Kill God

Chapter 1286 Head Feast

On a desolate death star in the south of the cloud thunder star.

The gray-brown cold stone land suddenly smashed and burst, and a majestic figure suddenly pierced out, and his eyes were as bright as electricity.

Shiyan looked in the direction of the cloud thunder star and frowned slightly.

After leaving the sky star, he was bloody all the way and killed the Protoss one by one along the way. Three first gods and one heaven, the virtual gods, the source gods and the god king were hundreds. The tragic deaths of these people not only restored his power due to consumption in the fantasy realm, but also slightly improved.

Through this refreshing killing, he has a deeper understanding of the subtlety of devouring the mystery.

He finally knew that devouring Aoyi is not just after the death of the warrior, swallowing the essence of death. What devouring Aoyi really devours is power. All powerful creatures can be directly devoured and absorbed, fused into pure power. The flesh and blood body has power, and the power formed by the martial artist Ao It can be swallowed up.

When the other party is lively, it can be used to devour the meaning, and there is no need to wait for the other party to die.

After death, the power will be lost. When the other party's power is at its peak, it will be swallowed up, and there will be more power that can be transformed.

The black hole is another use of devouring power. In order to swallow the soul, it is specially designed to devour the soul altar, forming the spiritual power of the soul, refining the altar, and gradually transforming the altar in a certain wonderful direction.

It should be similar to the way the Pluto family specializes in refining the altar, and may be more outstanding.

In this trip to the Thunder Star Domain, he let go of his own killing, but really discovered the subtlety of devouring the mystery.

However, he has not yet entered the two heavens of the gods, and he still lacks the power to complete the transformation of the regrowth of the ancient tree of divine power, and he still needs more strength.

The three first gods, the power transformed by hundreds of virtual gods, source gods and god kings, only restored his lost power, not to the extent that he broke through to the double heavens of the first gods.

After killing all the way, he found that those characters of the local forces in the Leixiao Star Domain were as very cooperative with him as the Chen family. Every time, he pointed out the place where the Protoss gathered, detailing the realm and number of the other party, so that he could know it and arrange it calmly.

Through this experience, he realized that the Bradley family was extremely unpopular in the Thunder Star Domain. Although those people were subdued, they were not sincere. When he found that there was a chance to secretly give cold arrows to the Protoss, they were even more excited than him.

It is because of the cooperation of those people that he can be so smooth. Now, he has targeted Leixiao Tianchi, and is ready to use Letka's head to help him break through to the first god's double heaven, but he is not sure whether today's Leixiao Tianchi has come, so he does not dare to act rashly and Lei Xing settled down and asked about the situation.

As soon as his mind moved, he fell in the direction of Yun Leixing.

In a short time, he appeared in the cloud and thunder star, and stood in the center of the thunder city. He closed his eyes and wandered around.

No Protoss were found.

Yunleixing was also stationed by Protoss, but because of his crazy slaughter, Letka had ordered those people to return.

It was because he couldn't find the Protoss to do it recently that he thought of changing his mind and entering the Protoss's base camp in the Leixiao Star Domain and going to the Leixiao Tianchi.

In this thunder city, many people from the stars of life from all sides of the Thunder Star Domain come and go~~ Book Network first release~~, many shops and streets are overcrowded. He listened attentively and found that almost everyone was talking about him, calling him "kill" God, "killing stars", "the executioner of the Protoss" and so on. When those people mentioned him, their eyebrows fluttered one by one, and did not hide the surprise on their faces at all, and the gloating to the Protoss.

The stone rock nodded darkly.

Along the way, he already knew that the Bradley family's Letka had done so many evil things on this star domain that made people can't wait to dig his ancestral grave. The fact that Letka can live until now is because of the prestige of the Protoss, otherwise he might have been killed first.

Because he knew from some people that people came out of the Leixiao Star Domain, and there were also people who reached the Three Heaven of the Founding God. Those people are not in the Leixiao Star Domain now. Because of the fear of the power of the Protoss, they did not return and cleaned up the Lightka of the Star Domain.

The shadows of Leicheng are endless, and they are talking about him in the shops and teahouses of various streets.

He pondered for a long time, smiled, and sat down in a [Guang] field in Leicheng.

As soon as his mind moved, the same space in the first world flew out and was neatly arranged above his head.

In an instant, there were sharp screams around the [Guangzhou] field one by one, and the sound of fear inhaling the cold air one by one. Many warriors around the [Guangzhou] field looked at him with throbbing and looked excited.

On top of his head, there is a person's head, the head of the Protoss!

Many of them are famous in the Leixiao Star Domain. They are on the side of the town and the evil side, which is extremely hateful.

Especially the heads of the three gods. Almost everyone has seen the warriors here. Seeing the heads of the three people hanging in the sky, the warriors in many shops and streets shouted happily one after another, just like the Spring Festival.

** instantly spread throughout the city.

All the martial artists in Leicheng, at this moment, heard the news one after another, put down what they had done, and gathered towards this [Guangzhou] field. In the sky, there were dense people, like locusts.

