easily, I don't believe it." Haig was silent and frowned and said, "I have been fighting with Hasen for many years. I know this guy's madness and tougher than anyone else. Even I... If I want to kill Hassen, I have to pay an extremely painful price, and maybe the divine body will be shattered."

At this point, Haig's tone paused for a moment, and then looked coldly in the direction of the desert and said, "The man who fought with Hasson is still full of blood at this time, and obviously has not been hit hard. From this point of view, although Hasson had an accident, he must still be alive. If Hasen is really killed, that person... I'm afraid he is seriously injured and doesn't even have the ability to move.

He saw it very thoroughly.

After fighting with Hasson for many years, Haig knew too well about Hasson's horror. He knew that Hasson's most powerful thing was the counterattack before his death, and almost no one could retreat before Hasson died.

The safety of the stone rock made Haig immediately confirm that Hasson is still alive, but his state may be a little bad.

"We used to save Haig!" Mia suddenly made a straight proposal, with a trace of pleading in her eyes.

Hagrid was indifferent, "The strength over there is not weaker than ours. In the past, it would only hurt both sides. This is not my style of doing things. The wisest way is to gather our people as soon as possible. In the process, try to kill their people as much as possible, and finally destroy them completely with the advantage of strength, which can also minimize the losses of our family. He gave his own plan.

Prp and others nodded one after another. Obviously, they all regarded Haig as a leader and were not interested in talking to Hasson.

Mia sighed secretly. After knowing that Hasson was fine, she did not insist and agreed.

"The other party is also approaching Shenshan as soon as possible. Let's hurry up." Haig waved his hand, suddenly grinned and said to Mia, "I've got a lot of good things that can help you improve your strength a little. It's a treasure. As long as you explore carefully, you will find that there are treasures everywhere."

Mia cheered up a little.


If you look down from the sky, you will find many ant-like dots approaching the Divine Mountain in the Central District.

Among them, Shiyan and Audrey gather a group of people, and Hag, Philp and Mia gather another group of people. The two sides are not far away and can't be captured by divine consciousness, but if one side is slower and the other side is faster, it is likely to meet.

Many warriors of all ethnic groups who act alone are scattered in other areas and are also approaching in the same direction.

The towering mountain in the auspicious clouds and rainbow, like a glittering magnificent treasure, stands there, waiting for the excavation of people.

There is a small point, which is the closest to Shenshan Mountain, and the speed is extremely fast.

If there is no accident, this person should be the first to enter the towering mountain.

This person is the green.

Cangxi was the first wave to enter the Central District. As soon as he came in, he separated from Cecilia and Shang Yingyue and acted alone.

Shiyan, Audrey, Mia, Haig, Pulpe and others sometimes meet, sometimes they will be trapped fiercely, and sometimes the two sides will have a battle, and the trip will be more or less delayed.

But the man's progress towards the divine mountain, but unconsciously, he came to the front of everyone.

Step by step in the thorns, the demon body is as strong as granite, ignoring the shackles full of thorns and thorns, rampaging in an arbitrary and domineering way, and the body is like a bulldozer crushing all kinds of thorns that can smash ordinary people's body.

The Heavenly Demon Clan, one of the four major races, shows the brutality and hegemony of the Heavenly Demon Clan incisively and vividly.

The direction of the green suddenly changed, and he tortuously rushed through the thorns. After several hours of non-stop rushing, he suddenly stopped.

A tiger-like mountain suddenly appeared in front of the sky. This mountain is obviously not as towering and spectacular as the divine mountain. The gray-brown rocks are piled up to the appearance of a tiger roaring, which is lifelike and gives people an extremely terrible deterrent.

When the green came to the foot of the mountain, he suddenly reached out and pierced into the stone wall at the foot of the mountain. The sea of power in his arm emerged with terrible energy fluctuations.


The mountains burst, and blocks of stones fell and were thrown into the mountain stream one after another.

A huge crystal-white skeleton loomed from the interior of the mountains, with thousands of meters of tall and powerful mountains and rivers, which is the form of a fierce tiger.

"The Holy Ancestor White Tiger!"

He muttered, his eyes showed a wonderful luster, gently stroked the white jade bone palm of the huge tiger bone, and sensed something with his heart.
