Kill God

Chapter 1318 Travel

Ziyao is like a butterfly, splashing gorgeous brilliance in its body. The brilliance has nine colors, namely orange, cyan, purple, blue, white, green, yellow, black and gray.

Nine different colors of brilliance flew out of Ziyao's body one by one, and gradually, it seemed to turn into a ribbon, making her look more and more beautiful.

The fluctuation in her divine body also became condensed and thicker with the flight of those glories.

It seems that, as she said, in this space gap, she can also absorb energy, and it is more efficient and faster than the normal star sea to absorb energy!

It's incredible.

Sland, Shi Yan remembered Zi Yao's words in those years, which was about her definition of her meaning.

It is a special meaning of light, which is obviously different from the meaning of light cultivation of the Protoss. It is very different in terms of breath and characteristics.

The meaning of Ziyao is understood from the extraterritorial divine light. The extraterritorial divine light is a very rare and special light source. Those light comes from the extraterritorial wonders. Most of them have simple consciousness. Some can penetrate everything, some can bind creatures, and some people evolve all kinds of strange things...

This kind of extraterritorial divine light flies through the sea of stars like a meteor, which is shocked and rarely seen.

Not to mention binding it, slowly integrating it into itself, forming a unique mystery of light.

Ziyao is the kind of person who gets the extraterritorial divine light, integrates himself, and then cultivates into mystery, so as to slowly progress.

Absolutely a talented wizard.

However, this kind of mystery is rare, because it is not a conventional mystery. There are very few people who can practice, and it is even rarer to be able to advance to a high level. It is said that those who practice this mystery need to break through. It is much more difficult than ordinary people. If you can constantly integrate the extraterritorial divine light, the speed of breakthrough will be faster.

Unfortunately, extraterritorial divine light is very rare, and ordinary people may not be able to see it in their lives. Even those who practice such mystic meaning can perceive extraterritorial divine light, but they want to find a lot of them in the vast sea of stars. There is no doubt that it is a fantasy.

However, now Ziyao has removed the divine body mask. She exposed her real body to the extraterritorial turbulence, but her face was full of joy. Unexpectedly, I can practice here.

The speed of cultivation is also very fast. It's faster than any high-level star of life in the starry sky outside!

Those strange forces that permeate her body, Shi Yan, Xia Xinyan and most people can't absorb them, but she can. She doesn't even need to move her thoughts. Those forces take the initiative to converge in her veins and bones, and she will be colorful in a moment. It's like a gorgeous fairy in colorful clothes.

"It's very strange. I didn't expect that Xinyan's land like a poisonous scorpion is your blessing." Shi Yan sighed from the bottom of his heart.

"I didn't expect that I could still practice here. It's really amazing. The energy here is very similar to the divine light breath I absorbing and fused, just like a source. The breath of a direction is more vigorous and rich. I'll go and have a look."

Zi Yao smiled. The body moved like a river of light, suddenly floating into the distance, at a very fast speed.

"Don't you chase it over?" Xia Xinyan smiled at the corners of her mouth, there was no panic and fear on her face, and her beautiful eyes were elusterious.

"I don't seem to have to worry about her. Here... she doesn't seem to be too dangerous." Shi Yan touched his chin and looked thoughtfully at the direction of Ziyao's disappearance. "She has a wisp of my mark on her body. Here, I can lock her without any hindrance and reach her in an instant."

"Oh, so careful, when did you become so considerate?" Xia Xinyan joked sourly.

Shi Yan was surprised.

A woman's heart under the sea needle, he has a deep understanding of this sentence again. Previously, when he was on the Black Horn, when he passed on his skills to the blood demons, his hearing was not affected at all. He listened to the words of Xia Xinyan and Zi Yao in his ears, and he still regarded the two women as sisters.

Then he showed a little concern for Ziyao. Unexpectedly, Xia Xinyan immediately overturned the vinegar jar, and her tone immediately became sour.

"It's always been like this." Shi Yan smiled brightly, moved, crossed the distance of the void, and appeared beside her like a ghost. Her big hand stroked her jade hand, and a pure breath of life suddenly emerged, directly rushing into her limbs and bones, flowing in her veins.

He can't pour those pure power of purification into Xia Xinyan's divine body like the blood demon and Kato. He can only warm the other party with his own condensed breath of life and the energy in the demon blood.

A wave of life poured in. Xia Xinyan's delicate body trembled slightly, felt the warm current in her body, and whispered, "You don't need to do this. The power in my god's body is enough. Also, when you were in the thunderous star field before, I was suddenly given a lot of energy. That energy... is

Shi Yan held her delicate hand and frowned, "Are you right?"

"I can see it." Xia Xinyan's beautiful eyes shined. "That past happened in this extraterritorial turbulence. That person brings me the energy condensed here. I can show you the vague scene of the past, and you come into my initial world."

