Kill God

Chapter 1343 The Sea of Nothingness

After Tianxie's words, everyone was silent for a long time and indulged in great horror.

At the crown of the snake's head, Ziyao looked down on the crowd, revealing the indifference of controlling the situation, allowing the evil to tell the truth and defeating the spiritual defense line of the people.

Only when they realize their sadness can they not have a sense of identity and dependence on the universe, and only in that way can they successfully subdue them, make them act according to their own ideas, and achieve the secrets she has planned for many years.

- Fusion famine!

At this moment, everyone has suffered a huge psychological impact. For a moment, they were dizzy and confused about the future.

Responsibility, fighting, fighting, guarding all kinds of things that have been adhered to in the past, now seem to have become an illusion, making them all lose their fighting spirit and don't know where to go.

"As long as you convert to the mikovital, you will not only ensure that you are safe and sound, but also give you a great creation to help you break free from the shackles of the wilderness and really soar in the world." At this time, Tianxie gave a demagogic sound, coupled with the magnificent momentum revealed from Ziyao's body, and some elders of the Shen clan with weak willpower nodded muddle-headedly to agree.

"I'm sorry, your so-called great creation is really not attractive to me."

Suddenly, Shi Yan hummed coldly, and immediately, between the changes of thoughts, he once again ran through the void gap leading to the divine star, and the endless sea emerged again.

"Are you still willing to be a prisoner?" Tianxie sneered.

Shi Yan curled his lips, ignored him at all, and rushed into the gap in the void.

Maybe everyone in the field may be regarded as a barren prisoner slave, but he is definitely not. His soul does not come from the gift of the wilderness. He is independent and is not bound by the destiny of the wilderness at all.

He is also not bound by any newborn spirit!

At this time, he has just mastered the dark energy, an energy that can turn decay into magic. As long as he is given time to understand the subtlety, in time, he can reach the height of bloodthirsty. Moreover, he can also avoid the tragic fate of bloodthirsty. How could he convert to Ziyao and let Ziyao arrange at will?

Besides, it is not the real Ziyao, but the awakening soul of Qi.

"I can support this void gap for a while, and she can't destroy it. Because this is the same kind of energy condensation, those who leave should leave as soon as possible. Shi Yan turned around and smiled before penetrating the gap in the void.

Audrey's beautiful face moved, didn't say a word, and rushed as fast as possible.

After following the rock, she directly disappeared into it and disappeared in a flash.

At the same time, Xuanhe, Adela, Freder and Reddy rushed here without much hesitation.

They are very close to the rock. The realm is also unpredictable. After flying with all its strength, it disappeared one by one before the gap in the void healed.

Zi Yao sat above the crown, his beautiful eyes narrowed gently, and his eyes showed a mockery, as if he had a plan.

Before the gap in the void healed, a strange fluctuation suddenly trembled in the gap. Immediately, the gap in the void was like twisting the direction, and before it disappeared, I didn't know where to deviate.

"The micamo?" Tianxie frowned and asked for instructions.

Ziyao's expression remained unchanged, "They can't go back to the beginning of the wilderness. The little girl and Shi Yan have merged the origin of the soul of the wilderness. As long as they can't go back, it will be difficult for the wilderness to really wake up. It's just convenient for us to do things."

After saying that, she looked at the Protoss, the four heavenly kings and the heads and elders of the twelve families. Suddenly he said, "either convert to me or be destroyed by me, you can choose by yourself!"

The Protoss discolored in horror.


In the gray space, there is no sky, no earth, only floating star debris, meteorite fragments, void caves flashing with strange light, slowly squirming, like the demon's trum, a bleak, a bleak, cold and desolate atmosphere, filled every corner.

In the distance, star fragments and meteorite dregs are like wood chips in the ocean, endless.

An inexplicable chill grew in my heart, on a cold dark red huge rubble. The stone rock looked into the distance, and his face was shocked.

This is naturally not a divine star.

When he stepped into the gap of the void, he realized that it was not good, and realized that a stream of energy shook the fluctuation of the void, causing an accident in the transmission.

He didn't know where it was. He let go of his soul consciousness and found that there was no end to the extension of consciousness, just like a leaf canoe in the deepest part of the endless ocean, unable to capture any spiritual movement.


Suddenly, on a bright diamond beside him, there was a crisp sound, and then there was a whisper.

He showed a slightly surprised look, and in a flash, he came to the huge diamond that had not been carved. He looked at Audrey who fell above and said in surprise, "Why did you come here?"

Audrey looked a little embarrassed. Her emerald green clothes were torn a lot, the corners of her skirt were cracked, and a piece of white jade-like beautiful legs emerged in white, revealing a halo. After hearing Shi Yan's voice, she calmed down and immediately said, "It's my first time to come to the God's "

During the speech, she got up in style, her cold eyes flashed with curiosity, and looked around. After a while, her face became strange.

"This is not the continent of God's grace." Shi Yan smiled bitterly, "I was affected by Zi Yao in the transmission, and I don't know where I am now. What surprises me most is that I can't connect with the mainland of God's grace and can't find a way back."

