Kill God

Chapter 1316 Heartwarming

In the six-edestangled land, the black horn star is at the top of a giant peak, and the energy lights fly out, like a crystal stream, flying to those who practice the eight evil powers.

The blood demon, Benny, Cato and those reporters with blood marks on their foreheads. At this time, they all sat cross-legged and were poured into the forehead marks by those energy crystals. Each of them looked different.

The blood demon is the immortal demon clan. Those energy crystals were injected into his forehead, which soon turned into the energy of life, and the mystery of life branded on his body turned into a harmonious one, making his magic blood boil, forming a blood film to bind him.

In the blood-colored flesh film, the blood demon's life fluctuation is extremely terrible, as terrible as an erupting volcano.

Compared with him, the rest of the people look much more peaceful. Benny is a member of the underworld. Those energies penetrate brightly and turn into wisps of gray silk threads, quietly penetrating his altar, such as the hot spring nourishing his altar, the destruction of his cultivation, and the altar becomes more and more essential in the altar.

Kato practiced chaos. When those energies penetrated into the body, he was like a huge force field in a disordered world, causing the surrounding ancient trees to be uprooted, strange stones flew quickly, and even the fierce wind outside the sky roared. It seemed to rush towards him abnormally, but he was cleverly controlled by him, just swir

The other many bloodthirsty mysmen's forms are not all connected. Those who practice the dark mysty disappear in the darkness, as if they disappeared from the light.

Cultivate the power of the corpse, and the gray smoke is lingering all over the body, and there is a cold and cold smell all over the body.

Those who practice other mystical meanings are also wonderful, but there are fluctuations of energy enhancement in each body.

Many of them belong to the command of Xuanhe, Frederick and Minghu. This trip is just to follow the order to participate in the battle in the Fire and Rain Star Domain. What they really recognize in their hearts is Xuanhe, Frederick and Minghu, who regard them as leaders and bloodthirsty real leaders.

... As for Shi Yan, he had not been seen by them before, only as a puppet supported by Xuanhe, Pluto and Frederick.

They even look down on disdain in the dark.

However, at this moment, each of them flashed a trace of happiness in their hearts. Fortunately, it was them, not others, who were sent to the Fire and Rain Star Domain!

They are lucky to be with Shi Yan!

Because of the gift of power from Shiyan, it is enough to enhance the power they have accumulated for decades or even a hundred years! The pure and powerful power pouring into the mark made their hearts surging and made them ecstatic!

What scares them most is the power that penetrates into the imprint, which can be perfectly integrated into each of their cultivation.

Just like those forces are refined for each of them!

Now, they finally realize that even if the realm of Shiyan is not exquisite enough now, it is not as excellent as Xuanhe, Frederick and Ming, but after all, Shiyan inherits the mystery of the bloodthirsty Lord, which devours the mystery and is the core of the bloodthirsty vein.

One day, when Shi Yan breaks through to immortality, he will be able to replace the Ming Dynasty and truly win the recognition of everyone.

Because of his mystery, he wants to be ahead of everyone, devour the mystery, create the strength under his command, and make all of them advance by leaps and bounds!

In their hearts, they gradually recognize the rock, which will gradually deepen with the strength of the rock...

I don't know how long it took, Shi Yan woke up first and opened his eyes. He immediately saw Xia Xinyan and Ziyao in front of him, and his two pairs of beautiful eyes were deeply condensed in his body.

The warmth rippled in his heart. He smiled and got up and said, "Where are the others?"

At this time, Lin Xin, Yunan, Yu Shan and Feng Han were not in this area. There were only some warrior guards stationed around to guard around, and idle people were not allowed to approach.

In addition to him and those who practice the eight evil powers, only Xia Xinyan and Zi Yao are familiar. These two women seem to have been guarding him and waiting for him to wake up.

"It's been a little longer for you to pass the work this time. Others have to arrange follow-up things. You can't stay here and wait all the time, so you have to deal with things first."

Ziyao was like a delicate flower, smiling and said with a flash of eyes.

She obviously deliberately trimmed her hair, her hair was soft and loose, and her temples were not messy at all. She was dressed in a close-fitting purple dress, ** white and round shoulders, plump and seductive peaks, and a touch of snow-white, dazzling people's eyes were fascinated, as if they were going to sink into it.

She was originally the most dazzling and delicate flower in the Flame Star Domain. Even when she came to the Maya Star Domain, her appearance was not reduced at all. With the improvement of her realm, her beauty became more and more intoxicating, as attractive as mellow wine.

Beside her, Xia Xinyan is like a secluded orchid, elegant and plain, and the delicate melon seed face is always indifferent and quiet as water.

Both of them have very different temperaments, but they are equally touching and beautiful.

At this time, they stood side by side, with two charming faces with smiles, which made Shi Yanxin, who had just woken up, tremble slightly, and the soul had a feeling of extreme desire for peace and tranquility.

