Kill God

Chapter 1226 Black Iron City

South of Julan Star.

The majestic cities stand like continuous mountains between heaven and earth. Those cities are extremely wide and tall, like giant beasts crawling on the ground. Under the nine suns, the gold, iron and jade-like cities shine brightly.

There are nine suns and six bright moons around the stars. The day is extremely hot, and the night is cold, but whether it is day or night, the giant star is shrouded in light, and there is no darkness.

There is a city in the south called Black Iron City, which is built of dark black iron outside the sky. Black Iron City occupies a place in the nine cities of Julan Star.

In the mountains and forests outside the city, there is a transmission array called "Xuan" corresponding to Julanxing. Foreign warriors transmitted from "Xuan" often enter the Black Iron City first.

There are nine Julan Star City, each of which is a trading city, with countless large and small shops. At least half of those shops belong to the Julan Chamber of Commerce, and half of the Chamber of Commerce belongs to all forces.

Ju Lanxian is the most famous trading star in the universe. You can buy almost all the refined materials here, all kinds of tastes, and the Yuanshi-level materials are not rare.

It can be said that the cultivation materials that can't be found in Julanxing are almost the rarest things on any star.

Nine giant blue stars are distributed in the corners of the giant blue star berry, and the berry cities are magnificent, attracting a large number of foreign martial artists to come, or sell materials, or buy.

On Jurunxing, you can not only buy cultivation materials, but also mines, mining slaves and even the stars of life.

It is said that the giant stream star has even sold the star domain!

In a strange secret room in a martial arts field in the Black Iron City, two figures are practicing mystery.

The dome of the secret room is inlaid with many colorful divine crystals, arranged in a special array. Look carefully, the divine crystal forms a "water" dome from which bursts of calm and condensed waves.

The secret room is not a stone land, but a pool. The pool is clear to the bottom, and the splash of water has a wonderful effect, which can enhance the spiritual understanding of those who practice the mystery of water.

This is the Aoyi practice field of Water, which is refined for the Julan Chamber of Commerce. It is rented to those extraterritorial warriors who come to Julan Star for them to have leisure time to practice Aoyi. Similar practice fields have many fire Aoyi practice field, ice Aoyi practice field, and Lei's Aoyi

The special myoyi practice field, for martial artists of all races who practice different myomy, can enhance the speed of cultivation and the understanding of myoyi.

This kind of Aoyi training ground is also divided into different levels. Naturally, the fees are different. They are built by the Julan Chamber of Commerce. It is difficult for ordinary people to imagine the wealth earned by the Year of Berry through those training grounds.

In this water cultivation field, there are pieces of water crystal crystals in the pool that are shaped like hearts, with gentle waves.

A charming woman practiced silently in it, absorbing the energy of the water heart crystal to melt the divine body, such as a drop of water and the pool water perfectly match, as if it has become a part of the practice field, containing the true meaning of the mystery of water.

At the edge of the pool, a silver-haired woman closed her eyes as if she were asleep.

I don't know how long it took. She opened her eyes, her eyes were dark, and she seemed to have a lot of thoughts. She looked at the dissolved water crystal in the pool and said, "Oy, your realm of the first god is stable."

The charming woman in the pool is Sethia. After she was thrown out of the wilderness, she went directly to Julanxing to see her master. She was going to explain the trip clearly to the Maya Star Domain, but she was left behind by her master Lenale, so that she could immediately refine the realm with the help of the Enter the first god.

When she entered the wilderness, the realm of Cesifia was in the triple heaven of the virtual god. After ten years of grinding in the wilderness, her state of mind, will and understanding of the mystical meaning of water have reached the bottleneck of breakthrough. She was lucky to get the crystal of the water, and the key to all breakthroughs were obtained.

Lena strictly ordered her to take the opportunity to break through, and she had to stay. Under the shelter of her master, with the help of this most advanced water mystery training ground, she stepped into the gods in one fell swoop.

All kinds of wonderful materials to stabilize the realm of the first god. Lena has already gathered for her in Julan. After the recent refining and absorption of the crystal power of the water heart, Cecilia's realm of the first god has finally stabilized, and she will not worry about the disadvantages of mental confusion.

"Master, my realm of the first god has calmed down now. Now you can let me go, right?"

Cesifia smiled charmingly, and the graceful ketone body** floated out of the pool. Her skin was as white as jade, and her beautiful eyes were enchanting, like ripe peaches, which made people's blood spurt.

"Are you going to the Maya Star Domain to find the young man named Shiyan?" Lena snorted softly, "I worked hard to get a world for you. I expected you to help me find his bones. You didn't do it well, but you hooked up with that man. Do you still want to find him now? Don't you pay attention to the master's affairs at all?

"No, I went to him to inquire about it." Seshi and Ya quickly explained, "I was lost with him at the beginning, and then I was thrown out of the strange world for no reason. He should have stayed. Then... a series of things happened. When I saw him again, I had no time to ask about it until I was thrown out by the wilderness.

"You mean, you were thrown out, but you... didn't?" Lena's expression moved.

"I can open it. He asked Cecilia and said, "When he fought with Hasson, he derived the virtual world. The virtual world is 70% or 80% similar to the world I entered. I think..."

