Kill God

Chapter 1323 Giant Bug

Ziyao's appearance was extremely strange. She tore and emerged from the inside of the meat ball, and there was a lingering divine light all over her body.

On the surface of her enchanting body, it is still covered with a layer of gray armor, which is like the shell of a strange beast, and the surface is full of cracked textures, implying unknown mystery.

The layers of colorful aperture rippled, making her more beautiful, but her look was cold and cold. She grabbed the small piece of "star ice jade" from a distance, and immediately a cloudy cold suddenly diffused and spread to the endless area in an instant.

The clusters of sky fire released by the stone rock were extinguished one after the cold smell spread.

The meaning of coldness through the bone, like ice watering the sea of knowledge, Shi Yan shivered coldly, his face changed dramatically, and shouted, "Zi Yao!"

He stared at the stone rock, and a wave of light formed by the gathering of souls in his eyes roared.

He is not stupid, but he can see at a glance that Ziyao has been robbed of his soul. Now those who occupy Ziyao's soul altar to know the sea must be the unknown evil thing. With his soul consciousness, he is ready to awaken Ziyao's own soul.

The torrent of soul consciousness did not encounter any obstacles, and went straight to Ziyao's mind surprisingly smoothly.

Suddenly, a kind of coldness of the soul sinking into the ocean of ice, directly penetrated the depths of his soul. He couldn't help trembling all over his body, and he was stunned to see his altar, like frost!

Ziyao's green jade finger fiddled with it, and the "star ice jade piece" suddenly shot out a cloudy cold, like hooking some kind of strange array. In the moment when the cloudy cold flashed, the strange sound of "pupu" came from the big meat pimples around one after another.

I saw that the sarcoma, which was originally squirming slowly, instantly became extremely fast and swallowed and merged with each other.

In just a few tens of seconds, in front of the stone rock, it suddenly condensed into an extremely huge thing. The creature seemed to be a kind of worm that had never been seen before. It was gray all over, and its body was covered with disgusting pimples, like the skin of a toad. The worm is striped and has no eyes for the time being.

The flashing form at this time is as huge as the Star of Life, dozens of times larger than Reddy's change to the form of a demon!

The strange insect condenses into shape, and bursts of vague whispers come from its body, such as the communication of different souls, which makes people feel strange.

At this time, Zi Yao stood above the huge insect. Like a small drop.

The "star ice jade piece" in her hand shines with crystal luster. The cold fluctuations are released, and the world is frozen.

In the process, DiCarlo and Reddy did not move. On the contrary, he looked surprised and looked at the alien condensed with shining eyes.

Xia Xinyan's exquisite cheeks appeared with a trace of panic, and she deeply condensed Ziyao's body. It is also like a stone rock to release divine consciousness to try to communicate.

A trace of cold air, like ice suddenly invading her graceful **, she ** immediately had a layer of ice.

Her eyes were shocked, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help overflowing with a wisp of blood. As soon as the blood came out, it became frozen and hung at the corners of her mouth, which was quite strange.


A cluster of orange-red flames came at the right time, like a snake flying, swimming around her body.

The chill on her body suddenly subsided.

"Are you all right?" Shi Yan suddenly appeared beside her. She took her jade hand and released a warm current, reaching her veins and bones all over her body.

"She has eroded her soul." Xia Xinyan shook her head slightly.

The blood color on the corners of her mouth melted. While wiping it with a white handkerchief, she shouted worriedly: "I've never seen this before. Be careful and remember to leave some strength just in case. Those two... After all, they are not their own people."

Shi Yan nodded gently.

"Our guess is correct. This thing really has the wisdom of life and is a high-level creature. This can be proved from the fact that it can occupy the girl's soul that the universe is really mysterious. It's amazing that there are such huge bugs.

DiCarlo obviously didn't take Ziyao seriously. He stared at the strange insect and admired it. His gray hair was full of wind and no wind. On the surface of his divine body, different spaces were changing like water lines, as if he had exerted the subtlety of the space mystery to the extreme in an instant.

Reddy did not answer. There was a thunderous roar from his body, which shook the sky, and the shaking world was about to collapse.

In the roar of thunder, Reddy did not hesitate to change into the real body of the demon clan. A silver dragon emerged in the thunder and lightning, and an ancient atmosphere of flood emerged, filling the world.

However, although his real body of Thunder Dragon is not small, compared with the giant insect at this time, it is really compared with that of a person and a huge mountain. It is too small.

"Xiao Luo, this thing is extremely terrible. I instinctively feel disgusted and uneasy!" Reddy's rough thunderous sound exploded out of the dragon's mouth. He suddenly roared, and the dragon's mouth spit out in the roar. The thunderballs the size of a grinding disc flashed, condensing dazzling lightning, and rushed towards the strange insect one after another.

