Kill God

Chapter 1246 Blood Edict

A light door flashed with luster, and a male fitness shadow flashed away and shuttled in an instant.

In the depths of the dark shadow ghost prison, a sky-blue star trembled wonderfully. In the depths of the stars, a white light appeared, and a person came out of it.

This is the center of the divine grace continent, which is the place where the star soul originated. The stone rock secondary soul is in it, one with the star soul, and secretly dominates the continent.

His body emerged, exhausted and paralyzed to the ground, without a trace of strength.

The void turbulence was too dangerous and horrible. He consumed all his strength in it, and finally opened the channel with the last trace of residual force, and returned directly to this place with the connection between the main soul and the secondary soul.

At this time, his magic power was exhausted, his mind changed his mind, and a wisp of consciousness rushed into the illusion ring.

Divine crystals suddenly flew out, and many divine crystals were suspended, piled up beside him, like crystal mountains, the secondary souls hidden inside the star soul, suddenly jumped out, and instantly turned into clusters of flame clouds.

The flame cloud wrapped the divine crystal, burned it fiercely, evaporated the internal divine power, and turned it into a strong spiritual power like water, wrapped around the side of the stone rock.

He had millions of magic rings of divine crystals, all of which were taken out at this time. His whole body was filled with divine crystals, and the divine crystals were burned by the fire.

A trace of pure energy moistened his dry divine power ancient tree, warmed his tired body, and his whole body was cool, like bathing in the ocean of aura, and his mind settled down.

"The mystery of the sword and shield, now you can talk to me carefully, right?" Keeping his posture, he established contact with the ring spirit. "The blood sword and blood shield are all sharp weapons in the hands of bloodthirsty in those years. What is the powerful effect?"

"Exactly speaking, the sword and shield were all held by the master in the early days. The master later reached a mysterious and unknown situation and no longer relied on objects." The ring spirit responded, stopped for a while, and said, "Let go of your heart, and I will enter your spiritual sea."

Shi Yan then let go of his heart, took a deep breath, and cut off the disordered thoughts in his mind.

A wave of mysterious memory secrets suddenly took root in his mind and imprinted in the depths of his memory, making him know the wonder of the sword and shield in an instant.

His eyes were in a trance, his face was full of solemn surprise, he fell into meditation, and silently realized the wonder of the sword shield.

In the process, his divine body's flesh and blood veins trembled, eagerly absorbing the pure aura of millions of divine crystals, and regaining his strength.

The blood sword and blood shield suddenly appeared above his head. The mark on the forehead of the main soul at the top of his soul altar bloomed with a ray of blood light, and the blood light rushed into the blood shield. The blood shield pattern mark squirmed, as if turning into a living thing, suddenly covering it and covering the skin and flesh of his

In an flash, the blood shield turned into an extremely close-fitting dark red armor. The armor was full of blood lines, and five blood clouds appeared in the direction of his chest, shoulders and back heart, like five ferocious blood mouths. The blood cloud was still slowly changing, containing endless wonders.

There are 720 acupuncture points all over the body, and each acupuncture point is associated with this armor. The magic of devouring the essence of death seems to be multiplied with the help of a blood shield.

The blood shield turned into armor, which became the most solid barrier in his body. When the armor withstands the attack, it can absorb all the forces contained in the attack and directly enter the center of his acupuncture point.

Unless the other party's realm is extremely deep, far beyond his realm, and the power of one blow can kill him to death, otherwise the armor can bear it and devour its bursting power.

The blood sword body is filled with scarlet eyes. The scarlet eyes are the eyeballs of a tragic deceased who was once in a bloodthirsty hand, leaving endless resentment, hatred, despair and violent negative emotions of those strong people. They can be stimulated by the magic blood in his body and escape into his eyes, so that the blood sword can

The blood sword is not only extremely sharp, but also has the strength that can reach the depths of the other party's soul. It can smash and cut off the soul altar, stuff the other party's main soul with negative evil thoughts, and directly burst it.

The blood sword can destroy the soul, and it can also cooperate with the royal soul to perform wonderfulness. In an instant, it binds the other party's soul and chaos, and brand the slave seal inside the soul, so that the other party will always become a servant and never wake up.

Blood sword and blood shield, one main attack, one main defense, is a bloodthirsty early weapon, fought with him in the world, leaving a famous name.

However, with the improvement of the bloodthirsty realm, he gradually explored and understood the unknowable mysterious power. The blood sword and blood shield were abandoned by him. He only burst out of power with his body and soul, and he was invincible in the world. All kinds of mysteries were natural, and there was no trace to find.

Deep in the heart of the earth.

Shi Yan silently experienced the mystery of blood swords and blood shields, while recovering his divine power with the help of millions of divine crystals and retreated.

At this time, after his secondary soul burned the million divine crystals into rich energy, it did not return to the interior of the star soul crystal, but turned into wisps of fire, jumping above his head.

His perception of the war with Haig, the difficult experience of void turbulence, the cognitive exploration of blood swords and blood shields, and all kinds of changes in mood have sublimated his life form. With it, his soul's understanding of the fire of heaven seems to go further.

