Kill God

Chapter 1344 Long Loneliness


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In the vast gray space, the rubble is like the sea, the remains of stars are everywhere, and countless horrors and dangers are breeding.

The endless territory is always desolate and silent, as if the world has been abandoned for hundreds of millions of years, and no breath and traces of life can be noticed.

On a diamond-shaped moon fragment, the stone rock and Audrey are at one end, and their eyes are looking at the endless distant place, looking gloomy.

This moon fragment has been quenched by rock and used as a temporary warship. Driven by his divine power, the speed is actually extremely fast, like a meteor shuttling through the sea of nothingness.

At the speed of this meteor and moonstone, it can shuttle through a star domain in a day, spanning a distance of hundreds of millions of miles, but the two of them have been on the moon fragments for a long time, but they have not gained nothing at all.

I have never met any valuable treasures, nor have I met any creatures. This vast and boundless sea of nothingness is boundless, as if only the two of them exist.

Loneliness, loneliness and other emotions gradually breed in their hearts. They have a feeling that they can't see hope and the end.

At the beginning, the two talked day by day and encouraged each other, but later they even had less communication and saw a deep helplessness in each other's eyes.

There is still weak heaven and earth energy here, and the two of them can still practice, but because I am weak in energy, I'm afraid it will be extremely difficult to rely on the energy of heaven and earth to practice.

On this day, Audrey's cold eyes suddenly became shiny. She was still dressed in a green dress. Her jade face was spotless, and her ketone body was wrapped in a layer of faint light cover. "How long has it been?"

She whispered to herself.

The stone rock, who closed his eyes tightly, opened his eyes when he heard the sound, and the corners of his mouth were full of bitterness. "There is no illusion of the sun, moon and stars here, and there is no clear concept of time. I don't know how long it will take. But I think it should have been a while. Before I entered this place, the realm of the Three Heavens of the First God had not been stable, but now it has been stabilized.

"I don't know what has become in our world now. I don't know if it has destroyed our world. I don't know where my mother was transmitted. If she was also here, why couldn't we meet..."

Audrey hasn't spoken for a long time. With this sound, there is a tendency that the chatter can't stop. "Oh, if I had known that I was put in here, maybe it's a good choice to stay where I am."

Shi Yan was surprised. "If you want to stay, you may not die, but there must be a mark that does not belong to you in the center of your soul. Will you... become its puppet?"

Audrey's bright eyes were gloomy, and she lowered her head and sighed slightly. Her appearance was still touching.

"According to what you said, those who have reached the realm of immortality have come here to sharpen themselves. How did they... come in? How did you return? Shi Yan frowned and asked.

"Although my mother is also an immortal realm, because she is the patriarch, she wants to preside over the overall situation within the clan, so she has not personally come to the sea of emptiness. She once said that those immortal realms have come to the end of our world and come here through a strange river."

Audrey frowned deeply, recalled her mother's words, and explained softly: "Those who have entered here from our world have refined a unique compass, which can locate the direction of our world, so that they will not be lost here and can find the direction back."

Shi Yan smiled bitterly, "The worst thing for us is that we have no direction. I don't know where our world is. It's like a headless fly and fruitless."

This place is gray, no time, no direction, only endless silence, coldness, loneliness. A martial artist with no direction and no clear goal will come over accidentally, and will soon be corrupted by loneliness and loneliness, and he will lose his fighting spirit in the repetition of the dark days.

Here, despair will be the biggest enemy in the heart. If you can't defeat despair and run out of willpower, you will fall into the negative emotions of self-abandonment.

may go crazy because of this, so it will slowly weaken until it runs out of vitality.

"It's strange. According to my mother's words, this place is extremely dangerous and in crisis. Why have we been safe and sound?" Audrey said.

Stone rock is also puzzled.

The elder of the Protoss has also come to the sea of emptiness, but he only dares to move in the overseas layer of the domain, and the star ice jade piece is also obtained from the overseas of the domain.

According to him, the sea is full of terrible dangers, and it is difficult to survive unless there is a real immortality.

But during this period of time, Shiyan and Audrey, in addition to tasting loneliness, loneliness and coldness in their hearts, they really did not encounter a crisis that made them lose their souls.

This makes their hearts full of confusion.

"Is this really the sea of nothingness? Could it be...we made a mistake?" Shi Yan was surprised.