He can actually show his best!

DiCarlo's face changed, and his mind was shocked. He rarely saw Reddy so dignified. At this time, Reddy's performance was clearly treating the strongest enemy.

He knows that as the ancestor of the heavenly demon clan, Reddy can instinctively perceive the level of the other party when he encounters some alien evil things.

Judging from Reddy's performance at this time, he obviously treated the foreign body as the most terrible opponent and showed his attention!

DiCarlo had a bad feeling. He pondered for a few seconds and suddenly shouted, "I advise you to leave as soon as possible, otherwise I'm afraid I can't take care of you at the critical time."

"I am connected with God's grace. With one thought, I can evacuate through the door of the void. It won't bother you." Stone rock road.

DiCarlo frowned, stared at Xia Xinyan, sighed secretly, and no longer continued to persuade. His body suddenly trembled, and the space condensed by his strength was shrouded in the giant insects one after another.


Reddy roared and spit out countless rolling thunderballs. Each thunderball can destroy mountains and rivers and collapse the oceans, containing the power of the immortal two heavens.

There were thousands of thunderballs, like infinitely spewing out of Reddy's mouth, all of which were bombed on the vast and boundless body of the giant insect. The earth-destroying thunderballs exploded, and there were huge holes on the giant insect that spewed out mucus one by one. The huge hole squir

It actually has extremely horrible self-healing power. After the small meat balls condensed and merged one by one, it became extremely terrible.

After Reddy's attack, Zi Yao suddenly disappeared into the meat ball and disappeared directly.

But the breath of the giant insect gradually increased and became more and more chilling.

Shi Yan's heart was chilled, and he suddenly whispered, "Remember, don't get close to the giant insect!"

He had an inexplicable sense of fear. He felt that the reason why the giant bug stagnated and did not attack was that he was allowed to be bombarded by Reddy and DiCarlo, just because it had not been fully integrated, and he was still adjusting...

It's like a person who has been sleeping for too long before he opens his eyes and doesn't fully wake up. His body is numb for too long, and the fusion with the soul is a little stagnant.

That's how he feels.

This giant bug... made him extremely frightened. In the uneasiness, there was a very faint sense of familiarity, as if... he should know what it was.

This feeling does not come from his main soul, but from the secondary soul far away in the continent of God's grace!

His secondary soul is the continent of divine grace. It is rumored to be a planet with life consciousness. It has endless years of quenching. I don't know how many years it has existed, but it must have existed much longer than the four races.


Suddenly, in this void turbulence, countless natural disasters, such as having a sense of life, all of them are spinning and rolling over.

The big explosion all over the sky, the terrible vortex storm, the cold wind, the earth-shaking power of distortion, the terrible penetrating raindrops...

All kinds of disasters around are coming towards DiCarlo and Reddy, and the ubiquitous stream is like a cold rain of arrows.

The monster squirmed like a horrible body like a planet, as if it was slowly recovering, like a sleepy person moving and being imprisoned. When it squirmed, the pimples on its body released a dark smoke, and the smoke condensed in clusters, like a ray of horror.

The ghost was cold, twisted vaguely, and grabbed Reddy directly.

Reddy roared and kept releasing thunder and lightning all over the sky. The world was connected by thunder and lightning. Countless thunder and lightning, like pythons with thick arms, were winding and densely refined into lines, and there were waves that made people collapse.

DiCarlo also solemnly showed his full strength. One by one, the space covered the giant insect like a net, and bound the giant insect to the power of different spaces he condensed.

Shiyan took a rough look and found that the strange insect was wrapped in at least dozens of spaces, and the space was still added to each other.

It's like a person. The ancestors were covered by a small cage, and then the small cage was covered by a larger cage, and then a bigger cage...

Dozens of spaces are covered like this!

But even so, the giant insect is still squirming, as if it is still moving freely!

Through dozens of transparent spaces, he could see that the giant insect seemed to be furious, as if it were a fierce beast that was really irritated. Then he saw that DiCarlo's face was pale and two blood stains appeared in the corners of his eyes.

The squirming struggle of the giant insect directly hit DiCarlo hard, damaging the soul of this immortal double-day strongman.

Only DiCarlo himself knew that his space bound to the giant worm was quickly disintegrating and smashing. Whenever a space burst, it was like a bayonet stabbing his mind. He almost couldn't help screaming in pain.

"What the hell is it?"

DiCarlo was screaming in his heart and thinking hard. When he was bleeding with seven holes, he was shocked and suddenly remembered a possibility.

"No... It can't be that kind of thing, can it?" DiCarlo's expression was shocked, and his eyes were shocked. A few seconds later, he suddenly screamed: "Reddy! I'm afraid we can't deal with this! I'll take you away!"


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