Kill God

Chapter 1214 Just like that year

The dark forest of God's grace continent.

In a weedy cave, a young man sat in a waterless pool, closed his eyes, like a ten-thousand-year-old rock.

Time was in a hurry. I don't know how long it took. The young man squirmed his fingers a few times, slowly opened his eyes, and looked at the surroundings with complex eyes.

This man is a stone rock.

In the battle of the Magic Blood Star, Fick of the First God of Heaven hit his body and soul hard. At this time, there were still broken lines on his soul altar and never recovered. Fortunately, because of the existence of the blood essence stone, his divine body is now healed.

At the beginning, the soul altar was damaged, and he forcibly ran through the space with the blood of immortal demons. The direction in his mind was this place - the place where the soul came in those years.

He fell into the blood pool, and the blood in the blood pool made him exhausted, and now it was withered.

He gradually recovered with blood essence stone in the pool until today, the body has healed again, but the cracks in the soul altar will not be recovered for a while.

Looking at the blood pool, the staggered spider webs overhead, and the dust on the ground, he was silent.

In a flash of hundreds of years, his soul came and fell into the stone rock [body] of the exploration of historical sites. He walked the world with his body, grew up step by step, slowly became powerful, and finally reached the realm of the three heaven of the virtual god, and became a dazzling new star in the vast sea of stars.

After many years, he returned to the original place and couldn't help sighing.

When he got up, he looked down at the blood pool, moved his mind and waved his hand.

The dust covered on the blood pool was all blown away, and the bottom of the blood pool appeared cleanly. A wonderful pattern was branded at the bottom of the blood pool. He didn't care about it, but today he looked at it carefully.

The pattern is 90% similar to the pattern on the blood shield. [Zhong] There is also a blood cloud mark in the center, which is naturally a bloodthirsty vein. The mark has a wonderful magic power, and the interior directly penetrates thousands of miles to the ground, and faintly contact the origin of the mainland of God.

This is a mysterious and unpredictable array.

With his current knowledge, he can't break the mystery of the strange array. This array is broken at this time and obviously can't be used.

His heart was bright. This array pulled his soul and consumed the origin of the divine continent. The formation lost its energy and finally could not withstand the collapse, but his soul still came over.

The caster should be the dark leader, and the brand should also rely on the mystery of the blood pattern ring, coupled with the origin, to complete such a shocking move.

After staring at Qizhen for a while, he shook his head and secretly contacted the blood pattern ring, but the ring did not respond.

He frowned. He tried to run the soul altar to urge the meaning, but he suddenly felt a pain in his mind. There was a crisp sound from the altar, which really scared him. He hurriedly restrained his mind and did not dare to try again.

When Fick killed him, he urged the golden broken light to enter his altar to peel off his soul and escape from the altar, which directly caused heavy damage to his soul altar, so that now the mystery cannot operate. Once it is forcibly urged, the altar will click like a falling apart.

Aoyi can't be used for the time being, which also means that it is difficult for him to re-enter the space channel and can't leave for the time being.

He knows a lot about the wonders of repairing the soul altar, but he doesn't have it in his hand. Only when he goes to the Magic Blood Star to find Fu Wei, Shang Chen and the Blood Demons can he get such strange things, nourish the altar and heal those cracks.

He is not worried about the war situation of Maya Star Domain.

Sha Qian and Wu Feng's reinforcements came before he ran away. It would definitely be the Protoss who collapsed, not those from the Maya Star Domain.

Now the soul altar is heavily damaged, and the mystery cannot be used. He is greatly limited by his exquisite flaws, and he can only move with a strong body. He secretly thought about how to connect with those people of the Magic Blood Star and get some strange things to repair the soul altar.

Looking back at the cave again, he smiled indifferently and came out with his eyes magically.

Just like that year.

He still remembers that when he walked out of the cave and saw Miss Mo Yanyu of the Mo family at first sight, which caused a series of disputes. Now in retrospect, he only feels funny.


Breathing the fresh air, his expression moved slightly. His face was first shocked, and then he reacted and couldn't help laughing.

The aura of heaven and earth in the dark forest is extremely full, which is almost the same as the heaven and earth energy of the second-level and third-level stars of life. Compared with those years, it is more than dozens of times stronger, so he was surprised first, and then realized that all this was caused by him.

He laughed hoarsely and walked aimlessly in the dark forest, temporarily letting go of his irritability and wandering in the beautiful scenery.

surly, when he completely relaxed and no longer worried about the injury of the soul altar, the tingling of his cracked altar seemed to have disappeared.

He looked moved, as if he had realized something, and relaxed himself more and more.

The dark forest is as usual. There are monsters here, and naturally warriors venture to hunt. He is dressed in black and walks alone in the forest, restraining his breath, which often attracts the coveted hearts of those hunters.

It's just that when those disconceive hunters are about to take action, as long as he frowns and shows a little breath, those people will be scattered, like homeless dogs escaping.

