Kill God

Chapter 1299 Immortal Showdown!

The void of the thunder sky is like a mirror, smooth and clean, and does not stain a trace of dust.

All of this is caused by the washing of Di Caroyi and the sealing of the divine power of space. However, at this time, as soon as the closure is opened, the violent magnetic field caused by the huge change of the energy of heaven and earth immediately ravaged the Star Sea!

All due to the energy of the ancient thunder dragon, the outer layer of the Leixiao star domain has caused great changes, making the Leixiao star domain extremely unstable at this time.

Fortunately, DiCarlo saw that it was not good and removed the barrier very early, otherwise it would continue to impact the free and light, and the star domain would be crushed and burst.

In that way, the lives will be ruined, and hundreds of millions of creatures will be annihilated!

Now that it is closed and cracked, the two heavenly kings of the two great gods, Xiaoyao and light, can naturally **. I can only see two divine lights like a galaxy, penetrating the extreme of heaven and earth, stepping on the virtual, and instantly in front of DiCarlo and Reddy.

Xiaoyao's face was as soft as cold water, and his eyes were as moonlight like an ice sword, cold and cold. He frowned slightly, and immediately a cold moon appeared in the back of his head.

The cold moon is like a crystal ice stone, which is cold to the bone and quenches the spirit of the ancient stars and the moon.

That is the way of freedom, the root of his original world. It is made of countless bright moon crystal nuclei grinding and condensation, and the free soul power flows inside, which has evolved into the unchanging mystery of hundreds of millions of years.

As soon as the cold moon came out, all the moon stars in the Leixiao Star Domain were ignited, shooting the cold moonlight one by one.

In an flash, the moon stars rotated and rolled like a roulette, gathering one by one to the side of Xiaoyao, like silver disks, revealing the bitter cold.

Xiaoyao looked at Ouyang Luoshuang, his expression slowed down, and said softly, "Come here."

Ouyang Luoshuang's eyes were cold. She looked at Shi Yan, and then at Reddy and Di Carlo. She meditated for a moment and walked to Xiaoyao without saying a word. When she came to Xiaoyao's side, she lowered her head and shouted, "Master."

Xiaoyao looked relieved, "It's good that you're fine. As a teacher, I've been anxious and upset for too long because of your affairs."

After that, Xiaoyao opened his mouth and spit out. The essence of the moon, like a broken diamond, suddenly fell to Ouyang Luoshuang, and poured into her initial world along her eyebrows. "This is the treasure of the moon that the teacher is looking for you, which can help you break through the two heavens of the first god. Now, you should The coldness of the combination is the same as the teacher. Only you can inherit my mantle in the future.

Ouyang Luoshuang nodded silently, with no waves in his eyes, making people unable to see his real thoughts.

"Happy, don't forget the purpose of our coming." At this time, the King of Light interrupted, and his eyes were like a dazzling sea of light. When he looked at Shiyan, Shiyan had the illusion of being submerged by the sea of light. His soul had an unspeakable sense of dizziness and could not bear his gaze.

"Naturally, I won't forget it."

After seeing Ouyang Luoshuang, Xiaoyao became extremely relaxed. The previous anxiety was cut off in an instant, and he regained his usual calmness and wisdom.

"You are really a bloodthirsty person. Obviously, you are a bloodthirsty inheritor, but you cultivate the power of space and stars. The power of the stars is born out of the light mystery of our Protoss. I really don't know your existence, whether it is the pride of a bloodthirsty line or the shame of my

Xiaoyao looked at the stone rock quietly.

The cold moon suddenly changed and turned into a cold eye, which was the pupil of freedom.

With the huge cold moon's changing pupils, it reveals the cold light of extinction of human nature, and with the purity of the moon, which is extremely mysterious and unpredictable.

Under the gaze of his eyes, Shi Yan trembled all over and his expression was distorted!

Countless cold power, such as a cold sharp knife stabbed into his flesh and blood, stabbed into his altar, ravaging his heart, to cut off his seven emotions and six desires, and destroy his soul memory!

Just a glance!

A carefree glance!

Shi Yan was stunned. At this moment, he finally learned the magic of immortal existence. After showing the mystery of the soul, the kind of ignoring the defense of the soul and the penetration of space distance was simply pervasive!

He couldn't help but flowed blood from the corners of his mouth, which was immortal blood, as bright as a red diamond.


Reddy roared, and the domineering thunder came from the body, like the world exploded in his body one by one, forming a violent and shocking fluctuation. The fluctuation is like an invisible dark tide, breeding crazily between the free sight and the rock, spreading crazily, and the crazy impact of Xiaoyao~~ Book Network The new first release~~ The mystery is wonderful!

The starry sky in the middle of Xiaoyao and the stone rock is like being crushed by an invisible beast, bursting inch by inch, smashing inch by inch!

The chaotic stream of light in the hundreds of millions of space turbulence is mixed with wind, freezing, storm, endless void and gray, like a waterfall pouring out and pouring it into the thunderous star field.

This thunderous star domain, like meat corroded by sulfuric acid, melts at an amazing speed. The star domain is gradually disappearing, osmeating and incinating by streamers, turning it into a part of the chaotic space basin!

Since ancient times, there has been a rumor that one day the turbulence of space will overflow and flood into the sea of stars, completely submerging the sea of stars.

