Kill God

Chapter 1265 Fantasyland

In the gray and dark Tianhe River, seven transport warships are shuttled, flying in the realm of the magic star, in the direction of the magic star.

This is the transport warship of the Julan Chamber of Commerce. It has the unique logo of the Julan Chamber of Commerce. The seven warships are stationed with the warriors of the Julan Chamber of Commerce. The highest level is one person, reaching the realm of the first god.

The Julan Chamber of Commerce is the largest trader in the Star Sea, shuttling between different star domains and delivering predetermined cultivation materials to the forces of major star domains.

Qianhuanzong and Julan Chamber of Commerce are long-term partners. The transport warships of Julan Chamber of Commerce often bring all kinds of scarce cultivation materials to Qianhuanzong.

These seven warships are flying to the Magic Star. The person in charge of the warship in the middle is the only one who has reached the realm of the First God. This person's name is Ban Yu. He cultivates the mystery of flames. He is also a refiner and has a profound level of refinery.

Ban Yu is responsible for the transportation of this magic star material, sitting on the most important warship. This warship has three Yuanshi-class materials pre-ordered by the magic star, dozens of god-class strange flowers and plants, which is extremely precious.

He is not worried about any accidents in the trip. One is because of the reputation of the Julan Chamber of Commerce in the Xinghai, and the other is because they have reached the Thousand Fantasy Star Domain at this time. This place is already the power category of the Thousand Fantasy Sect, and what they are transport is what the Thousand Fantasy S

Ban Yu looked ahead, frowned slightly, and looked thoughtfully.

In front of it is the outer part of the illusion star, which is known as the fantasy realm of the "Star Mirage". It is a strange place. When anything enters the realm of illusion, it will breed illusions, which is lifelike and makes people unable to distinguish between true from the false.

The main star of the Thousand Fantasy Sect is among them. The Fantasy Star can be famous all over the world, and naturally it is unique.

Because the magic star will breed countless illusions, spread all over the corners of the fantasy realm, and the power warships that have not been recognized by the magic star can't figure out which star is the real fantasy star, and will fall into a heavy fog.

Rumor has it that Qianhuanzong was attacked by a strong enemy, and the other party directly rushed into the fantasy realm.

However, in the fantasy realm, the hundreds of warships could not determine the location of the fantasy star, but were confused by the illusion of their own warships. They fought with each other one by one, and all of them died in the fantasy realm.

The prestige of the fantasy star and the fantasy realm was finally famous because of that event.

Seeing that the fantasy realm was getting closer and closer, Ban Yu was secretly vigilant and subconsciously looked at a closed house behind him.

Suddenly, the door of the house was open, and a cold young man came out of it, looking at the edge of the illusion, and faint stars appeared in his eyes.

Ban Yu frowned and looked at the young man with a solemn look.

In principle, Qianhuanzong will not allow strangers to enter the magic star. According to the agreement between the Julan Chamber of Commerce and Qianhuanzong, they are not allowed to bring unknown people into the periphery of the magic star. They can't directly log in to the magic star. They can only stagnate on the periphery

This is to ensure that the mystery of the magic star will not be detected by strangers. It is a multi-year agreement between the Julan Chamber of Commerce and Qianhuanzong.

But on this trip, the Julan Chamber of Commerce obviously unilaterally violated the agreement, which made Ban Yu very puzzled.

The young man was summoned by Ban Yu, the owner of the Cold Iron City of the Julan Chamber of Commerce, and let Ban Yu take him on the way. The owner of the Cold Iron City had a close relationship with Qian Huanzong, and he was also Ban Yu's boss. He knew that it had violated the agreement, so he could only agree.

The young man came over halfway, the realm was unknown, his identity was unknown, and the feeling of Ban Yu was mysterious.

He guessed that the young man's destination was the magic star. The purpose of taking their merchant ship was to prevent him from being targeted by Qianhuanzong very early, and then interfered in advance. He didn't know the relationship between the young man and the owner of the cold iron city, and why the young man went to the magic star, but he was

Therefore, Yu always pays careful attention to the youth all the way to work and wants to find out the purpose of the youth.

"Little friend is going to the magic star, right?" Ban Yu meditated, suddenly smiled and pointed to the front and explained, "The front is the fantasy realm ahead. Once we enter the fantasy realm, our warships will change many ships. It's very mysterious. You can pay attention to it. It's extremely interesting."

"I'm really going to the magic star." The young man said indifferently.

The young man is Shi Yan. In the sea of forbidden blood, he talked with Ming, Xuanhe and Frederick. Although he failed to get the respect of the three leaders, he was also successfully awarded the throne.

He also knows that with his current realm of cultivation, it is not enough to convince Xuanhe, Frederick and Ming, who have reached the realm of immortality and triple heaven.

He needs to prove himself and needs a stronger realm of power to accumulate. Only by climbing step and surpassing the three people can he really get the support of the leaders.

After the three of Ming Hyo, Xuanhe and Frederick, they arranged for him to come to the magic star of the Thousand Fantasy Sect to find Ling Xiang, Xize and Lorraine to discuss the joint matter, and casually ask for bloodthirsty bones.

