Kill God

Chapter 1273 My Woman!

Original Chapter 1273 My Woman!

The participation of the martial artists of the Julan Chamber of Commerce made the people of Qianhuanzong and the Broken Hall more and more passive. Looking at the stone rock that captured Xing Shang, they all felt tied their hands and feet

Ban Yu affirmed that Shi Yan was a descendant of Di Ka-ka, which added a layer of extremely important identity to Shi Yan. Di Ka- Ka- Kah had a lot of relationship with the mysterious "bloodthirsty", the Pluto clan and the Heavenly Demon clan, which means that the Thousand Fantasy Sect and the Broken Hall may not be

Xing Shang is still being held hostage. How to deal with this?

Xing Ying and Hao Feng all had a headache.

Shi Yan was stunned.

He had never heard of DiCarlo. When he saw that Ban Yu identified him as a descendant of DiCarlo, he was stunned, but he didn't explain anything. He still clasped Xing Shang and said coldly, "Take the key of the Yuanshen lock for him."

Ouyang Luoshuang's horn was tied by the soft light of the stars and stood side by side with him. Although she could not move or make a sound, her holy and beautiful temperament was extremely attractive. Her clear and flawless eyes were even more intoxicating. Her bright eyes were full of light, and her heart was also secretly surprised.

Over the years, she has been wandering alone among the sea of stars, but she has also seen extraordinary knowledge. She has heard the name of Di Carlo, the first worship of the Julan Chamber of Commerce, and knows that this person is the master of the space arc and the power of space. She can be regarded as the first person in the Star River today.

Is Shiyan a descendant of DiCarlo?

Ouyang Luoshuang was surprised and secretly suspected, because she knew that Shi Yan came from the mainland of God's grace, and she was in and first release~~ When she was in her hometown, she had never heard of Dicaro's name.

She quietly paid attention to Shiyan. Seeing that Shiyan also showed a trace of astonishment, Ouyang Luoshuang immediately understood: I'm afraid Ban Yu made a mistake, and Shiyan is pretending again!

She can't laugh or cry.

But there was also a glimmer of hope in her heart!

Although she guessed the real situation, Qianhuanzong and Broken Hall did not know it, and Ban Yu did not know the truth. With the help of DiCarlo's reputation and the hostage Xing Shang, maybe... She really has a little possibility of liberation.

"The key of the Yuanshen lock is not in our hands. I can't give it to you." Xing Yingfang's heart was slightly shaken, and she thought about it secretly. She said softly and gently, "How about this? Let's enter the Phantom Star first. I'll ask my father to get the key. Can you wait for me for a while?"

Shi Yan shrugged his shoulders and said casually, "Yes."

After saying that, he pulled Ouyang Luoshuang with the power of the stars and held Xing Shang in one hand. Then he wanted to step into the homeland of the magic star.

That Xing Shang. At this time, his face was like a pig's liver, and he was as ugly as he was. He kept frowning at Xing Ying. I hope Xing Ying can find a way to get him out as soon as possible.

Xing Ying turned a blind eye.

The warriors of Haofeng and Qianhuanzong, because Banyu affirmed that Shiyan was a descendant of Dikalo. I didn't dare to act rashly. At this time, I was silent and looked on coldly.

"He is the descendants of our great worship. We should not have logged in to the Phantom Star, but this time, we can only make an exception. We won't leave until the matter is solved." Ban Yu had a tough attitude and winned at the chamber of commerce warriors. Those people rode in chariots one after another, followed the stone rock, and also went to the illusion star.

"Wait a minute, this matter is serious, let me report it!" At this moment, the first god of Qianhuanzong, who came with Haofeng, realized that the situation was not good.

He is no longer ready to let Haofeng do whatever he wants. Finally, we should take this matter seriously and fulfill the real responsibility of the outer guard of Qianhuanzong.

"Yes." Ban Yu nodded..

Everyone looked at the stone rock.

Shi Yan grinned, showed an extremely strange smile, and said in a loud voice, "You'd better report this matter directly to Ling Xiang, otherwise. It's still difficult to solve.

The man's face changed, and he felt that things were more and more strange. There is a vague intuition that is wrong...

Shiyan was too calm. From beginning to end, when he was surrounded by the Thousand Magic Sect and the Broken Hall, he did not show a trace of fear and anxiety, and he was a little evil calmly.

There are only two possibilities for this performance, either this person is stupid and pitiful, or he is fearless!

From his dark observation of Shiyan, he knows that Shiyan is not stupid at all, so there is only one possibility behind, - Shiyan is not afraid of anyone in the Thousand Fantasy Sect or Broken Hall at all!

This conclusion shocked the man. He, who was going to contact Haofeng's elders, pondered and changed his mind. He decided to directly ask the suzerain of Qianhuan!

"Please wait a moment!"

He suddenly looked respectful, bowed slightly, and then retreated his back to the stone rock to hook Ling Xiang in a secret way.

Hao Feng, Xing Ying and Ban Yu all showed surprise, especially Hao Feng, who was even more surprised, because he knew that this person's status in Qianhuanzong was not low. Unless he faced with allies at the level of Laina and Xing Ming, this person's attitude would not be so cautious. This person's treatment of Shi Yan only shows that he I think Shiyan's identity and status are equivalent to Lena and Xing Ming!

Hao Feng was secretly shocked and gave birth to a feeling that he was afraid of stepping on the iron plate, and secretly regretted himself.

Xing Ying also had a gloomy and uncertain face and stared at Wei Yun coldly, "You have done a good job!"

Ban Yu was the most comfortable and waited relaxedly. When he looked at the stone rock, he squeezed out a smile.