As soon as he fell down, he tried to connect the source of the divine star. Unfortunately, the spiritual consciousness was transmitted, but the stone sank into the sea, and there was no response at all.

This is an experience that has never been seen.

In that universe, no matter which star domain he is, he can connect with the source of God's grace as soon as his mind moves. Even in the void turbulence, he can instantly contact with God's grace, and then return to the divine star in an instant.

But here, if his connection with God's grace is cut off, it can't be caught at all.

"Of course, this is not the continent of God's grace. This is the sea of nihilities!" Audrey's beautiful face was shocked and she shouted softly word by word.

Shi Yan was shocked, and his face became extremely ugly. "Is this the sea of nothingness?"

Audrey smiled bitterly, "I haven't been here either. But I heard from my mother that this is the sea of emptiness, the most mysterious place in the universe. If what Tianxie said is true, and the universe we live in is only the beginning of the wilderness, then this sea of nothingness will be out of the wilderness, and you can't get in touch with the Divine Star.

Shi Yan immediately understood.

The reason why he was able to repeat the divine star in an instant was because he was in the wilderness universe. The empty and chaotic river basin does not belong to the wilderness, but it has a wonderful connection with the wilderness. There are many channels to come and go, so he can also come and go freely.

But this "sea of nihilhood" has nothing to do with the beginning of the wilderness. Here, if he wants to return to the beginning of the wilderness, it is undoubtedly a dream.

"Are you the only one coming here?" Shi Yan pondered for a moment, so he asked.

"Xuanhe, they also seem to follow. But I'm not sure if they have entered, but even if they enter, I'm afraid they are scattered in all corners of the sea of emptiness, and they should not have returned to the world we are familiar with. Audrey explained.

Shi Yan looked at the gray and unfamiliar surroundings with a bitter face and said, "How can I go back?"

"Ghost knows." Adela shook her head and paused. She was surprised and suddenly asked, "Shi Yan, the incarnation of the dragonfly. Do you know you well?"

"Of course, she is very familiar with me..." Shi Yan subconsciously replied, and then suddenly stopped and said with a dry smile, "I'm a very good friend. Who knows that it will be the evolution of the soul of the dragonfly. The world is really unpredictable."

"It's not as simple as an ordinary friend, is it?" Audrey looked clear, with a light expression, but a trace of mockery flashed at the corners of her mouth, "As long as it's a beautiful woman, it has something to do with you. I'm afraid it's not clear. After I returned to the underworld clan, I specially investigated you. You are that kind of person!" She is sure.

Shi Yan was dumb, and his eyes became strange. "You're in a panic. Why are you investigating me?"

"Who calls you the new bloodthirsty lord?" Audrey curled her lips.

Shi Yan didn't continue to say anything more.

He stared at the surroundings. It is found that it is full of the power of rage, those shattered star fragments, and the remains of meteorites. All kinds of unknown material debris are not stationary. Sometimes with the changes of the sea and the squirming of the surrounding void caves, they will suddenly change.

not far away, a shiny stone releases the extremely hot temperature, and the extremely terrible energy fluctuations come from.

He sensed it secretly, his eyes lit up, and he suddenly flew away there.

Audrey was surprised. She frowned slightly and followed her.

In a crack in a red rock, it is inlaid with a fist-sized erythepite block. The stone flows in the inner hot flame stream, releasing surging flame fluctuations.

"This is the crystal nucleus of the sun. Although it is only a fist, it is also valuable. For those who practice the mystery of flames, this thing is very precious." After Audrey came over, her eyes lit up slightly and explained softly.

"There is endless magic in the sea of nothingness. It is said that only those who reach the realm of immortality can survive here. And we don't seem to have entered the realm of immortality, and you are even more low-level. Why can we still be safe and sound? Shi Yan thought about it.

"Maybe we haven't really encountered danger yet. Maybe we are just on the periphery of the sea of nothingness." Audrey said indifferently.

"It should be related to our integration of the origin." The stone rock had different opinions. He raised his hand and grabbed it. The solar crystal nucleus was twisted up by him. He spit out a wisp of golden flame. The flame wrapped around the solar crystal nucleus and kept burning and refining the fast red stone. Gradually, the stone merged into flame drops, wrapped in his sky fire and slowly melted.

"I heard my mother say that there is endless mystery in the sea of emptiness. There are many fragments of magic weapons, which are many times stronger than the secret treasures we know, and there are many rare treasures that can't be named, which are left by the destruction of the ancient people's star domain..."< /P>

Audrey watched him fuse the solar crystal nucleus, her beautiful eyes showed a touching look, and muttered.

"I believe that the spark has obtained a kind of star ice jade piece on the periphery of the sea of the void, which has been refined into the treasure of life, and the power is extremely horrible. That small piece of jade was also taken away by Ziyao. It is estimated that it may be a sharp weapon of the Taichu era. I'm afraid that this nihilistic sea is the place where the Taichu creatures are fighting immediately. Shi Yan thought about it.

...(To be continued) RQ