On that day, for the end of the universe, all the stars of life, all mineral stars, dead stars, and all living races will be swept away in an instant.

At this time, looking at the power from the void turbulence, it suddenly flooded in the real sea of stars. Looking at the sea of stars being submerged and disappeared, Shiyan's face changed slightly.

He seemed to see the end of the world coming.

Those extraterritorial streams, such as the strongest corrosive fluid, splashed between him and Xiaoyao, making the void collapse between him and Xiaoyao and turn into a void turbulence.

The void turbulence spread, and the mining area, which had been dormant by Reddy in the distance, instantly turned into nothingness.

Further away, several mineral stars and dead stars also disappeared in an a short time and disappeared into the void turbulence.

, or turned into a part of the void turbulence.

If Xiaoyao and Reddy continue to fight like this, and let more energy in the void turbulence penetrate, then the thunder star domain will inevitably gradually collapse and disappear, turning into a part of the void turbulence.

The stone rock is dark and cold. This immortal battle can actually destroy a star domain!

The energy poured by the void turbulence also made his heart tremble when it invaded the Leixiao Star Domain. He looked at DiCarlo beside him, and his face became extremely heavy.

He had already guessed DiCarlo's identity...

A strong man who cultivates the meaning of space and reaches the level of Dicaro, if it is evil, if he actively intervenes in the construction of the void, introduces the void turbulence into the galaxy, and introduces the star domains one by one, then it is the nightmare of all creatures!

No wonder DiCarlo is so respected that even in the heyday of the Protoss, he should not have taken the initiative to provoke him!

Shiyan suddenly understood.

The space mystery, after reaching the extremely deep realm, will definitely become the most feared existence of every force!

They can freely shuttle through space, and can easily turn various star domains into nothingness and into part of the void turbulence. Who is not afraid of such characters?

Unless, unless someone can kill it?

Among the vast galaxy, who is the one who can kill DiCarlo who can reach the immortal double heaven?

God may be able to, but if you want to recover first, you may be bloodthirsty, but he is dead...

Today's Xinghe, the person who can really balance DiCarlo, does not exist for the time being!

It's okay. Fortunately, this person's character is not bad. Fortunately, this person is a friend and not an enemy. Otherwise, the consequences are really unimaginable...

Shiyan is secretly happy.

"I don't want to intervene in the battle between your Protoss and the bloodthirsty. The reason why I want to send Shiyan to Leixiao Star Domain this time is just to wake up my old friends, that's all."

DiCarlo frowned and said to Xiaoyao and Guangming, "I saved him, and he woke up Reddy. I owe him a favor, so I will save his life this time."

After saying that, layers of space ripples flew out of DiCarlo's pupils.

The ripples in the space are like a wonderful hand, smoothing the collapsed void in the middle of Reddy and the stone rock, and the strange light of the void turbulence that constantly corrodes the sea of stars is like being clenled and stuffed back into the void turbulence.

"It is said that the mystery of space is invincible. Today I will try it. If you can not escape and fight me head-on, I will give you this thin face.

He grinned brightly and smiled brightly. He stretched out his finger, and a ray of light appeared on his fingertips, a ray of golden light!

The golden luster is like a crystal, reflecting more luminance. The luminance is entangled with each other, and a wisp of light appears inside. The soul is golden, like a new life!

Elf of Light!

With light as the carrier and the soul as the core, with light and life, this is the deepest display of the mystery of light!

The golden elves of light, like the incarnations of light, cheered and shouted, and the creatures created for the King of Light were conceived by his original world and were the pole of light!

Those golden elves of light represent the root of the mystery of light, the origin, and the most touching performance of the mystery.

The elves of light rushed to DiCarlo one by one, like living beings fanning one by one, passing through the void boundary built by DiCarlo and directly penetrating into DiCarlo's real body.

DiCarlo's face was surprisingly solemn, "You have insight into the power of rules, and Aoyi has evolved life. In the past ten thousand years, you have not been abandoned."

He suddenly closed his eyes tightly.

DiCarlo's divine body was shaken and twisted, and he saw a new world, appearing in DiCarlo's arms, face and chest. Those worlds were nothingness, vastness, and endless emptiness.

That's the wonder derived from DiCarlo's true meaning of space, self-created space, and concentrated the body. After the distortion of his divine body, 9, 900 new spaces appeared in his whole body. Each space represents the thorough understanding of DiCarlo's space, and connects the real worlds, which can connect the void turbulence.

Each space can be turned into a void channel, allowing DiCarlo to shuttle between the star domains.

Looking at the endless voids emerging from the Dicarlo's divine body, Shi Yan was full of huge shocks, and there was a kind of enlightenment. The space created by Dicaro seemed to open a door for him, a more exquisite divine door to the meaning of the space!

The elves of light released by the King of Light penetrated into DiCarlo, penetrated into the endless void, and moved in different spaces one by one.

The space on Nadikaro's body, one after another, is fragmented!

Every time a space world is broken, the golden elf of light disappears, and the pupils of DiCarlo and the King of Light are stingling.

This level of battle has exceeded the cognitive limit of Shiyan. Just watching the battle, he was strongly moved.

He knows that through the elaboration of this battle, his harvest will be difficult to estimate!

ps I caught a cold and had a runny nose. I used two rolls of toilet paper a day, which was unspeakable. It was in this state that I finished the third update today, rolled all over the ground and cried for a monthly ticket~