Hao Feng, Xing Ying and Ban Yu all think that Shi Yan is the descendants of Di Kalo. From their point of view, only in this way can Shi Yan not be afraid of Qian Huanzong, Broken Hall, Tianshui Palace, and will not worry about being punished.

Just when they were thinking about each other, the words of the first god who contacted Ling Xiang made them completely confused!

The man turned around and said with a shocked face, "The suzerain has an order. Let us wait here. He will come with the Lord of Xize and the Lord of the Lorraine!"

When he said this, he was shocked and looked at the stone rock in a strange way.

Ban Yu, Hao Feng, Xing Ying and Wei Yun were directly dumbfounded. I don't know what's going on.

In the status of Ling Xiang, Xi Ze and Lorraine, not to mention that Shi Yan is just a poster of DiCarlo, even if Di Carlo comes here in person, the three of them don't need to greet each other in person?

What's more, the three of them came together!

In the vast sea of stars, who is qualified to let these three people welcome each other at the same time?

The head of the Protoss?

The patriarch of the Pluto clan?

Xing Ying and Wei Yun's faces turned pale and there was strong uneasiness. Hao Feng also looked bitter and regretted to the extreme.

Ouyang Luoshuang had a dreamy feeling. She quietly looked at Shiyan and set off a fierce wave in her heart. She found that she once again underestimated Shiyan and underestimated the mystery of this guy...

That Banyu was also stupid. He touched his chin and looked strange, and he couldn't guess why.

He knew that even if the president of their Julan Chamber of Commerce came in person, he might not be able to greet Ling Xiang, Xize and Lorraine in person.

When everyone was shocked and unclear, Ling Xiang, Xize and Lorraine came together. In addition, Gu Lian, Xing Ming, Laina, Qianhuanzong, Broken Hall, and the real rulers of Tianshui Palace gathered together.


As soon as Ling Xiang flashed out, he raised his voice and laughed, and his laughter was full of joy and joy. "The Lord really gave me face. As soon as I reached the top, he came to my magic star in person, and really made my magic star shine. It's just that before the Lord came, we didn't inform the specific time, and we can't be sure. We couldn't arrange it earlier. It's really uneasy to neglect the Lord.

Ling Xiang and the others had discussed it earlier. This trip should be given to the stone rock face so as to dispel his precautions and get the matter done.

Therefore, these three people will come at the same time, hoping to win the favor of Shiyan and finalize the matter previously discuss as soon as possible. In their eyes, Shiyan is still too young. As long as they take it a little seriously and give him enough face, they will definitely trap Shiyan.

Ban Yu, Hao Feng, Xing Ying, Wei Yun, Ouyang Luoshuang and others naturally don't know Ling Xiang's plan. They don't know that they come out to greet them in person. In fact, they have another deep meaning.

So Ling Xiang's words fell, and the warriors of Qianhuanzong, Broken Hall and Julan Chamber of Commerce outside the illusion star became silent, and all his eyes gathered together and stared at the stone rock.

All stunned.

In everyone's heart, there is a huge question mark, which fills their minds and occupies all their subjective consciousness.

Who the hell is this person?

"Woo-hoo-hoo!" Xing Shang was in great pain. At this time, he was also reached the realm and hurriedly struggled to make a sound to attract everyone's attention.

"Is this?" Xi Ze frowned and said in a low voice, "How can I offend the Lord under my command of this hall?"

Shi Yan glanced at Ban Yu and said, "You explain this matter."

Ban Yu was stunned. At this time, he indulged in a huge confusion. He was stunned for a while under the eyes of Xize and Shi Yan. He bent down slightly and made the situation clear.

Xize snorted coldly and glanced at Xing Ming behind him, with a trace of sharpness in his eyes.

Xing Ming bowed his head, and his forehead faintly oozed sweat, and he didn't even dare to refute it.

Although Xi Ze doesn't care about all kinds of affairs of the temple, Xing Ming knows the horror of Xi Ze. With the cultivation of the immortal realm and the identity of the owner of the temple, Xi Ze really wants to kill him, and it is useless for him to pretend to be a tiger.

Because the tiger power he relies on is Yize himself!

"I broke the hall and captured one or two people. I don't need to get the Lord's approval, right? If this person is the deepest friend of the Lord, then we are wrong about this matter, but listen to what Ban Yu said, between you..." Xi Ze frowned.

He hadn't finished his words yet, and he was stunned by his sudden expression. Xize, who had always been known as tenacious and coldness, looked stunned.

Many onlookers around were also surprised and looked strange.

Because at this time, Shi Yan suddenly let go of Xing Shang, and casually pulled Ouyang Luoshuang over and hugged her perfectly proportion of the ketone body, and kissed her Fengze lips. The kiss was extremely rough and forceful, which made everyone see very clear.

After kissing, he didn't look at the shame and indignation in Ouyang Luoshuang's eyes. He just nod to Xize and said, "She is my woman!"

This is extremely domineering and arrogant.

But the surrounding women were stunned. Many Huaichun girls all showed intoxicated. She was fascinated by the stone rock at this moment. Xing Ying was even hot all over and felt that her legs were wet...

Even when Lena and Lorraine were stunned, their faces turned slightly red, and their eyes couldn't help but look strange.

"This matter is wrong for me to break the hall. I'm sorry that I have no way to discipline my subordinates, which makes the Lord troublesome." Xi Ze was also a hero. He took it decisively, and immediately looked at Xing Ming fiercely and snorted coldly, "Do you want me to teach you how to do it?"

......Unfinished to be continued www.RT