According to the news of Ming, Xize and Lorraine are both in the fantasy star at this time, and the fantasy star is in the depths of the fantasy realm of the Thousand Fantasy Sect. The people of the Thousand Fantasy Sect rely on their own power. Although there is also a transmission array, it is only open to the internal

Therefore, he can't reach the illusion star directly through the teleportation array.

Minghuang contacted the Julan Chamber of Commerce and arranged for him to enter the Magic Star and meet Ling Xiang through the transport warship of the Julan Chamber of Commerce. He had no objection to it.

"Our merchant ship can only be moored on the edge of the magic star, and we are not qualified to go deep into the magic star. At that time, thousands of fantasy people will come to take away the cultivation materials. No // book fan building's fastest text update no pop-up window no advertisement // way to directly send Ban Yu shrugged his shoulders and looked helpless, signaling that he could only do this.

Shi Yan pulled the corners of his mouth and smiled. "It's okay. I have my own way to get in."

If he, who cultivates the meaning of space, reaches the edge of the illusion star, but can't go deep into it, then the meaning of these years is not in vain?

In fact, if he leaves now, he can also enter the illusion star smoothly, but it may cause a little trouble halfway.

The fantasy realm may be confusing to ordinary people. All kinds of illusions such as "mirages" are really troublesome. If you can't find the truth, you will be haggard by illusion.

But for him, this fantasy realm is really not a problem, because from his point of view, this fantasy realm is simply caused by the strange overlap of space.

Because different spaces are mixed in one area at the same time, a real fantasy star appears. As long as it can break the mystery of space, it is easy for him to distinguish between illusory and real.

The reason why he is not in a hurry to rush into it, but still sits in the merchant ship of the Julan Chamber of Commerce, is that he can have more energy to look at the fantasy realm, figure out the deeper and more subtlety of the void overlap, and integrate it into his space mystery.

"Do you have so much confidence?" Ban Yu was secretly shocked, his eyes were surprised, and he became more and more cautious.

Shi Yan looked at the closer and closer fantasy realm and did not answer. His soul altar rotated slightly, and all kinds of mysterious divine consciousness escaped in an instant. He had already shuttled around the fantasy realm, and the exquisiteness of overlapping in the exploration space with divine consciousness.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Ban Yu snorted and stopped talking. He said coldly, "Then I wish you a smooth trip."

In a short time, seven merchant ships entered the fantasy realm one after another. As soon as they entered the fantasy realm, seven merchant ships immediately underwent strange changes. Around these seven merchant ships, many identical merchant ships emerged one by one, all of which were in a row, moving in different directions.

Some warriors who entered the fantasy realm for the first time exclaimed on various warships, admiring the strangeity of this scene.

They found that in those illusory merchant ships, many warriors jumped out and exclaimed and cheered like them. Those people... were the same as their appearance, and even the spiritual and soul fluctuation seemed to be no different.

It's like they look in the mirror, and the mirror reflects them one by one, but the people in the mirror seem to have suddenly come to life.

This is a very mysterious and strange experience.

Ban Yu was also secretly surprised. He couldn't help looking at the stone rock and wanted to see if the stone rock would be surprised and admire it.

Unfortunately, he did not see a trace of shock from the stone rock's face. He found that the stone rock was extremely calm, as if similar scenes had been seen countless times, and he was already numb.

He did not know that at this time, the stone rock, the divine consciousness was like invisible thunder and lightning, shuttling through different spaces in the fantasy realm, and the soul altar rotated fiercely, releasing a lot of space exquisiteness.

The overlapping space, reflected in his mind, turned into a bright mirror, clearly swirling in his mind, reflecting many real illusory scenes.

Those illusory scene characters are moving, as if they are in different spaces, living like real people, bringing a new understanding to Shiyan...

He suddenly closed his eyes.

A wisp of pure soul consciousness floated out of his altar, instantly fell into different spaces one by one, and entered the illusion formed by himself.

In the moment when his soul consciousness entered those illusions, he suddenly had a feeling, as if those illusions suddenly came to life and became his incarnation, echoing with his heart.

It seems that those people are himself. Those illusions in overlapping space, once they have his soul consciousness, it seems that they really become themselves.

He is like an incarnation of dozens of people, living in different spaces, thinking in different spaces at the same time, and at the same time... watching the illusions around him, doubting who is true and who is false.

"The virtual reality is not eternal. As long as the realm is exquisite, the virtual reality can be transformed at will, and the incarnation can also become real!"

His mind was so shocked that he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at dozens of his own illusions beside him, with a wonderful look on his face.

He secretly paid attention to his Ban Yu. At this time, his face suddenly changed, and his eyes were all unbelievable.

He found that when the stone rock beside him opened his eyes, the more stone rocks were not consistent with the real body of the stone rock. Some of those dozens of stone rocks still closed their eyes, some laughed, and some danced, with different movements in various forms.

The illusion of rock is like getting real life, from illusory to real!

Dozens of illusions, such as freshly alive, have become dozens of different rock rocks, doing different movements, showing a significantly different look, but the breath and soul fluctuation on the body are still one person.

Ban Yu's eyes were dull, his face was strange, and he didn't know what had happened.

He has been to the fantasy field many times, but he has never seen such a scene. He suddenly felt uneasy and looked at the stone rock beside him, and there was a creepy fear in his heart.
