Kill God

Chapter 1406 The Call from the Bottom of the Sea

Shi Yan temporarily stayed in the stronghold of the Phantom clan.

After breaking through the immortal realm, he is either fighting or understanding the mystery of the realm. Without a moment of leisure, he has not relaxed.

This island belongs to the Phantom family, which is specially arranged by the Phantom family to collect information. Of course, it is also used to win people's hearts and do something beneficial to the Phantom family. For example, the charming girl goes to the aquarium and has a secret talk with Yuanmo, and then gathers the aquarium and becomes a vassal force of the Phantom

In the broken sea, and around the broken sea, there are also several second-rate races attached to the Phantom. The existence of the charming is also to be closely related to those races.

In the elegant pavilion, Shi Yan sat quietly with a calm expression, thinking about a series of recent events in his mind.

He thought a lot.

The dragon lizard ancestor of the dragon lizard clan, Tu Shiqi and Yayun of the Xuantian clan, the lost Singh, Audrey who was broken into the mind by Minghong, and the recent small skeleton and phagocytosis clan, including Meiji...

"The immortality is still too low."

For a long time, he smiled bitterly and sighed secretly.

If he reaches the realm of the domain ancestor, there will be no trouble in the Dragon Szard Star. He can easily deter Singh and Minghong, and will not be regarded as a favorite by Meiji. He desperately wants to refine and absorb it. If he reaches the realm of the domain ancestor, in this shattered sea, then Yeborough will never dare to .

revealed that if he had the cultivation of the ancestral realm, he would not be afraid of any challenge to destroy the sea.

But now...

He quickly determined the direction and found Audrey as soon as possible to confirm the location of the domain gate. Even if he did not return to the wilderness immediately, there was at least one way out.

He needs to be stronger!

The immortal realm may be regarded as a first-class strong person in the wilderness, but in the sea of nothingness, he is not the top. If he wants to be good, he can only continue to work hard and continue to strengthen his strength.

In the internal inspection of the divine consciousness, he reviewed the viscera, bones and souls one by one, and his eyebrows gradually relaxed.

With the meaning of his cultivation, if you want to continue to become stronger, the simplest way is to devour!

He soon made a decision to come all the way to destroy the sea. His realm has long been stable. What he lacks now is strength. He needs strength to fill himself. He also needs strength to help the little skeleton parents!

A few days later, he still had no news from Meiji. Since returning to the island, Meiji has been separated from him. Without seeing him once, he called Yulian, a girl from the Phantom clan, to come timidly, "I don't know why you called me? Lord Meiji said that you can practice on the island at ease and try not to leave here. Once there is news about the woman you are looking for, we will inform you as soon as possible.

"What is the most chaotic area of the broken sea?" Shi Yan suddenly said.

"What do you mean?" Yulian was surprised.

"Where is the area where people die most frequently in battle?" Stone rock explanation.

Yulian pointed to her feet and said, "The bottom of the sea!"

"Under the sea?" Shi Yan was stunned.

"The vast seabed of the sea is vast, attracting many martial artists to explore. In the depths of the seabed, magical material treasures appear, and once they flash, it will trigger a snatch. The bottom of the sea is the most cruel battlefield. Generally speaking, we will not enter easily, just for fear of cruel battles. Yulian replied.

"Which undersea battle is the most frequent?" Shi Yan asked again.

"It's hard to say." Yulian frowned, "The bottom of the sea is so vast that the warrior's internal exploration is also very scattered, and sometimes it takes a long time to meet people."

Shi Yan nodded, pondered for a while, and suddenly said, "Tell Meiji that I have something to go out."

After saying that, he ignored Yulian's dissuasion and turned into an electric light to travel outside the island.

There are many prohibitions and boundaries around this phantom island, but those are all for external defense. It is not easy to enter from the outside world, and there are many obstacles, but it is unimpeded to go out, so he can easily leave the island.

Yulian couldn't stop it, and she couldn't intercept it, so she could only watch the stone rock disappear.

She was stunned for a moment, and then reacted. She hurried to meet Meiji and explained the matter of Shi Yan's departure and the inquiry before leaving.

Mei Ji, dressed in silk and brocade, sat upright in a secret room in the hall, holding a yellow scroll in her hand. After listening to Yulian's words, she waved her hand and said, "I know, you can retreat."

Yulian left quietly.

Meiji put down the scroll, and her charming face was full of doubts. She thought for a moment and muttered, "This boy has too many secrets, but why did he choose the most chaotic and difficult area to get involved in? Is there any deep meaning?"

Thinking of this, she moved her mind and came out of the secret room, summoned several cronies to explain, and left the island.

Under the sea.

A figure wrapped in starlight slowly sank to the bottom of the sea. The blue sea was overhead, and the sea was dark, with increasing water pressure.