The gap between the level is really too big. Even if his soul altar is damaged, he does not dare to use the mystery easily. As long as the internal power of the god [body] is stimulated, for the martial artist who only has a position and a hundred disasters, it is still like the power of gods and demons, and can only fear defeat.

He wandered all the way, deliberately not to think about the trauma of the soul altar, did not use the soul consciousness, but wandered carelessly and aimlessly.

Although he was careless, his direction was unconsciously consistent with what he had walked in those years. He was captured by the Mo family and humiliated as a drug slave. Finally, he fled with the help of the battle between the Mo family and the white-edged jade spider. That route is now passed by him again...

At that time, he just knew the subtle flaws of the acupuncture point. He absorbed the essence with the acupuncture point and had a trace of power. He endured humiliation and burdened himself, and finally escaped and survived.

After more than 200 years, now he has reached the peak of the virtual god. As long as he has insight into the true meaning of life and death, he can break through the first god. In such a comparison, it is like a different world day by day.

He did not use the soul altar and did not use the meaning, but he could understand the meaning. He walked all the way, indulged in his own world, thinking deeply about life and death, and his spirit gradually became in a trance, as if he was enchanted.

He himself was still unknown, but he walked all the way, with deep confusion in his thoughtful eyes.

On this day, he walked to an old tree, and he suddenly stopped and was stunned.

He remembers this tree...

In those years, he practiced nearby. Here he had his first woman, a female mercenary named Diylan, and also saw a woman who made him fall in love for the first time, whose name was Mu Yudie.

Scenes of the past flow in the heart, and the stone rock is like a dream, such as indistinguishment between illusion and reality, lingering in life and death.

In those years, the dense trees were old, and they were declining in the reincarnation of life. The branches were withered and stingled, like the twilight old man, who would slowly go to the end of the reincarnation. On the back of the ancient tree, there was the sound of rattling water, and several bamboo

The pleasant and gentle sound of the piano came from a bamboo house. As soon as the sound of the piano sounded, the stone rock shook.

His eyes showed an incredible light, and he walked towards the bamboo house like a sleepwalker, and his expression became extremely strange.

The sound of the piano... As in those years, so familiar, like the voice from the dream, he couldn't tell the difference between real and illusory for a while. He just stared at the bamboo house and walked over step by step,...

He walked to the bamboo house and pushed open the bamboo door in a trance. He saw a white-haired old woman with her back to him and playing the piano quietly in front of a window. It seemed that she didn't know that he had come in.

The old girl's neck was wrinkled, old-fashioned, and her white hair hung from her waist. There was a fluctuation of power that was not weak from the body, but the breath of life was exhausted to the extreme, which was a sign that life was about to end.

He looked deeply at the old girl, and his eyes became extremely strange. He listened to the sound of the piano quietly without saying a word.

After playing the song, the old woman sighed and said in a hoarse voice, "The piano has also listened. Please leave here and don't disturb the old woman's purity."

Shiyan is silent, and his feet are like roots, motionless.

The old woman was angry. She coughed and turned her body back. Her mind was shocked. She pointed to Shi Yan and trembled violently. Her face was full of wrinkles like a gully. She opened her mouth to say something, but she choked and couldn't speak, and her tears could not stop, which was ahead of words.

Shi Yan looked at her deeply, her face was extremely strange, and her shoulders trembled slightly. After a long time, she sighed softly, "I didn't expect it to be you."

"I didn't expect it to be you." The old woman finally choked and said. Her cheeks had already been wet with tears, and her face was old, but she could see that she must be a peerless beauty in those years. She smiled miserably, "If I can see you again before I die, I will not regret it for the rest of my life. For more than 200 years, you are still the I'm going to die of old age..."

"Where's Di Yalan?" Shi Yan sighed.

"She failed to break through the throne, and her age is over. She left one step ahead of me." Mu Yudie smiled bitterly and pointed to a bamboo house next to her. "She lived there before and was my companion. She died thirty years ago."

"Why?" Shi Yan shook his head.

"I just want to see you again one day. Even if I can't see it, I can see the memories." Mu Yudie coughed and lowered his head and said, "You should have come earlier. At that time, I was not so old and could see people. Now you must be very disappointed."

"Why?" Shi Yan continued to sigh.

"I just want to tell you that I was wrong in those years. I was blinded by hatred and never caught you. For this, I regretted it for 200 years." Mu Yudie said softly.

"The past has long been annihilated. I don't remember your mistakes for a long time. I only remember... You once moved me." Shi Yan was silent for a long time, quietly put down a bottle of elixir, and said, "This medicine can replenish your vitality and improve your life. I hope... I can see you again."

After that, he took a look at the bamboo house where Diylan once lived. He sighed, twisted out a jar of spirits and poured it fiercely. While drinking liquor, he staggered out and sang loudly, "Between life and death, illusions and disillusionment, the heaven and the earth are vast, the universe is ancient, and

The true meaning of the secret place of life and death is endless in the sea of knowledge in his heart, with a kind of rapid speed.