He suddenly felt guilty and felt sorry for the Yi people in front of him. He had been fighting all his life, working hard for his own breakthrough for the ultimate in martial arts. He didn't have much leisure to stop, enjoy life, and didn't vent his emotions wholeheartedly...

The two women in front of him are the closest to him, but he doesn't really spend too much time with them.

"Are you ready to leave?" Xia Xinyan looked at him quietly, her voice was quiet, and there was a trace of resentment in her eyes.

She knows that the situation in the star domain is delicate now, similar to the fierce battle in the fire and rain star domain, and many areas are also taking place. As a new bloodthirsty lord, it is difficult for Shiyan to have leisure time to stop.

She knew that as soon as Shi Yan woke up, he might have to go abroad again and continue to fight in blood.

She can understand rationally, but emotionally, she will breed dissatisfaction. This is a woman's nature, not what she can reverse.

"Are you leaving again?" Ziyao's smile was still bright, but a little reluctant. The waves in her beautiful eyes were gently turbulent, reflecting her helpless anxiety.

Looking at these two outstanding women who are famous enough in any star field, a warm current suddenly flowed through his heart. He meditated for a few seconds and suddenly smiled, "Don't worry, it shouldn't matter if you take a break. You have to go, and wait for the blood demon, Benny and Kato to wake up."

The gray in the eyes of the two women was swept away by the dazzling light in an instant, and their cheeks were flushed with surprise. They gently bit their plump red lips and nodded heavily.

"Your Excellency, the Lord has ordered you. If you wake up and turn around, please be sure to go to the General League. The League mainly brings all the warriors in the Fire and Rain Star Domain. Thank you for your help."

A martial artist from the Fire and Rain Star Domain, with a respectful and humble bow, looked at him pleadingly.

Xia Xinyan and Zi Yao suddenly showed their helpless look of disappointment.

Shi Yan frowned slightly, looked at the warrior, and said lightly, "Don't worry."

His eyes were full of a teasing smile, and he suddenly said, "Let me show you different scenery. Well, it may be beneficial to your understanding of the realm."

As soon as the voice fell, two empty gaps, like a suddenly cracked mouth, suddenly appeared at the feet of Xia Xinyan and Ziyao.

The strong extraterresyu liu guang suddenly penetrated out, which turned the two women's frightened. Don't wait for them to exclaim, those extraterresential streamers, like sticky tentacles, pulled them directly into it.

When the crack healed, the screams of the two women came, and at this time, they had gone deep into the extraterritorial turbulence, in a completely different strange place.

The bodyguard of the "Royal God League", the cultivation of the virtual god double heaven realm, watched the two women disappear into the void cracks, showing surprise.

"I'm sorry, I promised them to accompany them to see different scenery. Please explain to your alliance leader, um, Feng Han and Lin Xin said that they are not bound by me. Any decision related to them is up to them, and I will not interfere. Shi Yan explained.

Fenghan, Linxin, Bass, Gut, Yanchi, Bingjie and many leaders of the Maya Star Domain took the legion to the Fire Rain Star Domain to help the Fire Rain Star Domain resist the Protoss, which really took a lot of effort.

In the past many years, the Fire Rain Star Domain and the Maya Star Domain have been closed, and these two star domains have no contact and no trade.

For these two star domains, the connection of the star domain is conducive to the strength of the two star domains, because many cultivation materials in the fire and rain star domain do not produce the Maya star domain. Similarly, there are many wonders in the Maya star domain, and there is no fire and rain star domain.

The reunion of the two star domains has re-established the friendship between the two star domains. Feng Han, Lin Xin, Yan Chi and Bing Jie are all discussing trade exchanges with the forces of the Fire and Rain Star Domain and should cooperate closely, but they are a little unclear about his attitude.

He represents bloodthirsty and the most powerful mysterious force in the universe. If he wants to interfere in the affairs of the Fire and Rain Star Domain, Feng Han and Lin Xin will go in the opposite direction with him.

This is what they don't want to see.

He gave this attitude, which can dispel the concerns of Feng Han and Lin Xin, so that they can be closely connected with the fire and rain star domain, so that both star domains can be profitable.

"I see, I will definitely send your message." The bodyguard hung his head, full of envy, and secretly praised in his heart.

As a bloodthirsty new lord, Shi Yan's attitude towards him is very kind and has no airs. The beauty of Xia Xinyan and Zi Yao made him fall in love with many fire and rain star warriors. Now when he sees that they are all related to Shi Yan, the man immediately sighed.

In his heart, only the existence of such a level as Shiyan can be worthy of Zi Yao and Xia Xinyan.

He was not jealous, only envious and blessed, because the arrival of Shi Yan took their star domain out of the blood of the Protoss.

This man retreated respectfully, and his face was full of awe. Deep down, he regarded Shi Yan as the lord of the future galaxy. Shi Yan's conversation with him will become the capital for him to show off in the future.

Shiyan smiled indifferently, changed his mind, turned into a beam of virtual light, disappeared in place, and directly immersed in the void turbulence.