Kill God

Chapter 1205 Protoss Ask for Help

Dark clouds clustered with gray cotton balls, and many intertwined boundaries are as dense as the power grid. All kinds of murderous weapons and treasures lurk in the dark, releasing turbulent fluctuations, such as poisonous snakes quietly waiting for their prey to get close.

The figures are light and elegant like ghosts, wandering at the key point of the boundary outside the magic blood star, looking for opportunities.

Among them were Sloan and Koda, as well as several founders of Fernandez and the Bai family. They sneaked in secretly and waited for the opportunity.

Several people's breath is hidden, and it seems to be invisible in the gray clouds, without revealing a trace of vitality.

Sloan, Koda held his breath, his eyes were as quiet as water, and his heart was plotping secretly.

On the side of the two people are covered with blue lightning with canine teeth, and the lightning is intertwined into a huge net, like a strange world created by a thunderbolt, full of terrible electric currents that make the scalp ting.

Sloan and Koda are the dual realm of the gods of the first god. However, they all feel their pores trembling next to the electric current, which is a sign of the crisis of the divine body instinct.

As soon as their hearts tightened, they immediately became solemn and did not dare to touch the power grid easily.

They all looked in the direction of the Protoss warships. The Protoss warships flashed with metal ice, towering and cold, like a cold mountain, and gradually there was a strong fluctuation of divine crystal explosion.

Sloan and Keda looked in vain.


A thick beam of light like an ancient tree, crystal clear, like a galaxy breaking the levee, the energy is violent and pure, storming towards this area.


In an eye, countless equally crystal thick and long beams of light came from the Protoss warships, all of which were shiny, dazzling and dazzling, and there were terrible energy shocks.

The deafening roar suddenly burst into my ears.

Bang bang bang!

In an instant, hundreds of layers of boundary around the magic blood star bloomed with magnificent and brilliant light. The colorful light is like ripples in the water, and circles rippled, making the time and space seem to be chaotic, and the galaxy shaken endlessly.

Thouss of Protoss warships spit out crystal gunfire at the same time, burning divine crystals, consuming the materials accumulated by Protoss for thousands of years, and firing with crystal cannons!

The huge magic blood star rumbled and shook, and fine cracks gradually appeared on the surface of the earth. Many warships were moored on the surface and could not bear it. The crisp sound of "k-k" came, as if it was about to explode.

The small leaders of many forces in the Medicine Pavilion, the Yan clan, the Jing clan and Shenguang roared on the surface of the stars in the chariot, all shouted loudly, and let the warship float, not moored on the ground.

The magic temple is rumbling, and the city of China is also rumbling. Many unstable cities have collapsed one after another, and the dust is flying, and many warriors are in a row.

Everyone knows that the Protoss launched the final turbulent offensive. From today on, the most difficult time for Magic Blood Star will come.

The Protoss warships moored in the galaxy released endless crystal cannon light columns, like dazzling stars shooting at the magic blood star, and the scene was magnificent.

The magic blood star shines strangely along the boundary, such as the most beautiful and bright fireworks, which actually has a shocking beauty.

"It's really beautiful and intoxicating. The magic blood star is surrounded by rainbows. Unfortunately,... it's dangerous."

"Behind the beautiful scenery, it is often a deadly crisis, and the Protoss finally can't help it."

"They want to break through the defense line with warships. I'm afraid it's not that simple. There should be another backhand."

Fuwei, Lin Xin and Feng Han were at the top of the magic temple, looking at the bright and magnificent colors of the sky overhead, frowning and communicating softly.

Under them is the inner hall of the Devil's Temple.

In the inner hall, Shang Chen re-presented the mirror-like crystal and connected it again.

The traces of Sha Qian, Wu Feng, Mo Yu, Jiao Shan and others gradually became clear. As soon as they saw Shi Yan, they greeted him with a smile and looked excited.

"How are you preparing?" Shi Yan said in a low voice.

"Everything is ready. Just wait for one of your instructions, and you can close the network immediately." Sha Qian made a statement.

Shi Yan smiled brightly, revealing a row of white teeth, and said, "It's time to do it."

"I see! Haha!"

Sha Qian and Wu Feng laughed happily, and they were eager to try. It seemed that they had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Since they entered the ancient continent, they have been suppressed by the new generation of Protoss leaders such as Mia, Philp and Haig. They are all protagonists in their respective star domains, but they are all supporting roles in the "Wild", and many talented people like them have been killed by the Protoss.

Fortunately, they met the stone rock...

Otherwise, all of them may become funeral objects that continue to be strong for ten thousand years!

Absolutely unbearable!

From the "desolate", each of them secretly swore that they would take revenge on the Protoss and give the Protoss a bloody lesson.

surprisingly, each of their elders supported them, and even many juniors who didn't like them cooperated amazingly.

The right time, the right place and the right people and they all dominate. In this battle, they will kill happily and let the protoss fall from this battle and fall from the altar in the real sense.

The myth of the Protoss' invincibility for many years will be broken by them again, and they will become witnesses and direct participants in the new history!