In the light mask, the stone rock sank and looked around.

In the ubiquitous sea, there is no swimming fish, and the divine consciousness is scattered, and it is cold.

He stretched out a finger from the mask and immersed it in the seawater. Suddenly, he felt that the seawater was really cold, and the chill could penetrate the bones and invade the bone marrow's mind.

He pulled back his finger, slowly calmed down, and closed his eyes.

With the power of his soul, he is quietly feeling the surrounding environment, hoping to find the crowd, and it is best to find the competition.

He needs to compete, the dead, and the power generated in this way.

He was also sinking all the way to the depths of the sea, with his eyebrows tightly locked.

According to Meiji, some people say that the broken sea is like the shape of a funnel, and the surface of the sea is the tip of the funnel. The vastness of the seabed is hundreds of times that of times that of the sea, which is comparable to the boundless realm.

He didn't believe it before.

Now he gradually believes it.

Because he is also a martial artist who cultivates the mystery of space, his soul perception and the detection speed of his consciousness are ten times or even a hundred times faster than that of ordinary martial artists!

However, measured by the limit of his soul consciousness detection, I'm afraid it is difficult to cover the square inch of the sea. Under the limit of his consciousness, he still has an endless feeling.

After a long time.

He fell into the magic star compass, found the scale of that time, and found that it had been three days since he sank to the bottom of the sea.

He is still sinking to the bottom of the sea. How deep is the bottom of the sea?

It's just that the speed of his sinking into the bottom of the sea gradually slows down and slows down, because the water pressure on the seabed is getting more and more horrible, and even his realm cultivation, he gradually feels difficult.

On this day, he suddenly stopped sinking and temporarily stopped in the middle of the sea.

The divine consciousness that has been spreading around him suddenly changed his direction and explored the depths of the seabed.

God's consciousness is not bound by water pressure, and the speed is also extremely fast, so he searched like this.


He suddenly opened his eyes, the strange light flashed in his eyes, and the divine body suddenly trembled.

He looked at the bottom of the sea under him in a direction, with a strange expression to the extreme.

In the depths of the sea, he sensed a familiar breath. Some point in the depths of the ocean, there seemed to be a voice calling, sending a strong message to him!

More precisely, it is the thought of giving to his secondary soul, and the familiar breath also comes from his secondary soul induction!

His secondary soul is fused with the divine grace continent, which is one of the desolate divided souls, and is the divided soul of the Taichu life!

What is that familiar breath, that strong message, what is it?

He knew that the location was very far away from him, because it might take more than ten days to go to the distance of his divine detection. He pondered, frowned, and was secretly surprised.

The Taichu era is an era of destruction. In that era, there are powerful Taichu creatures, the originator of countless creatures, and the darling of the world. Those innately powerful horrible creatures, even if the mystery of martial arts has changed to this day, Taichu creatures are still the most powerful synonym.

What is the thing that makes his newborn soul feel familiar and strongly recites to him?

Just he hesitated for dozens of seconds, he made a decision, and then acted immediately.

He flew towards the area of divine perception, which was very far away from him. At the deeper seabed, his speed of flying in the sea was getting slower and slower, and the water pressure squeezed, which made him gradually burst with the light mask condensed with starlight.

A few days later, he had to stop temporarily again. He condensed with divine power, weaved with the mystery of the stars, and gathered a new light mask again.

Somewhere at the bottom of the sea.

The shining covers are moving, and there is a strong man in the center of each cover of different colors.

If the stone rock is exactly here, you will find that those people have seen it before. The first person is Yeborough. He has his upper body and has natural and fine animal patterns on his body. His face is calm and he shuttles quickly on the bottom of the sea.

Beside him, in an emerald green mask, a thin alien, his eyes flashed, as if he was constantly determining something, and his face gradually became anxious.

"It should be nearby, it should be nearby! How can there be an accident? The last time I came here, it was obviously nearby!" This alien man walked on the bottom of the sea all year round. The last time he came with several companions and accidentally saw the ruins of Taichu. However, before they approached, his soul suddenly fainted and immediately lost consciousness. When he woke up again, he had floated from the bottom of the sea to the sea.

Yebler suddenly stopped, looked down, and shouted in a low voice, "I hope you can lead the way. Otherwise, you know the consequences!"

As soon as he said this, the thin alien's face changed dramatically, and even the emerald green mask on his body swayed and became extremely unstable.

Another place at the bottom of the sea.

The cold warriors gathered beside a tall woman and were also wandering, as if they were looking for something.

These people, both men and women, have thick black scales on their bodies, such as natural armor. They are tall and full of magic, giving people an extremely dangerous and terrible feeling.

The leading woman is tall, like wearing thick black scales. If you look carefully, you will also find that those black scales are connected to her skin, which is simply a part of the body.

They are the people of the Dark Demons.