Kill God

Chapter 1179 Burning the Fire

The heaven and earth are not destroyed, the stars are not destroyed, and I am not destroyed!

The sound of Shiyan was extremely low at the beginning. After the words were finished, the echo was endless, and the sound gradually expanded, rumbling, like thunder and cracking, resounding in every corner of his galaxy world.

The three immortal sounds, like the heavenly hand of the god, blooming wonderfully in his galaxy world.

The broken world was restored, the mountains and lakes were reunited, the ocean was restored to calm, the ancient wood plants huā grass returned to life, and where the sound passed, his world returned to level at an amazing speed.

In the galaxy, a round of sun and bright moon swirling, implying the truth of heaven and earth, echoing his singing constantly, making his voice with infinite magic.

This is the magical secret art of seizing heaven and earth. This is his virtual world, which moves with his heart.

Here, he can transform the world, re-determin the wind and fire, and shock the earth in one thought. When the altar of his soul rotates, the three mys of life and death, space and stars alternately emerge, breeding infinite changes.

The doomsday purgatory interface invaded by Hasson suddenly became difficult step by step, as if imprisoned by space, even the doomsday scene of the world seemed to be fixed.

"Impossible! How is that possible!"

Haige suddenly lost his voice and screamed, losing his usual calmness and calmness, and his eyes were full of shock.

Mia and Philp's Protoss people were also as dumbfounded as wooden chickens, as if they had seen an extremely incredible picture.

Audrey and everyone else also showed a strange expression, with a stunned face.

They all looked at the novel picture emerging from the virtual world of stone rock. The round of sun, moon and stars are rotating, like the mill of heaven and earth running magical laws, and the illusion is disillusioned with countless strange scenes. There is the process of the sun, moon and stars from the beginning to extinction, the process of living beings from birth to extinction The rule...

Those pictures seem to show the true meaning of the beginning of the creatures in the long river of the universe, which is extremely intuitive!

This is a complete evolution of the world formed by stars and voids. From the beginning of life to the process of life and death, it quickly rolls and changes and emerges one by one.

What surprises Haig and the Protoss is a round of strange changes of the sun, moon and stars. This change and some kind of lost secret of the divine light mystery have the same wonders!

Even Haig, who is proficient in the mystery of light, has not been able to break through the mystery of the secret magic power, can't get the essence, that kind of wonder... It has been annihilated in the long river of history, and should not have been reproduced in the world, but now the stone rock seems to have evolved it.

This is a humiliation for Haig and the Protoss!

The mystery that Haig, the leader of the new generation of the Protoss, can't master the mystery - can he actually do it? Intolerable!

Most of the people are not calm, most of them feel surprised, difficult to understand, and their eyes are in a trance.

Only one person quickly calmed down and suddenly realized that this person was Cangyu. He, who got the remains of the holy ancestor, seemed to know the secret of the ancient times, and knew... The ancestors of the Protoss were buried here, making the beginning of the world a part of the wilderness forever.

He realized that Shi Yan had obtained the mystery of the ancestor of the protoss - the ancestor of the protoss, the first generation of strong people bred for the ancient god continent, and the soul was branded with the profound essence of the mystery of light.

It is really recognized by the wilderness!

Cangxi exclaimed secretly.

"It turned out to be the secret of our clan's light creation!"

Hassen's gloomy voice suddenly sounded faintly. His soul floated on the altar, and underneath was the free sea of knowledge. The sea of knowledge was like a dense network cable, connecting his virtual world: a doomsday world that seemed to be self-destructing!

Because of the illusion of the sun, moon and stars, Hasen rushed into the purgatory destruction wave of the rock virtual world, as if it was stopped abruptly.

His all kinds of doomsday scenes do not seem to continue to have an impact on the rock virtual world. Hasen's soul is like a thunderstorm, suddenly bursting out of gray smoke, and a new evil force breeds from Hasson's world.


Hasson's whole virtual world is burning!

was burned out by an inexplicable karma fire. The speed of spread was unimaginable. The karma fire could burn space, the world, the stars and the ocean. With the complete burning of his world, the virtual world of the stone rock he rushed in was also burned by him.

The soul of the rock is exhausted at a high speed.

His soul seemed to be quenched by the flames. With the burning of the virtual world, his soul and the altar felt the same way that he could not stand the flame that burned everything.

This kind of flame contains the fluctuations of the world, and there is a kind of powerful evil that cannot be extinguished.

No one knows when Hasson had this kind of flame. Everyone who perceives this kind of flame is afraid.

Even Haig is no exception. He fuses the original flame to a greater extent than everyone present. He just slightly sensed it and changed his color and said, "This flame... has the breath of the wilderness. This is the flame that Hasson got in the wilderness, and it is also the heavenly fire, which belongs to the original fire of the wilderness!"

Only the ancient continent can give birth to the original natural fire. The wilderness is the core of the ancient continent, and it can naturally give birth to the natural fire.

