Kill God

Chapter 1408 Cannon Fodder?

"He has been following us all the time."

Teluga stopped, with a cold face. He turned around and looked behind him, twisting like thunder and lightning. "It should be killed so that other races don't find the exact location."

In the depths of the dark ocean, there were suddenly many green blisters. Those blisters were faintly transparent, floating quietly in front of them and did not go up to the sea.

Falloni was ready to answer. When she saw the green blisters at a glance, her expression suddenly changed.

Those black demon warriors, looking at the situation, also showed horror. They no longer paid much attention to Teluga, and even Teluga himself was shocked.

In the middle of the green blisters, there are cold corpses. The corpses are as dry as wooden sticks, and the twisted faces show an expression of despair and fear to the extreme, such as seeing great terror before death, like being tortured to death by life. Their horrible expressions make everyone feel cold when they look at them.

The cold body was in the middle of the blisters. The blisters wrapped their mummified corpses like a coffin. There were no signs of battle on the body, and there were no wounds, but their distorted expression seemed to be infectious, and even Faroni and Terega were cold in their hearts.

"What's wrong!" Faroni was cautious and uneasy and raised his hand to stop the crowd.

Everyone kept a distance from the green blisters and did not dare to break in immediately. Faroni looked deeply at the mummified corpse and observed it carefully for a long time. "They have never fought, and there are no scars, so it's very illustrative..."

After a few seconds of pause, she shouted in a low voice: "They are all invaded by the soul in an instant and killed by some kind of soul magic. You should have seen the extremely horrible and desperate scene before you die, otherwise the distorted fear on your face will not be clear after so long."

"I don't know why. Looking at their faces, I always feel very uneasy. A member of the black demon clan whispered.

"I feel the same way."

"Me too."

"It seems that they will think subconsciously, thinking that we will also face such consequences, and there will be a similar ending... Everyone first expressed their opinions, and immediately fell silent, feeling as if there was a chill in the dark. Being able to penetrate through the sea water is quietly affecting their minds.

This makes everyone suddenly uneasy.

Faroni suddenly turned around.

Far behind them, a cluster of stars suddenly flashed, as if they were quietly hiding.

"Tolega, can you avoid the area in front of you?" She meditated for a few seconds. Suddenly, he shouted in a low voice.

Telega frowned together, shook his head and said, "It seems that he can't, it's strange..."

"What's so strange?" She asked immediately.

"After I killed the man, I took all the memories of his experience, and we followed the right path all the way. However. They didn't see this weird scene. The road should be good. In this case, there is only one possibility. Telga's face changed slightly. "The green blisters in front of him should have appeared only recently, and they didn't exist before. Or. It was not in this position before.

"If you can't avoid it, you can only break through. But I feel very bad now. I really want to go inside. Something bad should happen." Faroni said.

"You always feel very accurate. If you say there may be something bad, there must be." There was a nod. In this critical situation, he never lacked trust in Faloni. "I have an idea." He suddenly smiled sly.

Everyone knew that he was insidious and cunning, and his eyes were bright. Some people who knew him well saw his eyes flashing and looked behind him from time to time. He immediately understood and laughed.

"You mean?" Falloni was as rough as a man's face, with a trace of fierceness and decisiveness, and obviously guessed his idea.

"There must be someone to explore the way." Telaga grinned and looked ferocious. "Naturally, you can't sacrifice your clan. That guy sneaks on the initiative to die. You might as well fulfill him."

Faloni nodded and motioned to agree with his idea, "He cultivates the meaning of space, and it is difficult to control him by your own means, so he has to..."

After finishing a sentence, she suddenly stopped and changed her face, "It's not good! Someone is coming again!"

Telga and those dark demon men and women, with a tight expression, secretly running the power of righteousness, ready to fight.

Not long after, Yeborough's rough laughter sounded far away. He led the ancient demon men to meet them with an unfeared expression. As soon as Yeborough came over, he laughed and said, "We were lost on the way, and we went in the wrong direction. Fortunately, in Telaga, you fought with others and left your unique breath. Only then can we find the right direction again.

Teluga looked ugly, "Yebler, are you also here for the ruins?"

"Natural." Yeborough smiled freely, "Don't think that you know about this matter. Oh, by the way, about the ruins, that Tate also knows that the devouring clan and the soul clan should also pay attention to it. Well, I'm not surprised to see you at all. I think there may be a few people in other directions, and we should meet them slowly

As soon as this was said, Faroni and Teluga's faces changed slightly, and they realized that there might be too many more variables on this trip.