With the stone rock as the center, the warriors of all ethnic groups surrounded the stone rock layer by layer, pointing at the stone rock and screaming one after another, with exaggerated expressions and smiling faces.

Hundreds of Protoss' heads are suspended on the top of the stone rock. Everyone is like a clear spring, falling into everyone's hearts, suppressing their resentment for many years. After seeing that head, it seems to have a vent all of a sudden.

Many women and old people began to cry. Looking at those heads, they cried a lot, just like years of hatred had been erased. Because they were too happy, they couldn't help crying...

The huge ** of Leicheng shocked the conversation in the secret room under the ground. Lei Qian squinted and listened to a report under his command. His eyes gradually brightened. He suddenly stood up and said, "That man is coming. He put out the heads of so many Protoss to show his identity. He came to Yun Leixing and Leicheng. ..."

"Lei Lao, what do you do?" The rest of the people asked one after another.

"He thinks so highly of us, we can't always be too timid. Well, I summoned him with divine consciousness and asked him to come and talk about it." Lei Yi made a statement.

Everyone nodded one after another.

Lei squinted his eyes, released his divine consciousness, and flew to the direction of the stone rock with the soul of the realm of the beginning god.

Surrounded by tens of thousands of thunderstorm warriors, Shi Yan narrowed his eyes and lowered his head without saying anything. He was also waiting for the invitation of those who really dared to compete with the Protoss. The heads of the strong Protoss were his meeting gift.

Sure enough, the divine light in his eyes flashed and suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, the heads of the protoss who suspended in the sky all exploded, turned into bone powder and dissipated, floating in the whole thunder city.

All the warriors in the Thunder Star Domain cheered like the New Year, raised their arms and shouted, hugged each other to celebrate.

In the secret room of Leicheng.

Shi Yan suddenly appeared, sat down beside Lei, squinted, and said, "You called me?"

Lei Wei was shocked, and then stood up suddenly and said respectfully, "Lei Wei has seen the bloodthirsty new lord.

Those people were originally sitting. As soon as they saw Lei Kun's big gift, they were stunned and stood up one after another. They saluted like Lei Kun, and said respectfully, "I've seen the bloodthirsty new lord."

Shi Yan waved his hand and said casually, "You're welcome. Sit down."

Everyone sat down.

"Your name is Hail, right? I've heard that you used to be the deputy leader of the Leixiao League. Because the Leixiao League was destroyed, and you didn't have the strength to compete with the Protoss, so you have hidden your name until now. Is that so?" Shi Yan asked indifferently.

Lei Tuo nodded and said, "My name is Lei Tuo now. I didn't expect the Lord to have heard the name of the old man. It's a great honor to be old man."

"Well, it doesn't matter what it's called, as long as you haven't forgotten the past." Shi Yan grinned and said, "You called me here. You didn't tell me that you changed your name, did you? Tell me, what do you think?"

"The Lord should be looking for the old man when he comes to Yun Leixing. I don't know what the Lord has to tell me. As long as I can do it, I will do my best. As long as the Lord promises me one thing." Lei Yi looked at him deeply, "Promise me to expel the Protoss people from our Leixiao Star Domain in the future. As long as the Lord agrees, the old man can die for the Lord!"

"Lao Lei!"

"Lao Lei!"

"Lao Lei!"

The other people's faces changed, showing an expression of disbelief, and shouted one after another.

Lei Wei waved his hand and said, "For the future of Leixiao Star Domain, I can give everything!" The reason why I survive is not that I am afraid of death, but to wait for a future for Leixiao Star Domain. Today, as long as the Lord promises me, Leixiao Star Domain will have a future, and I can hand over my life at any time!"

As soon as he said this, the other leaders who had hesitated before looked slightly shocked, and something in his heart was stimulated. His face was moved, and his eyes were also firm.

Shi Yan's eyes were surprised. He looked deeply at Lei, nodded secretly and said, "I promise you."

Before he came over, he didn't think that Lei Qian would have such a big determination, because he came to see an old ghost who did not dare to fight against the Protoss head-on and wanted to hide. He was already as cunning as a rat, and he should not dare to stand up with real blood.

He found that he was wrong. Lei's fierce reaction made him in a trance and secretly moved.

"If you have any orders now, just tell me. I, Lei, can help you. I will do my best. Even if I die, I will get things done for you!" Lei Tuo cut the railway.

"I don't want you to die. What I want is very simple. I want to know who is in the Protoss in Leixiao Tianchi now. Recently, if there are any new strong people of the Protoss in the past? I want to know this." Stone rock explanation.

"Oh, this is simple. Recently, there are strong people of the Protoss coming, and two new gods and two heaven realms have come. There have been problems in the sea of our Leixiao Star Domain recently. After the arrival of those two people, they suddenly twisted and confused and failed one after another. In the follow-up, there should be no Protoss coming. I heard that Lightka was having a headache, saying that a strong man who surpassed the original god was coming, but he was blocked outside and could not break through. Lei said with a strange face.

Shi Yan's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he laughed.

He knew that someone was secretly helping him to relieve his worries.