Hasson can actually get the heavenly fire it has bred. For countless years, only it seems to have this honor and got the original flame from the wilderness. To some extent, he can be regarded as a fusion of the source of the wilderness, which is simply incredible!

The Hassen virtual world is burning, and the flame that burns everything spread all the way, affecting the virtual world of the galaxy of the rock.

The rock virtual world is as bright as the sea of stars, with the sun, moon and stars, mountains and lakes, and ancient trees and grass, but now... it seems to be implicated by the Hassen industry fire. With the burning virtual world as the center, the flame spreads rapidly.

And the stone rock soul altar is like a huge earthquake. His main soul is swaying like a candle in the wind, which will be extinguished at any time, and the situation is extremely critical.

The virtual world and the soul altar are the foundation of the martial artist, which is more important than the divine body. Once the virtual world and the soul altar are turned into ashes, the marks of the martial artist in the world will be completely erased. There will be no hope of reliving. The body will be destroyed and can be reborn in other ways.

At the bottom, Sisi Liya and Shang Yingyue watched the rock virtual world being burned. There was nothing they could do, and they were anxious.

They suddenly rushed towards the sky.

Two strange lights like meteors fell from the sky, like stars falling, hitting their ketone bodies. Sisi Liya and Shang Yingyue's bodies instantly splashed countless blood beads, there was no trace of blood on their cheeks, and the soul altar was extremely weak.

They landed softly, like two feathers, light, and their bodies moved with difficulty. They looked miserable, and their fair skin was full of dense blood marks, which was shocking. This is...punishment.

Sha Qian, Jiao Shan and Jiao Hai's expression changed. They surrounded Shang Yingyue and Sisi Liya in an instant, and stared at Mia and Philp with a cold face, for fear that these strong Protoss would kill them.

"How's it going?"

"Are you all right?"

Shaqian and Jiaoshan hurriedly inquired.

Shang Yingyue and Sisi Liya were just hit, so they lost all their strength and were extremely fragile. At this time, it seemed that they couldn't even speak.

Some people who originally wanted to intervene felt cold when they saw their miserable appearance, and all of them gave up their thoughts. Looking at the vast sky, they all looked in awe and fear.

"They are in a bad condition!" Wu Feng came up and said gloomily, "Take out all the elixirs in our hands to replenish blood and feed them immediately. Maybe they can keep their divine bodies immortal. Only when the divine bodies can be filled with blood can they have the energy to maintain the immortality of the soul."

When Wu Feng said this, everyone hesitated for a moment, took out the elixirs and spiritual herbs obtained in the ancient continent over the years, and fed them to Sisi Liya and Shang Yingyue.

The elixirs that can be preserved by them to this day are all sacred products to supplement the power of blood and qi. The effects of the drugs are amazing. After Sisi Liya and Shang Yingyue took those elixirs, their pale lips gradually became a trace of blood, and the wound stabilized.

His own world is burning and collapsing, the soul altar is in turmoil, and the main soul is rapidly exhausted. He also saw Sisi liya and Shang Yingyue trying to lend a helping hand and fell by a meteor, as if he was dying...

He should be furious.

But he knows that rage is useless. He must calm down. Only by calming down can he turn the situation around.

He chose to suppress the anger in his mind, just like curbing the kind of negative emotions that once bred. He restrained, turned his mind, and looked for a breakthrough...

The mystery of life and death, the mystery of space, the mystery of stars, all kinds of mysteries are subtle - one by one, he wants to find a way to break all this. The altar is shaking endlessly. With the collapse of the virtual world, his all kinds of mysteries seem to condense and become a little uncontrollable.

A trace of coldness suddenly made his mood chill...

His mind suddenly moved, and the main soul quietly fiddled with something and pulled something in the virtual world.

A dark as ink bead was twisted out by him in a corner of the virtual world. It is a quenched cold bead, the crystallization of the spirit of the dead jellyfish. It is extremely cold and poisonous, and can absorb highly toxic. Only the original flame is the nemesis of the quenched cold bead, and can it be refined!

An idea quickly took shape.

sneer sneer!

The cold toxin in the quenched cold bead is stimulated. In an instant, it breeds new changes in the virtual world, like the dead soul jellyfish floating in his virtual world, and the vast cold power penetrates out.

His burning virtual boundary territory was penetrated by the extremely cold power restored by the quenched cold beads. It was impacted by those toxins and unexpectedly calmed down. The cold power was fused, the toxins were stimulated, and scattered in his virtual world.

The original heavenly fire is indeed the nemesis of the dead soul jellyfish, which is the poisoned cold beads. Hassen burned the industrial fire, and the cold force and toxins in the quenched cold beads were quickly dissolved.

But it is precisely because of the melting of the cold power and toxins in the quenched cold beads that the rock virtual world has won the opportunity to temporarily break free from the burning flame, so that his main soul and soul altar will not be affected for the time being, and he can do something else.