Kill God

Chapter 1275 Uncleible

The central island of the Magic Star Lake.

Ling Xiang brought Shi Yan all the way and landed on the island. He smiled and said, "I have been working hard here for many years. I have fallen in love with the beautiful scenery of the mountains and the world, and I am about to forget the true meaning of power."

Cizzer, Lorraine and Lena all secretly paid attention to Shi Yan and wanted to see how he responded.

"The mystery of heaven and earth is everywhere in every inch. Those who have a heart can see the truth. Those who are stupid can't see where the treasure is in Baoshan." Shi Yan took a deep breath between the bamboo buildings, and his face was amazing. He praised, "This place is the soul of the magic star. The most exquisite place of this star is here. It's really amazing."

"Where is Qi?" Ling Xiang took the school entrance examination.

"It's strange everywhere." Shi Yan looked around and said, "I can't see whether these mountains, lakes, bamboo pavilions, swimming fish and spirit beasts are true or false."

Ling Xiang, Xi Ze and Lorraine exchanged a look and nodded secretly.

This place is really the place of the soul of the magic star. The reason why the magic star has the word "fantasy" is related to this place, and even the strange formation of the fantasy realm is also related to this place.

This landscape swimming fish and spirit beast actually exists, but it can change at any time, which is extremely strange.

"This landscape, fish spirit beast, should be the suzerain's original world to move out, and the survival depends on your mind. Because the space is stacked, it is not your first world, but it runs through your first world, and your first world is in one layer of space, so?" Shi Yan suddenly shook the ground, suddenly reacted, and looked at Ling Xiang in astonishment.

As soon as he said this, Ling Xiang and the other two were terrified and secretly surprised.

Shiyan can see that this is the soul of the stars, and the landscape is virtual, which is already extremely extraordinary.

Unexpectedly, he condensed his mind for a while, and said that the landscape and scenery actually came from the first world of Lingxiang, saying that the first world of Lingxiang was one of the layers of overlapping space. This is not what ordinary people can see.

Even when Lena and Xing Ming first came here, they could only see the first floor. Unable to say the second deep meaning like a stone rock.

"It is worthy of being the new lord. The cultivation of the realm of the first god can be seen so thoroughly." Xi Ze nodded and praised from the bottom of his heart.

"It's true that the eyesight is extraordinary. It seems that the Protoss is really in trouble this time." Lorraine smiled indifferently.

Ouyang Luoshuang, next to Shiyan, followed quietly all the way without saying a word. At this time, her eyes turned. The moonlight in the pupil poured out like water and fell under her feet.

Wonderful changes suddenly appeared...

The moonlight flowing out of her eyes, like sulfuric acid with terrible corrosive power, melted away the quiet landscape. Rapidly changing the world.

A world composed of illusions. Under the light of the real moonlight in her eyes, it was broken for a short time. A real world reappears in heaven and earth.

Surrounded by lofty mountains and forests of ancient trees, they are among the majestic palaces. Those palaces are made of boulders, thick and simple, and have their own awesome majesty.

This is the truth!

The moonlight in her eyes. Tear the illusion and reveal the truth.

Ling Xiang, Xi Ze and Lorraine. They all looked strange and looked deeply at Ouyang Luoshuang, as if they had found something magical.

"Little girl, who is your master?" Lorraine suddenly remembered what Ouyang Luo Shuang said before, saying that her master would avenge her. At that time, Lorraine didn't pay attention to it, but now Lorraine is a little uneasy.

Ouyang Luoshuang's wonderful moonlight makes her have a sense of familiarity, as if she has heard it in someone. That person should be extremely old, which makes her memory a little vague. If she doesn't feel wrong, the master of Ouyang Luoshuang should be an extremely terrible person. Maybe she is from the same era as her master.

Ling Xiang and Xize were also stunned, thinking and staring at Ouyang Luoshuang.

From the power change of Ouyang Luoshuang, they also sensed the magic. The holy and flawless breath on Ouyang Luoshuang also made them feel a little familiar.

It's just for a while, and I really can't remember it.

"You two have also encountered a lot of troubles on the way. Today, you can take a rest for the time being. Let's talk about important things tomorrow." Ling Xiang did not determine the origin of Ouyang Luoshuang's identity. He was ready to slow down first, so that he could talk to Xize and Lorraine again and deal with this matter cautiously through the release of Shi Yan today.

Shi Yan doesn't care and said, "It's okay."

"Xiao Linger, you can arrange distinguished guests." Ling Xiang smiled indifferently and shouted.

From the dense forest in the back, Gu Ling suddenly flew in. Her eyes were extremely flexible. When she came over, she looked stiff and seemed not to be very happy. She said, "Come with me."

"Linger is my goddaughter, and Linger's father is my brother. Unfortunately, he died young." Ling Xiang explained that there was a trace of gloom in his eyes.

Shi Yan nodded slightly.

The ancient spirit's little face was cold, hummed, led the way ahead, and went straight to a majestic palace.

Shi Yan took a look at Ouyang Luoshuang.

Ouyang Luoshuang looked calm and took the initiative to come to him and walk in the direction of the ancient spirit with him.