This makes their blood boil!

The Protoss warships are like dragons spitting fire tongues, bombarded wildly around the magic blood star. Many Protoss also display the arcane magic decision and operate the altar.

The ice is as thorny as rain, the flame is like the sea, the thunder and lightning is like a line, and the light is like a meteor. Many mysages are moving and bombarding at the magic blood star one after another.

The boundary of the magic blood star is consumed, and hundreds of layers of boundary are gradually broken. At this time, the dazzling sky of the magic blood star is full of suspended warships.

"Any boundary barrier in the world is based on energy, and the boundary without energy is like thin paper, which can be broken as soon as it is poked."

Fick boasted, his eyes were calm and indifferent, and said lightly, "The impact and bombardment of the boundary barrier is to deplete its energy base. Once the seal of the boundary barrier has no energy support, it means that the defense line is completely broken."

He elegantly raised his glass, took a sip of scarlet wine, and smiled, "We have time. Our family has enough money and force. It's only a matter of time before we break through the Magic Blood Star.

Lannot and Bai can nod with a smile.


A unique disc-shaped chariot of the Youying clan roared fiercely and suddenly moored on the edge of the round platform here. The shadow clan ignored the guard's inquiry and stopped him, and screamed: "The patriarch! There is a situation! It's extremely serious!"

Fick's face darkened and he waved his hand, "Come here!"

The shadow clan abandoned the chariot, came like lightning in an instant, and kowtowed on one knee and said, "The patriarch, the people we patrolled on the periphery found many warships. Those warships... never belong to the Maya Star Domain!"

Fik, Lannot and Baican's expression changed.

"How many warships are there?" Felix drank it.

"Treds of thousands! Countless dense warriors, they... they have surrounded us!" The shadow people lowered their heads and didn't dare to look at Fick, Lannot and Baican's suddenly changed faces, and they were afraid and uneasy.

"Find it now! You must be clear about their origin!" Fick drank violently.

The shadow clan quickly retreated, hurriedly drove away in a disc-shaped chariot, and continued to contact the clan to explore.

"It should be other star domain warriors. In the wilderness, the rock is very powerful, and many major star domain leaders take him as the lead." Mia suddenly said in a cold voice.

Philpu focused on his head, "Those people... have not been cleaned up and have a deep hatred for my family. Now they are all out of the trap, and they dare to fight against my family. It's so bold!"

Mia and Philp participated in everything in the wilderness. They knew that Shi Yan had established contact with the young talents of the major star domains through the trial of the wilderness. Because he got the original fruit, his reputation was pushed to the peak for a while.

For tens of thousands of years, there has been a saying in the vast sea of stars: the race of those who get the original source fruit will dominate the sea of stars for ten thousand years!

All the stars in all directions are convinced of this statement.

A large number of facts have proved this point. The reason why the Protoss flourished in those years, and now it is also because the ancestors of the Protoss merged with the original source fruit ten thousand years ago, which united with everyone to drive away the bloodthirsty vein, thus replacing the bloodthirsty vein to become the hegemon of the

Now, ten thousand years later, the origin fruit is seized by Shiyan. Does it mean that the Protoss will be replaced?

"Damn Haig!" Fick scolded fiercely, "If he seizes Shiyuanguo, how dare those people have different intentions? It's really troublesome now. They must think that our clan will decline, so they take advantage of the situation! We must not fail in this battle, otherwise everyone will think that the statement about the origin fruit is true and credible, and more people will challenge the authority of our clan!"

Lannot nodded calmly and said decisively, "I will contact the clan immediately."

"Well, be sure to explain the seriousness of this matter!" Fick Road.

Lannot suddenly sat down, took out a strange stone branded with the badge of the twelve families of the Protoss, and poured the soul consciousness into it...

He suddenly opened his eyes, looked indulsated, and shouted, "The channel with the ancestor star is closed!"

Fick, Philp and Mia's faces changed one after another.

They know what it means.

Unless there is no void channel between the Maya Star Domain and the Paleodess Domain, this will not happen. Now the connection cannot be achieved. Naturally, the void channel of the Shadow Ghost Prison is closed again.

The other party is obviously not ready to let them return to the ancient des star domain alive.

"The humble race that doesn't know whether to live or die! How dare you challenge the power of our clan!" Lannot shouted in a low voice, and suddenly he recited some kind of mantra. His face was gradually covered with a trace of blue and black lines, and there were also thin black silk threads in his eyes, like tiny poisonous snakes.

While chanting the spell, he was covered with bleeding beads, his body was quickly pale, and his spirit withered like a flower.

This is a secret spell of the Protoss, similar to the secret art of purgatory burning, which forcibly produces a strange energy through the loss of physical essence.

That kind of energy can run through the territory!

A beam of gray-black light flew out of Lannot's eyebrows and injected into the strange stone. Lannot's soul thought was like passing through the layers of voids, and suddenly the breath came from an ancient temple in the ancient god continent.

"I'm Lannot, the patriarch of the Fernandes family. I'm in trouble. I ask the elders to receive details..."