"It's impossible to make a mistake!" Audrey is resolute, "The ubiquitous fragments of stars, the slag of meteorites, the void caves encountered from time to time, and the violent energy are all unique symbols of the nihilistic sea. The reason why we have not encountered danger may be... It is related to our location. Maybe we are in a unique position in "

"What direction?" Shi Yan was stunned.

"I don't know, but I heard my mother say that in the sea of nihilistic land, some areas are relatively safe and can take a short rest and adjust themselves. But she also said that those relatively safe areas often will not have any harvest, and there will be no strange things. Audrey explained.

"What's the solution?" Shi Yan asked again.

"I heard her say that for countless years, many immortals have entered the sea of emptiness to explore. Those relatively safe areas have long been searched by those people, and nothing will be left. Only those areas full of the danger of destroying the world can there still be treasures, and there are rare wonders that have not been excavated. Audrey replied softly.

She suddenly got up, a pair of straight legs were very touching, and a pair of deep and clear eyes looked into the distance. She suddenly sighed: "According to the evil of heaven, we have been living in the beginning of the wilderness. The world is not the real universe. I think the creatures in the real universe should have been here, just because this place is It's so vast that it's incredible, so it's hard to meet.

She looked at the stone rock, pondered for a moment, and said, "The ancestors of my Pluto have seen other creatures in the sea of nothingness, - the creatures of the real universe that do not belong to our world! This matter is the secret of our family. Originally, it was strictly forbidden to leak it out, but now we are in a special situation. It's okay for me to tell you.

"The real creatures of the universe? Is it a newborn? Shiyan was shocked.

"It shouldn't be." Audrey shook her head, "Because according to the records of my ancestors, although the creature's body is strange, it is still normal, not as big as the newborn. My predecessor could not communicate with him. The two just met in a hurry, so they avoided it cautiously without conflict, but my predecessor guessed that the guy was extremely powerful and not inferior to him at all. My predecessor... At that time, he was in the realm of immortality.

Shi Yan was silent.

He has already recognized the reality and knows that the world he has been living in is just the beginning of the wilderness, the universe created by the wilderness, not the real universe.

This sea of emptiness must be out of the wilderness. There are other creatures here, which is not rare at all.

In the vast sea of stars, there can be Taichu creatures such as wilderness, devouring, and dragonfly. There must be other creatures. Those creatures may not be as strong as Taichu creatures, but they must also have their own responsibilities.

The ancestors of the Pluto can see other creatures in the nihilistic sea. Theoretically, there is no problem at all, but the nihilistic sea is too vast, and they are in a place where there may be few people, so they have not met extraterritorial creatures.

A series of thoughts flashed through his mind. Shi Yan was silent for a long time and suddenly said, "We can't go on like this. Maybe we should take the initiative to find dangerous places and places that can threaten our lives. We should have the opportunity to see strange things and the possibility of seeing other creatures."

In this safe area, even if they stay for a hundred years, I'm afraid they can't find the way back. If they can't meet other creatures, they can't figure out the mystery of this place and can't get rid of this

"It's a good idea, but we still don't know the direction to go to the dangerous place. Even if we have the intention to wander, at least find the right soil." Audrey said helplessly.

"If you had said that there would be a greater opportunity in a dangerous place, we might have left long ago, because when I was holding the meteor under me on the way, I could sometimes feel great danger in some areas, but I took the initiative to avoid it and didn't drive the meteor under me to explore." Shi Yan explained with a wry smile.

It's true. On the way, he let go of the divine detection around and noticed some areas with huge terrorist fluctuations. The breath of those areas gave him a panic that might be destroyed.

So he didn't know Audrey, so he avoided it in advance to ensure his own safety.

But now listening to Adela's careful explanation, he finally knows that if he wants to find the direction, he must take risks and take the initiative to venture into those terrible places.

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Audrey looked angry and angry that he wasted his time.

"I'm afraid you can't bear the danger of those places. I'm doing it for your own good." Shi Yan smiled bitterly, "You only have an all-time god. You have gone to the dangerous place I feel, and you can't support it."

The area he perceived, not to mention Audrey, even he himself felt dangerous, so he didn't mention it to Audrey.

"Do you underestimate me?" Audrey looked cold.

"Well, let's continue to swim. Next time I perceive the dangerous place, we will go deeper. I hope you can show my amazing strength at that time." Shi Yan said with a smile.

Audrey snorted, "At least I'm one of the original integrators. Even if the realm is slightly low, I still have a certain self-represervation power. Don't bother you too much."

"That's the best."


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