The blue extinction thunder turned into a blue lightning intertwined collision, splashing hundreds of millions of broken electric light, and the bright silver nine ghost-eating soul flame emerges the breath of soul destruction, which can annihilate the soul and dissipate the soul. The white black ice cold flame is cold to the bone and turns into a flower of

The world-extinguishing thunder flame, the nine ghost soul flame and the mysterious ice cold flame slowly converged, and the three kinds of flames trembled strangely. With the mysterious ice cold flame as the introduction, the cold air permeated the world thunder flame and the nine ghost soul flame.

All three flames have a cold atmosphere, and the three gradually move closer and slowly move towards the road of integration in a wonderful and difficult way.

This fusion of the original flame is due to his breakthrough in the initial world, the broken understanding of the law of heaven and earth and the meaning of life and death in the starry sky. When his knowledge grows and his life sublimates, his vision will be broadened, and his understanding of the origin becomes deeper and deeper.

He is stabilizing the realm of the first god, understanding the exquisiteness of the blood sword and blood shield, and integrating the original fire.

At this time, many wonderful things happened in the outside world.


Fire and Rain Star Domain.

In a dark and wonderful place, Yu Shan, Sean and Xuan Fei were trapped and ruthlessly suppressed and chased by the Protoss.

However, when the battle of Maya's Star Domain was a great victory, the Protoss were defeated and their strength was re-gathered, they were temporarily out of danger.

The Presort of the Protoss issued an order to recall those clans who invaded other star domains to revenge on the provocations of the Protoss of the Gods, the Wu family and the Jiao family. The Protoss who were active in the Fire and Rain Star Domain were also summoned back, and the crisis of the Fire and Rain

Yu Shan and Sean had been forced into a desperate situation, because of the retreat of the Protoss, they were all ecstatic.

They are ready to call Benny to the hinterland of the Fire and Rain Star Domain to continue to train for them and lay the foundation for the future battle of the Fire and Rain Star Domain.

But when they found Benny, they were suddenly shocked and looked shocked.

In the desolate pile of rocks, the bloody mark of Benny's eyebrows swirled, and inexplicable forces were stimulated from it, forming a rainbow light shining on the sky. The power in Benny's body was quickly pulled out and forcibly pulled into the mark.

The mark absorbed his power, such as opening a door, and saw a strange appearance of a small blood-colored vortex above Benni's head, in which the sudden strong adsorption force should be regarded as pulling Benny into it.

In the frightened gaze of Yu Shan and Sean, Benny disappeared in the bloody whirlpool, and the whirlpool also disappeared immediately.

This place is the edge of the fire and rain star domain, an extremely desolate and desolate place. The void is closed, and there is no little-known passage at all.

But the whirlpool took Benny away abruptly. I don't know where it came from or where it disappeared.

The same scene happened in many areas of this vast sea of stars.

Before Shi Yan returned to the mainland of God's grace, Leanna, Ferran and Capto, who were in the undead island, were also drawn from their power by the blood-colored marks of the eyebrows, activated the power of the imprint, causing three bloody vortexes to emerge above their heads.

Lianna, Ferran and Kato, Lianna was still training for the demons and demons at that time. She was ferociously angry, and then her eyebrows hurt, and she involuntarily contributed to the emergence of the whirlpool.

All three of them disappeared into the bloody vortex.

Similarly, Emperor Yang Qing of the endless sea also had a mark on his eyebrows, and he was also taken away by the vortex.

The blood demon on the Magic Blood Star in the Maya Star Domain was also shocked during the hard work. A mark appeared in the center of the eyebrows, and then the whole body was pulled out, forming a bloody vortex on the top of the head, and then disappeared.

They didn't know that in every corner of the Star Sea, they practiced the eight mystical meanings like them, and formed a bloody seal in the eyebrows. The imprint of the reporter was also inexplicably painful, absorbing the power of the divine body, causing the bloody vortex to appear, and then disappeared inexplicably.

That's a blood edict!

is a blood edict of a bloodthirsty vein to return to the Holy Land. No matter where they are, they can be summoned directly through the blood edict.


Inside the dark abyss, in the endless and vast bloody ocean.

Benny, Leanna, Ferran, Kato, Yang Qingdi and Blood Devil all appeared in the bloody ocean and were on six different bone islands.

Benny is on the island of destruction, Leanna is on the island of darkness, Ferran is on the island of corrosion, Capto is on the island of chaos, Emperor Yang is on the island of despair, and the blood demon is on the island of death.

There are many people around them. Those people come from different races and have different realms, but they have the same imprint on their foreheads and the same meaning as them.

The blood demon fell from the blood vortex and appeared directly on the island of death. As soon as he fell, many people on the island showed their shock and took the initiative to avoid it.

The blood demon was confused, but after falling on the island, he was shocked. Looking at those who had marks on their eyebrows and obviously had the same death fluctuations as him, he was stunned.

"Senior, are you our undead demon clan?" A young man who only has the realm of the god king, but is clearly an immortal demon clan, looked happy, took the initiative to get closer, and said respectfully.

"Not bad."

The blood demon nodded, glanced, and found that there were thousands of warriors from different races on the island. Those warriors' realms were high and low, and the high ones were in the realm of the new god like him. The lowest realm was only the true god.

But in the middle of every eyebrow, there is a blood mark, which flashes mysterious.