"How could this happen? I almost killed all those people, right? There was a shout from Telga.

"There is a fish that leaked. He sold the news of the discovery of the ruins, but he didn't sell it to me first, so I just killed him. He let the search for the ruins add a lot of opponents, so he deserves to die. Yeborough smiled indifferently, stared at the green blisters in front of him, and whispered, "What kind of strange thing is that?"

"It may be some kind of prohibition." Falloni didn't hide it. She knew it was useless to hide it. She waved to the clan, signaling everyone to disperse and let Yeborough and the others get closer.

Yebler naturally would not be polite. He took the initiative to gather together, and his eyes flashed with colorful halos. He stared at the green blisters for a while, and his expression was suddenly solemn. "They were all impacted by some kind of soul evil force and died tragically in an instant. Their minds were like paste, and the altar was

"Someone has to break through." Faroni said.

"Unavoidable?" Yeborough frowned.

"I haven't thought of a way to avoid it for the time being." Telga snorted, "Because according to the location, the ruins should be under the green bubble. Only by entering the middle and searching below can we find some clues."

Yeborough was surprised and immediately smiled. He spread out his hand and said, "What can you do?"

"There is a man who doesn't belong to you and me. That man followed all the way and hid in..." Faroni's voice was elongated, raised her hand and shouted, "It's right there!"

Yebler grinned, "I knew that you black demons were full of bad water. It turned out that you were going to find cannon fodder to explore the way. Well, it's good that you were not crazy and didn't hit our minds on us. Well, everyone needs someone to die. It's natural to have someone to replace us.

He nodded to a man beside him and casually said, "Go ahead."

Faroni took a lot of effort to point out the position, and naturally asked their ancient demons to arrest people. Yeborough did not shike this point, and he readily accepted it.

An ancient demon giant with a large body roared, like a monster wanted to eat, and the teeth at the corners of his mouth broke through the corners of his lips, like tusks.

He went straight to the place where the rock was hiding. In the roar, a beast-like fierce breath turned into a huge sword. The sword was ten meters long, cutting through the flow of water and slammed into the area of the rock.


Where the battle passed, the sea heard the sound of explosion, and the position named by Falloni was like a tsunami boiling, like a rolling thunder.

It was a human being, but it did not flash out. There was no screaming or scolding.

The giant of the ancient demon clan looked at Faloni in surprise, doubting whether the orientation she gave was accurate.

Falloni's face was calm, and his eyes were faintly angry. "He practiced the meaning of space, but he didn't expect that the realm was so exquisite that he could move away from the bottom of the sea in an instant."

After saying that, Falloni closed her eyes again and searched again.

However, she obviously miscalculated this time. "No, there is no his breath in the nearby area. He knows our idea that we should take advantage of the advantage of space to stay away from this area."

"So there is no cannon fodder available?" Yeborough sighed with disappointment and motioned that the clan did not have to waste his time. He knew the mystery of Faloney's cultivation. Faloney said that the man was no longer nearby, and he should really no longer be nearby, so he didn't have to waste time.

The place where the water flow is violent.

The rock is hidden, as if it has become a part of the sea, and is quietly suspended in an area.

The operation of dark energy is mysterious. When those dark energy flows all over his body, his bones, body, muscles and veins have lost their breath and the normal characteristics that ordinary people can see.

Like a bloodthirsty bone, it can be truly invisible, can't be touched, can't see, and can't be perceived in general consciousness.

The fierce impact brought by the battle actually hit him. The realm of the ancient demon man was just immortal, and the degree of the transformation of the divine body was a distance away from him. Therefore, that degree of attack did not bring him any damage.

But he was still in a bad mood. In the dark, he was like a poisonous snake, looking coldly at Yeborough of the ancient demon clan, looking at Faroni and Teluga, licking the tip of his tongue, and suppressing the ferocious face.

Cannon fodder?

No one has dared to treat him like this for a long time. After many years, at the bottom of the sea in this broken sea, he was once again insulted and was regarded as cannon fodder for death.

He watched the ancient demon clan and the black demon clan discuss, preparing for the two tribes to work together temporarily and go to the middle of the green bubble together. He sneered and waited silently.

Wait for them to go deep, and then be a hunting hunter, hunting the prey of these self-righteous races one by one, so as to accumulate their own strength... Er, today's chapter, stuck~~ (to be continued) RQ