Shi Yan looked surprised, and immediately separated a wisp of soul and escaped into her open world.

As soon as she entered her initial world, Shi Yan was stunned. Her initial world was extremely strange. It was actually composed of countless fragmented pictures, such as the screen of a movie. Her soul flew in her initial world, just like reading her memory, and she could walk through her life's memories and life experiences.

She completely let go of herself, opened up the most secret self, and let Shi Yan watch.

Suddenly, one of the broken pictures suddenly approached, and suddenly the internal character scene came to life...

Shiyan saw the extraterritorial turbulence inside, saw DiCarlo, saw the gathering and condensation of his power, and saw that he pulled, washed and purified the energy body of Cook and Jeremy's fusion of ice and fire, threw it directly into the void, and fell into Xia Xinyan's body.

Shi Yan's face was stunned.

What Xia Xinyan said turned out to be true. That energy was indeed related to him. Because of his persecution, Cook and Jeremy tried their best to make the shocking fluctuation. He was going to introduce it into the gap of the void, but was intercepted and taken away by DiCarlo on the way, so he gave Xia Xinyan a fortune

In a trance, Shi Yan came out of Xia Xinyan's original world and said, "That man, named DiCarlo, is the most exquisite person in the space in the Xinghai today. As far as I know, his realm has reached immortality, which is extremely outstanding. Why did he give you the condensed power? Inexplicably..."

"I don't understand either." Xia Xinyan shook her head.

As the person with the most thorough understanding of the mystery of space between the stars, DiCarlo will never do anything inexplicable. This person condenses the pure power and gives it to Xia Xinyan. There must be something deep meaning...

Shi Yan's face was calm and thought about it for a while. He couldn't figure it out, so he stranded for a while and said, "Now you can face the magic barrier in your heart, and you won't have that invisible sense of restraint anymore?"

"How can it be so fast? It will take more time to get used to here and not to be afraid of this place." She smiled elegantly, her eyes flashed, and said softly, "Will you stay here with me until I can adapt to the horrors here?"

"It should be..."

Shi Yan looked into the distance, thought for a moment, and encouraged: "In the turbulence outside the region, the wind, cold, explosion, and flowing light are all fatal. At least in general, the first god can't get out easily. Many great horror powers, perhaps even the immortal realm can be hit hard. You can move. Don't You will remind you early before you encounter a fatal danger.


Xia Xinyan lowered her head and smiled, moving like a shadow, and she immediately moved towards Ziyao's previous direction.

Shi Yan followed with a smile.

The two of them flew through the endless void cracks, sometimes ignoring one look, sometimes talking a few words, and their souls were quiet and serene.

The vast streamer exploded, showing the colorful beauty. The cold ice crystals came from nowhere. Sometimes the cold can freeze and crack the star void, and there are also mysterious flames, which are turbulent and fierce. If you want to burn the world, it is extremely terrible.

In the chaotic river basin of space full of dangerous and desperate situations, Xia Xinyan felt extremely safe and had never been so happy for a moment.

Because Shi Yan is always by her side.

The nightmare-like experience many years ago, after wandering in the void and turbulence these days, and after many dangerous collisions, it seems to have gradually faded a lot.

She gradually realized the fact that she is no longer what she used to be, but a more dangerous place than before, and she can survive.

Here, there is no concept of time. Whether it is Shi Yan or her, I don't know how long it has been. The two of them just fly with each other, sometimes kissing for a moment, sometimes holding hands and smiling, enjoying the rare peace in life and enjoying the beauty of being alone.

Until, until a certain god's love in Shiyan was shocked, and the tranquility was instantly broken.

"What's wrong?" Xia Xinyan suddenly frowned.

The two people were surrounded by a big explosion formed by the collision of streamers, which was gorgeous and strange. They were sitting on a floating strange stone and talking about the past.

Suddenly, the stone rock god's body trembled, and there was a trace of horror on his face. "I can't feel her existence."

Xia Xinyan naturally knew who he was talking about, and she also changed her face. "How could that happen? Didn't you say that you have a mark in her body, and as long as you are here, you can easily lock her? Could it be that she accidentally left from here and returned to the Fire and Rain Star Domain and Maya Star Domain?

"It's impossible. She doesn't have the meaning of practicing space, and it's difficult to find the entry of the space she leaves." Shi Yan shook his head, his eyebrows were deep locked, and his expression gradually became solemn.

"What level of existence can erase the mark you left?" Xia Xinyan shouted softly.

"Immortal level can be erased, but it should not be the case, because if it is erased, I should have a pain in my soul. And I didn't feel the pain. The mark should still be there, but I just can't feel her position. It's really strange. Shi Yan's face was calm, and his eyes flashed uncertainly.


ps: On Monday, friends who have just finished Singles' Day, please vote for a recommendation. Good intentions are rewarded. I hope you don't have to celebrate this festival again in the future