"He integrated the world into the virtual world!" Lena was shocked.

Cescia nodded.

Lena was suddenly silent and thought about something seriously. For a long time, she said indifferently, "Then you don't need to go to the Maya Star Domain. At the beginning, you helped him with all the forces of the Protoss in the Maya Star Domain. At this time, he was forced by the Protoss. Those leaders came to the

"Why did you come to Julan Star?" Sesifia was surprised.

"Because Giant Lanxing is the safest. For tens of thousands of years, although the four races have been fighting, this star has never been affected by the war. Whether it was the undead demon clan, the underworld clan or the Protoss, or even the bloodthirsty line in those years, they did not fight against the giant Lanxing during its Quanwei period. Those small forces want to talk about something secretly. If they are carried out in other star domains, they may be caught by the Protoss. Only on the giant Lanxing, even if the news is leaked, it will not even invade in a large way.

Leona explained.

"Master, you have met the president of the Julan Chamber of Commerce. This morning... What's your identity? Why don't even the Protoss dare to touch the Julan Chamber of Commerce?

"The water of the Julan Chamber of Commerce is very deep, and the president is even more mysterious. Even I can't guess what wonderful he is hiding."

"If Shi Yan comes to Julan Star, how can I find him?"

"Go and find Sha Zhao and others from the God Religion. They are all in the Black Iron City at this time. If you find them, you can naturally see the people you want to see."

"Ah, that's Master Xiao."

In a manor in Black Iron City.

Sha Zhao of the God Religion, Wu Feng and Wu Pai of the Wu family, Jiao Shan Jiao Hai of the Jiao family, Mo Jian and Fuller are all among them. Along with them, there are heads of forces from all walks of life, but there are real power figures from major star domains in the small manor.

An old man in a cyan brocade robe with broken stars in the corners of his clothes, with long dark green hair hanging shoulders, followed by several martial artists, and suddenly arrived at the manor.

"Tie Chaos, the person in charge of the Black Iron City of the Julan Chamber of Commerce, asked for a meeting." A martial artist in the realm of the three heavens behind him suddenly shouted softly at the door of the manor, with an undisguised trace of arrogance in his voice.

As the city guard of the Black Iron City of the Julan Chamber of Commerce, he will be deeply respected when he moves around any star domain. When the hegemon of other star domains comes, he will also respect him, because he is a member of the Julan Chamber of Commerce, and he is proud.

Julan Chamber of Commerce has stood in the Star Sea for tens of thousands of years. It has developed from a small star domain, and its power has gradually spread all over the whole Star Sea. It is the most strange force in the universe. Even the strongest period of the four races, it will not be easily provoked. This is the confidence of the Julan Chamber of

Hearing that the person in charge of the Black Iron City asked for a meeting, the leaders of all forces in the manor moved one after another.

Mu Wei, the elder of the God Religion, hooked his nose, with a vulture expression, frowned deeply, looked at the people who were discussing in the secret room, and said, "Who of you contacted Tie Chaos? How did he know we were gathered here?

Bai Yefeng, who is the brother of the black wind in the Heihe Star Domain, naturally said, "You underestimate the Julan Chamber of Commerce. On the Julan Star, how can they not know anything? In this world, there are not many secrets that can be hidden from the Julan Chamber of Commerce and the mysterious president.

Jiao Mu's face changed and said, "The Julan Chamber of Commerce knows that we are coming, so doesn't the Protoss also know? Rumor has it that the mysterious president has an unknown relationship with the Protoss. If he unites with the Protoss and wants to poison us, we will be shocked to be sent to the tiger.?"

Bai Yefeng waved his hand and smiled, "If the Julan Chamber of Commerce walks with the Protoss, the star domain that the Protoss has invaded in these ten thousand years is definitely not just now. To be rude, if the Julan Chamber of Commerce joins hands with the Protoss, I'm afraid that the star domain we are in is now a vassal of the Protoss.

As soon as this was said, everyone was silent and seriously thought about the meaning of Bai Yefeng's words.

Half a sound, they nodded one after another, obviously thinking that Bai Yefeng's words were not exaggerated.

Because the Julan Chamber of Commerce really has this weight!

"Don't be suspicious. Just listen to what Tie Chaos says." Bai Yefeng got up, flashed out of the secret room, took the initiative to go to the layman of the manor, and shouted, "Tie Chaos old friend, I haven't seen you for a long time."

The rest of the people in the secret room hesitated for a moment, and they all came out one after another to meet the people with Bai Yefeng.

At the same time.

Shang Chen and Shi Yan were paying the divine crystal into the city in front of a gate in the Black Iron City. The divine crystal was presented, and the two stepped into the city.

"Very prosperous!"

As soon as the stone rock fell into the city, his eyes circled around and he couldn't help shouting softly.

"Of course, Julan Star has not been affected by the flames of war for tens of thousands of years. I don't know how much wealth and prestige it has accumulated. It can be said that it is the heart of the universe. How can it not be prosperous?"

Shang Chen laughed.

ps: The monthly ticket has doubled. I haven't had a monthly ticket for a long time. Today, I have the audacity to ask for it. I hope my brothers and sisters will favor me and vote for the monthly ticket to the little rebel, please!! ( Unfinished and continuous.