"What do you think of him?" When Shi Yan and Ouyang Luoshuang left, Ling Xiang turned around and asked with distracted eyes.

"It's quite extraordinary and unique. Although the realm is weak at this time, I'm afraid it can improve rapidly with the strangeness of the bloodthirsty master." Lorraine replied.

"It's not that simple. The terrible mystery of the bloodthirsty Lord, you don't have to worry about the lack of divine power, but the understanding of the realm still needs to be accumulated step by step." Lena shook her head, "I am perfect in the triple heaven of the god, only one step away from immortality, but this step has trapped me for two thousand years, the realm is not enough to understand, and the strength is not enough to break through."

"Xize, what do you think?" Ling Xiangdao.

"He can defeat Hasen and Haig, which is enough to prove that his cultivation talent is higher than those two. Coupled with the unique meaning of bloodthirsty, I think his future will be very broad." Xize Road.

"I think the same as Xi Ze. If this boy can't die, he will definitely be a terrible person in the future." Ling Xiang nodded.

"Do you have a sense of familiarity with the flowing breath of the woman beside him?" Lorraine suddenly spoke.

"This is also my doubt." Ling Xiang's expression condensed, "I always feel that I have seen it on someone, but it's a pity that I can't remember it for a while, so I arranged for them to rest first. We all sort it out."

"Well, I also feel a little familiar with it. It seems that someone has said it." Xize Road.

Several people were puzzled, frowned and thought hard, and were secretly surprised.

On the other side, Gu Ling didn't look good at all. He introduced Shi Yan and Ouyang Luoshuang into a palace. With a cold face, he said, "This is the place where our Qianhuanzong entertains distinguished guests. Go in. If you need anything, call someone to come by yourself."

After saying that, Gu Ling looked disgusted and scolded the man for not having anything good. He hummed and left.

She has a very good relationship with Cecilia. This trip, Cecilia was temporarily imprisoned by Lena and could not get out of the matter of Shi Yan. Shi Yan came from the fantasy realm with a strange woman and said that it was his woman. The ancient spirit was secretly not worth Cecilia, and naturally he did not have a good face to him.

"Wait a minute, last time I saw you with Cecilia, this time, she didn't come with her master Lena?" Shi Yan shouted softly and asked.

"Why did you ask Cecilia? With a new lover, do you still care about your old love? Men are really unreliable!" Gu Ling's eyes wandered between him and Ouyang Luoshuang, obviously mocking him.

"Is Cecilia here on earth?" Shi Yan frowned.

"I don't know (bookstore the fastest update!" Gu Ling snorted coldly, turned around with a cold face and left.

"For many years, you are still so romantic. No matter where you are, you can never be accompanied by a beautiful woman. It's really hard to change your nature." Ouyang Luoshuang's voice was cold. After Gu Ling walked away, he suddenly interrupted.

As soon as she turned her mind, she found that there was no one around her, so she no longer deliberately approached the stone rock, and took the initiative to open a distance, with a slightly cold expression.

Shi Yan stood at the door and looked at the simple floor structure in the hall. When he heard the words, his eyes circled around her ketone body. Suddenly, he said, "So, are you one of the beauties around me? You hugged and kissed, anyway?"

He was not happy with Ouyang Luoshuang's attitude and counterattacked.

Ouyang Luoshuang's jade-like white face suddenly showed a trace of touching red, and his silver teeth bit gently, "Shameless!"

"Whatever you say, there are some facts that can't be changed, and in this fantasy star, you must admit it as my woman." Shi Yan shrugged his shoulders and said freely.

"Wait when my master comes, you and I will be innocent, and the little girl won't see that you are full." Ouyang Luoshuang took a breath and regained indifference. Her efforts on mental cultivation were much more exquisite than many people.

"I'm curious, who is your master?" Shi Yan squinted.

The breath of Ouyang Luoshuang is very similar to the strong man of the Protoss he knew. He had been suspicious before. Later, when he heard that Ouyang Luoshuang had a master, he wanted to know who it was at that time. Now Ouyang Luoshuang took the initiative to mention it, and he asked.

"Who is it?" Ouyang Luoshuang showed a trace of confusion and hesitated for a moment. Then he said, "I don't know the origin of his identity, but his realm cultivation should be extremely exquisite. He had something to do with the illusion star this time, and let me wait for him on the periphery. While I was waiting, I clashed with Xing Shang and Wei

After a pause, Ouyang Luoshuang's eyes were soft and he whispered, "Thank you. I didn't expect an indifferent person like you to save me."

Shi Yan touched his nose, "I didn't want to save you, but when I think of you back then, I always feel that you have been ruined by the role of Xing Ming. It's really hard to tolerate."

"Who was me back then?" Ouyang Luoshuang was surprised.

Shi Yan nodded, his eyes were strange, and recalled, "In that year, my realm was extremely low. On that day, you broke the meteorite outside the sky and came out, like the moon god, and the glory was peerless. At that time, I thought that a woman like you should only exist in a man's dream, not a real appearance..."

In that year, he was as weak as an ant, while Ouyang Luoshuang was the goddess of the moon. In the cultivation of heaven, if there was a gap between the two sides that could never be crossed, there was a difference.

... (to be continued)